SWTOR Ruhnuk Daily Guide

The Ruhnuk Daily Area is a set of quests on Ruhnuk you can repeat to earn Reputation and desert and mining themed rewards.

 Thank you player Zahk for all your help on this guide to make it easier for other players to find the quest objectives!

How to Start

To start the Ruhnuk dailies, which will earn you Ruhnuk Reputation, your character needs to be fully caught up with the story including the Onslaught expansion and the Legacy of the Sith expansion, and have fully completed the Ruhnuk storyline called Showdown on Ruhnuk.   Story Order Guide

Once you have finished the main story on Ruhnuk, you will then automatically be given a quest called “Showdown’s Wake.” You can do the dailies at the same time as this story quest.

To pick up the daily and weekly quests once you have them unlocked, go to the Ruhnuk Mission Board terminal which is glowing blue. When you fly to the planet, it will be a few steps away from where you land in the tunnels. If you didn’t just fly in, you can find it in the Deserted Factory map – the “Deserted Tunnels” quicktravel will put you closeby, though you won’t be able to see the quest marker until you run to the west a bit.

I highly recommend you also go down the elevator that is a few steps away down to “Mandalore’s Encampment”, and pick up the Relic Hunt missions down the elevator. You can find these slightly-hidden missions on a Communications Datapad on a table in the room down the elevator. It has a quest marker, but the datapad is quite small so it might be hard to click.

I recommend picking them up early as the first step involves defeating a lot of Mandalorians, which you’ll naturally do a you run your dailies… but the rest of this one-time quest can be quite tricky and is part of a treasure hunt, so don’t worry about it until you’re ready to go hunting for secrets!


Reputation is a way of gaining favor with different groups by completing quests for them. As you level up your reputation rank, more rewards for that reputation track become available. Reputation is shared by all your characters on your server, so it’s legacy-wide.

By using multiple characters, you won’t be limited to how many Ruhnuk quests you run, but you will still be gated by how many reputation points you can earn – you can only earn a hard limit of 12,000 reputation points per week.


As you run dailies and other Ruhnuk quests, you’ll rank up your reputation, and each rank unlocks new rewards from the Ruhnuk Reputation vendor near the quest terminal.

  • None – 0 Reputation
  • Outsider – 0/2,500 Reputation (2,500 total points needed)
  • Newcomer – 0/5,000 Reputation (7,500 total points needed)
  • Friend – 0/7,500 Reputation (15,000 total points needed)
  • Hero – 0/???  Reputation (??? total points needed)
  • Champion – 0/15,000 Reputation (??? total points needed)
  • Legend – 0/??? Reputation (??? total points needed)


Each type of token from questing gives you a different amount of Reputation, and it also changes based on what various boosts you have and whether you are subscribed or not:

  • Tiny Green (Ruhnuk Claw Trophy): 75 Reputation (as a subscriber), dropped from enemies
  •  Small Green (Ruhnuk Claw Trophy): ___ Reputation (as a subscriber)
  • Medium Green (Ruhnuk Horn Trophy): 270 Reputation (as a subscriber)
  • Large Blue (Ruhnuk Hide Trophy): 750 Reputation (as a subscriber)
  • Very Large Purple (Ruhnuk Skull Trophy): 1875 Reputation (as a subscriber)

Earning Reputation

  • The Weekly “Daily Area” quest asks you to complete any 6 Ruhnuk dailies and gives you a purple reputation item.
  • The Weekly “Heroic” quests asks you to complete any 3 Ruhnuk Heroics and gives you a blue reputation item.
  • The Weekly “World boss” quests asks you to defeat the worldboss Kithrawl and gives you a blue reputation item.
  • The Daily “Patrol” quests asks you to complete any 5 Ruhnuk dailies and gives you a blue reputation item.
  • The HEROIC 4 quest gives you a blue reputation item.
  • The rest of your reputation you’ll earn just from completing the Ruhnuk quests, or occasionally an even smaller type of token is dropped from enemies as a bonus.


