SWTOR Swoop Event Guide

The All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally, better known as the “Swoop Event”, is a limited-time event running in Star Wars: The Old Republic based on swoop racing, a mini-game that was first introduced in the Knights of the Old Republic game. Players have been asking for swoop racing to be in the Old Republic for a long time, but the limitations of the game’s engine have been a challenge for the developers, and this event won’t be bringing full speed swoop racing or player-vs-player races – but it is a fun minigame you can try out as early as level 20 as long as you have your ship. Your level doesn’t matter, so if the event is running, jump in on the fun. If you’re under level 80, it gives you a ton of levelling xp very quickly.

Video Guide:


How to Start the Swoop Event

To start the swoop event, go to the Republic or Imperial fleet and look for the giant colorful floating block and right click it to start the introductory cutscene. If you use your Fleet Pass ability to get to the fleet, it will be located just down the stairs from where you load in. Once you complete the cutscene, open the galaxy map located near your minimap and fly directly to Dantooine. Once there, you’ll follow the green “The all Worlds Swoop Rally” until you eventually reach Zella, who will introduce you to swoop racing. You’ll talk to her, say hi to each of the three swoop team captains, talk to Zella again, and then walk over to the three terminals nearby, which will light up once you get close, completing the intro quest.

Swoop Race Missions

Once you’ve spoken to all the different swoop characters, you can pick up the swoop racing missions.

Daily Missions

Each of the three terminals represents a different team, and you can choose which planet you want to run next for that team. To start off, pick up a Dantooine quest from any of the three terminals. There’s a total of nine quests you can do per day, but you can only pick up one quest per planet at a time. Each team has different objectives, but runs on the same track, and there’s currently three different tracks which located on Dantooine, Tatooine and Onderon. The Blatant Bek missions focus on setting off fireworks and blowing up canisters, the Pit Screamers focus on doing tricks, and the Horizon Razors focus on capturing speed boosts. Each of the nine daily swoop racing missions reward you with credits, xp, a medium blue reputation item for that team, and 15 reward tokens for the team the mission is tied to. Once picked up, each mission also has a quick-travel button near the quest panel that will allow you to teleport directly to where the swoop race starts on the different planets – so when you are ready to start the next planet, you don’t need to waste time flying there on your ship.

  • [DAILY] Blatant Beks: Dantooine Course
  • [DAILY] Blatant Beks: Tatooine Course
  • [DAILY] Blatant Beks: Onderon Course
  • [DAILY] Horizon Razors: Dantooine Course
  • [DAILY] Horizon Razors: Tatooine Course
  • [DAILY] Horizon Razors: Onderon Course
  • [DAILY] Pit Screamers: Dantooine Course
  • [DAILY] Pit Screamers: Tatooine Course
  • [DAILY] Pit Screamers: Onderon Course

Weekly Missions

There’s a second terminal on the swoop bikes platform that has weekly quests for each team and a general weekly quest which becomes available after you complete the intro quest. The team weeklies reward you with with credits, xp, a purple reputation item, and 100 reward tokens, and require that you run that team’s course three times, which lines up with doing their course once on each planet. The fourth quest on this terminal, called ‘Swoop Rally Champion’, requires that run a total of any 6 courses, and rewards you with credits, xp, and a large purple reputation items for a team of your choice You can easily complete each of the courses on each planet in one play session, so make sure to pick up all the daily and weekly quests available BEFORE you get on your swoop bike. While you can only complete these quests once per day or per week per character, you can also hop on to a second character or third character and run them again, you just need to spacebar through the introductory cutscenes again for each character.

  • [WEEKLY] Blatant Beks Courses
  • [WEEKLY] Horizon Razors Courses
  • [WEEKLY] Pit Screamers Courses
  • [WEEKLY] Swoop Rally Champion


Reputation is a way of gaining favor with different groups by completing quests for them. As you level up your reputation rank, more rewards for that reputation track become available.

