S3T-BNS Set Bonus Armors, Titles and Achievements (formerly Kai Zykken armors)

Do you like collecting semi-retired armor sets and hunting down rare titles? There is a vendor named S3T-BNS that sells semi-randomized sets of cosmetic gear, and for each set you collect, you also get a title and achievement!

These armor sets used to be known as the ‘Kai Zykken’ armors, as the vendor who was selling them was named Kai Zykken, a silly character from the Shadow of Revan expansion.

Equipment Sets Achievements

To see your progress, open your achievements and look under Retired Achievements > Equipment Sets. For every achievement you complete in this section, you’ll get a Legacy title you can use on all your characters on your server. To complete each achievement, you’ll need to obtain a full set of each 7-piece armor set attached to that achievement.

These achievements used to be in the Spoils of War section and some players still call it that.

S3T-BNS Vendor

These armors can be purchased directly from a vendor called S3T-BNS in the Supplies section of the Fleet. The first time you right-click him to talk to him, he will not be a vendor, but a normal questgiving NPC, so don’t look for the vendor icon. The versions from this vendor are Bind to Legacy. These armors do not change between factions and you can buy all the sets on either side. Each full boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

How to Get Tech Fragments

Tech Fragments are a type of currency in Star Wars: The Old Republic which come from various quests, and are used to purchase high-level gear pieces, crafting materials, and cosmetic items.

Tech Fragments can be earned a bunch of different ways in-game, mostly at max-level. Tech Fragments Guide

How to Get Tech Fragments in SWTOR


Titles & Armor Sets

SetNameTitleCombat Style
Aggressive TreatmentAggressive TreatmentScoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper
Amplified ChampionAmplified ChampionGeneric
Apex PredatorApex PredatorVanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary
AuthorityThe AuthorityScoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper
AvengerThe AvengerGeneric
Ballast PointBallast PointShadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer
Ballistic ConcentrationBallistic ConcentrationScoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper
BerserkerThe BerserkerGeneric
Comet ChampionComet ChampionGuardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder
Concentrated FireConcentrated FireVanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary
ControllerThe ControllerShadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer
Culling BladeThe Culling BladeGuardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder
Dashing BlademasterDashing BlademasterGuardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder
Death KnellDeath KnellShadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer
DebilitatorThe DebilitatorScoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper
DeceleratorDeceleratorShadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer
Descent of the FearlessDescent of the FearlessGuardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder
Dire RetaliationDire RetaliationShadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer
Dying PrecisionDying PrecisionGeneric
Efficient TerminationEfficient TerminationShadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer
Emergency PowerEmergency PowerVanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary
Empowered RestorerEmpowered RestorerShadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer
Endless OffensiveEndless OffensiveShadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer
Escape ArtistsEscape ArtistsScoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper
Established FootholdEstablished FootholdScoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper
Flawless RiposteFlawless RiposteGuardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder
Fulminating DefenseNo TitleGuardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder
Force BoundForce BoundGuardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder
Game PlanGame PlanVanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary
Gathering StormThe Gathering StormShadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer
Hunter KillerHunter KillerVanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary
Lord of PainLord of PainGuardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder
Meteor BrawlerMeteor BrawlerVanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary
Murderous RevelationThe Murderous RevelationShadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer
Nimble MasterNimble MasterGuardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder
NotoriousThe NotoriousVanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary
Outlaws ParlayOutlaws ParlayScoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper
Perfect FormPerfect FormGuardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder
Precise TargeterPrecise TargeterScoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper
PreserverThe PreserverGeneric
Probe TechProbe TechScoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper
Quick ThinkerQuick ThinkerScoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper
Rapid ResponseRapid ResponseGeneric
Rebuking AssaultThe Rebuking AssaultShadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer
RepositioningRepositioningScoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper
Restorative DriveRestorative DriveVanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary
Revitalized MysticRevitalized MysticShadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer
Right PriceThe Right PriceVanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary
Saber MasterSaber MasterShadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer
Shadow PurgerShadow PurgerShadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer
SoulbendersSoulbendersShadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer
Squad LeaderSquad LeaderVanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary
Stationary GritStationary GritGeneric
StrategistThe StrategistVanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary
SuperioritySuperiorityScoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper
TacticianThe TacticianScoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper
Tech MedicTech MedicVanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary
The EntertainerThe EntertainerGeneric
The Final BreathThe Final BreathGeneric
The Slow RoadThe Slow RoadScoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper
The UndyingThe UndyingGuardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder
The VictorThe VictorGeneric
TormentedTormentedGuardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder
Trishins RetortTrishins RetortGeneric
Unyielding ProtectorUnyielding ProtectorShadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer
Veteran RangerVeteran RangerVanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary
Woads InstinctWoads InstinctVanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary


Here’s all the sets!

Ballast Point

Ballast Point

The Ballast Point armor set will grant you the Ballast Point legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Shadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer combat style. This outfit only glows when you enter a combat stance.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Ballistic Concentration

Ballistic Concentration

The Ballistic Concentration armor set will grant you the Ballistic Concentration legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Scoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper combat style. This outfit only glows when you enter a combat stance.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Comet Champion

Comet Champion

The Comet Champion armor set will grant you the Comet Champion legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Guardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder combat style. This outfit only glows when you enter a combat stance.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Emergency Power

Emergency Power

The Emergency Power armor set will grant you the Emergency Power legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Vanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary combat style. This outfit only glows when you enter a combat stance.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Fulminating Defense

Fulminating Defense

The Fulminating Defense armor set will grant you the Fulminating Defense legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Guardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder combat style. This outfit only glows when you enter a combat stance.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Restorative Drive

Restorative Drive

The Restorative Drive armor set will grant you the Restorative Drive legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Vanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary combat style. This outfit only glows when you enter a combat stance.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.



The Superiority armor set will grant you the Superiority legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Scoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper combat style. This outfit only glows when you enter a combat stance.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

The Unyielding Protector

The Unyielding Protector

The Unyielding Protector armor set will grant you the Unyielding Protector legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Shadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer combat style. This outfit only glows when you enter a combat stance.

*** Edit: I think you may need to actually be a Sage / Sorcerer to get this to drop. On my Assassin it would not drop.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Aggressive Treatment

Aggressive Treatment

The Aggressive Treatment armor set will grant you the Aggressive Treatment legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Scoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Concentrated Fire

Concentrated Fire

The Concentrated Fire armor set will grant you the Concentrated Fire legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Vanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Revitalized Mystic

Revitalized Mystic

The Revitalized Mystic armor set will grant you the Revitalized Mystic legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Shadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.



The Soulbenders armor set will grant you the Soulbenders legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Shadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Precise Targeter

Precise Targeter

The Precise Targeter armor set will grant you the Precise Targeter legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Scoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Empowered Restorer

Empowered Restorer

The Empowered Restorer armor set will grant you the Empowered Restorer legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Shadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.



The Debilitator armor set will grant you the The Debilitator legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Scoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Hunter Killer

Hunter Killer

The Hunter Killer armor set will grant you the Hunter Killer legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Vanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Apex Predator

Apex Predator

The Apex Predator armor set will grant you the Apex Predator legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Vanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.



The Authority armor set will grant you the The Authority legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Scoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.



The Avenger armor set will grant you the The Avenger legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can be collected from Kai Zykken by characters in any Combat Style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.



The Berserker armor set will grant you the The Berserker legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can be collected from Kai Zykken by characters in any Combat Style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.


The Controller armor set will grant you the The Controller legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can be collected from Kai Zykken by characters who are the Sage / Sorcerer / Assassin / Shadow combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Culling Blade

Culling Blade

The Culling Blade armor set will grant you the The Culling Blade legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Guardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Dashing Blademaster

Dashing Blademaster

The Dashing Blademaster armor set will grant you the Dashing Blademaster legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Guardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Death Knell

Death Knell

The Death Knell armor set will grant you the Death Knell legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Shadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.



The Decelerator armor set will grant you the Decelerator legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Shadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer combat style.

