Commando Combat Medic Basics Guide

Combat Medic

Just behind the front line, the Combat Medic Commando uses medical know-how and an array of tools to keep their allies in pristine fighting shape. Damage monitoring equipment and advanced kolto delivery systems allow the Combat Medic to maintain the offense’s forward momentum.

  • Role: Healer
  • Weapon: Blaster Cannon
  • Distance: Long Range
  • Mirror: Mercenary – Bodyguard

Combat Medic for New Players

  • Combat Medic is a healer discipline, which makes it harder to learn than a damage class for most new players
  • Most players recommend to level as a damage discipline, then switch to healer when you are ready for group content
  •  All three healer styles are not too hard to start healing with, just select a player and heal with a green ability
  •  Combat Medic has an easy to use free heal and all the abilities are clickable right away
  • But it can be harder to learn to keep your energy up compared to other healing disciplines
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How to play a Combat Medic Commando

You can start playing Combat Medic at level 1. To start playing Combat Medic, you will need to first create a Commando character, which can be played by Troopers, Bounty Hunters, Smugglers or Imperial Agents.

Once you are ingame, press K on your keyboard to open the Combat Style tab, and choose Combat Medic from the three options. This choice is not permanent, you will be able to switch between all three options by finding a rest location like a cantina.

Updated for 7.2!

Below Level 80

Below Level 80

If you are below level 80, there are no true guides available to tell you what specific abilities you should be using, because the ideal rotation would change every level.

Instead, you can use this guide to figure out which of your abilities are attacks, which are defensive, and which are just useful.

Level 80

5 Ability Basic Priority

Not quite ready to learn all your abilities yet? Use this quick 5-ability guide for the Combat Medic until you’re ready to read and learn from a true level 80 guide.

  •  Trauma Probe is a key Combat Medic ability. Trauma Probe places 7 small healing shields on your target, and each time the target gets hit, one of the seven shields disappear. Your goal is to quickly re-apply Trauma Probe after it goes down, so your healing target gets 7 fresh stacks of Trauma Probe. When you refresh Trauma Probe is important – if you only wait till 3 or 4 stacks have been hit, you’ll waste ammo refreshing Trauma Probe compared to waiting until it’s fallen all the way off.
  •  Bacta Infusion is going to be your “on cooldown” heal to use whenever it’s up. It does great healing at NO cost, but has a bit of a wait time.
  •  Medical Probe is your spam-able light heal that you’ll use when Bacta Infusion isn’t available. It still has a cost to it, but it’s relatively cheap. Try not to run out of ammo over-using it!
  •  Advanced Medical Probe is your biggest, most powerful heal ability. But it’s extremely expensive and has quite a cast time. Try to use it after using your regular medical probe 3 times, and Bacta Infusion once. This makes the next Advanced Medical Probe very cheap, and instant! For when you need lots of healing fast.
  •  Med Shot is less of an important healer ability, and more of a good source of Ammo Regeneration. Each regular shot restores 1 ammo, and a crit restores 2! Spam this when nobody needs direct heals quite yet to keep up on your ammo.

Multiple Allies 

  •  Use Successive Treatment first to heal your initial target, and up to 4 targets afterwards during the channel-on-the-move heal. This is your strongest Area heal effect, but can also be great in single target situations, as it can jump back to the target multiple times and give them an armor buff!
  •  Kolto Bomb is a smaller but more spam-able Area Heal compared to Successive Treatment, but it also effects twice as many people! Good to spam during group-wide damage.

Extra Tips

  •  Use Recharge Cells to get ammo back when you run extremely low. This may happen due to using Advanced Medical Probe at the wrong times, or Medical Probe too much.
  •  Field Aid becomes a pretty important ability for healers as some fights have extremely harmful but cleansable debuffs that go on the group, and it is the healer’s job to cleanse these. In Operations, your group leader can hopefully tell you what the icon of the debuff will be on your friends health bars, if it’s your first time looking for it.
  •  Feeling Spicy? Supercharged Cell makes you do more healing, gives you energy back, and makes Advanced Medical Probe cheaper with no cooldown for eight seconds! Use Recharge and Reload before the fight to have it at the start, and then use it as often as it becomes available. When you become more comfortable with your energy management, you’ll rarely be using your normal Medical Probe, and be using Advanced Medical Probe a lot more especially combined with Supercharged Cell.
  •  Emergency Medical Probe is your special combat revive ability. As of the Legacy of the Sith Expansion, only true healers can revive in-combat, every 5 minutes. Usually you will save this for tanks, but if your leader says otherwise or more DPS is needed to finish the fight, target the dead player with this and they can accept a revive at your location!
  • Apart from refreshing Trauma Probe when its seven stacks run out, you can also use any down time you have to put Trauma Probe on everyone in your group – this includes before the fight starts, or refresh it during any time during fights where you’re just waiting – cycle through every member of your group and Trauma Probe them, as the seven stacks will simply sit there for up to three minutes until they start taking damage!
  • If you are waiting for a fight to start, after getting Trauma Probe on your team, use Med Shots ten times even if everyone is healed. This will build up ten stacks of “Supercharge” which looks like a white fluffy icon on your buffs, making your Supercharged Cell buff available when you need it in the actual fight!
Level 80 Gear Recommendations
More Information:
Level 80 In-Depth Community Guides

Ready to learn more about your class, and how to play at a higher skill level? These guides by other players break down your class's abilities and your full rotation!



  • Med Shot - HealLevel 7
  • Advanced Medical Probe - HealLevel 15
  • Medical Probe - HealLevel 19
  • Bacta Infusion - HealLevel 31
  • Trauma Probe - HealLevel 35
  • Kolto Bomb - HealLevel 47
  • Successive Treatment - HealLevel 60


You can combine your Combat Medic buffs with your heals to create powerful combinations.

  • Fortification - Passive Class BuffLevel 1
  • Recharge Cells - BuffLevel 4
  • Supercharged Kolto Cells - BuffLevel 15
  • Supercharged Celerity - Optional Operation Buff Level 43 Option 2/3Level 43
  • Tech Override - BuffLevel 56

Defensive Abilities

Use these abilities to help yourself stay alive. The Commando has these defensive and healing abilities and you'll want to know where they are in a difficult fight.

  • Reactive Shield - DefensiveLevel 15
  • Diversion - Optional Detaunt Defensive Level 43 Option 1/3Level 43
  • Adrenaline Rush - DefensiveLevel 47
  • Echoing Deterrence - Optional Defensive Level 68 Option 2/3Level 68

Useful Abilities

These abilities may not be directly for attacking, but they are used heavily by skilled Commandos in combat to turn the tide of a fight.