Need more information about the Ruhnuk daily quests? Scroll down!

  • [DAILY] Ani Ara’novor
  • [DAILY] One Mando’s Trash…
  • [DAILY] Patrol: Ruhnuk
  • [DAILY] Proving Our Strength
  • [DAILY] Ruhnuk Rarebit
  • [DAILY] Snapping the Chain
  • [DAILY] Unconventional Methods
  • [DAILY] What’s in the Works?
  • [HEROIC 2+] The Strongest Links
  • [HEROIC 2+] Weak Links
  • [HEROIC 4] Natural Resources
  • [WEEKLY] Daily Area: Ruhnuk
  • [WEEKLY] Ruhnuk: Blaze of Glory (World Boss)

[DAILY] Ani Ara’novor

Reward: Ruhnuk Horn Trophy Reputation Item

Stage 1

  • This Daily is pretty straightforward but has three stages, simply go to the Quarry map of Ruhnuk and right-click the small control panels on the excavation vehicles to start.
  • The actual excavator vehicles have their panels on the sides (pictured above), and will need to be jumped to.
  • The shorter, wider load-bearing vehicles can also be sabotaged, and have their panels located on the back (pictured below).

Stage 2:

  • Once you’ve sabotaged six vehicles, you must steal a crate of mining explosives.
  • These are located at the northern valley of the quarry by the big storage units.

Stage 3:

  • The third stage is located in an entirely different area of Ruhnuk, so you can take a taxi (or quicktravel) to the Dilapidated Waterworks.
  • Enter the waterworks by heading south into the tunnel.
  • For those players who have completed Relic Hunt, you may use a Jump Pad at the Dilapidated Waterworks taxi location to jump up into the Waterworks faster.
  • Once inside, plant the explosives on any glowing blue pipe at the bottom of the big open area on the north end of the waterworks. (This is where the Jump Pad takes you right away.)

[DAILY] One Mando’s Trash…

Reward: Ruhnuk Horn Trophy Reputation Item


  • This daily can be done very easily at the same time as some others that take you to this Quarry area of Ruhnuk.
  • The entire outdoor area of the Quarry contains all the items you’ll need.
  • Keep an eye on the more flat floors for blue-glowing durasteel plating (pictured above in some sand), as it can blend in sometimes.
  • Once completed, the materiel needs to be delivered back at base. You can do this by clicking the Requisitions Dropbox near the Taxi Pad in Mandalore’s Encampment.

[DAILY] Proving Our Strength

Reward: Ruhnuk Horn Trophy Reputation Item


  • This Mission will take you to each major area of Ruhnuk to complete it, and should be done alongside all the others and handed in towards the end.
  • To find the enemies you must defeat, simply burn a clan banner at each location on your map and it will spawn a unique gold-level mandalorian to fight.
  • They are standard gold enemies, with no special tricks to complicate things, most players with a companion should have no issue. Some attacks can be interrupted if needed.

[DAILY] Ruhnuk Rarebit

Contains Expression of Dominance Bonus Mission

Reward: Ruhnuk Horn Trophy Reputation Item


  • This mission can be began from the entrance of Mandalore’s Encampment, as the creatures needed for both the Bonus and the Lootable Items needed for the Daily are just outside.
  • The Irewings (who drop Flutterplume Drumsticks) are just outside, in the Hollow Chasm map, with the Bonus Mission’s Shrieker located at the marker on the map (pictured above).
  • Moving on to the Dilapidated Waterworks outdoor area, the Tinebacks will drop Scamperscale Marrow, and are gathered near the waterfall with Grobbler, who is needed for the bonus (pictured below).
  • North from the Waterworks, head to the Verdant Ravine for the Dewback Matriarch and plenty of dewbacks to hunt for the steaks needed to finish up the mission (pictured below).
  • Once complete, hand in the mission by returning to the Encampment to Deliver the Ingredients. Make sure to defeat all the Large creatures for the bonus beforehand if you’d like to do it.

