Gunslinger Dirty Fighting Basics Guide

Dirty Fighting

As a Gunslinger who finds nothing honorable about losing in a scrap, the Dirty Fighting Gunslinger doesn’t pull punches. Lobbed bombs and cheap shots are just a sampling of the Dirty Fighting Gunslinger’s bag of cruel tricks that can cause their target untold continuous suffering while the Gunslinger stands back with a satisfied smile.

  • Role: Damage
  • Type: Damage Over Time
  • Weapon: Double Blaster Pistols
  • Distance: Long Range
  • Mirror: Sniper – Virulence

Dirty Fighting for New Players

  • Dirty Fighting requires that you take cover and not move for many of your abilities to work. Cover makes Sharpshooter a very difficult class for newer gamers to learn, as many fights require moving around – but you can ignore the cover mechanic while learning Dirty Fighting if you want as all but one ability can still be used out of cover.
  •   Dirty Fighting is long range – if you can handle the cover mechanic, you can hit targets very, very far away compared to most classes which makes it easier to find targets to hit than short-range classes.
  •  If you are able to watch your debuff timers, this discipline is decently easy to learn with a guide.
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How to play a Dirty Fighting Gunslinger

You can start playing Dirty Fighting at level 1. To start playing Dirty Fighting, you will need to first create a Gunslinger character, which can be played by Troopers, Bounty Hunters, Smugglers or Imperial Agents.

Once you are ingame, press K on your keyboard to open the Combat Style tab, and choose Dirty Fighting from the three options. This choice is not permanent, you will be able to switch between all three options by finding a rest location like a cantina.

Updated for 7.2!

Below Level 80

Below Level 80

If you are below level 80, there are no true guides available to tell you what specific abilities you should be using, because the ideal rotation would change every level.

Instead, you can use this guide to figure out which of your abilities are attacks, which are defensive, and which are just useful.

Level 80

5 Ability Basic Rotation

Not quite ready to learn all your abilities yet? Use this quick 5-ability rotation for the Dirty Fighter until you’re ready to read and learn from a true level 80 guide.

  • Vital Shot & Shrap Bomb are your two main Damage over Time abilities, and it is vital that you have these debuffs on the target as close to 100% of the time as you possibly can. Use these every 18 seconds, do not use them over and over!
  •  Hemorrhaging Blast is a unique Dirty Fighting ability. Use whenever it’s available if you’ve already applied your two DoTs, it causes extra damage every time your DoTS do damage!
  •  Wounding Shots is a channeled attack and each time it deals damage it ticks every one of your dots, so as long as your DoTs are applied use it as much as possible.
  •  Dirty Blast is your “filler” ability when you don’t have your other abilities ready.

More than 3 Enemies

  •  Vital Shot followed by Shrap Bomb is still a great combo in situations with many enemies because Shrap Bomb can spread your Vital Shot to every extra target nearby!
  •  If you still need more area damage, Bombing Run (a choice at level 68) can be taken for a huge amount of damage over a set area.

Extra Tips

  • Crouch and stay in cover as much as you can! You can be very far from your enemy and still hit them.
  •  Feeling spicy? Use your gold Blood Sights buff to do automatic critical damage – use it before using Wounding Shots.
  • Want to add some extra damage? Quickdraw should be used whenever it’s sparkling! It will sparkle after using Wounding Shots.
  • Cool Head restores energy if you run out.
Level 80

Before you play…

Making your Vital Shot and Shrap Bomb debuffs more visible on your enemy can make it easier to know when they are about to fall off.

  1. Press ESC on your keyboard, choose Interface Editor from the menu
  2. Select the “Target Frame” box where the portrait of your enemy would appear
  3. In the center box, scroll down and check 🔲 Highlight Debuff, then scroll down more and check 🔲 Personal Debuffs
  4. Save. This will show your own debuffs highlighted in gold so you don’t mix them up with your groups’!
Level 80 Gear Recommendations
More Information:
Level 80 In-Depth Community Guides

Ready to learn more about your class, and how to play at a higher skill level? These guides by other players break down your class's abilities and your full rotation!