  • Recharge and Reload - Regeneration - Regain health out of battle.Level 1
  • Tenacity - Stun Break - If you are stunned and can’t move, you can use this ability to unstun yourself.Level 10
  • Disabling Shot - Interrupt - Every class has an interrupt ability that allows them to interrupt an enemy while they are casting. Enemy castbars that fill up from left to right are called casts and can be interrupted and the ability will be stopped, but castbars that go from right to left deal damage the entire time they are channeling. Using your interrupt in combat is very useful as it can prevent the enemy from damaging you, or sometimes even prevent them from stunning you or knocking you back!Level 19
  • Concussion Charge - Knockback - Pushes enemies back.Level 23
  • Advanced Recon Droid - Optional Stealth Detection Level 27 Option 3/3 - Fires off probes that scan the area for stealth opponents for 15 seconds and grants Droid Overwatch which increases your damage reduction while stunned by 30%. Revealed targets are immobilized and all enemies within the field are slowed by 30%.Level 27
  • Concussive Round - Crowd Control - Your crowd control (CC) is a special type of stun you can only use when your enemy is outside of combat. You use it before a fight, to temporarily knock an opponent out of the fight while you deal with the other enemies. Accidentally damaging your crowd control'd target will wake them up.Level 35
  • Field Aid - Cleanse - Your cleanse can help remove harmful effects from you or other players.Level 39
  • Hold The Line - Movement - Grants 10 seconds of immunity from movement-impairing effects, knockdowns and physics and increases movement speed by 30%.Level 39
  • Diversion - Optional Detaunt Defensive Level 43 Option 1/3 - Your detaunt ability will cause enemies to lose interest in your character, at least for a short time. This is most useful if you're getting attacked during group fights when your tank is supposed to be taking the damage, or when your companion is set to tank.Level 43
  • Emergency Medical Probe - Combat Revive - Your revive ability helps you bring a fallen group member back to life during combat. Only healer disciplines can revive during combat. You can only use your own combat revive on one of your team members once every five minutes.Level 50
  • Electro Net - Attack Slow - Slows slow the enemy down, making it hard for them to run away.Level 60
  • Propulsion Round - Optional Movement Level 68 Option 1/3 - Fire a specially compressed round, propelling you backward 20 meters and granting you immunity to controlling effects while propelled. In addition, you cannot be leapt to, pulled, and are immune to pushback and interrupts for 4 seconds. Taking melee or tech damage within those 4 seconds refreshes the cooldown on Propulsion Round. This effect can occur once every 40 seconds. Cannot be used while immobilized or hindered.Level 68
  • Cryo Grenade - Optional Stun Level 68 Option 3/3 - You can use your short stun on weaker enemies to stop them from running around, from casting abilities, to stop them from damaging you, or just to keep them out of the fight in general.Level 68

Tree Choices

As you level up, you will be able to make choices about how you play your Combat Medic Commando with the Ability Tree, which can be opened with the K key on your keyboard. If you do not choose one, a default option will be chosen for you.

Of all the classes, Healers tend to have the most variation when it comes to their favorite ability tree choices. This is due to each fight being very different, and the healer's actual preferences. Some of the factors include whether or not your group has other healers and what types of healers, if you need mobility, if you yourself will be taking lots of damage, and how you actually like to heal. The suggestions below are mainly based on the Theorycrafter's Discord's Suggestions but they are by far not the only options you can use.

You will have eight choices to make as you level up, at levels 23, 27, 39, 43, 51, 64, 68 and 73. All of these Ability Tree choices are not permanent choices and can be changed later. If you are following a Level 80 guide on how to play your Combat Medic Commando, you will need to make sure to choose the same options as they have. You may not have the same choices chosen as a friend who is also playing a Combat Medic Commando.

Solo 'Single Enemy' Suggestions
Solo 'Many Enemies' Suggestions
Flashpoint Suggestions
Operation Suggestions

Level 23 Choice: Advanced Medical Probe Change

Choose from one of three ways that you want Advanced Medical Probe to change at level 23. Your options are Residual Globules, Integrated Probes, and Critical Probes.

Advanced Medical Probe

Summons a probe that heals.

Residual Globules

Healing a friendly target with Advanced Medical Probe leaves behind a Residual Globule for 10 seconds. A different friendly target can move into the Residual Globule and be healed.

Healing a friendly target with Advanced Medical Probe leaves behind a Residual Globule for 10 seconds. A different friendly target can move into the Residual Globule and be healed.

Integrated Probes

Activating Advanced Medical Probe grants Integrated Probes for the next 15 seconds, increasing all healing you do by 5%.

Activating Advanced Medical Probe grants Integrated Probes for the next 15 seconds, increasing all healing you do by 5%.

Critical Probes

Increases the critical chance of Advanced Medical Probe by 10%.

Increases the critical chance of Advanced Medical Probe by 10%.

Solo Single-Strong-Enemy Suggestion: Residual Globules - Healing isn't a recommended solo discipline, and Residual Globules can't be used to heal the target of the initial Medical Probe, but if solo healing you could generate globules off your companion and run into them when you need healing.

Multi-Enemy Solo Suggestion: Residual Globules - Healing isn't a recommended solo discipline, and Residual Globules can't be used to heal the target of the initial Medical Probe, but if solo healing you could generate globules off your companion and run into them when you need healing.

Flashpoint Suggestion: Integrated Probes - Residual Globules are cool but can't be used to heal the initial Medical Probe target. Usually this means they float uselessly near a tank in a spot too dangerous for DPS to run over to. The 5% increased healing from this choice is the best overall.

Operation Suggestion: Integrated Probes - Residual Globules are cool but can't be used to heal the initial Medical Probe target. Usually this means they float uselessly near a tank in a spot too dangerous for DPS to run over to. The 5% increased healing from this choice is the best overall.

Level 27 Choice

Choose from one of three Commando abilities at Level 27, you can only have one of these options at any given time. Your options as a Combat Medic Commando for the Level 27 choice are Charged Barrier, Sticky Grenade, and Advanced Recon Droid.

Charged Barrier

Charged Bolts and Medical Probe build a Charged Barrier that reduces damage taken by 2% per stack for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.

Charged Bolts and Medical Probe build a Charged Barrier that reduces damage taken by 2% per stack for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.

Sticky Grenade

Throws a sticky grenade that will detonate after several seconds. Standard and weak enemies enter a state of panic when the grenade is active. The explosion deals kinetic damage to up to 8 enemies when it detonates and slows their movement speed by 60% for 10 seconds. Standard and weak targets are knocked down by the blast.

Throws a sticky grenade that will detonate after several seconds. Standard and weak enemies enter a state of panic when the grenade is active. The explosion deals kinetic damage to up to 8 enemies when it detonates and slows their movement speed by 60% for 10 seconds. Standard and weak targets are knocked down by the blast.

Advanced Recon Droid

Fires off probes that scan the area for stealth opponents for 15 seconds and grants Droid Overwatch which increases your damage reduction while stunned by 30%. Revealed targets are immobilized and all enemies within the field are slowed by 30%.

Fires off probes that scan the area for stealth opponents for 15 seconds and grants Droid Overwatch which increases your damage reduction while stunned by 30%. Revealed targets are immobilized and all enemies within the field are slowed by 30%.

General Suggestion: Charged Barrier - With stealth scan being a rather niche/PvP centric skill, and Sticky Grenade not being a very worthwhile stun/aoe filler, the best choice in this tier is this constant free damage reduction. Always useful in all situations and easy to trigger!

Level 39 Choice: Trauma Probe Change

Choose from one of three ways that you want Trauma Probe to change at level 39. Your options are Trauma Shield, Efficient Probes, and Neighborly Probes.

Trauma Probe

Deploys a Trauma Probe around the target that has 7 charges and lasts up to 3 minutes. When the target is damaged, Trauma Probe loses 1 charge and heals the target. This effect cannot occur more than once every 2.5 seconds. A target may not have more than one Trauma Probe active.

Trauma Shield

When Trauma Probe heals its target, the target will gain a Trauma Shield, which lasts up to 4 seconds and absorbs damage. This effect cannot occur more than once every 4.5 seconds.

When Trauma Probe heals its target, the target will gain a Trauma Shield, which lasts up to 4 seconds and absorbs damage. This effect cannot occur more than once every 4.5 seconds.

Efficient Probes

When Trauma Probe heals its target, there is a 25% chance it does not lose a charge.

When Trauma Probe heals its target, there is a 25% chance it does not lose a charge.