By using multiple characters, you won’t be limited to how many races you run, or to how many tokens you earn, but you will still be gated by how many reputation points you can earn – you can only earn a hard limit of about 17,500 reputation points for each faction in a week. This time-gating mechanism means you’ll only be able to earn up to the Friend rank the first time you run the event, by running all nine tracks with the weeklies across about 3 characters if you’re a subscriber, or double that if you’re preferred or free-to-play. If you earn over 17,500 reputation points in a week, then keep doing reputation quests and completing swoop races, instead of getting more reputation points, you’ll get reputation items which can be consumed from your inventory in future weeks, so if you get any of these, just hold on to them until the weekly timer resets.

If you only have a short amount of time to play, I recommend playing all nine tracks on one character which takes 20-30 minute for an average player. If you have more time, I recommend running the event on a total of 3 characters total during the week-long event, to reach the Friend rank and unlock more rewards. If you have a lot of time, run it on 4 characters… but once you have reached the 17,500 reputation point limit, take a break from running the event, as you won’t be using your time very efficiently since you won’t be earning reputation points – you can get tokens fairly easily in comparison to the reputation ranks.

You can see your reputation by pressing “Y” on your keyboard or hover over the symbol of a person on the menu. The swoop event reputation is split up between the three swoop teams, each with their own track and rewards. You can hover over the team’s name in the list to see how close you are to the next rank, and how many reputation points you have left remaining that you can earn during this week.

  • Outsider – 0 Reputation
  • Newcomer – 0/5,000 Reputation (5,000 total points needed)
  • Friend – 0/7,500 Reputation (12,500 total points needed)
  • Hero – 0/10,000 Reputation (22,500 total points needed)
  • Champion – 0/20,000 Reputation (untested) (42,500 total points needed)
  • Legend – 0/30,000 Reputation (untested) (72,500 total points needed)

You get blue reputation items from the dailies, and purple reputation items from the weeklies.

  • Blue Reputation Token – 828 points (free-to-play/preferred only 414 points)
  • Purple Reputation Token – 1656 points (free-to-play/preferred only 828 points)

Additional Swoop Story Quests

When you reach the Newcomer rank for each swoop gang, a new short story quest will become available. To do the quest, you must ave first completed the introductory quest on that character. If you have the Newcmer rank, an additional quest marker will show up over the three gang leader’s characters. One will send you to Mek-Sha and Tatooine, the other to Alderaan, and the last will have you speak to other characters on Dantooine. These little side quests reward you with credits, xp, a green reputation item for that faction and 20 reward tokens for that faction. These quests seem to be one-time only, and there is no new quests at the Friend rank. There may be additional story quests at later ranks, but we will not know until the next swoop event!

How to Swoop Race

Once you’ve picked up all your daily and weekly missions, walk over to the swoop bike platform and right click the glowing blue bike. When you first hop on the bike will be very slow as you have not started the race yet.

The swoop bike moves automatically, so you do not need to use WASD or to hold the mouse button down to move forward like you do in the normal game. To steer, hold down your right mouse button and drag your mouse so your swoop bike is aimed in the direction you want to go. You do not need to continuously aim your mouse, or hold down any mouse buttons, except to change directions. To look around without changing directions, hold down your left mouse button and drag your mouse in the direction you want to look. In addition to these simple movement effects, you also have swoop bike abilities. If you are finding the bike is moving too fast, you can press the 2 key to put it in to slow gear – so if your bike is suddenly going slow and you’re not sure why, make sure the second ability is not lit up. Your 1 key will give you a temporary speed boost, and you can spam the 1 key once every 8 seconds to boost your speed. The zero key ability will dismount you from the bike and end the race. Your other abilities will change depending on what swoop team you are currently racing for.

What it looks like when the bike in slower mode – there is a blue dot under the second ability. Press 2 to turn this off.