  • Flurry of Bolts - Basic AttackLevel 1
  • Charged Burst - AttackLevel 1
  • Quickdraw - AttackLevel 1
  • Thermal Grenade - Area AttackLevel 4
  • Sweeping Gunfire - Area AttackLevel 7
  • Vital Shot - AttackLevel 7
  • Leg Shot - AttackLevel 10
  • Shrap Bomb - Area AttackLevel 15
  • Wounding Shots - AttackLevel 35
  • Speed Shot - AttackLevel 37
  • Hemorrhaging Blast - AttackLevel 47
  • Dirty Blast - AttackLevel 60 REPLACES Charged Burst at Level 60+
  • Bombing Run - Optional Area Attack Level 68 Option 3/3Level 68

Multiple Enemy Attack Abilities

These Dirty Fighting attacks are useful for attacking groups of enemies.

  • Thermal Grenade - Area AttackLevel 4
  • Sweeping Gunfire - Area AttackLevel 7
  • Shrap Bomb - Area AttackLevel 15
  • Bombing Run - Optional Area Attack Level 68 Option 3/3Level 68


You can combine your Dirty Fighting buffs with your attacks to create powerful combinations.

  • Lucky Shots - Passive Class BuffLevel 1
  • Cool Head - BuffLevel 15
  • Blood Sights - BuffLevel 15
  • Illegal Mods - Optional Buff Level 43 Option 3/3Level 43
  • Bag of Tricks - BuffLevel 67

Defensive & Healing Abilities

Use these abilities to help yourself stay alive. The Gunslinger has these defensive and healing abilities and you'll want to know where they are in a difficult fight.

  • Diversion - DefensiveLevel 35
  • Hunker Down - DefensiveLevel 35
  • Defense Screen - DefensiveLevel 47
  • Scrambling Field - Optional Defensive Level 68 Option 2/3Level 68

Useful Abilities

These abilities may not be directly for attacking, but they are used heavily by skilled Gunslingers in combat to turn the tide of a fight.

  • Crouch - Cover - You must be in cover to take advantage of some of you abilities. Your Crouch will allow you to take cover where you are standing.Level 1
  • Take Cover - Environment Cover - You must be in cover to take advantage of some of you abilities. You have two ways to enter Cover - your normal Cover in place ability, and your Environment Cover, which you can only use if there is terrain to take cover behind nearby, indicated by a holographic green figure crouching in front of a rock or barricade.Level 1
  • Recuperate - Regeneration - Regain health out of battle.Level 1
  • Escape - Stun Break - If you are stunned and can’t move, you can use this ability to unstun yourself.Level 10
  • Distraction - Interrupt - Every class has an interrupt ability that allows them to interrupt an enemy while they are casting. Enemy castbars that fill up from left to right are called casts and can be interrupted and the ability will be stopped, but castbars that go from right to left deal damage the entire time they are channeling. Using your interrupt in combat is very useful as it can prevent the enemy from damaging you, or sometimes even prevent them from stunning you or knocking you back!Level 19
  • Surrender - Detaunt - Your detaunt ability will cause enemies to lose interest in your character, at least for a short time. This is most useful if you're getting attacked during group fights when your tank is supposed to be taking the damage, or when your companion is set to tank.Level 23
  • Below the Belt - Optional Stun Level 27 Option 3/3 - You can use your short stun on weaker enemies to stop them from running around, from casting abilities, to stop them from damaging you, or just to keep them out of the fight in general.Level 27
  • Pulse Detonator - Knockback - Pushes enemies back.Level 31
  • Hightail It - Movement - Roll forward 18 meters, purging movement-impairing effects and landing crouched behind cover. While rolling, your chance to dodge attacks is increased by 100%.Level 60
  • Hideout - Optional Teleport Level 68 Option 1/3 - Activating the ability marks your current location for 10 minutes. When this ability is activated again, if you are within 60 meters of the marked location, you instantly return to the marked location. Hideout goes on cooldown for 120 seconds when used to return to the marked location.Level 68

Tree Choices

As you level up, you will be able to make choices about how you play your Dirty Fighting Gunslinger with the Ability Tree, which can be opened with the K key on your keyboard. If you do not choose one, a default option will be chosen for you.