[DAILY] Snapping the Chain

Reward: Ruhnuk Horn Trophy Reputation Item


  • This mission is fairly straightforward and can be progressed in any area of Ruhnuk that has Mandalorian enemies.
  • Simply loot the enemies you defeat as you go and this mission will be done alongside all the others.
  • If you are still missing ID tags later, the Impressive ones only drop from Strong (silver) or Gold enemies (pictured above).
  • The regular 10 ID tags will drop from any weak mandalorian enemies with no silver/gold border on them (pictured below).

[DAILY] Unconventional Methods

Reward: Ruhnuk Horn Trophy Reputation Item


  • This is a mouse droid mission!!
  • You will need to head to the interior Waterworks Cave on Ruhnuk, heading south from the taxi to the tunnel.
  • Once inside, travel all the way to the northern end to enter a small phased room with a console for you to activate.
  • Once in control of your mouse droid, travel the small maintenance tunnels right-clicking on the four mission objects.
  • The objects are shown on your map, you must click all 4 without being spotted by the lizards.
  • The Lizards will catch you if you are near their red Sight Cones, and the detection range is a slightly larger than the size of the cone, so stay far away.
  • Being caught will pop you just outside the phase again, and you may run in and try again. You must get to all 4 sensors without being caught or it will reset.
  • Party member progress is not shared, you must complete this challenge solo.
  • Honking as the Mouse droid has no known effect on the Lizard’s movement patterns.
  • For those with the Jump Pad enabled, you can simply jump up through the back door at the Taxi and you’ll be right next to the phase (pictured below).

[DAILY] What’s in the Works?

Reward: Ruhnuk Horn Trophy Reputation Item


  • This mission is a standard Macrobinocular-style one.
  • Simply head into the Waterworks, and go to the three search markers on your map.
  • The three glowing objects you must find with your provided Binoculars are pictured below, from the north room, east room, and south room respectively.
  • Once complete, head to the terminal in the southernmost hallway of the Waterworks to grab the data.
  • Finally, go all the way to the northern end of the Waterworks to complete the mission. Those with the jump pads enabled can quicktravel to the waterworks taxi and jump up.
  • Once standing at the exit to the Waterworks overlooking the taxi area, you should have a temporary ability pop up to hand in the mission.

[HEROIC 2+] The Strongest Links

Reward: Ruhnuk Horn Trophy Reputation Item

Stage 1:

  • This mission takes place at the communications tower in the northern area of Ruhnuk.
  • To get to this area quickly, take the taxi to the Quarry and then head northeast towards the Overgrown Mining Site.
  • The first stage of this mission will be to use binoculars and look at each small communication network node.
  • Standing on the markers on your map and facing the same way as the small wave indicators should put you in line of sight with each node so you know what to click.
  • If you are unable to click on the node from where you are standing, trees may get in the way, or the cliff below is obstructing too much of it, try to get to higher ground or come from a new angle.

Stage 2:

  • The next stage of the mission takes place in the Reconstructed Combat Arena on the very northern side of the Quarry, that can be reached by starting at the Quarry Overlook taxi and taking the very tall, thin bridge from east to west.
  • Those with the Jump Pads enabled can go from the Western Quarry quicktravel and use the Pad to the south to get there faster.
  • Rubassa and his Squad can be defeated solo with a healing companion, and you can start by killing the squad first to make things easier.
  • Another objective of this mission is to defeat 15 Strong and Elite Hidden Chain, this can be any silver or gold enemies on Ruhnuk, and does not necessarily need to be the ones inside the phase.