Neighborly Probes

When Trauma Probe heals its target, it also heals up to two additional friendly targets within 5 meters.

When Trauma Probe heals its target, it also heals up to two additional friendly targets within 5 meters.

General Suggestion: Efficient Probes - A 25% chance to not lose trauma probe stacks means over time you'll have to deploy less probes per fight, resulting in great ammo saving for other heals!

Level 43 Choice

Choose from one of three Commando abilities at Level 43, you can only have one of these options at any given time. Your options as a Combat Medic Commando for the Level 43 choice are Diversion, Supercharged Celerity, and Overclock.


Reduces threat towards all current enemies, and for 6 seconds after use it increases melee and ranged defense chance by 35%, provides interrupt immunity, and grants 2 charges of Decoy. Each charge of Decoy intercepts and absorbs 1 incoming Force or tech attack.

Your detaunt ability will cause enemies to lose interest in your character, at least for a short time. This is most useful if you're getting attacked during group fights when your tank is supposed to be taking the damage, or when your companion is set to tank.

Supercharged Celerity

Requires and converts 10 stacks of Supercharge to issue Supercharged Celerity to you and your Operation group members within 40 meters, increasing alacrity by 10%. Lasts 10 seconds. Those affected by Supercharged Celerity become Exhausted and cannot regain Supercharged Celerity for 5 minutes.

Requires and converts 10 stacks of Supercharge to issue Supercharged Celerity to you and your Operation group members within 40 meters, increasing alacrity by 10%. Lasts 10 seconds. Those affected by Supercharged Celerity become Exhausted and cannot regain Supercharged Celerity for 5 minutes.


Reduces the cooldowns of Concussive Round and Tech Override by 15 seconds each. In addition, Tech Override grants a second charge, making your next two abilities with an activation time activate instantly.

Reduces the cooldowns of Concussive Round and Tech Override by 15 seconds each. In addition, Tech Override grants a second charge, making your next two abilities with an activation time activate instantly.

Solo Single-Strong-Enemy Suggestion: Diversion - The defensive capabilities of this detaunt make it the best for surviving solo content, but for more tangible kill speeds Overclock could help too.

Multi-Enemy Solo Suggestion: Diversion - The defensive capabilities of this detaunt make it the best for surviving solo content, but for more tangible kill speeds Overclock could help too.

Flashpoint Suggestion: Supercharged Celerity - This Operation Buff helps not only healers but the whole group, so it should be taken by default UNLESS another teammate is already using it. The buff cannot be stacked, so you can be a bit more selfish and take Overclock to double the effectiveness of your Tech Override.

Operation Suggestion: Supercharged Celerity - This Operation Buff helps not only healers but the whole group, so it should be taken by default UNLESS another teammate is already using it. The buff cannot be stacked, so you can be a bit more selfish and take Overclock to double the effectiveness of your Tech Override.

Level 51 Choice

Choose from one of three Commando abilities at Level 51, you can only have one of these options at any given time. Your options as a Combat Medic Commando for the Level 51 choice are Reflexive Shield, Cell Capacitor, and Tenacious Defense.

Reflexive Shield

When you take damage, the active cooldown of Reactive Shield is reduced by 3 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds. In addition, when taking damage, you have a 20% chance to emit an Energy Redoubt. which lasts up to 6 seconds and absorbs damage. This effect cannot occur more than once every 10 seconds.

When you take damage, the active cooldown of Reactive Shield is reduced by 3 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds. In addition, when taking damage, you have a 20% chance to emit an Energy Redoubt. which lasts up to 6 seconds and absorbs damage. This effect cannot occur more than once every 10 seconds.

Cell Capacitor

Recharge Cells now immediately recharges 15 additional cells and grants 10% alacrity for 6 seconds.

Recharge Cells now immediately recharges 15 additional cells and grants 10% alacrity for 6 seconds.

Tenacious Defense

Reduces the cooldown of Concussion Charge by 5 seconds and Tenacity by 30 seconds. In addition, the duration of Hold the Line is increased by 4 seconds.

Reduces the cooldown of Concussion Charge by 5 seconds and Tenacity by 30 seconds. In addition, the duration of Hold the Line is increased by 4 seconds.

Solo Single-Strong-Enemy Suggestion: Reflexive Shield - Normally a healer should not be getting directly attacked but in solo situations you may want to take Reflective Shield for just that reason.

Multi-Enemy Solo Suggestion: Reflexive Shield - Normally a healer should not be getting directly attacked but in solo situations you may want to take Reflective Shield for just that reason.

Flashpoint Suggestion: Cell Capacitor - More ammo to spend and more alacrity for faster heals is the best bonus a healer could get, but if you aren't running out of ammo Reflexive Shield will reduce the overall healing needed, so also consider that choice.

Operation Suggestion: Cell Capacitor - More ammo to spend and more alacrity for faster heals is the best bonus a healer could get, but if you aren't running out of ammo Reflexive Shield will reduce the overall healing needed, so also consider that choice.

Level 64 Choice

Choose from one of three Commando abilities at Level 64, you can only have one of these options at any given time. Your options as a Combat Medic Commando for the Level 64 choice are Forced March, Combat Shield, and Adrenal Surge.

Forced March

Allows Full Auto, Boltstorm, and Successive Treatment to be activated while moving.

Allows Full Auto, Boltstorm, and Successive Treatment to be activated while moving.

Combat Shield

Reactive Shield now further decreases ability activation pushback by 30%, increases all healing received by 20% and makes you immune to interrupts.

Reactive Shield now further decreases ability activation pushback by 30%, increases all healing received by 20% and makes you immune to interrupts.

Adrenal Surge

Adrenaline Rush triggers at, and can heal you up to, 60% of your maximum health. Additionally, Adrenaline Rush lasts 2 seconds longer and heals for twice as much each time it restores health.

Adrenaline Rush triggers at, and can heal you up to, 60% of your maximum health. Additionally, Adrenaline Rush lasts 2 seconds longer and heals for twice as much each time it restores health.

General Suggestion: Forced March - This choice singlehandedly makes commandos much more mobile than they normally are, making it much easier to position correctly and stay safe while remaining effective. If you find yourself remaining pretty still or moving in short bursts where this choice is less useful, Adrenal Surge is a really good self-healing boost.

Level 68 Choice

Choose from one of three Commando abilities at Level 68, you can only have one of these options at any given time. Your options as a Combat Medic Commando for the Level 68 choice are Propulsion Round, Echoing Deterrence, and Cryo Grenade.

Propulsion Round

Fire a specially compressed round, propelling you backward 20 meters and granting you immunity to controlling effects while propelled. In addition, you cannot be leapt to, pulled, and are immune to pushback and interrupts for 4 seconds. Taking melee or tech damage within those 4 seconds refreshes the cooldown on Propulsion Round. This effect can occur once every 40 seconds. Cannot be used while immobilized or hindered.

Fire a specially compressed round, propelling you backward 20 meters and granting you immunity to controlling effects while propelled. In addition, you cannot be leapt to, pulled, and are immune to pushback and interrupts for 4 seconds. Taking melee or tech damage within those 4 seconds refreshes the cooldown on Propulsion Round. This effect can occur once every 40 seconds. Cannot be used while immobilized or hindered.

Echoing Deterrence

Activates a defensive response system that absorbs all incoming direct single target damage for the next 6 seconds, reflecting 50% of the absorbed damage back at the attacker and healing you for 5% of your maximum health each time an attack is absorbed. Can be used while stunned.

Activates a defensive response system that absorbs all incoming direct single target damage for the next 6 seconds, reflecting 50% of the absorbed damage back at the attacker and healing you for 5% of your maximum health each time an attack is absorbed. Can be used while stunned.