Blatant Bek Courses

The Blatant Beks are impressed by blowing things up. You’ll have two main objectives on their course – use the 3 key to aim your explosives at the flammable red canisters around the course, and your 4 key to explode any fireworks displays around the course. To destroy the targets, when you see a pile of red barrels with a red arrow over it, press your 3 key, then use your mouse to aim on the red barrels, then left click the launch the explosives. You do not have to be extremely accurate and hit the canisters perfectly with the green circle, but you can miss entirely if you don’t aim well. Your range for the explosives is also really far, so you can hit targets far ahead on the track or you can hit targets above or below you without having to move your bike over to them. For the fireworks, anytime you see the orange circle indicating fireworks, usually near the stands of adoring fans, press the 4 key to ignite them. You don’t even need to see them as far as I can tell, just be within range of one to set it off, so you can spend your time focusing on maneuvering and hitting the targets, and sometimes even hit fireworks after you’ve already passed them. Another thing to know is that you do not need to hit EVERY red explosive barrel and firework. Each course has a set number you need to hit to complete the course and it’s usually far fewer than the total available on the track. There’s also a bonus to hit most of the red canisters, but you only get extra credits and xp for doing that. If you’re struggling to hit the required number of canisters and fireworks before you reach the finish line, you can actually go backwards in the race and find some to explode, as they will re-spawn over time. If you’re feeling like you especially don’t want to try and track down things to set on fire, you can just sit at a firework and canisters and wait for it to re-spawn after you ignite it. You technically don’t even have to wait for it to re-spawn and can continue aiming your explosives at the already burnt out canister pile. Remember that you do not need to finish the race under the time limit to complete it – you just need to destroy enough red canisters and fireworks!




  • Complete the Course
  • Destroy Targets 0/8
  • Activate Firework Platforms 0/5
  • Bonus: Explode the Targets 0/14 (not required, 6 extra targets)


  • Complete the Course
  • Destroy Targets 0/6
  • Activate firework Platforms 0/5
  • Bonus: Explode the Targets 0/12 (not required, 6 extra targets)


  • Complete the Course
  • Destroy Targets 0/8
  • Activate firework Platforms 0/5
  • Bonus: Explode the Targets 0/15 (not required, 7 extra targets)

Horizon Razors Courses

The Horizon Razors are impressed by speed-based racing. On the Horizon Razor’s track, you’ll have two objectives – collect orbs and hit speed boosts. The speed boosts are green rectangles on the ground, you just need to drive over them. The speed orbs are floating blue electric orbs, and you fly in to them to collect them. The speed boosts are really simple, there’s tons of them all over the track, and you don’t need to try and get them all. The turbo orbs are more interesting. To complete the course, you just need to collect a certain amount of them, without worrying about what they do. But if you enjoy going fast, every time you collect three orbs, you can use your 3 key to gain an extra speed boost. The trick is that you can’t just collect three orbs and use it – instead, when you collect an orb, a 5 second timer is started, which you can see in your ability buffs as a small red orb icon near your characters portrait, ticking down over time. When it runs out of time, the buff will disappear, and it will be as if you never picked up an orb for the speed boost. However, if you pick up a second orb within another five seconds, then a third orb five seconds after that, you can then use your 3 key speed boost within the next three seconds. You can see how close the timer is to running out by how far down the line moving across the buff is, and you can also see how many orbs you have collected by the tiny number on the buff. When you see you have three orbs, press 3 for an extra speed boost, and don’t forget to use your free 1 key speed boost the rest of the time! While there aren’t any points for going on the big jumps, many of the orbs are hidden at the top of the jumps and you get extra credits and xp if you complete the bonus mission to collect extra orbs. Much like the other courses, the time in which you finish the course does not count towards completion – so if you didn’t collect enough orbs by the time you get close to the finish line, turn your speeder around and go hunt a few more down before completing the race!





  • Complete the Course
  • Hit Speed Boosts 0/8
  • Collect Turbo Orbs 0/12
  • Bonus: Collect Turbo Orbs 0/10 (not required, will naturally be completed by completing main objectives)


  • Complete the Course
  • Hit Speed Boosts 0/12
  • Collect Turbo Orbs 0/12
  • Bonus: Collect Turbo Orbs 0/20 (not required, 8 extra orbs)


  • Complete the Course
  • Hit Speed Boosts 0/10
  • Collect Turbo Orbs 0/12
  • Bonus: Collect Turbo Orbs 0/18 (not required, 6 extra orbs)