[HEROIC 2+] Weak Links

Contains Recover Artifacts Bonus Mission

Reward: Ruhnuk Horn Trophy Reputation Item


  • This Mission takes place inside the interior tunnels surrounding the Quarry on Ruhnuk.
  • The Maintenance Tunnel, Quarry Facility, and Ruined Digsite all contain Status Reports you must recover. The Tunnel and Digsite are on the upper ridge of the Quarry accessed by the long, thin bridges. Players who have completed the Relic Hunt can get to these tunnels much faster using nearby Jump Pads.
  • These look like small datapads (pictured above) and usually have multiple spawn locations.
  • Party members can loot a datapad and see it missing on their end, but you should still be able to (or very shortly be able to) recover it yourself as well.
  • Only the Quarry Facility down below holds any of the bonus mission’s Artifact Crates! If you save this place for last it’s okay to loot the datapad first – the mission won’t end yet so you can still finish the bonus mission.
  • Once all three datapads have been collected, you’ll be told to extract data from a terminal inside the Quarry Facility. The big room with the bonus objective has plenty of terminals to choose from.
  • Once used you’ll be informed you need two Officer Access Cards first. Any Gold or Silver -level enemy in the area can drop these for you, but it’s not a 100% chance.
  • With both access cards, head back to any terminal and you’ll be told to leave to transmit the data from the southern cliffs.
  • Without the jump pad you must reach this area by going north from the overlook taxi, then west across the bridge, then south across the next bridge, all the way around the quarry.
  • With the jump pad, simply head south from the overlook, take the jumps, and use the temporary ability after running through the maintenance tunnels to finish the mission.

[HEROIC 4] Natural Resources

Reward: Ruhnuk Hide Trophy Reputation Item

Stage 1:

  • To begin this Heroic you can progress the mission by defeating any wild creatures on Ruhnuk
  • The mission marker will lead you to the Dilapidated Waterworks area, where a lot of Irewings and Dewbacks and Tinebacks like to hang out.
  • Note that being on this mission (just having it in your log) makes even the neutral, yellow-named creatures hostile for the duration. Abandoning the mission makes them docile again.

Stage 2:

  • To reach the Lizard Tamer in his phase, you must travel through the Waterworks interior.
  • For those who have finished the Relic Hunt questline and have access to the Jump Pads, this makes getting to the Lizard Tamer much faster.
  • Simply use the Jump Pad at the Waterworks taxi and you can enter from the back, head right in the open room, and be at the Tamer immediately for a fast heroic (pictured below).


  • The fight against the Lizard Tamer and his Lizards, Bark and Bite, can be done by any DPS discipline and an influence level 50 healing companion.
  • Bark and Bite have a conal attack and a bite that can be dodged and interrupted respectively.
  • The Tamer themselves has a “sic ’em” ability that will create a red circle on the ground where both Lizards will shortly leap to, you can stay out of this or interrupt the Tamer.
  • Once the Lizards (who have ~500,000 HP) are killed, the Tamer will begin doing more damage as they enrage.
  • If you lose your companion or die to the Tamer once a Lizard or two are down, reviving and trying again lets you fight the Tamer without the things you’ve already killed, making this easier to solo in an extra attempt or two.
  • The tamer will continue casting “sic ’em” without any Lizards alive. This does nothing and does not have to be interrupted.

World Boss

Kithrawl is the new world boss on Ruhnuk, who is meant to be fought in a larger group, and there is also a quest to go fight him as part of the dailies/weeklies.

Directions: The Kithrawl worldboss looks like a giant naked molerat and is recommended for characters level 80 and over on Ruhnuk. The easiest way to get to the Ruhnuk worldboss is to quicktravel to the Quarry Overlook, but if you don’t have that quicktravel point you can taxi or pick up the [HEROIC 2+] Weak Links from the daily terminal on Ruhnuk and shuttle there. To get to the boss after quicktravelling or shuttling, run north, and then run across a narrow bridge spanning the northern part of the map. At the end of the bridge is a cave, and at the end of the cave is Kithrawl. There are some enemies in the way, so it’s recommended to summon your team there if you can. If you see datapads while running through the tunnel, those are for the Weak Links heroic quest.

