Relic Hunts are a set of three quests on the planet of Ruhnuk being introduced in update 7.2. These Relic Hunt quests are like a treasure hunt – they don’t always have a direct set of directions to follow. You can use the quest markers, the quest details which you can read when you open the quest log, and the tooltips of the quest items to get more hints. At the end, you’ll get a special buff that allows you to move around Ruhnuk using jump pads, a speed buff, and a damage ability buff that you can use on Ruhnuk. Updated for 7.2!
- How to Start the Relic Hunt
- Relic Hunt: Prototype Missiles
- Relic Hunt: Self-Replenishing Stim
- Step 1 – Locate Orm Kreg
- Step 2 – Scan for Evidence of the Killer
- Step 3 – Determine the Creature Responsible
- Step 4 – Prepare for the Hunt
- Step 5 – Locate the Beast’s Nest and Place the Trap
- Step 6 – Retreat and Wait
- Step 7 – Tranquilize the Scrabbler
- Step 8 – Reach Down Its Gullet
- Step 9 – Return the Relic
- Relic Hunt: Repulsor Unit
- Step 1 – Recover Manifest Data
- Step 2 – Reconcile the Data Fragments
- Step 3 – Find the Relic Cache
- Step 4 – Find a Way to Open the Cache
- Step 5 – Blast Open the Relic Cache
- Step 6 – Find and Search the Stash Locations
- Step 7 – Search the Galaxy for the Relic
- Step 8 – Install the Repulsor Activation Unit
- Step 9 – Attempt to Use the Repulsor Pad
- Step 10 – Find a way to Charge the Repulsor Unit
- Step 11 – Activate the Repulsor Pad
- Step 12 – Return the Relic
- Using the Relics
- Jump Pads
- Finale
How to Start the Relic Hunt
To start the Ruhnuk Datacron, you must pick up and complete the Relic Hunt missions. These can be found on Ruhnuk in “Mandalore’s Encampment”, which is down an elevator from where you fly into the planet. You can find these slightly-hidden missions on a Communications Datapad on a table in the room down the elevator. It has a quest marker, but the datapad is quite small so it might be hard to click. The first quest goes well with the dailies, so if you plan to do the dailies, pick up the Relic Hunt missions too before you go.
If you are in a group, you will each need to click the glowing blue objects and complete each step individually – the objective might update and go blank for your other team members after the first person does it, so make sure your other team members are aware they need to do the same step as you to progress.
Relic Hunt: Prototype Missiles
The first Relic Hunt quest is Prototype Missiles.
Step 1 – Search for Info on Kaz Denko
- Search for Info on Kaz Denko
- Hint: Defeat Ash’ad Mandalorians
- No Map Hint
This step is the most random of all the quests – you do just need to find enemies on Ruhnuk that have the <Ash’ad> tag under their nameplate, and will be named Hidden Chain Lorekeeper, Hidden Chain Beastmaster or Hidden Chain Seeker. Any of these enemies can drop the hidden clue, so just keep killing Ash’ad enemies until it drops.
You’ll know you’re fighting the right kind of enemies if “Relic Hunt” shows up as part of your enemy tooltip when you roll over them or have them selected. You can find them in tunnels or in the quarry.
Step 2 – Find Kaz Denko’s Hiding Place
- Find Kaz Denko’s Hiding Place
- Hint: Examine Ash’ad Datapad
- Hint from the Datapad Item: “You’re welcome to come with me. You know the place–that overlook near the waterfalls I showed you.”
- Map Hint: Dilapidated Waterworks map
If you Taxi or Quicktravel of the Dilapidated Waterworks, you may be able to see Kaz Denko’s hideout if you look up into the cliffs.
If you run towards it, and follow the cliff to the right though a narrow path, you’ll eventually find a group of flying bird-like Flutterplumes, and to your left will be a very small crack of a pathway that leads upwards.
Beware the exploding cacti! You will need to fight Kaz Denko at the end, and he’ll appear as you run up the path.
When you loot Kaz Denko’s body, you’ll get his notes as an item. If you see the glowing blue backpack, that’s just there to re-summon Kaz Denko if you happen to lose him.
If you are not on this step, Kaz Denko will not appear and the backpack will not be clickable. If you are summoning a group, make sure to summon them further down the path, or they won’t trigger the next step as they run up the path. You will actually have to kill Kaz Denko for each person. They can each trigger it one by one by running up the path – so when one Kaz Denko dies, tell your next team mate to run down the path and run back up again to summon another Kaz Denko.