Pit Screamers Courses

The Pit Screamers are impressed by tricks. On their course, you’ll want to go through hoops, go on the big jumps, and do a flair trick near the audiences in the stands. The hoops are easy – go through them when you see them, and there’s way more on the track than you need to complete the course. If you go through almost all of them, you’ll complete the bonus quest which gives you extra xp and credits. The jumps you should find pretty naturally along the race – although they are not marked in any specific way like the other objectives, you should be able to find them by looking for giant ramps pointing upwards along the main race track. Lastly, when you see audiences in the stand, press the 3 key. This will activate your flair and you’ll show off for the audience. The audiences have an orange circle floating over them much like the fireworks do in the other courses, but the circle tends to blend in sometimes so just look for the actual stands and use your flair, you just need to be nearby and you don’t need to be facing the audience at all. If you don’t manage to find enough jumps, audiences or hoops by the time you get close to the finish line, just like the other courses, you can turn around and go find some before you pass the finish line to complete the course.

Turbo orb

Speed boost


  • Complete the Course
  • Complete Major Jumps 0/5
  • Pass Through Hoops 0/20
  • Use Flair Near Stands 0/3
  • Bonus: Pass Through Hoops 0/25 (not required, 5 extra hoops, so you must go in almost all the hoops on the track)


  • Complete the Course
  • Complete Major Jumps 0/4
  • Pass Through Hoops 0/20
  • Use Flair Near Stands 0/3
  • Bonus: Pass Through Hoops 0/25 (not required, 5 extra hoops, so you must go in almost all the hoops on the track)


  • Complete the Course
  • Complete Major Jumps 0/5
  • Pass Through Hoops 0/18
  • Use Flair Near Stands 0/3
  • Bonus: Pass Through Hoops 0/24 (not required, 6 extra hoops, so you must go in almost all the hoops on the track)

Timer Bonus

Each course also comes with a bonus mission to perform it under a certain amount of time. If you complete the course in roughly under 2 minutes, you’ll get extra xp and credits, but you won’t fail the course if you take longer than the timer suggests.

Dantooine Course

While on Dantooine, you’ll need to watch out for the mines left behind by the Nova Blade pirates which will throw you in to the air.

Tatooine Course

While on Tatooine, you’ll need to watch out for the swirling sandstorms which will slow you down.

Onderon Course

While on Onderon, you’ll need to watch out for the spike traps hidden on the ground which will stop your swoop bike.

Failing a Course

The swoop races are actually extremely friendly – beating the timer is not necessary to get the main rewards, you can go backwards, you don’t need to use every target, and you technically don’t even need to use the keyboard if you don’t want to. The only way to fail the race is the dismount by pressing the zero key on purpose or by accident, to go wayyyyyyy off the track and be kicked out of the race, to be knocked off your speeder by an enemy, or to not complete the required objectives. There is no fail state for going too slow – so if you didn’t get enough objectives you can always spend more time collecting them before completing the race!


There’s also some fun achievements tied to the swoop event. None of the achievements have any reward at all. You can see your achievements by pressing “Y” on your keyboard or hover over the symbol of a person on the menu, to open the legacy panel. The swoop achievements are in the Events achievements, under “The All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally” section.

Perfection Achievement

For players who want a greater challenge beyond what’s offered in the course quests and bonus quests, this is the perfection achievement. There’s a perfect achievement for each of the 9 courses, and obtaining perfection is a bit different for each swoop group. To gain perfection for a course, you need to run it under the bonus time limit, while not hitting any of the obstacles including the mines on Dantooine, the sandstorms on Tatooine, or the spike traps on Onderon. If you’re running for the Blatant Beks, you will also need to set off every explosion in the entire course, in addition to setting off the fireworks needed for the race. If you’re running for the Horizon Razors, you’ll need to collect every orb, which is quite tricky as they are spread out.

UPDATE: The Perfection achievement may have been fixed.