Cryo Grenade

Hurls a cryo grenade that freezes the target, dealing energy damage and stunning it for 4 seconds.

You can use your short stun on weaker enemies to stop them from running around, from casting abilities, to stop them from damaging you, or just to keep them out of the fight in general.

General Suggestion: Echoing Deterrence - This reflect ability also absorbs all damage and heals you, making it one of the best defensive cooldowns in the game. Keep this as default unless you find yourself really needing the movement of Propulsion Round or the 4 second stun from Cryo Grenade.

Level 73 Choice

Choose from one of three Commando abilities at Level 73, you can only have one of these options at any given time. Your options as a Combat Medic Commando for the Level 73 choice are Concussive Force, Parallactic Combat Stims, and Trauma Stabilizers.

Concussive Force

Explosive Round immobilizes the target for 4 seconds. Direct damage caused after 2 seconds ends the effect. This effect can only occur once every 8 seconds. In addition, Concussion Charge's knockback effect is stronger and pushes enemies 4 meters further away.

Explosive Round immobilizes the target for 4 seconds. Direct damage caused after 2 seconds ends the effect. This effect can only occur once every 8 seconds. In addition, Concussion Charge's knockback effect is stronger and pushes enemies 4 meters further away.

Parallactic Combat Stims

You recharge 20 energy cells when stunned, immobilized, knocked down or otherwise incapacitated. Additionally, when this happens your next tech ability used within 15 seconds deals 10% more damage or healing.

You recharge 20 energy cells when stunned, immobilized, knocked down or otherwise incapacitated. Additionally, when this happens your next tech ability used within 15 seconds deals 10% more damage or healing.

Trauma Stabilizers

While Reactive Shield is active, you generate a stack of Trauma Stabilizers each time you receive direct damage. Stacks up to 10 times. When Reactive Shield expires, each stack of Trauma Stabilizers instantly heals you for 4% of your maximum health.

While Reactive Shield is active, you generate a stack of Trauma Stabilizers each time you receive direct damage. Stacks up to 10 times. When Reactive Shield expires, each stack of Trauma Stabilizers instantly heals you for 4% of your maximum health.

General Suggestion: Trauma Stabilizers - This choice will keep you alive much longer in the toughest fights. Guaranteed to give the most benefit in any content!

All Abilities

All your abilities for the Combat Medic Commando.

Hammer ShotBasic Attack 30m (long range)

Fires a series of hammering shots that deals weapon damage to the target.

Fires a series of hammering shots that deals weapon damage to the target.

Frontline PhysicianPassive

Reduces the cooldown of revive by 100%.

Reduces the cooldown of revive by 100%.

Plasma CellPassive

Ranged weapon attacks have a 25% chance to deal additional elemental damage over 6 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once per second.

Ranged weapon attacks have a 25% chance to deal additional elemental damage over 6 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once per second.

Mass AcceleratorHidden Passive

Increases the range of High Impact Bolt by 20 meters.

Increases the range of High Impact Bolt by 20 meters.

Combat Support CellHidden Passive

Loads your cannon with a combat support cell. While active, all healing and damage done is increased by 3%. Replaces Plasma Cell.

Loads your cannon with a combat support cell. While active, all healing and damage done is increased by 3%. Replaces Plasma Cell.

Field MedicineHidden Passive

Increases the healing done by Bacta Infusion and Medical Probe by 3%. In addition, Successive Treatment channels 20% faster.

Increases the healing done by Bacta Infusion and Medical Probe by 3%. In addition, Successive Treatment channels 20% faster.

Frontline MedicHidden Passive

Increases the healing done by Kolto Bomb, Kolto Pods, and Successive Treatment by 3%.

Increases the healing done by Kolto Bomb, Kolto Pods, and Successive Treatment by 3%.

Kolto PodsHidden Passive

Kolto Bomb leaves a pool of kolto that heals allies over 3 seconds.

Kolto Bomb leaves a pool of kolto that heals allies over 3 seconds.

Probe MedicHidden Passive

Increases the max number of Trauma Probe charges by 1, increases the healing each charge does by 3%, and reduces Trauma Probe's rate limit by 0.5 seconds.

Increases the max number of Trauma Probe charges by 1, increases the healing each charge does by 3%, and reduces Trauma Probe's rate limit by 0.5 seconds.

Psych AidHidden Passive

Field Aid now removes negative mental effects and heals the target.

Field Aid now removes negative mental effects and heals the target.

Explosive RoundArea Attack 30m (long range)

Fires a heavy round that deals kinetic damage to the primary target and kinetic damage to up to 7 standard or weak enemies within 5 meters of the primary target. If the primary target is a standard or weak enemy, it is knocked to the ground.

Fires a heavy round that deals kinetic damage to the primary target and kinetic damage to up to 7 standard or weak enemies within 5 meters of the primary target. If the primary target is a standard or weak enemy, it is knocked to the ground.

FortificationPassive Class Buff

Increases Endurance by 5%.

Increases Endurance by 5%.

Recharge and ReloadRegeneration

Regenerates health and recharges your energy cells while channeling. Not usable in combat.

Regain health out of battle.

Recharge CellsBuff

Your next ability depletes no energy cells, and you recharge 50 energy cells over 3 seconds after using it.

Your next ability depletes no energy cells, and you recharge 50 energy cells over 3 seconds after using it.

Charged BoltsAttack 30m (long range)

Spins up the assault cannon and fires off a quick burst of powerful, charged rounds at the target for weapon damage. Requires Assault Cannon.

Spins up the assault cannon and fires off a quick burst of powerful, charged rounds at the target for weapon damage. Requires Assault Cannon.

Med ShotHeal 30m (long range)

Fires a quick stream of bolts, causing healing.

Fires a quick stream of bolts, causing healing.

Mortar VolleyArea Attack 30m (long range)

Launches a volley of mortar shells at the target area, dealing kinetic damage over the duration to up to 8 enemies within 5 meters over the duration. Standard and weak targets are knocked down by the blasts. Depletes 30 energy cells over the duration.

Launches a volley of mortar shells at the target area, dealing kinetic damage over the duration to up to 8 enemies within 5 meters over the duration. Standard and weak targets are knocked down by the blasts. Depletes 30 energy cells over the duration.

TenacityStun Break

Purges all incapacitating and movement-impairing effects.

If you are stunned and can’t move, you can use this ability to unstun yourself.

High Impact BoltAttack 30m (long range)

Fires a very powerful round at the target, dealing weapon damage. Only usable against incapacitated targets or targets suffering from periodic damage.

Fires a very powerful round at the target, dealing weapon damage. Only usable against incapacitated targets or targets suffering from periodic damage.

Supercharged Kolto CellsBuff

Requires and converts 10 stacks of Supercharge to recharge 10 energy cells and increase healing done by 5% for 8 seconds. While active, Advanced Medical Probe has no cooldown and depletes 5 fewer energy cells.

Requires and converts 10 stacks of Supercharge to recharge 10 energy cells and increase healing done by 5% for 8 seconds. While active, Advanced Medical Probe has no cooldown and depletes 5 fewer energy cells.

Advanced Medical ProbeHeal 30m (long range)

Summons a probe that heals.

Summons a probe that heals.

Treated Wound DressingsPassive

Increases damage reduction by 5% and tech critical chance by 3%.

Increases damage reduction by 5% and tech critical chance by 3%.

Reactive ShieldDefensive

Increases damage reduction by 25% for 12 seconds.

Increases damage reduction by 25% for 12 seconds.