Step 3 – Search the Comms Tower for Kaz’s Records
- Search the Comms Tower for Kaz’s Records
- Hint from the Notes Item: “It appears as though Kaz may have some secured data on a terminal in the comms tower building.”
- Map Hint: Reclaimed Mining Facility
The next step will lead you to the Reclaimed Mining Facility. The fastest way to get there is quicktravel to the Quarry Overlook, then run through the tunnel in the north east for the quicktravel point. On the new map, called Overgrown Mining site, run into the tunnels in the north.
Kaz Denko’s Access Card is hidden in a room in the far east, on the floor behind a tractor.
The glowing blue boxes and glowing blue ventilation shafts do not seem to be related.
Step 4 – Encrypted Network Network Access Terminal
- Encrypted Network Network Access Terminal
- Map Hint: Reclaimed Mining Facility
This step’s easy – just look for a giant blue terminal in the middle of the Reclaimed Mining Facility map.
Step 5 – Review Kaz’s Data
- Review Kaz’s Data
- Hint: Examine and Use Kaz’s Personal Record
You need to actually left-click the item in your quest log so it gets used, or the next step won’t be available.
Step 6 – Search the Excavation Site
- Search the Excavation Site
- Hint from the Records item: “I’ve moved it to a very safe location–no one will think to look in the places we already excavated over in that old quarry.”
- Map Hint: Quarry
The fastest quicktravel is to either of the Quarry quicktravel points.
If you go to the Quarry map you will be able to find glowing blue piles of disturbed rubble that you can right-click. Some of them are empty, but one in the north has the relic.
Step 7 – Return the Relic
Return to the “Mandalore’s Encampment” quick travel point, and turn in the Relic by right-clicking the glowing blue table.
Relic Hunt: Self-Replenishing Stim
The second Relic Hunt quest is for the Self-Replenishing Stim. You can pick it up by right-clicking the Communications Datapad again. Note you need to right-click the datapad, not the glowing blue table underneath it.
Step 1 – Locate Orm Kreg
- Locate Orm Kreg
- Map Hint: Overgrown Mining Site
Orm Kreg’s body can be found if you search the south side of the Overgrown Mining Site map. I think the quickest way to get there is to quicktravel or taxi to Outpost Delta, then follow the bridge across the river in the north.
His body is not glowing, and the next step will trigger when you walk directly over his body.
Step 2 – Scan for Evidence of the Killer
Left-click the item in your quest tracker to pull out a pair of scanning binoculars. you will scan three things:
- Orm Kreg’s Body
- Pile of bones, slightly to the west
- Pile of droppings, even more slightly to the west
When the scanner is open, you can aim it by moving your mouse around. When you find a glowing object and the circle in the center turns orange, left click to zoom in and scan the object. Once you’ve found one, press your ESC key to exit out.
Step 3 – Determine the Creature Responsible
- Determine the Creature Responsible
- Use Evidence Analysis Terminal
Return to the “Mandalore’s Encampment” quick travel point, and right-click the large blue terminal in the corner. This will give you a new mission item called the Evidence Analysis Output which has most of the clues for the next step in its tooltip.
Step 4 – Prepare for the Hunt
- Prepare for the Hunt
- Gather the Components for a Trap 0/3
- Recover a Tranquilizer Bracer
- Hint: Reference Evidence Output Item
Gather the Components for a Trap – Electrified Durasteel Net Trap
There are some blue boxes you can right-click in the tunnel a few steps away from where you pick up the Relic Hunt quests.
Gather the Components for a Trap Part 2 – Irewings
Find flying Irewings and kill them to get Irewing Pheromones. We found many Irewings in the southern end of the Dilapidated Waterworks map.
Gather the Components for a Trap Part 3 – Dewbacks
Find Dewbacks and kill them to get a Perfectly-Marbled Dewback Steak. There are a few Dewbacks in the Dilapidated Waterworks area, and we also found Dewbacks in the Verdant Ravine.
Tranquilizer from Hidden Chain Beastmaster
Hint: Ash’ad Beastmasters often carry powerful tranquilizer weapons.
Look for an NPC named Hidden Chain Beastmaster and kill it to get a Tranquilizer Bracer.
There’s some all over, but we found ours by taking a taxi or quicktravelling to the Dilapidated Waterworks and looking in the tunnel to the south.
Step 5 – Locate the Beast’s Nest and Place the Trap
Once you’ve gathered all the items, go to the nests at the bottom of the waterfall on the Dilapidated Waterworks map. Right-click the glowing blue nests – they will not glow blue until you are close enough.
Step 6 – Retreat and Wait
You need to run away from the nests, there are markers on the map to lead you in the right direction. Once you run far enough, the quest should automatically update and the Scrabbler beast will emerge.