Mechanics: Kithrawl is a fairly simple boss. Stay out of the red lava circles on the ground when they appear. Keep him away from the edge, as he has a big circular knockback. He can not be interrupted. He has a lot of health, so the more friends you bring the better, but he is not very strong, so you can technically even solo him with your companion.

  • Planet: Ruhnuk
  • Recommended level: 80
  • Fast way to planet: Fly there
  • Closest Heroic Shuttle: [HEROIC 2+] Weak Links
  • Closest Quicktravel: Quarry Overlook (north on the map)
  • Closest Taxi: Upper Quarry Taxi (north on the map)
  • Once at the Taxi, Quicktravel point, or Heroic Shuttle, you will want to run across the very narrow high-up bridge in the north section of the map.

Relic Hunt

There are three special quests on Ruhnuk that make up a treasure hunt called the Relic Hunt, which gives you some special buffs to use once you have completed them.

Relic Hunt on Ruhnuk Guide

Once completed, don’t forget to pick up your buffs before you go out to do your dailies!


The Ruhnuk Datacron is part treasure hunt, part jumping puzzle, and is quite a long trip to get. It’s a purple Mastery +10 datacron that is legacy-wide once unlocked.

Ruhnuk Datacron Guide


In addition to daily, heroic and weekly missions, there is also a new slate of planetary achievements that will encourage you to explore, you can see them in Achievements → Location → Ruhnuk.

  • Exploration has 3 hidden achievements: Tineback Tamer, Wraid Night and Leg Day
  • Defeat 150 Hidden Chain Mandalorians with Shae Vizla as your companion
  • Complete 100 daily missions, 10 weekly missions, 50 heroics and 5 world boss missions on Ruhnuk
  • Defeat 50 Ash’ad, 50 Dar’manda, 50 Clan Ha’rangir and 50 Clan Varad on Ruhnuk
  • Managing the Mandalorians: Find and defeat 4 named enemies on Ruhnuk
  • Defeated 250 players on Ruhnuk (PvP)
  • Complete all of Shae Vizla and Lane Vizla’s story missions on Ruhnuk

As far as I can tell, none of the achievements have rewards attached to them.

Managing the Mandalorians

Find and defeat named enemies on Ruhnuk:

  • Aquinton Ficnan: Quicktravel to the Dilapidated Waterworks, run south to the Water Treatment Plant tunnel.
  • Davran the Inferno: Quicktravel to the Quarry Overlook, he is walking around in the north on the bridge in a path.
  • Sharian Stranan: Quicktravel to the Machine Scrapyard and make your way down the quarry, she is on a sandbar on the lowest level of the quarry with some tinebacks.
  • Zavird Bretu: Quicktravel to the Outpost Delta, run outside, then run south along the river to the Ridgecest Tunnel Network, he is watching other Mandalorians punch eachother in a tunnel dead-end.

Managing the Mandalorians Achievement Map (large)

Tineback Tamer

The Tineback Tamer achievement is a secret hunt on the planet of Ruhnuk. See our Tineback Tamer Secret Achievement Guide to learn more!

Tineback Tamer Secret Achievement Guide

Wraid Night

“Defeated a powerful enemy in the beast pit on Ruhnuk, demonstrating mastery over wraid bosses.”

Wraid Night Secret Achievement Guide

Leg Day

“Didn’t skip leg day in Mandalore’s Encampment on Ruhnuk.”

This achievement is very silly. Starting at the bottom of the stairs in Mandalore’s Encampment, you need to run up the thin metal staircase 5 times in a row, and you have 30 seconds to run each lap. If you’re really fast, you could run all the way up, and run all the way down, within 30 seconds, but it’s easier to instead run up, jump down, heal up, then start the next lap running up.