Activating Hammer Shot, Med Shot, Charged Bolts, Grav Round, or Medical Probe generates a stack of Supercharge. While channeled, Recharge and Reload generates stacks of Supercharge. Each stack increases all damage and healing done by 0.1%. Stacks up to 10 times and lasts 60 seconds.

Activating Hammer Shot, Med Shot, Charged Bolts, Grav Round, or Medical Probe generates a stack of Supercharge. While channeled, Recharge and Reload generates stacks of Supercharge. Each stack increases all damage and healing done by 0.1%. Stacks up to 10 times and lasts 60 seconds.

Disabling ShotInterrupt 30m (long range)

Interrupts the target's current action and prevents that ability from being used for 4 seconds.

Every class has an interrupt ability that allows them to interrupt an enemy while they are casting. Enemy castbars that fill up from left to right are called casts and can be interrupted and the ability will be stopped, but castbars that go from right to left deal damage the entire time they are channeling. Using your interrupt in combat is very useful as it can prevent the enemy from damaging you, or sometimes even prevent them from stunning you or knocking you back!

Medical ProbeHeal 30m (long range)

Summons a probe that heals.

Summons a probe that heals.

Hail of BoltsArea Attack 30m (long range)

Launches waves of blaster fire at up to 8 targets within 5 meters of the target area, dealing weapon damage over the duration. Standard and weak targets are sometimes knocked back by the hail of bolts. Requires Assault Cannon. Spends 32 energy cells over the duration.

Launches waves of blaster fire at up to 8 targets within 5 meters of the target area, dealing weapon damage over the duration. Standard and weak targets are sometimes knocked back by the hail of bolts. Requires Assault Cannon. Spends 32 energy cells over the duration.

Concussion ChargeKnockback

Deals elemental damage and pushes up to 8 nearby enemies back away from the Trooper. Targets have their movement speed reduced by 50% for 4 seconds after being knocked back.

Pushes enemies back.

Plasma GrenadeArea Attack 30m (long range)

Lobs a plasma grenade that detonates on contact, dealing kinetic damage to up to 8 targets within 8 meters and igniting all the targets in fiery plasma, dealing additional elemental damage over 6 seconds. Standard and weak targets enter a state of panic from the flames.

Lobs a plasma grenade that detonates on contact, dealing kinetic damage to up to 8 targets within 8 meters and igniting all the targets in fiery plasma, dealing additional elemental damage over 6 seconds. Standard and weak targets enter a state of panic from the flames.

Steady HandsPassive

Reduces the pushback suffered while activating healing abilities by 70% and reduces the threat generated by healing abilities by 10%.

Reduces the pushback suffered while activating healing abilities by 70% and reduces the threat generated by healing abilities by 10%.

Residual GlobulesOptional Passive Level 23 Option 1/3

Healing a friendly target with Advanced Medical Probe leaves behind a Residual Globule for 10 seconds. A different friendly target can move into the Residual Globule and be healed.

Healing a friendly target with Advanced Medical Probe leaves behind a Residual Globule for 10 seconds. A different friendly target can move into the Residual Globule and be healed.

Solo Single-Enemy Suggestion: Healing isn't a recommended solo discipline, and Residual Globules can't be used to heal the target of the initial Medical Probe, but if solo healing you could generate globules off your companion and run into them when you need healing.

Solo Many-Enemy Suggestion: Healing isn't a recommended solo discipline, and Residual Globules can't be used to heal the target of the initial Medical Probe, but if solo healing you could generate globules off your companion and run into them when you need healing.

Integrated ProbesOptional Passive Level 23 Option 2/3

Activating Advanced Medical Probe grants Integrated Probes for the next 15 seconds, increasing all healing you do by 5%.

Activating Advanced Medical Probe grants Integrated Probes for the next 15 seconds, increasing all healing you do by 5%.

Flashpoint Suggestion: Residual Globules are cool but can't be used to heal the initial Medical Probe target. Usually this means they float uselessly near a tank in a spot too dangerous for DPS to run over to. The 5% increased healing from this choice is the best overall.

Operation Suggestion: Residual Globules are cool but can't be used to heal the initial Medical Probe target. Usually this means they float uselessly near a tank in a spot too dangerous for DPS to run over to. The 5% increased healing from this choice is the best overall.

Critical ProbesOptional Passive Level 23 Option 3/3

Increases the critical chance of Advanced Medical Probe by 10%.

Increases the critical chance of Advanced Medical Probe by 10%.

Charged BarrierOptional Passive Level 27 Option 1/3

Charged Bolts and Medical Probe build a Charged Barrier that reduces damage taken by 2% per stack for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.

Charged Bolts and Medical Probe build a Charged Barrier that reduces damage taken by 2% per stack for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.

General Suggestion: With stealth scan being a rather niche/PvP centric skill, and Sticky Grenade not being a very worthwhile stun/aoe filler, the best choice in this tier is this constant free damage reduction. Always useful in all situations and easy to trigger!

Sticky GrenadeOptional Area Attack 30m (long range) Level 27 Option 2/3

Throws a sticky grenade that will detonate after several seconds. Standard and weak enemies enter a state of panic when the grenade is active. The explosion deals kinetic damage to up to 8 enemies when it detonates and slows their movement speed by 60% for 10 seconds. Standard and weak targets are knocked down by the blast.

Throws a sticky grenade that will detonate after several seconds. Standard and weak enemies enter a state of panic when the grenade is active. The explosion deals kinetic damage to up to 8 enemies when it detonates and slows their movement speed by 60% for 10 seconds. Standard and weak targets are knocked down by the blast.

Advanced Recon DroidOptional Stealth Detection 30m (long range) Level 27 Option 3/3

Fires off probes that scan the area for stealth opponents for 15 seconds and grants Droid Overwatch which increases your damage reduction while stunned by 30%. Revealed targets are immobilized and all enemies within the field are slowed by 30%.

Fires off probes that scan the area for stealth opponents for 15 seconds and grants Droid Overwatch which increases your damage reduction while stunned by 30%. Revealed targets are immobilized and all enemies within the field are slowed by 30%.

Full AutoAttack 30m (long range)

Fires a continuous stream of bolts that deals weapon damage and depletes 24 energy cells over the duration. Weak and standard enemies caught in the blaster fire are stunned for the duration.

Fires a continuous stream of bolts that deals weapon damage and depletes 24 energy cells over the duration. Weak and standard enemies caught in the blaster fire are stunned for the duration.

Bacta InfusionHeal 30m (long range)

Instantly heals a friendly target.

Instantly heals a friendly target.

Trauma ProbeHeal 30m (long range)

Deploys a Trauma Probe around the target that has 7 charges and lasts up to 3 minutes. When the target is damaged, Trauma Probe loses 1 charge and heals the target. This effect cannot occur more than once every 2.5 seconds. A target may not have more than one Trauma Probe active.

Deploys a Trauma Probe around the target that has 7 charges and lasts up to 3 minutes. When the target is damaged, Trauma Probe loses 1 charge and heals the target. This effect cannot occur more than once every 2.5 seconds. A target may not have more than one Trauma Probe active.

Concussive RoundCrowd Control 30m (long range)

Fires a round at the target that knocks it out for up to 60 seconds. Non-player, non-standard and non-weak targets regenerate health rapidly while knocked out. Damage causes this effect to end prematurely.

Your crowd control (CC) is a special type of stun you can only use when your enemy is outside of combat. You use it before a fight, to temporarily knock an opponent out of the fight while you deal with the other enemies. Accidentally damaging your crowd control'd target will wake them up.