The glowing blue rocks will re-summon the Scrabbler if you’ve lost it somehow, you don’t need to click them.
BUG: When setting the trap for the Scrabbler, sometimes the hiding rocks will appear but WON’T be blue, and no matter where you run, the Scrabbler wont show up on itsown. Log out and log back in and it should be fixed.
Step 7 – Tranquilize the Scrabbler
Click the green-named Scrabbler beast that has appeared to select it and use the Tranquilizer on your temporary ability bar.
Step 8 – Reach Down Its Gullet
While the Scrabbler is selected, use the Retrieve Stimpack Relic ability on your temporary ability bar when you are close to the Scrabbler.
Step 9 – Return the Relic
Return to the “Mandalore’s Encampment” quick travel point and turn in the Relic by right-clicking the second glowing blue table.
Relic Hunt: Repulsor Unit
The second Relic Hunt quest is for the Self-Replenishing Stim. You can pick it up by right-clicking the Communications Datapad again. Note you need to right-click the datapad, not the glowing blue table underneath it.
Step 1 – Recover Manifest Data
- Recover Manifest Data 0/5
- Hint: Search Manifest Terminals
For the first step, you’ll be searching five different tunnels. The map will lead you towards the “green doors” where you can search – you’ll know you’re in the right place if there’s a small spinning circle in the middle of the tunnel map.
These respawn very fast, so if someone clicked it before you, the wait is under thirty seconds.
You are looking for small upright Manifest Terminals that are glowing blue. Most tunnels have more than one if you are hunting with a friend.
Before you can access the terminals, you may need to kill nearby Hidden Chain enemies to pick up Manifest Terminal Keycards.
You can get to the first terminal quickly by running north out of the long tunnel from Mandalore’s Encampment, and straight north through the Hollow Chasm map into the Ventilation Shaft tunnel. Take the tunnel to the left once inside, go through the Maintenance Tunnel, leading to the Ventilation Maintenance map.
The next terminal is in some tunnels in the Quarry Facility – you can get there by running north out of the tunnels from the first tunnel, then jumping your way down the quarry cliffs towards the tunnel down below, or you could quicktravel or taxi to the quarry and walk your way down the ramps.
Next, taxi or quicktravel to the Dilapidated Waterworks, then run south into the Water Treatment Plant tunnels.
I think the quick way to get to the next one is to quicktravel to the Quarry Overlook or taxi to the Upper Quarry, then run north east into the Overgrown Mining Site. In the new map, head south and then west to the Cliffside Tunnel Network.
The final terminal is in the Reclaimed Mining Facility, so just run north out of the Cliffside Tunnels, and run north through the Overgrown Mining Site into the Reclaimed Mining Facility.
Step 2 – Reconcile the Data Fragments
Left-click the green Manifest Data Fragment item in your quest tracker to use it.
Step 3 – Find the Relic Cache
- Find the Relic Cache
- Hint: Review the Reconciled Data
The quest log lets you know that this is in the comms tower area, so head back to the Reclaimed Mining Facility. Quicktravel to the Quarry Overlook, then run in the tunnel to the north of the quicktravel, and then north into the tunnels in the next map.
You are looking for a glowing blue box to right-click, there may be more than one location you can find it.
When you find it and right-click it, you’ll have to defeat an enemy named Ash’ad Pursuer that appears and loot them.
Step 4 – Find a Way to Open the Cache
You will have picked up a Remote Detonator from the enemy that appeared. You are looking to find four other hidden things to combine to make an explosive to blow open the cache, which you learn from the detonator tooltip.
The wiring can be found in blue boxes on the walls hidden all over the Reclaimed Mining Facility, so just walk around until you find one and right-click it.
Explosive Compounds
To find explosive compounds, head just outside the Reclaimed Mining Facility through the southern doors and look for a glowing blue cactus.
The housing is located somewhere entirely different. Quicktravel to the Quarry Overlook or taxi to the Upper Quarry, then run across the bridge to the north, into the Ruined Dig Site tunnel.
The housing is near the world boss, find the glowing blue hazardous looking rectangular barrel called Hazardous Material Housing.
Once you’ve collected all the pieces, put the explosive together by left-clicking the mission item in your quest tracker to use it.
Step 5 – Blast Open the Relic Cache
Return to the Reclaimed Mining Facility and find your blue crate again. To get back there, quicktravel to the Quarry Overlook or taxi to the Upper Quarry, the run to the Overgrown Mining Site in the north east, and on the next map you can get to the Reclaimed Mining Facility by running into the tunnels in the north.