You will have eight choices to make as you level up, at levels 23, 27, 39, 43, 51, 64, 68 and 73. All of these Ability Tree choices are not permanent choices and can be changed later. If you are following a Level 80 guide on how to play your Dirty Fighting Gunslinger, you will need to make sure to choose the same options as they have. You may not have the same choices chosen as a friend who is also playing a Dirty Fighting Gunslinger.

Solo 'Single Enemy' Suggestions
Solo 'Many Enemies' Suggestions
Flashpoint Suggestions
Operation Suggestions

Level 23 Choice: Shrap Bomb Change

Choose from one of three ways that you want Shrap Bomb to change at level 23. Your options are Improvised Tech, Scrounging, and Sharp Objects.

Shrap Bomb

Hurls a bomb that explodes with razor-sharp shrapnel in a 5-meter radius, dealing internal bleed damage on impact and internal bleed damage over 24 seconds to up to 8 targets. Targets damaged this way are slowed by 30% for the duration.

Improvised Tech

Shrap Bomb deals 10% more initial damage. In addition, Shrap Bomb extends the duration of Smuggler's Chems by 1 second for each target it hits.

Shrap Bomb deals 10% more initial damage. In addition, Shrap Bomb extends the duration of Smuggler's Chems by 1 second for each target it hits.


Shrap Bomb refunds 2 energy when dealing periodic damage with Shrap Bomb.

Shrap Bomb refunds 2 energy when dealing periodic damage with Shrap Bomb.

Sharp Objects

Shrap Bomb increases the critical hit damage of your periodic bleed effects to targets it affects by 5%.

Shrap Bomb increases the critical hit damage of your periodic bleed effects to targets it affects by 5%.

General Suggestion: Sharp Objects - As a Dirty Fighter, most of your damage will come from periodic damage effects. Sharp Objects increasing the damage of their crits is by far the best boost to your damage you can take at 23.

Level 27 Choice

Choose from one of three Gunslinger abilities at Level 27, you can only have one of these options at any given time. Your options as a Dirty Fighting Gunslinger for the Level 27 choice are Dodge Stance, Flourish Burst, and Below the Belt.

Dodge Stance

Surrender grants Dodge Stance, increasing your chance to dodge melee and ranged attacks by 200% and reducing the damage you take from Force and Tech attacks by 75% for 3 seconds. Additionally, activating Surrender resets the cooldown of Hightail It.

Surrender grants Dodge Stance, increasing your chance to dodge melee and ranged attacks by 200% and reducing the damage you take from Force and Tech attacks by 75% for 3 seconds. Additionally, activating Surrender resets the cooldown of Hightail It.

Flourish Burst

The critical hit damage of Charged Burst is increased by 20%. Dealing damage to a target with Charged Burst inflicts trauma for 10 seconds, reducing all healing the target receives by 20%.

The critical hit damage of Charged Burst is increased by 20%. Dealing damage to a target with Charged Burst inflicts trauma for 10 seconds, reducing all healing the target receives by 20%.

Below the Belt

Aim your sights low, dealing energy damage and stunning the target for 4 seconds and allowing your next Quickdraw to be used regardless of the target's remaining health and deal 15% additional damage. Requires dual blasters.

You can use your short stun on weaker enemies to stop them from running around, from casting abilities, to stop them from damaging you, or just to keep them out of the fight in general.

General Suggestion: Flourish Burst - Unfortunately at level 27 a damage increase is competing against a better defensive passive and an optional stun, and as a DPS-only combat style, you should really be taking the DPS increase. If you really need a 4 second stun for something, Below the Belt is there, but ultimately, take Flourish Burst by default.