Quick ThinkingPassive

Increases the critical chance of Medical Probe by 5%.

Increases the critical chance of Medical Probe by 5%.

Target LockPassive

Full Auto, Boltstorm, High Impact Bolt, and Mag Bolt ignore 30% of the target's armor. In addition, the critical chance of Medical Probe and Bacta Infusion are increased by 5%, and critical results with damage and healing abilities increase critical damage and healing by 10% for 6 seconds.

Full Auto, Boltstorm, High Impact Bolt, and Mag Bolt ignore 30% of the target's armor. In addition, the critical chance of Medical Probe and Bacta Infusion are increased by 5%, and critical results with damage and healing abilities increase critical damage and healing by 10% for 6 seconds.

Trauma ShieldOptional Passive Level 39 Option 1/3

When Trauma Probe heals its target, the target will gain a Trauma Shield, which lasts up to 4 seconds and absorbs damage. This effect cannot occur more than once every 4.5 seconds.

When Trauma Probe heals its target, the target will gain a Trauma Shield, which lasts up to 4 seconds and absorbs damage. This effect cannot occur more than once every 4.5 seconds.

Efficient ProbesOptional Passive Level 39 Option 2/3

When Trauma Probe heals its target, there is a 25% chance it does not lose a charge.

When Trauma Probe heals its target, there is a 25% chance it does not lose a charge.

General Suggestion: A 25% chance to not lose trauma probe stacks means over time you'll have to deploy less probes per fight, resulting in great ammo saving for other heals!

Neighborly ProbesOptional Passive Level 39 Option 3/3

When Trauma Probe heals its target, it also heals up to two additional friendly targets within 5 meters.

When Trauma Probe heals its target, it also heals up to two additional friendly targets within 5 meters.

Field AidCleanse 30m (long range)

Cleanses a friendly target of up to 2 negative tech or physical effects.

Your cleanse can help remove harmful effects from you or other players.

Hold The LineMovement 20m

Grants 10 seconds of immunity from movement-impairing effects, knockdowns and physics and increases movement speed by 30%.

Grants 10 seconds of immunity from movement-impairing effects, knockdowns and physics and increases movement speed by 30%.

DiversionOptional Detaunt Defensive Level 43 Option 1/3

Reduces threat towards all current enemies, and for 6 seconds after use it increases melee and ranged defense chance by 35%, provides interrupt immunity, and grants 2 charges of Decoy. Each charge of Decoy intercepts and absorbs 1 incoming Force or tech attack.

Your detaunt ability will cause enemies to lose interest in your character, at least for a short time. This is most useful if you're getting attacked during group fights when your tank is supposed to be taking the damage, or when your companion is set to tank.

Solo Single-Enemy Suggestion: The defensive capabilities of this detaunt make it the best for surviving solo content, but for more tangible kill speeds Overclock could help too.

Solo Many-Enemy Suggestion: The defensive capabilities of this detaunt make it the best for surviving solo content, but for more tangible kill speeds Overclock could help too.

Supercharged CelerityOptional Operation Buff Level 43 Option 2/3

Requires and converts 10 stacks of Supercharge to issue Supercharged Celerity to you and your Operation group members within 40 meters, increasing alacrity by 10%. Lasts 10 seconds. Those affected by Supercharged Celerity become Exhausted and cannot regain Supercharged Celerity for 5 minutes.

Requires and converts 10 stacks of Supercharge to issue Supercharged Celerity to you and your Operation group members within 40 meters, increasing alacrity by 10%. Lasts 10 seconds. Those affected by Supercharged Celerity become Exhausted and cannot regain Supercharged Celerity for 5 minutes.

Flashpoint Suggestion: This Operation Buff helps not only healers but the whole group, so it should be taken by default UNLESS another teammate is already using it. The buff cannot be stacked, so you can be a bit more selfish and take Overclock to double the effectiveness of your Tech Override.

Operation Suggestion: This Operation Buff helps not only healers but the whole group, so it should be taken by default UNLESS another teammate is already using it. The buff cannot be stacked, so you can be a bit more selfish and take Overclock to double the effectiveness of your Tech Override.

OverclockOptional Passive Level 43 Option 3/3

Reduces the cooldowns of Concussive Round and Tech Override by 15 seconds each. In addition, Tech Override grants a second charge, making your next two abilities with an activation time activate instantly.

Reduces the cooldowns of Concussive Round and Tech Override by 15 seconds each. In addition, Tech Override grants a second charge, making your next two abilities with an activation time activate instantly.

Potent MedicinePassive

Increases the critical healing bonus of all heals by 10% and causes Medical Probe to generate an extra stack of Supercharge when activated.

Increases the critical healing bonus of all heals by 10% and causes Medical Probe to generate an extra stack of Supercharge when activated.

Adrenaline RushDefensive

Activating this ability makes you Fired Up for up to 60 seconds, which triggers an Adrenaline Rush when your health is reduced to 35% or less. If your health is already 35% or less, Adrenaline Rush triggers immediately. Once triggered, Adrenaline Rush goes on cooldown for 3 minutes and rapidly heals you up to 35% of your max health for 8 seconds but will not exceed 35% of your max health.

Activating this ability makes you Fired Up for up to 60 seconds, which triggers an Adrenaline Rush when your health is reduced to 35% or less. If your health is already 35% or less, Adrenaline Rush triggers immediately. Once triggered, Adrenaline Rush goes on cooldown for 3 minutes and rapidly heals you up to 35% of your max health for 8 seconds but will not exceed 35% of your max health.

Kolto BombHeal 30m (long range)

Lobs a kolto bomb at the target area, exploding on impact. Heals up to 8 allies within 8 meters of the targeted area and leaves a pool of Kolto Pods on the ground, healing allies within it over 3 seconds.

Lobs a kolto bomb at the target area, exploding on impact. Heals up to 8 allies within 8 meters of the targeted area and leaves a pool of Kolto Pods on the ground, healing allies within it over 3 seconds.

Emergency Medical ProbeCombat Revive 30m (long range)

Summons a droid that revives an incapacitated ally. This ability is usable while in combat.

Your revive ability helps you bring a fallen group member back to life during combat. Only healer disciplines can revive during combat. You can only use your own combat revive on one of your team members once every five minutes.

Special MunitionsPassive

Reduces the pushback suffered while activating Charged Bolts, Grav Round, Concussive Round, Plasma Grenade, and Serrated Bolt by 75%.

Reduces the pushback suffered while activating Charged Bolts, Grav Round, Concussive Round, Plasma Grenade, and Serrated Bolt by 75%.

Reflexive ShieldOptional Passive Level 51 Option 1/3

When you take damage, the active cooldown of Reactive Shield is reduced by 3 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds. In addition, when taking damage, you have a 20% chance to emit an Energy Redoubt. which lasts up to 6 seconds and absorbs damage. This effect cannot occur more than once every 10 seconds.

When you take damage, the active cooldown of Reactive Shield is reduced by 3 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds. In addition, when taking damage, you have a 20% chance to emit an Energy Redoubt. which lasts up to 6 seconds and absorbs damage. This effect cannot occur more than once every 10 seconds.

Solo Single-Enemy Suggestion: Normally a healer should not be getting directly attacked but in solo situations you may want to take Reflective Shield for just that reason.

Solo Many-Enemy Suggestion: Normally a healer should not be getting directly attacked but in solo situations you may want to take Reflective Shield for just that reason.

Cell CapacitorOptional Passive Level 51 Option 2/3

Recharge Cells now immediately recharges 15 additional cells and grants 10% alacrity for 6 seconds.