Lore Objects and Codex Entries

Do you enjoy collecting hidden objects? The planet of Ruhnuk has many hidden secrets… here is how to find all of its Lore Objects and Codex entries! Ruhnuk Lore Object Guide

Ruhnuk Hidden Lore Object and Codex Entries

Basilisk Parts

Once you have completed the three daily story area quests, including “Showdown’s Wake,” “Taylir Gra’tua” and “Iron Beast”, you’ll get a little holocall for the quest “Small Victories” the next time you log in.

I assume this will start the path of rebuilding the small basilisk droid with Lane Vizla you found earlier in the story.

I don’t know how this works yet, or if it’s an ongoing quest. – Swtorista


The rewards for the Ruhnuk reputation vendor are the same on both factions, except for the legacy titles which are on the reputation track.

The Ruhunk Reputation rewards can be purchased from the Ruhnuk Reputation Vendor named Moriha Vordoko, located in the lower tunnels of Shae Vizla’s underground camp, near the Mandalore’s Encampment quick travel point. They require the correct reputation rank and credits to purchase.


Wetland Mudhorn Mount
Mount, Animal mount, similar to the one on the Cartel Market
Reputation Rank: Legend – Costs: 1,000,000 Credits


Banner: Clan Ash’ad (Standing)
Decoration, Civic – Banners
Reputation Rank: Hero – Costs: 375,000 Credits

There was a “Banner: Clan Ash’ad (Hanging)” to go with it on the test server, but I think it had some technical issues and didn’t make it to the final version.

Banner: Clan Dar’manda (Standing)
Decoration, Civic – Banners
Reputation Rank: Hero – Costs: 375,000 Credits

Banner: Clan Ha’rangir (Hanging)
Decoration, Civic – Banners
Reputation Rank: Hero – Costs: 375,000 Credits

Banner: Clan Ha’rangir (Standing)
Decoration, Civic – Banners
Reputation Rank: Hero – Costs: 375,000 Credits

Banner: Clan Varad (Standing)
Decoration, Civic – Banners
Reputation Rank: Hero – Costs: 375,000 Credits

Clan Vizla Peacekeeper (Female)
Decoration, Personnel – Soldiers
Reputation Rank: Champion – Costs: 375,000 Credits

Clan Vizla Peacekeeper (Male)
Decoration, Personnel – Soldiers
Reputation Rank: Champion – Costs: 375,000 Credits

Construction Fuel Cell
Decoration, Containers – All
Reputation Rank: Outsider – Costs: 112,500 Credits

Construction Fuel Cell Stack
Decoration, Containers – All
Reputation Rank: Friend – Costs: 120,000 Credits

Decommissioned Basilisk War Droid
Decoration, Technological – Machines
Reputation Rank: Legend – Costs: 750,000 Credits

Possibly clickable when placed in your stronghold!

Heavy-Duty Construction Shelf
Decoration, Furniture – Shelves
Reputation Rank: Newcomer – Costs: 180,000 Credits

Heavy-Duty Construction Truck
Decoration, Technological – Vehicles
Reputation Rank: Champion – Costs: 180,000 Credits

Mandalorian Shuttle
Decoration, Technological – Vehicles
Reputation Rank: Champion – Costs: 675,000 Credits

Decoration, Technological – Vehicles
Reputation Rank: Legend – Costs: 1,000,000 Credits

Ruhnukan Air Compressor
Decoration, Technological – Machines
Reputation Rank: Friend – Costs: 250,000 Credits

Ruhnukan Bulldozer
Decoration, Technological – Vehicles
Reputation Rank: Legend – Costs: 1,000,000 Credits

Ruhnukan Drill Rig
Decoration, Technological – Machines
Reputation Rank: Champion – Costs: 180,000 Credits

Ruhnukan Excavator
Decoration, Technological – Vehicles
Reputation Rank: Champion – Costs: 675,000 Credits

Ruhnukan Lambro (Single Style 1)
Decoration, Environmental – Plants
Reputation Rank: Outsider – Costs: 112,000 Credits