*** Edit: I think you may need to actually be a Sage / Sorcerer to get this to drop. On my Assassin it would not drop.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Descent of the Fearless

Descent of the Fearless

The Descent of the Fearless armor set will grant you the Descent of the Fearless legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Guardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Dire Retaliation

Dire Retaliation

The Dire Retaliation armor set will grant you the Dire Retaliation legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Shadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Efficient Termination

Efficient Termination

The Efficient Termination armor set will grant you the Efficient Termination legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Shadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Endless Offensive

Endless Offensive

The Endless Offensive armor set will grant you the Endless Offensive legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Shadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer combat style.

*** Edit: I think you may need to actually be a Sage / Sorcerer to get this to drop. On my Assassin it would not drop.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Established Foothold

Established Foothold

The Established Foothold armor set will grant you the Established Foothold legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Scoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Flawless Riposte

Flawless Riposte

The Flawless Riposte armor set will grant you the Flawless Riposte legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Guardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Game Plan

Game Plan

The Game Plan armor set will grant you the Game Plan legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Vanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Gathering Storm

Gathering Storm

The Gathering Storm armor set will grant you the The Gathering Storm legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Shadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer combat style.

*** Edit: I think you may need to actually be a Sage / Sorcerer to get this to drop. On my Assassin it would not drop.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Lord of Pain

Lord of Pain

The Lord of Pain armor set will grant you the Lord of Pain legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Guardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Meteor Brawler

Meteor Brawler

The Meteor Brawler armor set will grant you the Meteor Brawler legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Vanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Nimble Master

Nimble Master

The Nimble Master armor set will grant you the Nimble Master legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Guardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.



The Notorious armor set will grant you the The Notorious legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Vanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Outlaws Parlay

Outlaws Parlay

The Outlaws Parlay armor set will grant you the Outlaws Parlay legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Scoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Perfect Form

Perfect Form

The Perfect Form armor set will grant you the Perfect Form legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Guardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.



The Preserver armor set will grant you the The Preserver legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can be collected from Kai Zykken by characters in any Combat Style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Probe Tech

Probe Tech

The Probe Tech armor set will grant you the Probe Tech legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Scoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Quick Thinker

Quick Thinker

The Quick Thinker armor set will grant you the Quick Thinker legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Scoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Rapid Response

Rapid Response

The Rapid Response armor set will grant you the Rapid Response legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can be collected from Kai Zykken by characters in any Combat Style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Rebuking Assault

Rebuking Assault

The Rebuking Assault armor set will grant you the The Rebuking Assault legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Shadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.



The Repositioning armor set will grant you the Repositioning legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Scoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Right Price

Right Price

The Right Price armor set will grant you the The Right Price legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Vanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Saber Master

Saber Master

The Saber Master armor set will grant you the Saber Master legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Shadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Shadow Purger

Shadow Purger

The Shadow Purger armor set will grant you the Shadow Purger legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Shadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Squad Leader

Squad Leader

The Squad Leader armor set will grant you the Squad Leader legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Vanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Stationary Grit

Stationary Grit

The Stationary Grit armor set will grant you the Stationary Grit legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can be collected from Kai Zykken by characters in any Combat Style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.



The Stimulated armor set will grant you the Stimulated legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can be collected from Kai Zykken by characters in any Combat Style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.



The Strategist armor set will grant you the The Strategist legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Vanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.



The Tactician armor set will grant you the The Tactician legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Scoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.



The Taskmaster armor set will grant you the Taskmaster legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can be collected from Kai Zykken by characters in any Combat Style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Tech Medic

Tech Medic

The Tech Medic armor set will grant you the Tech Medic legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Vanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

The Entertainer

The Entertainer

The The Entertainer armor set will grant you the The Entertainer legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can be collected from Kai Zykken by characters in any Combat Style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

The Final Breath

The Final Breath

The The Final Breath armor set will grant you the The Final Breath legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can be collected from Kai Zykken by characters in any Combat Style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

The Slow Road

The Slow Road

The The Slow Road armor set will grant you the The Slow Road legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Scoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

The Undying

The Undying

The The Undying armor set will grant you the The Undying legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Guardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

The Victor

The Victor

The The Victor armor set will grant you the The Victor legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can be collected from Kai Zykken by characters in any Combat Style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.