Recharge Cells now immediately recharges 15 additional cells and grants 10% alacrity for 6 seconds.

Flashpoint Suggestion: More ammo to spend and more alacrity for faster heals is the best bonus a healer could get, but if you aren't running out of ammo Reflexive Shield will reduce the overall healing needed, so also consider that choice.

Operation Suggestion: More ammo to spend and more alacrity for faster heals is the best bonus a healer could get, but if you aren't running out of ammo Reflexive Shield will reduce the overall healing needed, so also consider that choice.

Tenacious DefenseOptional Passive Level 51 Option 3/3

Reduces the cooldown of Concussion Charge by 5 seconds and Tenacity by 30 seconds. In addition, the duration of Hold the Line is increased by 4 seconds.

Reduces the cooldown of Concussion Charge by 5 seconds and Tenacity by 30 seconds. In addition, the duration of Hold the Line is increased by 4 seconds.

Field TriagePassive

Activating Medical Probe grants a charge of Field Triage, which reduces the cost of your next Advanced Medical Probe by 5 energy cells. This effect can stack up to 3 charges.

Activating Medical Probe grants a charge of Field Triage, which reduces the cost of your next Advanced Medical Probe by 5 energy cells. This effect can stack up to 3 charges.

Tech OverrideBuff

Your next ability used within 15 seconds with an activation time will activate instantly and then grant immunity to pushback and interrupts for 6 seconds.

Your next ability used within 15 seconds with an activation time will activate instantly and then grant immunity to pushback and interrupts for 6 seconds.

Electro NetAttack Slow 30m (long range)

Fires an electro net that ensnares the target, reducing its movement speed by 50% and dealing energy damage over 9 seconds. While affected, a target that moves takes 20% more damage from electro net, and this effect can stack up to 10 times on enemy players or 5 times on any other target. Additionally, the electro net hinders the target, preventing the use of high mobility actions and escapes such as charges, vanishes, and speed boosts. Lasts 9 seconds.

Slows slow the enemy down, making it hard for them to run away.

Successive TreatmentHeal 30m (long range)

Heals a friendly target over the duration, and heals one new friendly target within 20 meters with each tick, healing up to four total targets with the final tick. 28 energy cells are used over the channel duration.

Heals a friendly target over the duration, and heals one new friendly target within 20 meters with each tick, healing up to four total targets with the final tick. 28 energy cells are used over the channel duration.

Emergency ResponsePassive

Eliminates the energy cell use by Bacta Infusion. In addition, activating Bacta Infusion grants Emergency Response, which makes your next Advanced Medical Probe activate instantly. Lasts 15 seconds.

Eliminates the energy cell use by Bacta Infusion. In addition, activating Bacta Infusion grants Emergency Response, which makes your next Advanced Medical Probe activate instantly. Lasts 15 seconds.

Forced MarchOptional Passive Level 64 Option 1/3

Allows Full Auto, Boltstorm, and Successive Treatment to be activated while moving.

Allows Full Auto, Boltstorm, and Successive Treatment to be activated while moving.

General Suggestion: This choice singlehandedly makes commandos much more mobile than they normally are, making it much easier to position correctly and stay safe while remaining effective. If you find yourself remaining pretty still or moving in short bursts where this choice is less useful, Adrenal Surge is a really good self-healing boost.

Combat ShieldOptional Passive Level 64 Option 2/3

Reactive Shield now further decreases ability activation pushback by 30%, increases all healing received by 20% and makes you immune to interrupts.

Reactive Shield now further decreases ability activation pushback by 30%, increases all healing received by 20% and makes you immune to interrupts.

Adrenal SurgeOptional Passive Level 64 Option 3/3

Adrenaline Rush triggers at, and can heal you up to, 60% of your maximum health. Additionally, Adrenaline Rush lasts 2 seconds longer and heals for twice as much each time it restores health.

Adrenaline Rush triggers at, and can heal you up to, 60% of your maximum health. Additionally, Adrenaline Rush lasts 2 seconds longer and heals for twice as much each time it restores health.

Extra RoundsPassive

Propulsion Round gets an additional charge.

Propulsion Round gets an additional charge.

Propulsion RoundOptional Movement Level 68 Option 1/3

Fire a specially compressed round, propelling you backward 20 meters and granting you immunity to controlling effects while propelled. In addition, you cannot be leapt to, pulled, and are immune to pushback and interrupts for 4 seconds. Taking melee or tech damage within those 4 seconds refreshes the cooldown on Propulsion Round. This effect can occur once every 40 seconds. Cannot be used while immobilized or hindered.

Fire a specially compressed round, propelling you backward 20 meters and granting you immunity to controlling effects while propelled. In addition, you cannot be leapt to, pulled, and are immune to pushback and interrupts for 4 seconds. Taking melee or tech damage within those 4 seconds refreshes the cooldown on Propulsion Round. This effect can occur once every 40 seconds. Cannot be used while immobilized or hindered.

Echoing DeterrenceOptional Defensive Level 68 Option 2/3

Activates a defensive response system that absorbs all incoming direct single target damage for the next 6 seconds, reflecting 50% of the absorbed damage back at the attacker and healing you for 5% of your maximum health each time an attack is absorbed. Can be used while stunned.

Activates a defensive response system that absorbs all incoming direct single target damage for the next 6 seconds, reflecting 50% of the absorbed damage back at the attacker and healing you for 5% of your maximum health each time an attack is absorbed. Can be used while stunned.

General Suggestion: This reflect ability also absorbs all damage and heals you, making it one of the best defensive cooldowns in the game. Keep this as default unless you find yourself really needing the movement of Propulsion Round or the 4 second stun from Cryo Grenade.

Cryo GrenadeOptional Stun 10m (short range) Level 68 Option 3/3

Hurls a cryo grenade that freezes the target, dealing energy damage and stunning it for 4 seconds.

You can use your short stun on weaker enemies to stop them from running around, from casting abilities, to stop them from damaging you, or just to keep them out of the fight in general.

Kolto ResiduePassive

Kolto Bomb leaves a residue on up to 8 enemies in its area of impact, reducing movement speed by 50% for 3 seconds. In addition, Advanced Medical Probe grants Invigorated to its target, increasing healing received by 3% for 45 seconds.

Kolto Bomb leaves a residue on up to 8 enemies in its area of impact, reducing movement speed by 50% for 3 seconds. In addition, Advanced Medical Probe grants Invigorated to its target, increasing healing received by 3% for 45 seconds.

Concussive ForceOptional Passive Level 73 Option 1/3

Explosive Round immobilizes the target for 4 seconds. Direct damage caused after 2 seconds ends the effect. This effect can only occur once every 8 seconds. In addition, Concussion Charge's knockback effect is stronger and pushes enemies 4 meters further away.

Explosive Round immobilizes the target for 4 seconds. Direct damage caused after 2 seconds ends the effect. This effect can only occur once every 8 seconds. In addition, Concussion Charge's knockback effect is stronger and pushes enemies 4 meters further away.

Parallactic Combat StimsOptional Passive Level 73 Option 2/3

You recharge 20 energy cells when stunned, immobilized, knocked down or otherwise incapacitated. Additionally, when this happens your next tech ability used within 15 seconds deals 10% more damage or healing.

You recharge 20 energy cells when stunned, immobilized, knocked down or otherwise incapacitated. Additionally, when this happens your next tech ability used within 15 seconds deals 10% more damage or healing.

Trauma StabilizersOptional Passive Level 73 Option 3/3

While Reactive Shield is active, you generate a stack of Trauma Stabilizers each time you receive direct damage. Stacks up to 10 times. When Reactive Shield expires, each stack of Trauma Stabilizers instantly heals you for 4% of your maximum health.