Ruhnukan Lambro (Single Style 2)
Decoration, Environmental – Plants
Reputation Rank: Friend – Costs: 120,000 Credits

Ruhnukan Lambro (Style 1)
Decoration, Environmental – Plants
Reputation Rank: Outsider – Costs: 120,000 Credits

Ruhnukan Lambro (Style 2)
Decoration, Environmental – Plants
Reputation Rank: Newcomer – Costs: 120,000 Credits

Ruhnukan Lambro (Style 3)
Decoration, Environmental – Plants
Reputation Rank: Friend – Costs: 127,000 Credits

Ruhnukan Lambro (Style 4)
Decoration, Environmental – Plants
Reputation Rank: Newcomer – Costs: 120,000 Credits

Ruhnukan Lambro (Style 5)
Decoration, Environmental – Plants
Reputation Rank: Newcomer – Costs: 120,000 Credits

Ruhnukan Mushroom Tree
Decoration, Environmental – Plants
Reputation Rank: Newcomer – Costs: 375,000 Credits

Ruhnukan Sonic Disruptor
Decoration, Technological – Machines
Reputation Rank: Champion – Costs: 750,000 Credits

Ruhnukan Stone Arch
Decoration, Civic – Sculptures
Reputation Rank: Champion – Costs: 750,000 Credits

Hidden Chain Bodyguard
Decoration, Personnel – Soldiers – Not from the reputation vendor, drops from enemies on Ruhnuk randomly. Binds on Pickup, no GTN.

Hidden Chain Brawler Binds on Pickup, no GTN.
Decoration, Personnel – Soldiers – Not from the reputation vendor, drops from enemies on Ruhnuk randomly.

Hidden Chain Commander
Decoration, Personnel – Soldiers – Not from the reputation vendor, drops from enemies on Ruhnuk randomly. Binds on Pickup, no GTN.

Varad Altar

Decoration, Civic – Sculptures – Not from the reputation vendor, drops from enemies on Ruhnuk randomly. Seems to be quite rare. Binds on Pickup, no GTN.


Ruhnuk Wanderer Armor Set

Each piece costs 750,000 Credits.

  • Ruhnuk Wanderer Boots, Reputation Rank: Hero
  • Ruhnuk Wanderer Bracers, Reputation Rank: Newcomer
  • Ruhnuk Wanderer Chestplate, Reputation Rank: Legend
  • Ruhnuk Wanderer Gloves, Reputation Rank: Hero
  • Ruhnuk Wanderer Helmet, Reputation Rank: Legend
  • Ruhnuk Wanderer Legwraps, Reputation Rank: Champion
  • Ruhnuk Wanderer Utility Belt, Reputation Rank: Friend


Title: Celebrated and Remembered
Title, Character Title
Reputation Rank: Legend – Costs: 1,000,000 Credits

Title: Champion of the Avenger
Title, Character Title
Reputation Rank: Friend – Costs: 1,000,000 Credits

Legacy Title: Be’manad’alor
Title, Legacy Title, earned through the reputation rack
Reputation Rank: Friend

Legacy Title: Par’jila Gehat’ik
Title, Legacy Title, earned through the reputation rack
Reputation Rank: Legend