This time your blue crate will explode, and you will be able to right-click a glowing blue datapad on the floor called Dar’manda Datapad.
Step 6 – Find and Search the Stash Locations
- Find and Search the Stash Locations: 0/3
- Hint: Examine the Dar’manda Datapad
- Hint from the Datapad item: “We hid ’em real good, too–you know the spots: the beast pit, far out on the recon plateau, and way down deep by the overflow sluice.”
There are three different maps with hidden glowing-blue artifact boxes you need to find. You can find the maps by following the green doors on your map – it doesn’t matter what order you look for them in.
Beast Pit
Quicktravel to the Quarry Overlook or taxi to the Upper Quarry, then take the tunnel slightly to the south to get to the Ventilation Tunnels. Once in there, run south through the lightning, and take the tunnels to the west into the Maintenance Tunnels, leading to the Ventilation Maintenance map. You’ll be heading into the big pit in the center of the map.
Overflow Sluice
The Overflow Sluice stash is located in the Water Treatment Planet, which you can get to from the Dilapidated Waterworks map by running south in into the southern tunnels.
You’ll be looking on the lowest level in the water of a big room in the north west.
Recon Plateau
Quicktravel to the Deserted Tunnels, then run up the nearby ramp to get outside.
The stash is hidden quite far away from where you enter the map, on a point of the map in the south east / bottom right.
When you find your third stash, a datapad will pop out that you can right-click.
Step 7 – Search the Galaxy for the Relic
- Search the Galaxy for the Relic
- Hint: Examine the Conspicuous Note
- Hint from the Conspicuous Note item: “I’ve got a meeting with Diihara all set up, so I think we’re going to pull this off!”
- Hint from Kaz Denko’s Notes to Self from an earlier step: “contact buyer on Mek-Sha”
Fly to Mek-Sha and quick-travel or taxi to the Huttbreaker’s Compound in the far north east. The Relic is in a glowing blue box on the farthest south dock, outside the compound.
Step 8 – Install the Repulsor Activation Unit
Left-click the blue Repulsor Unit item in your quest tracker to use it.
Step 9 – Attempt to Use the Repulsor Pad
Fly back to Ruhnuk, and then quick travel or taxi to the Dilapidated Waterworks. On the taxi pad, you can walk over a large metal circle on the ground.
Step 10 – Find a way to Charge the Repulsor Unit
- Find a Way to Charge the Repulsor Unit
- Hint: Scan for Energy Anomalies
Quick travel to the Quarry Overlook or taxi to the Upper Quarry, then take the tunnel slightly to the south to get to the Ventilation Tunnels.
In here you can left-click the scanner in your quest tracker to use it and scan for energy. You can left click to zoom in on something you’ve found once the scanner cursor glows yellow, and right click to zoom out. Scan multiple of the glowing blue boxes until you find the right one and your quest updates, and press your ESC key to exit out.
You can then right-click the glowing blue box and draw power from the anomaly you found.
Step 11 – Activate the Repulsor Pad
Quick travel or taxi to the Dilapidated Waterworks. On the taxi pad, go stand on the large metal circle on the ground. You will now see it glowing slightly green and you’ll get a temporary ability bar with a jetpack icon you can use.
Step 12 – Return the Relic
Return to the “Mandalore’s Encampment” quick travel point and turn in the Relic by right-clicking the third glowing blue table.
Using the Relics
Once you turn in Relics, you’ll unlock a buff that you can use by right-clicking the glowing blue table you originally turned it in to. So if you want to use your new jetpack, just right-click the third glowing blue table.
- Prototype Missile Attachment – An old prototype. While attached, periodically defeats weak enemies or deals a large amount of damage to standard enemies in combat. Only works on Ruhnuk. (I think it does 25% of enemy’s health on standard targets?)
- The Buzz – After using the self-replenishing stim, your movespeed has been increased and you feel very awake. (I think it sets your normal running movement speed to 105% rather than 100%.)
- Activate Repulsor Pad – Activates a Repulsor Pad on Ruhnuk. (This allows you to travel around Ruhnuk more quickly, or reach hidden areas.)
These buffs persist through death. They will go away if you leave the planet, but you can easily pick them up again when you return.
Jump Pads
Some places you can use your jump pad include:
- The Quarry, to leap your way back up the cliff from the bottom
- The Dilapidated Waterworks taxi pad, to jump up into the tunnels
- To cross a chasm in the Overgrown Mining Site
There is an additional part of Relic Hunt you can do that’s not in the article to avoid explorational non-story spoilers. If you would like to continue your adventure, click here!