While Reactive Shield is active, you generate a stack of Trauma Stabilizers each time you receive direct damage. Stacks up to 10 times. When Reactive Shield expires, each stack of Trauma Stabilizers instantly heals you for 4% of your maximum health.

General Suggestion: This choice will keep you alive much longer in the toughest fights. Guaranteed to give the most benefit in any content!

Med BoostersPassive

Reduces the energy cells depleted by Kolto Bomb by 5, and increases the critical heal chance of Trauma Probe by 5%. Additionally, Med Shot regenerates 1 energy cell when it normally heals and 2 energy cells when it critically heals.

Reduces the energy cells depleted by Kolto Bomb by 5, and increases the critical heal chance of Trauma Probe by 5%. Additionally, Med Shot regenerates 1 energy cell when it normally heals and 2 energy cells when it critically heals.

Preventative MedicinePassive

Bacta Infusion applies Preventative Medicine to the target, healing over 9 seconds. Additionally, Successive Treatment grants the Protected effect to targets it heals, increasing their armor by 10% for 45 seconds.

Bacta Infusion applies Preventative Medicine to the target, healing over 9 seconds. Additionally, Successive Treatment grants the Protected effect to targets it heals, increasing their armor by 10% for 45 seconds.


  • At Level 15 you will get your first exclusive ability only the Combat Medic Commando has, it will be called Advanced Medical Probe.
  • At Level 23 you will get to choose a way to change how Advanced Medical Probe works from three different options. This is your first Ability Tree choice, and you can make it by pressing K on your keyboard and selecting an option from the Combat Medic Ability Tree on the right.
  • At Level 27 you will get your second choice between three options in your Ability Tree. These options may be useable abilities you can click, or they can be passive abilities which give you a boost to your existing abilities.
  • At Level 47 you will get your second exclusive ability only the Combat Medic Commando gets, it will be called Trauma Probe.
  • At Level 39 you will get to choose a way to change how Trauma Probe works from three different options in your Ability Tree.
  • At Level 47 and 60 you will get your last two exclusive abilities only the Combat Medic Commando has, Kolto Bomb and Successive Treatment.
  • At Level 73, you will get to make an important choice between three major abilities. This is a big choice all players need to make for their character.
  • At Level 43, 51, 64, 68 you will get to make additional choices for your Commando.
  • All of these Ability Tree choices are not permanent. You can change them any time you are not in combat and are not in a queue for Flashpoints, Operations or PvP.

Thank you...


Thank you to these players who have submitted cool screenshots of their Imperial Agent characters:

@saoirse_ie (Main Image & Operative), @MagSulDeruyter (Marksmanship), @MagSulDeruyter (Virulence), @kivurikardok (Operative), @Darth_Amarth (Medicine), @JacksonM95 (Engineering), @BeardMan_Roy (Sniper), @M3KON_ (Combat), @M3KON_ (Armor & Weapons), @loreleif, Swtorista (Concealment), Swtorista (Lethality), Swtorista (companions)

Thank you to these players who have submitted cool screenshots of their Trooper characters:

@Failtasmagoria (Main Image), @ravendas2_0 (blue armor red hair), Pathrik I think (aqua glow), @OurManOnEarth (Species), @agentcupholder (Gunnery), @phyreblade (Combat Medic), @agentcupholder (Story), @PanagiotisLial1 (Commando), @DBSaitre (Assault Specialist), @tomlewookie (Plasmatech), @Caelvin_Dulany (Vanguard), Swtorista (Shield Specialist), @tomlewookie (Armor & Weapons), @adsinmalgusland (Combat), @phyreblade (Companions)

Thank you to these players who have submitted cool screenshots of their Smuggler characters:

@AlexDGeslin (Gunslinger), @rebelrealcanon (Ruffian), @Kayeri (Scoundrel & Main Image), @adsinmalgusland (Story), @phyreblade (Sawbones), @Nathswtor (Saboteur), @PequeClonSW (Dirty Fighting), @MagSulDeruyter (Scrapper), @WardenVakarian (Species), @gh0uldude (Combat), @gh0uldude (Armor & Weapons), Swtorista (Sharpshooter), @MagSulDeruyter (Nar Shaddaa), Swtorista (Companions)

Thank you to these players who have submitted cool screenshots of their Bounty Hunter characters:

@M3KON_ (Main Image), @adsinmalgusland (Species), @ShintarCommando (Advanced Prototype), @rebelrealcanon (Combat), @Kayeri (Powertech), @DHGamerMR (Armor & Weapons), @JamieD1138 (Innovative Ordnance), @phyreblade (Bodyguard), @SkyKard (Shield Tech), @GatoHacker (Story),  @Nyethux (Purotech), Swtorista (Arsenal), Swtorista (Mercenary), Swtorista (Companions)

Thank you to these players who helped look over the summaries for their favorite tech disciplines:

@Eksys, @ASadiablo, @CT7056, PatrikOfHavoc, Daghdha, Aflixion Starr, @TodayinTor, @DumaarShay, @BinaryNine, @Duccisan, @gh0uldude, @Kagetheorc, @Encurez, @zer0_pe,

Thank you to Zahk for writing the initial round of 5-button rotations, Merlyn for providing first-look feedback, and Mark Biggs for giving a final lookover of the rotations.

  And finally thank you to Zahk who helped type up all the 1,000+ abilities in the game for each class so we could make the summaries and the basic class guides for each discipline, and helped with testing and formatting for this page!

Learn Your Class
Combat StyleDisciplineRoleDisciplineCombat Style
SentinelWatchman DOT DamageAnnihilationMarauder
Combat Burst DamageCarnage
Concentration Burst DamageFury
Vigilance DOT (AOE) DamageVengeance
Focus Burst DamageRage
ShadowKinetic CombatTankDarkness
Infiltration Burst DamageDeception
Serenity DOT DamageHatred
SageSeer HealerCorruptionSorcerer
Telekinetics Burst DamageLightning
Balance DOT DamageMadness
VanguardShield SpecialistTankShield
Plasmatech DOT DamagePyrotech
Burst DamageAdvanced Prototype
CommandoCombat Medic HealerBodyguardMercenary
Gunnery Burst DamageArsenal
Assault Specialist DOT DamageInnovative Ordnance
ScoundrelSawbones HealerMedicineOperative
Scrapper Burst DamageConcealment
Ruffian DOT DamageLethality
GunslingerSharpshooter Burst DamageMarksmanshipSniper
Saboteur DOT DamageEngineering
Dirty Fighting DOT DamageVirulence
Learn Your Mirror
Combat StyleDisciplineRoleDisciplineCombat Style
VanguardShield SpecialistTankShield
Plasmatech DamagePyrotech
DamageAdvanced Prototype
CommandoCombat Medic HealerBodyguardMercenary
Gunnery DamageArsenal
Assault Specialist DamageInnovative Ordnance
ScoundrelSawbones HealerMedicineOperative
Scrapper DamageConcealment
Ruffian DamageLethality
GunslingerSharpshooter DamageMarksmanshipSniper
Saboteur DamageEngineering
Dirty Fighting DamageVirulence
SentinelWatchman DamageAnnihilationMarauder
Combat DamageCarnage
Concentration DamageFury
Vigilance DamageVengeance
Focus DamageRage
ShadowKinetic CombatTankDarkness
Infiltration DamageDeception
Serenity DamageHatred
SageSeer HealerCorruptionSorcerer
Telekinetics DamageLightning
Balance DamageMadness