Additional Info
Update: As of update 7.5 this decoration has been confirmed to have dropped from Story mode final boss (Shae Vizla)
This is an incredibly mysterious decoration that supposedly drops from the Bloodhunt flashpoint, however it has not been seen to drop in many years.
“just like the crates in Kaon or BH fps or the Theoretika area. useable, gives you the annoying little light probe over your head so you’re too blind to see anything in front of your character. erm… yeah, think it was a lucky roll on a HM drop. (easy bonus if you can get past the 1st boss’s dps check.) – the probes bob up & down (over you & the crate) with animated lights.” – /u/yolaretis
A Player on TOR Decoration commented this in 2015: Saw it drop last night (hard mode) from doing the bonus. After killing Jos and Valk, the remaining 3 challenge doors open, allowing you to complete all 6 and earn extra loot from a box that will pop up where Jos and Valk were. I can confirm it is not a guaranteed drop, since I have been through Blood Hunt several times and only saw the deco drop once.
GTN? A player named Neg Sani said in 2016, I verified that this can be listed on the GTN. It’s very rare to see them listed though at this time. I’ve only seen it once in the last 2 months.
A player named Ferropaps said this in later 2016, wts/wtt one xD, we`have ran anoying bloodhunt so many times, fingers and eye`s bleeding after that, over 4 month 5-10 times a day…. maybe after patch 4.0 Eric patched it out ^^ noone get that piece after (ironie on) awesome patch 4.0 (ironie off) regards from T3M4 and Red Eclipse
Interestingly, in 2024, a developer in regards to “broken drops” replied to a player post on the official forums, “Thank you for calling out other potential drops that might be bugged (Illumination Probe Crate decoration from Blood Hunt and the Manned Blaster Turret decoration from Collicoid Games), we will keep an eye on these as well.”