The Tormented armor set will grant you the Tormented legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Guardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Trishins Retort

Trishins Retort

The Trishins Retort armor set will grant you the Trishins Retort legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can be collected from Kai Zykken by characters in any Combat Style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Veteran Ranger

Veteran Ranger

The Veteran Ranger armor set will grant you the Veteran Ranger legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Vanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary combat style.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Amplified Champion

Amplified Champion

The Amplified Champion armor set will grant you the Amplified Champion legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can be collected from Kai Zykken by characters in any Combat Style.

Tips for Collecting

The gear box randomly drops one of the 476 pieces of level-75 Set Bonus gear, but it does have some restrictions and is supposed to have some anti-duplicate measures.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.


The gear that drops should be tied to your current Combat Style. It will give you one either specific to your Combat Style, or a generic one. For example, if you are a Vanguard, it will never give you a piece for a Sage, but it may give you a piece that’s good for any Combat Style. So make sure to open these boxes on a relevant character.

If you have two Combat Styles, you can also set your Loot Discipline by right-clicking your character portrait. I would recommend to switch to both the correct Combat Style and Loot Discipline for the pieces you are chasing to give yourself better chances and reduce bugs. Make sure to always double-check this before opening boxes.

It does get tricky though, as some pieces say they are tied to a specific Class, for example the “Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior”… but your class story is no longer tied to combat, so I assume that would translate in 7.0 to mean a discipline that used to be tied to those classes.

  • Requires Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior: Sentinel / Guardian / Marauder / Juggernaut
  • Requires Jedi Consular / Sith Inquisitor: Sage / Shadow / Sorcerer / Assassin
  • Requires Trooper / Bounty Hunter: Commando / Vanguard / Mercenary / Powertech
  • Requires Smuggler / Operative: Scoundrel / Gunslinger / Operative / Sniper

If a piece is specific to a certain Combat Style, for example “Commando”, you would make sure your Combat Style is “Commando” (any discipline) and make sure your loot discipline is set to one of the three Commando disciplines, especially if you have two combat Styles.

Once you obtain the pieces you want, you do have to be the correct Combat Style to initially use them in the outfitter, but once stamped, you can swap to the other Combat Style and stamp with another set and use it on either of your Combat Styles.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Duplicate Protection

Kai Zykken does have a degree of duplicate protection.

If an item existed in the player’s equipment or inventory, the RNG protection should prevent that item from dropping from Kai Zykken’s random boxes. If you’ve gotten every piece you can get, you would get a Taskmaster’s Chestpiece, as per this Developer post.

HOWEVER, in reality in 7.0, many players are reporting that the duplicate protection is not working as intended, and there’s some especially strange stuff going on for players trying to get their last few pieces of specific sets.

To help prevent duplicates you will want to place all your class-specific and general sets in your INVENTORY and/or CARGO BAY. Items in your legacy bay will not be looked at for duplicate protection.

A player also suggested try opening and flipping through the pages of your cargo bay before opening Kai Zykken boxes.

The boxed set costs 10,000 Tech fragments plus 1,000,000 credits.

Tracking/Organizing Your Sets

“For collecting multiple sets I highly recommend setting up some sort of organized plan on storing and keeping track of sets. I used 3 cargo holds to contain all the sets. I would fill the top row of the cargo hold with the same color crystals all the way across. That left 7 slots in each column, perfect for sorting the sets. Transfer all generic sets to every character that you roll Kai on. I would send all the shared class armors that were relevant as well.”


At the launch of 7.0, Star Wars: The Old Republic added 68 titles in the game, with each title tied to collecting an armor set that was relevant during the previous expansion. You can till get the titles now, but it’s a lot harder! While many of these armor sets were directly purchasable in the previous expansion, now they set pieces can only be obtained from a special vendor named Kai Zykken. These achievements were previously called the “Spoils of War” achievements, but were moved to the “Feats of Strength” category, and then that category was renamed “Equipment Sets”.