NameTypeDescriptionRep. RankCredits
Wetland Mudhorn MountMountAnimal mount, similar to the one on the Cartel MarketLegend1,000,000
Banner: Clan Ash'ad (Standing)DecorationCivic - BannersHero375,000
Banner: Clan Dar'manda (Standing)DecorationCivic - BannersHero375,000
Banner: Clan Ha'rangir (Hanging)DecorationCivic - BannersHero375,000
Banner: Clan Ha'rangir (Standing)DecorationCivic - BannersHero375,000
Banner: Clan Varad (Standing)DecorationCivic - BannersHero375,000
Clan Vizla Peacekeeper (Female)DecorationPersonnel - SoldiersChampion375,000
Clan Vizla Peacekeeper (Male)DecorationPersonnel - SoldiersChampion375,000
Construction Fuel CellDecorationContainers - AllOutsider112,500
Construction Fuel Cell StackDecorationContainers - AllFriend120,000
Decommissioned Basalisk War DroidDecorationTechnological - MachinesLegend750,000
Heavy-Duty Construction ShelfDecorationFurniture - ShelvesNewcomer180,000
Heavy-Duty Construction TruckDecorationTechnological - VehiclesChampion180,000
Mandalorian ShuttleDecorationTechnological - VehiclesChampion675,000
RockcrusherDecorationTechnological - VehiclesLegend1,000,000
Ruhnuk Wanderer BootsArmorFeetHero750,000
Ruhnuk Wanderer BracersArmorWristsNewcomer750,000
Ruhnuk Wanderer ChestplateArmorChestLegend750,000
Ruhnuk Wanderer GlovesArmorHandsHero750,000
Ruhnuk Wanderer HelmetArmorHeadLegend750,000
Ruhnuk Wanderer LegwrapsArmorLegsChampion750,000
Ruhnuk Wanderer Utility BeltArmorWaistFriend750,000
Ruhnukan Air CompressorDecorationTechnological - MachinesFriend250,000
Ruhnukan BulldozerDecorationTechnological - VehiclesLegend1,000,000
Ruhnukan Drill RigDecorationTechnological - MachinesChampion180,000
Ruhnukan ExcavatorDecorationTechnological - VehiclesChampion675,000
Ruhnukan Lambro (Single Style 1)DecorationEnvironmental - PlantsOutsider112,000
Ruhnukan Lambro (Single Style 2)DecorationEnvironmental - PlantsFriend120,000
Ruhnukan Lambro (Style 1)DecorationEnvironmental - PlantsOutsider120,000
Ruhnukan Lambro (Style 2)DecorationEnvironmental - PlantsNewcomer120,000
Ruhnukan Lambro (Style 3)DecorationEnvironmental - PlantsFriend127,000
Ruhnukan Lambro (Style 4)DecorationEnvironmental - PlantsNewcomer120,000
Ruhnukan Lambro (Style 5)DecorationEnvironmental - PlantsNewcomer120,000
Ruhnukan Mushroom TreeDecorationEnvironmental - PlantsNewcomer375,000
Ruhnukan Sonic DisrupterDecorationTechnological - MachinesChampion750,000
Ruhnukan Stone ArchDecorationCivic - SculpturesChampion750,000
Ruhnukan Sonic DisruptorDecorationTechnological - MachinesChampion750,000
Title: Celebrated and RememberedTitleCharacter TitleLegend1,000,000
Title: Champion of the AvengerTitleCharacter TitleFriend1,000,000
Legacy Title: Be'manad'alorTitleLegacy Title, earned through the reputation rackFriend
Legacy Title: Par'jila Gehat'ikTitleLegacy Title, earned through the reputation rackLegend
Hidden Chain BodyguardDecorationPersonnel - Soldiers - Not from the reputation vendor, likely a drop.
Hidden Chain BrawlerDecorationPersonnel - Soldiers - Not from the reputation vendor, likely a drop.
Hidden Chain CommanderDecorationPersonnel - Soldiers - Not from the reputation vendor, likely a drop.
Varad AltarDecorationCivic - Sculptures

.table-Ruhnuk-rewards{font-size:12px}.table-Ruhnuk-rewards tr td:first-child{font-weight:bold}.entry-content .text-success {display: block;background-color: #AFEEEE;padding: 10px;color: #000;}.entry-content .text-primary {display: block;background-color: #E0FFFF;padding: 10px;color: #000;margin-bottom:20px}.table-Ruhnuk-dailies i{display:block;padding:4px;backgroud-color:rgba(0,255,255,0.1);font-style:normal}.table-Ruhnuk-dailies b{display:block;padding:4px;backgroud-color:rgba(255, 0, 0,0.1);font-weight:normal}