  • Run the course on Dantooine for the Blatant Beks under the bonus time limit, while setting off every explosion and not hitting any obstacle.
  • Run the course on Onderon for the Blatant Beks under the bonus time limit, while setting off every explosion and not hitting any obstacle.
  • Run the course on Tatooine for the Blatant Beks under the bonus time limit, while setting off every explosion and not hitting any obstacle.
  • Run the course on Dantooine for the Horizon’s Razors under the bonus time limit, while collecting every orb and not hitting any obstacle.
  • Run the course on Onderon for the Horizon’s Razors under the bonus time limit, while collecting every orb and not hitting any obstacle.
  • Run the course on Tatooine for the Horizon’s Razors under the bonus time limit, while collecting every orb and not hitting any obstacle.
  • Run the course on Dantooine for the Pit Screamers under the bonus time limit, while going through every hoop and not hitting any obstacle.
  • Run the course on Onderon for the Pit Screamers under the bonus time limit, while going through every hoop and not hitting any obstacle.
  • Run the course on Tatooine for the Pit Screamers under the bonus time limit, while going through every hoop and not hitting any obstacle.

For this achievement, I found the Pit Screamers achievements quite easy, but I’m having trouble finding all the orbs and the explosives for the other two groups and I haven’t completed them on all planets yet.

Here’s a tip from another player!

[deleted by user]
by inswtor

Perfect Idiot Achievement

If you like the opposite of running the course perfectly, there’s also a hidden achievement for hitting every obstacles on each of the courses:

  • Hit all the mines on a Dantooine race
  • Hit all the sandstorms on a Tatooine race
  • Hit all the spike traps on an Onderon race

This one is surprisingly difficult to find them all but very fun!

Sorry, Sarlacc Achievement

There’s a fun hidden achievement for jumping over the Sarlacc pit on a racing swoop bike. Pick up a course quest, hop on one of the glowing blue bikes, and instead of heading to the start line go the opposite way behind the swoop bike platform and there is a giant sarlacc put nearby. You can use the ramp to jump over the Sarlacc for the achievement! There’s also a separate, old achievement for jumping into the Sarlacc Pit you can pick up if you haven’t already.

Run ____ Times Achievements

A majority of the achievements are just related to running the different courses with the different factions so many times. The biggest achievements for those are to run each group’s course on each planet 200 times for a total of 1,800 swoop runs, or doing the full set of quests 200 different days / characters. Note there is not rewards for this.

Story Achievements

There are achievements related are related to completing the story. I believe there may be some achievements tied to the story which are hidden by default.

Hidden Achievements?

If you carefully count the achievement points available in the achievement panel, you may notice they do not perfectly add up, even if you add the known hidden achievements Perfect Idiot and Sorry Sarlacc. These are very likely relayed to future story content that is locked behind the higher reputation ranks.

Swoop Event Rewards

You earn tokens and reputation from running swoop races, which you can then spend at the vendors on the platform where the swoop bikes are located on Dantooine. You also receive a few titles from your reputation rank.

There is also swoop vendors located on the fleet. They are spread out around the inner circle of the fleet.

UPDATE: The vendors are now available after the event ends as well, in the Cartel Bazaar section of the Fleet. This will be the Northern Elevator Republic side, or Southern Elevator Imperial side.


  • Friend (unlock new Title: Demolitionist – Blatant Beks Friend Rank
  • Legend (unlock new Title: Explosive Personality – Blatant Beks Legend Rank
  • Friend (unlock new Title: The Fast – Horizon’s Razor Friend Rank
  • Legend (unlock new Title: Speed Demon – Horizon’s Razor Legend Rank
  • Friend (unlock new Title: High Flier – Pit Screamers Friend Rank
  • Legend (unlock new Title: Daredevil – Pit Screamers Legend Rank


Pit Screamers Standard Mount Friend 150 Pit Screamers Mount

Horizon’s Razor Standard Mount Friend 150 Horizon Razors Mount

Blatant Bek Standard Mount Friend 150 Blatant Beks Mount

Lit Candle Legend 350 Blatant Beks Mount

Screaming Demon Legend 350 Pit Screamers Mount

The Blade Legend 350 Horizon Razors Mount


Banner: Blatant Bek (Hanging) Friend 40 Blatant Beks Decoration medium hanging banner