Obtaining the sets is a lot harder than it was. In the previous expansion, you could often gets sets from specific types of content, or buy specific pieces directly from vendors. Now all the sets are tied to a “random” box sold by the Kai Zykken Vendor, located in the Supplies section of the Fleet.

In the previous expansion, if a player had a piece equipped, in their inventory, or in their green personal cargo hold, and the piece was class-specific, it would not drop again. This did not protect against pieces that were generic and not class-specific.

Bugs / Tips

Here’s a quote from one player named Screaming_Ziva who did some testing on this great thread, “From what I can tell, it’s characters that are bugged when you cannot gamble any more sets that you need. Now I just need to start transferring all of my Juggs over to the PTS to see which of those isn’t bugged so I can get the last two pieces of the Dashing Blademaster set that I need.” Here is their findings:

“After all of my PTS testing but I was finally able to finish all the sets on the live servers. Some things I’ve noticed:

  • You cannot use your loot type selection. You have to actually change your spec on the character you are gambling with.
  • Some sets are attached to the wrong specs.
  • This is just from what I have seen but it looks like empty shells do not count for the RNG protection. Also, I can’t confirm this 100% but, if you purchased an empty shell from the vendor and then put mods in it, it still will not count for the RNG protection.
  • You will still get random Taskmaster chestpieces even though there are still items available for you.

These are just my observations so hopefully they will help some people.”

Here is some additional notes from player Zuriel who ha also collection all the sets:

“Duplicate protection is definitely broken. It seems that every advanced class pool has different “broken” sets that kept appearing. Juggernaut/Guardian LOVED to keep giving me Descent of the Fearless over and over and over again. Taskmaster chestpieces were a frequent plague to me across multiple advanced classes. I think I got 7 of them in a row once. On the other hand I think the Operative/Scoundrel sets did little to no duplication. It’s very strange and inconsistent across each advanced class. Kai Zykken checks only your inventory and personal cargo hold. As an over precaution I would open my cargo hold, literally flip through the tabs to “show” the game that “LOOK I have THESE ones already”. I can’t confirm if it helps or not, but it felt like it did. Hard to test the validity of, but I felt like if I didn’t the game forgot what was in my cargo hold cuz it wasn’t loaded (my computer specs and connection is quite good, but you and other players may notice that opening cargo holds often gives a second or two of lag as it loads everything, this reinforced that theory). Across the multiple characters I’ve used, all of them seem to have the bug, I don’t think it’s tied to characters unless literally every character I did these on was bugged.”

  • You 100% can use your loot discipline to get specific sets. Your active discipline does not matter. This nipped me in the butt once or twice because I forgot which loot discipline I had set.
  • I have found no sets attached to the wrong specs, so this is likely fixed
  • I haven’t seen anything about empty shells not contributing to duplicate protection, but then again idk if ever had empty shells to begin with at the time of pulling.
  • Ziva is right, Taskmaster Chest is a plague on anyone pursuing these sets.

Kai Zykken Giving Nothing: There was a bug fixed in 7.0.2 where players would buy a box and Kai Zykken gives nothing at all. This was fixed.

Old Bug pre-7.0 sets: There is an older bug related to Spoils of War achievements for both tacticals and armor sets – when it first came out, there were some bugs, and some of the items may not have activated the achievements. For example, a lot of tacticals were not triggering the achievements if you bought them from a vendor. To fix this, take your armor or tactical, and simply mail it to one of your characters, especially if you have one on the other faction. Once you mail it and pick it up into your inventory, it should properly trigger the achievement! Hurray! I tested this out and it worked for me!

Later Update, now deprecated: The item from the vendor is called an Unidentified Onslaught Set Bonus Gear and costs 1,000 Tech Fragments and 500,000 Credits. It contains a semi-random piece of level-75 Set Bonus gear. The gear box semi-randomly drops one of the 476 pieces of level-75 Set Bonus gear pieces.




