In Star Wars: The Old Republic, when you create your character, you are able to choose a Combat Style. Later on, you can choose a second Combat Style by entering a special cutscene. As a Force User though, there is a chance you may be offered the ability to “flip” your Combat Style to its dark-side or light-side counterpart. In this guide we’ll be going over the complicated options about whether or not your character will be able to “flip” their Combat Style as a Force user – Tech users can not flip.
- Combat Styles
- Dark/Light Flip
- Will I be able to “flip” my Dark/Light Sith/Jedi Combat Style?
- Was this character created before or after the 7.0 update?
Combat Styles
If you are new to the game and are still learning about Combat Styles in general and which ones you can choose from, check out the Combat Styles Guide first!
If you don’t know much about Second Combat styles, you can read the Second Combat Style guide first. This includes how to change your Combat Style from your first to second.
Dark/Light Flip
If you are given the option to flip, here is what your Combat Style you may be offered to flip to.
Sentinel ⬌ Marauder
Guardian ⬌ Juggernaut
Sage ⬌ Sorcerer
Shadow ⬌ Assassin
Unfortunately, not all characters will be given the option to “flip” their Combat Style.
No matter which option you have, don’t forget, if you enter a cutscene, you can press the ESC key before it ends to exit out and make your choice later.
Training in the Force
The “flip” option can show up in two different places – the first is in the Training in the Force cutscene, where it shows up as a yes/no option before you pick your Second Combat Style.
The path you walk has led you here, to a moment that could change the course of your destiny This echo, this reflection of how you have grown will guide you through this vison.
All that you’ve experienced has strengthen your connection to the dark side of the Force, unveiling a mysterious new style of combat.
Do you wish to abandon the ways of the Jedi Sage and embrace the Sith Sorcerer combat style?
1. [Yes, I am ready to change my original combat style.]
2. [No, I want to keep my original combat style.]
If yes – The consequences of this decision are permanent. Transforming your original combat style and embracing the Sith Sorcerer’s skills can not be undone. Do you wish to change your original combat Style? [Yes/No, with a third confirmation pop-up.]
You are then moved on to the same cutscene that everyone sees, that allows you to pick your second Combat Style.
A Change in the Force / Mission Offer
The second place it can show up is as a “Mission Offer” button on your Combat Style character sheet, which opens up the short cutscene mission called A Change in the Force. This cutscene is exactly the same as above but obviously doesn’t let you choose a second Combat Style, as you already have chosen one.
Will I be able to “flip” my Dark/Light Sith/Jedi Combat Style?
Whether these options show up depends on when your character was created, what options you had available when you created the character, and what your characters alignment is compared to their Origin Story/faction.
Was this character created before or after the 7.0 update?
Before 7.0: Have you chosen your second Combat Style yet in the ‘Training in the Force’ mission cutscene?
Yes – I have chosen my second Combat Style.
You have two Combat Styles chosen already.
If you reach Light V (five) on your character or higher as a Juggernaut, Marauder, Assassin or Sorcerer as your first Combat Style (not second)…
If you reach Dark V (five) on your character or higher as a Guardian, Sentinel, Sage or Shadow as your first Combat Style (not second)…
You will be able to flip either your First or Second Combat Style (your choice – if you decline the first, you may flip the second, or swap Combat Style before hand.) This will show up as a “Mission Offer” in your combat Styles tab to give you the quest “A Change in the Force”***
Funny enough, if you have met either of those first requirements, you seem to be able to flip your second Combat Style even if it’s the opposite alignment.
I do not know what happens if you picked two mirrors as your Combat Styles (ex Guardian and Juggernaut), I assume you would not be able to flip.
*** I have been unable to test this myself due to the Dark V/Light V requirement. This is based on player reports.
This is a ‘gift’ to players who had created their characters before the Combat Styles system, as they had no option to make a dark Jedi or light Sith Combat Style before 7.0.
No – I have not chosen my second Combat Style.
If you reach Light I on your character or higher as a Juggernaut, Marauder, Assassin or Sorcerer, when you enter the ‘Training in the Force’ mission, you will be able to “flip” your first Combat Style in the cutscene, before you choose your second Combat Style.
If you reach Dark I on your character or higher as a Guardian, Sentinel, Sage or Shadow, when you enter the ‘Training in the Force’ mission, you will be able to “flip” your first Combat Style in the cutscene, before you choose your second Combat Style.
You will not be able to flip your Combat Style in the ‘Training in the Force’ cutscene otherwise – for example you have a post-7.0 character, or have not reached the “opposite alignment” Light I/Dark I.
This is a ‘gift’ to players who had created their characters before the Combat Styles system, as they had no option to makrea dark Jedi or light Sith Combat Style before 7.0.
After 7.0: Did you have all 8 Combat Style options when you created the character available? Dark & Light
No – I only had four options available.
If you reach Light I on your character or higher as a Juggernaut, Marauder, Assassin or Sorcerer, when you eventually enter the ‘Training in the Force’ mission, you will be able to “flip” your first Combat Style in the cutscene, before you choose your second Combat Style.
If you reach Dark I on your character or higher as a Guardian, Sentinel, Sage or Shadow, when you eventually enter the ‘Training in the Force’ mission, you will be able to “flip” your first Combat Style in the cutscene, before you choose your second Combat Style.
You will not be able to flip your Combat Style in the ‘Training in the Force’ cutscene otherwise.
This is because new players do not have the Dark V / Light V unlock so they couldn’t create a dark Jedi or light Sith at character creation, so its a reward for turning towards the opposite alignment as you play the story.
Yes – I had all eight available.
You will not be able to flip your character in any way. You will be able to add a second Combat Style.
This is because you already had the option to create a dark Jedi or light Sith Combat Style when you created your character.