Banner: Pit Screamers (Hanging) Friend 40 Pit Screamers Decoration medium hanging banner

Banner: Horizon’s Razor (Hanging) Friend 40 Horizon Razors Decoration medium hanging banner

Pit Screamers Fan Poster Newcomer 20 Pit Screamers Decoration poster in frame medium hook

Blatant Bek Fan Poster Newcomer 20 Blatant Beks Decoration poster in frame medium hook

Horizon’s Razor Fan Poster Newcomer 20 Horizon Razors Decoration poster in frame medium hook

Swoop Hype Poster II (Imperial) None 25 Any Swoop Gang Decoration, tiny poster, only can be bought on Imperial side

Swoop Hype Poster I (Imperial) None 25 Any Swoop Gang Decoration, tiny poster with Darth Malgus, only can be bought on Imperial side

Swoop Hype Poster II (Republic) None 25 Any Swoop Gang Decoration, tiny poster, only can be bought on Republic side

Swoop Hype Poster I (Republic) None 25 Any Swoop Gang Decoration, tiny poster with Tau Idair, only can be bought on Republic side

Banner: Horizon’s Razor (Standing) Hero 30 Blatant Beks Decoration standing banner

Banner: Blatant Bek (Hanging) Friend 40 Blatant Beks Decoration medium hanging banner

Banner: Pit Screamers (Standing) Hero 30 Pit Screamers Decoration standing banner

Swoop Rally Hoop Champion 80 Horizon Razors Decoration, hoop

Swoop Rally Small Ramp Champion 80 Pit Screamers Decoration, ramp

Swoop Rally Course Flag Champion 80 Blatant Beks Decoration, unique flag


Pit Racer’s Armor

270 Tokens, Newcomer – Champion Rank

Horizon Razor’s Armor

270 Tokens, Newcomer – Champion Rank

Blatant Bek’s Armor

270 Tokens, Newcomer – Champion Rank


Hero Rank – 125 Tokens each


The tactical rewards, available at Legend and Champion, are fun tactical items that you equip, and then give you a special effect while driving your normal speeder (not while swoop racing). You can only have one equipped at a time and they do not offer any combat advantage.

Screamer’s Introductory Flair

Champion – 300 – Pit Screamers – Tactical Item, no effect just looks cool, when you mount up on your normal speeder, green sparkles appear around your speeder and you kick your feet in the air

Bek’s Pre-Boom Precautions

Champion – 300 – Blatant Beks – Tactical Item, when you mount up on your normal speeder, a little droid appears and scans you with a blue light. You get a 5-second buff that says it absorbs incoming damage while mounted.

I’m not sure exactly what it does, but the datamined content says this about it:

Razor’s Kickstart

Champion – 300 – Horizon Razors – Tactical Item, when you mount up you go super fast for about two seconds, you can mount and dismount to take advantage of it and move really fast across the map if you have the mount while moving legacy perk!

Razor’s Forward Momentum

Legend – 300 – Horizon Razors – Tactical Item,  when you dismount up on your normal speeder, a wave of energy is pushed out around your speeder, and knocks back nearby standard enemies

Screamer’s Finishing Pose

Legend – 300 – Pit Screamers – Tactical Item, no effect just looks cool, when you dismount up on your normal speeder, red smoke appears around your character and your character beats their chest

Bek’s Dismount Flourish

Legend – 300 – Blatant Beks – Tactical Item, when you dismount on your normal speeder, you are blasted in to the air