Combat Style Changes

  • Aggressive Treatment – Aggressive Treatment – Scoundrel / Operative (now Gunslinger / Sniper too)
  • Amplified Champion – Amplified Champion – Generic
  • Apex Predator – Apex Predator – Commando / Mercenary (now Vanguard / Powertech too)
  • Authority – The Authority – Scoundrel / Operative (now Gunslinger / Sniper too)
  • Avenger – The Avenger – Generic
  • Ballast Point – Ballast Point – Shadow / Assassin (now Sage / Sorcerer too)
  • Ballistic Concentration – Ballistic Concentration – Gunslinger / Sniper (now Scoundrel / Operative too)
  • Berserker – The Berserker – Generic
  • Comet Champion – Comet Champion – Sentinel / Marauder (now Guardian / Juggernaut too)
  • Concentrated Fire – Concentrated Fire – Commando / Mercenary (now Vanguard / Powertech too)
  • Controller – The Controller – Jedi Consular / Sith Inquisitor (now Shadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer)
  • Culling Blade – The Culling Blade – Sentinel / Marauder (now Guardian / Juggernaut too)
  • Dashing Blademaster – Dashing Blademaster – Sentinel / Marauder (now Guardian / Juggernaut too)
  • Death Knell – Death Knell – Shadow / Assassin (now Sage / Sorcerer too)
  • Debilitator – The Debilitator – Scoundrel / Operative (now Gunslinger / Sniper too)
  • Decelerator – Decelerator – Jedi Consular / Sith Inquisitor (now Shadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer)
  • Descent of the Fearless – Descent of the Fearless – Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior (now Guardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder)
  • Dire Retaliation – Dire Retaliation – Jedi Consular / Sith Inquisitor (now Shadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer)
  • Dying Precision – Dying Precision – Generic
  • Efficient Termination – Efficient Termination – Shadow / Assassin (now Sage / Sorcerer too)
  • Emergency Power – Emergency Power – Vanguard / Powertech (now Commando / Mercenary too)
  • Empowered Restorer – Empowered Restorer – Sage / Sorcerer (now Shadow / Asssin too)
  • Endless Offensive – Endless Offensive – Sage / Sorcerer (now Shadow / Asssin too)
  • Escape Artists – Escape Artists – Smuggler / Imperial Agent (now Scoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper)
  • Established Foothold – Established Foothold – Gunslinger / Sniper (now Scoundrel / Operative too)
  • Flawless Riposte – Flawless Riposte – Guardian / Juggernaut (now Sentinel / Marauder too)
  • Force Bound – Force Bound – Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior (now Guardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder)
  • Game Plan – Game Plan – Trooper / Bounty Hunter (now Vanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary)
  • Gathering Storm – The Gathering Storm – Sage / Sorcerer (now Shadow / Asssin too)
  • Hunter Killer – Hunter Killer – Trooper / Bounty Hunter (now Vanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary)
  • Lord of Pain – Lord of Pain – Guardian / Juggernaut (now Sentinel / Marauder too)
  • Meteor Brawler – Meteor Brawler – Vanguard / Powertech (now Commando / Mercenary too)
  • Murderous Revelation – The Murderous Revelation – Shadow / Assassin (now Sage / Sorcerer too)
  • Nimble Master – Nimble Master – Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior (now Guardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder)
  • Notorious – The Notorious – Commando / Mercenary (now Vanguard / Powertech too)
  • Outlaws Parlay – Outlaws Parlay – Gunslinger / Sniper (now Scoundrel / Operative too)
  • Perfect Form – Perfect Form – Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior (now Guardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder)
  • Precise Targeter – Precise Targeter – Gunslinger / Sniper (now Scoundrel / Operative too)
  • Preserver – The Preserver – Generic
  • Probe Tech – Probe Tech – Smuggler / Imperial Agent (now Scoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper)
  • Quick Thinker – Quick Thinker – Smuggler / Imperial Agent (now Scoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper)
  • Rapid Response – Rapid Response – Generic
  • Rebuking Assault – The Rebuking Assault – Shadow / Assassin (now Sage / Sorcerer too)
  • Repositioning – Repositioning – Gunslinger / Sniper (now Scoundrel / Operative too)
  • Restorative Drive – Restorative Drive – Commando / Mercenary (now Vanguard / Powertech too)
  • Revitalized Mystic – Revitalized Mystic – Sage / Sorcerer (now Shadow / Asssin too)
  • Right Price – The Right Price – Vanguard / Powertech (now Commando / Mercenary too)
  • Saber Master – Saber Master – Shadow / Assassin (now Sage / Sorcerer too)
  • Shadow Purger – Shadow Purger – Shadow / Assassin (now Sage / Sorcerer too)
  • Soulbenders – Soulbenders – Jedi Consular / Sith Inquisitor (now Shadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer)
  • Squad Leader – Squad Leader – Trooper / Bounty Hunter (now Vanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary)
  • Stationary Grit – Stationary Grit – Generic
  • Stimulated – Stimulated – Generic
  • Strategist – The Strategist – Vanguard / Powertech (now Commando / Mercenary too)
  • Superiority – Superiority – Scoundrel / Operative (now Gunslinger / Sniper too)
  • Tactician – The Tactician – Scoundrel / Operative (now Gunslinger / Sniper too)
  • Taskmaster – Taskmaster – Generic
  • Tech Medic – Tech Medic – Commando / Mercenary (now Vanguard / Powertech too)
  • The Entertainer – The Entertainer – Generic
  • The Final Breath – The Final Breath – Generic
  • The Slow Road – The Slow Road – Smuggler / Imperial Agent (now Scoundrel / Operative / Gunslinger / Sniper)
  • The Undying – The Undying – Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior (now Guardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder)
  • The Victor – The Victor – Generic
  • Tormented – Tormented – Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior (now Guardian / Juggernaut / Sentinel / Marauder)
  • Trishins Retort – Trishins Retort – Generic
  • Unyielding Protector – Unyielding Protector – Jedi Consular / Sith Inquisitor (now Shadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer)
  • Veteran Ranger – Veteran Ranger – Vanguard / Powertech (now Commando / Mercenary too)
  • Woads Instinct – Woads Instinct – Trooper / Bounty Hunter (now Vanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary)


