SWTOR Reputation Guide

Reputation is a way of gaining favor with different factions across the galaxy. You gain reputation by doing quests that help the faction you want to gain favor with, and in return you get exclusive mounts, armor, titles, pets and achievements.

Reputation Panel

To view your reputation, open your Legacy panel by pressing the “Y” key, or the “shield” icon on the menu under the icon of a person, and choosing the “Reputation” tab on the left.

There are almost 30 different factions to gain reputation with, and each one has its own rewards. Reputation is legacy-wide, so you can contribute to your reputation by playing on any of your characters on your server.

For each faction, there are different ranks. Outsider, Newcomer, Friend, Hero, Champion, and finally Legend. Each rank gives you access to new rewards.

As you complete quests for these factions, you’ll receive tokens that can be consumed to gain reputation from your inventory. Most of these will be auto-consumed as soon as you pick them up. There is a weekly limit to how many tokens you can consume per week – you can see the limit by hovering over the faction’s name. If you’ve reached the limit but still have more tokens left to consume, you can hold on to them in your inventory and use them next week.

Hovering over the name of the faction will also tell you how far you are from the next rank.

There are three ways to gain a bonus to reputation to make things faster – subscribing gives you a 50% reputation bonus, being in a guild can give you up to a 15% bonus, and lastly, you will occasionally get an item you can use to temporarily boost your reputation. This is called the Complimentary Major Reputation Boost and usually comes from the Daily Login rewards calendar, and is legacy-bound so you can apply it to any of your characters. It works by giving you a buff called Major Reputation Boost, which adds 15 charges of Reputation Boost for 24 hours, and each reputation trophy you use will consume 1 charge and give you increases the points you earn from reputation trophies by 50%. So in short, it lasts 24 hours, and the first 15 tokens you earn / consume on that character will be worth more so you can rank up faster.

Reputation Factions

Not all Reputation factions work the same way – each has a unique way of earning reputation points so you can rank up with that faction. Some Reputation factions are pretty simple and you simply complete quests on the correct planet to rank up. Others are tied to events, and you can only earn reputation ranks with them while they are actively running. There’s also some that guide you towards more off-the-beaten-path content, and some that are semi-retired and no longer available unless you unlocked their paths during specific timeframes in the past.

The way you get rewards also varies a lot between factions. Almost all Reputation rewards are tied to a vendor somewhere in the galaxy, and each reward will also have a Rank requirement, for example Friend or Champion. Where things vary is what currency you spend to get those rewards – some Reputation tracks just cost the required rank and credits, others you earn tokens during limited time events and spend those instead of credits, and others have rewards attached that require a totally different type of currency unrelated to the reputation faction.

In addition to all that, there’s also some parts of the game including certain limited-time events that work very similarly to the Reputation factions, in that you complete quests for a specific group and earn tokens to spend on their specific rewards, but these factions might not have actual Reputation tracks attached to them.

Daily Areas

Daily areas are traditional quest areas that have a reputation or reward track ascociated with them. You often have to start or finish a story quest before you can run the daily quest. The name comes from the repeatability of the quests – you can do them up to once per day per character. There’s also often a larger-scale weekly quest that you can do once per week per character.

In addition, there are also a few daily areas that work similarily but don’t have an actual Reputation track that you might want to explore.


There are also a lot of Reputation tracks tied to events, which are only available for a limited-time. Some events return roughly once every two to three months, while others only happen during a particular time of year, once a year.

There are also a few events that have rewards you an earn, but don’t have a Reputation track.


Some Reputation tracks work a little differently.


There are a very small number of Reputation tracks that are retired, and either can not be started by new players, or can only be completed by players who have started them in the past.


The Reputation tracks and Events offer all kinds of rewards including:

  • Armor
  • Weapons
  • Mounts
  • Pets
  • Dyes
  • Decorations

Each track has its own themed set of rewards, and each track offers something slightly different, with the coolest rewards often further up the track.

You can see every rewards for every faction on the individual Reputation and Event guides below!