Rewards List

Swoop Hype Poster II (Republic)None25Any Swoop GangDecoration, tiny poster, only can be bought on Republic side
Swoop Hype Poster II (Imperial)None25Any Swoop GangDecoration, tiny poster, only can be bought on Imperial side
Swoop Hype Poster I (Republic)None25Any Swoop GangDecoration, tiny poster with Tau Idair, only can be bought on Republic side
Swoop Hype Poster I (Imperial)None25Any Swoop GangDecoration, tiny poster with Darth Malgus, only can be bought on Imperial side
Blatant Bek Fan PosterNewcomer20Blatant BeksDecoration poster in frame medium hook
Pit Screamers Fan PosterNewcomer20Pit ScreamersDecoration poster in frame medium hook
Horizon's Razor Fan PosterNewcomer20Horizon RazorsDecoration poster in frame medium hook
Pit Screamer's BracersNewcomer25Pit ScreamersArmor Set
Pit Screamer's BeltNewcomer25Pit ScreamersArmor Set
Horizon's Razor's BracersNewcomer25Horizon RazorsArmor Set
Horizon's Razor's BeltNewcomer25Horizon RazorsArmor Set
Blatant Bek's BracersNewcomer25Blatant BeksArmor Set
Blatant Bek's BeltNewcomer25Blatant BeksArmor Set
Pit Screamers Standard MountFriend150Pit ScreamersMount
Horizon's Razor Standard MountFriend150Horizon RazorsMount
Blatant Bek Standard MountFriend150Blatant BeksMount
Pit Screamer's GreavesFriend40Pit ScreamersArmor Set
Pit Screamer's GauntletsFriend40Pit ScreamersArmor Set
Horizon's Razor's GreavesFriend40Horizon RazorsArmor Set
Horizon's Razor's GauntletsFriend40Horizon RazorsArmor Set
Blatant Bek's GreavesFriend40Blatant BeksArmor Set
Blatant Bek's GauntletsFriend40Blatant BeksArmor Set
Banner: Pit Screamers (Hanging)Friend40Pit ScreamersDecoration medium hanging banner
Banner: Horizon's Razor (Hanging)Friend40Horizon RazorsDecoration medium hanging banner
Banner: Blatant Bek (Hanging)Friend40Blatant BeksDecoration medium hanging banner
Banner: Pit Screamers (Standing)Hero30Pit ScreamersDecoration standing banner
Banner: Blatant Beks (Standing)Hero30Blatant BeksDecoration standing banner
Banner: Horizon's Razor (Standing)Hero30Horizon RazorsDecoration standing banner
Razor Support DroidHero125Horizon RazorsPet we don't know what it looks like
Bek Support DroidHero125Blatant BeksPet we don't know what it looks like
Screamer Support DroidHero125Pit ScreamersPet we don't know what it looks like
Pit Screamer's BootsHero40Pit ScreamersArmor Set
Pit Screamer's HelmetHero40Pit ScreamersArmor Set
Blatant Bek's HelmetHero40Blatant BeksArmor Set
Blatant Bek's BootsHero40Blatant BeksArmor Set
Horizon's Razor's BootsHero40Horizon RazorsArmor Set
Horizon's Razor's HelmetHero40Horizon RazorsArmor Set
Swoop Rally Small RampChampion80Pit ScreamersDecoration, ramp
Swoop Rally HoopChampion80Horizon RazorsDecoration, hoop
Swoop Rally Course FlagChampion80Blatant BeksDecoration, unique flag
Screamer's Introductory FlairChampion300Pit ScreamersTactical Item to look cool when you swoop race (no tactical advantage)
Bek's Pre-Boom PrecautionsChampion300Blatant BeksTactical Item to look cool when you swoop race (no tactical advantage)
Razor's KickstartChampion300Horizon RazorsTactical Item to look cool when you swoop race (no tactical advantage)
Razor's Forward MomentumLegend300Horizon RazorsTactical Item to look cool when you swoop race (no tactical advantage)
Screamer's Finishing PoseLegend300Pit ScreamersTactical Item to look cool when you swoop race (no tactical advantage)
Bek's Dismount FlourishLegend300Blatant BeksTactical Item to look cool when you swoop race (no tactical advantage)
Screaming DemonLegend350Pit ScreamersMount
The BladeLegend350Horizon RazorsMount
Lit CandleLegend350Blatant BeksMount
Blatant Bek's ChestplateChampion60Blatant BeksArmor Set
Pit Screamer's ChestplateChampion60Pit ScreamersArmor Set
Horizon's Razor's ChestplateChampion60Horizon RazorsArmor Set