Title List

  • Apex Predator: Gives the title “Apex Predator”, requires a Commando / Mercenary
  • Concentrated Fire: Gives the title “Concentrated Fire”, requires a Commando / Mercenary
  • Notorious: Gives the title “The Notorious”, requires a Commando / Mercenary
  • Tech Medic: Gives the title “Tech Medic”, requires a Commando / Mercenary
  • Restorative Drive: Gives the title “Restorative Drive”, requires a Commando / Mercenary
  • Emergency Power: Gives the title “Emergency Power”, requires a Vanguard / Powertech
  • Right Price: Gives the title “The Right Price”, requires a Vanguard / Powertech
  • Strategist: Gives the title “The Strategist”, requires a Vanguard / Powertech
  • Veteran Ranger: Gives the title “Veteran Ranger”, requires a Vanguard / Powertech
  • Meteor Brawler: Gives the title “Meteor Brawler”, requires a Vanguard / Powertech
  • Game Plan: Gives the title “Game Plan”, requires a Trooper / Bounty Hunter
  • Hunter Killer: Gives the title “Hunter Killer”, requires a Trooper / Bounty Hunter
  • Squad Leader: Gives the title “Squad Leader”, requires a Trooper / Bounty Hunter
  • Woads Instinct: Gives the title “Woads Instinct”, requires a Trooper / Bounty Hunter
  • Aggressive Treatment: Gives the title “Aggressive Treatment”, requires a Scoundrel / Operative
  • Authority: Gives the title “The Authority”, requires a Scoundrel / Operative
  • Debilitator: Gives the title “The Debilitator”, requires a Scoundrel / Operative
  • Tactician: Gives the title “The Tactician”, requires a Scoundrel / Operative
  • Superiority: Gives the title “Superiority”, requires a Scoundrel / Operative
  • Established Foothold: Gives the title “Established Foothold”, requires a Gunslinger / Sniper
  • Outlaws Parlay: Gives the title “Outlaws Parlay”, requires a Gunslinger / Sniper
  • Precise Targeter: Gives the title “Precise Targeter”, requires a Gunslinger / Sniper
  • Repositioning: Gives the title “Repositioning”, requires a Gunslinger / Sniper
  • Ballistic Concentration: Gives the title “Ballistic Concentration”, requires a Gunslinger / Sniper
  • Escape Artists: Gives the title “Escape Artists”, requires a Smuggler / Imperial Agent
  • Probe Tech: Gives the title “Probe Tech”, requires a Smuggler / Imperial Agent
  • Quick Thinker: Gives the title “Quick Thinker”, requires a Smuggler / Imperial Agent
  • The Slow Road: Gives the title “The Slow Road”, requires a Smuggler / Imperial Agent
  • Culling Blade: Gives the title “The Culling Blade”, requires a Sentinel / Marauder
  • Dashing Blademaster: Gives the title “Dashing Blademaster”, requires a Sentinel / Marauder
  • Comet Champion: Gives the title “Comet Champion”, requires a Sentinel / Marauder
  • Flawless Riposte: Gives the title “Flawless Riposte”, requires a Guardian / Juggernaut
  • Lord of Pain: Gives the title “Lord of Pain”, requires a Guardian / Juggernaut
  • Descent of the Fearless: Gives the title “Descent of the Fearless”, requires a Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior
  • Force Bound: Gives the title “Force Bound”, requires a Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior
  • Nimble Master: Gives the title “Nimble Master”, requires a Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior
  • Perfect Form: Gives the title “Perfect Form”, requires a Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior
  • The Undying: Gives the title “The Undying”, requires a Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior
  • Tormented: Gives the title “Tormented”, requires a Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior
  • Revitalized Mystic: Gives the title “Revitalized Mystic”, requires a Sage / Sorcerer
  • Empowered Restorer: Gives the title “Empowered Restorer”, requires a Sage / Sorcerer
  • Endless Offensive: Gives the title “Endless Offensive”, requires a Sage / Sorcerer
  • Gathering Storm: Gives the title “The Gathering Storm”, requires a Sage / Sorcerer
  • Death Knell: Gives the title “Death Knell”, requires a Shadow / Assassin
  • Efficient Termination: Gives the title “Efficient Termination”, requires a Shadow / Assassin
  • Murderous Revelation: Gives the title “The Murderous Revelation”, requires a Shadow / Assassin
  • Rebuking Assault: Gives the title “The Rebuking Assault”, requires a Shadow / Assassin
  • Saber Master: Gives the title “Saber Master”, requires a Shadow / Assassin
  • Shadow Purger: Gives the title “Shadow Purger”, requires a Shadow / Assassin
  • Ballast Point: Gives the title “Ballast Point”, requires a Shadow / Assassin
  • Controller: Gives the title “The Controller”, requires a Jedi Consular / Sith Inquisitor
  • Decelerator: Gives the title “Decelerator”, requires a Jedi Consular / Sith Inquisitor
  • Dire Retaliation: Gives the title “Dire Retaliation”, requires a Jedi Consular / Sith Inquisitor
  • Soulbenders: Gives the title “Soulbenders”, requires a Jedi Consular / Sith Inquisitor
  • Unyielding Protector: Gives the title “Unyielding Protector”, requires a Jedi Consular / Sith Inquisitor
  • Amplified Champion: Gives the title “Amplified Champion”, does not require a specific class
  • Avenger: Gives the title “The Avenger”, does not require a specific class
  • Berserker: Gives the title “The Berserker”, does not require a specific class
  • Dying Precision: Gives the title “Dying Precision”, does not require a specific class
  • Preserver: Gives the title “The Preserver”, does not require a specific class
  • Rapid Response: Gives the title “Rapid Response”, does not require a specific class
  • Stationary Grit: Gives the title “Stationary Grit”, does not require a specific class
  • Stimulated: Gives the title “Stimulated”, does not require a specific class
  • Taskmaster: Gives the title “Taskmaster”, does not require a specific class
  • The Entertainer: Gives the title “The Entertainer”, does not require a specific class
  • The Final Breath: Gives the title “The Final Breath”, does not require a specific class
  • The Victor: Gives the title “The Victor”, does not require a specific class
  • Trishins Retort: Gives the title “Trishins Retort”, does not require a specific class

Thank you to player Zuriel for the screenshots of the glowing Kai Zykken armors and lots of tips!