Level 39 Choice: Wounding Shots Change

Choose from one of three ways that you want Wounding Shots to change at level 39. Your options are Chemical Sightings, Wounding Impair, and Dividing Shot.

Wounding Shots

Fires a wave of bolts at the target, dealing weapon damage and spending 6 energy each second. When you deal damage with Wounding Shots, each of your bleed effects on the target also deal damage.

Chemical Sightings

The armor penetration, critical hit chance, and critical hit damage of Wounding Shots is increased by 20% while Smuggler's Chems are active.

The armor penetration, critical hit chance, and critical hit damage of Wounding Shots is increased by 20% while Smuggler's Chems are active.

Wounding Impair

Wounding Shots deals 10% more weapon damage and slows the target by 50% for 6 seconds.

Wounding Shots deals 10% more weapon damage and slows the target by 50% for 6 seconds.

Dividing Shot

Killing a target during Wounding Shots resets the cooldown of Wounding Shots and deals bleed damage to nearby enemies if the target was affected by one of your bleeds.

Killing a target during Wounding Shots resets the cooldown of Wounding Shots and deals bleed damage to nearby enemies if the target was affected by one of your bleeds.

Solo Single-Strong-Enemy Suggestion: Chemical Sightings - Increasing armor penetration on an attack that does weapon damage is a huge boost to damage, because unlike your internal bleeds, weapon damage is stopped by armor. Top that off with extra crits and Chemical Sightings is by far your biggest damage increase at 39. If you tend to forget to use Blood Sights to boost your damage, Wounding Impair is a nice flat 10% increase as well. Not as strong, but simpler!

Flashpoint Suggestion: Chemical Sightings - Increasing armor penetration on an attack that does weapon damage is a huge boost to damage, because unlike your internal bleeds, weapon damage is stopped by armor. Top that off with extra crits and Chemical Sightings is by far your biggest damage increase at 39. If you tend to forget to use Blood Sights to boost your damage, Wounding Impair is a nice flat 10% increase as well. Not as strong, but simpler!

Operation Suggestion: Chemical Sightings - Increasing armor penetration on an attack that does weapon damage is a huge boost to damage, because unlike your internal bleeds, weapon damage is stopped by armor. Top that off with extra crits and Chemical Sightings is by far your biggest damage increase at 39. If you tend to forget to use Blood Sights to boost your damage, Wounding Impair is a nice flat 10% increase as well. Not as strong, but simpler!

Multi-Enemy Solo Suggestion: Dividing Shot - This choice will naturally work very often when attacking groups of three. Put your dots on, use wounding shots, and weak targets will typically die before it ends, giving you tons of damage value.

Level 43 Choice

Choose from one of three Gunslinger abilities at Level 43, you can only have one of these options at any given time. Your options as a Dirty Fighting Gunslinger for the Level 43 choice are Focused Fusion, Critical Compounds, and Illegal Mods.

Focused Fusion

Blood Sight's cooldown is extended by 30 seconds but its Smuggler's Chems effect lasts twice as long.

Blood Sight's cooldown is extended by 30 seconds but its Smuggler's Chems effect lasts twice as long.

Critical Compounds

Critically hitting with periodic damage generates 1 energy.

Critically hitting with periodic damage generates 1 energy.

Illegal Mods

Increases ranged and tech accuracy by 30% and armor penetration by 15% for 10 seconds and immediately restores 15 energy. In addition, Illegal Mods resets the cooldown of Blood Sights.

Increases ranged and tech accuracy by 30% and armor penetration by 15% for 10 seconds and immediately restores 15 energy. In addition, Illegal Mods resets the cooldown of Blood Sights.

Reset Engagement

Surrender purges all movement-impairing effects when activated and grants Reset Engagement, increasing your movement speed by 75% for 6 seconds.

Surrender purges all movement-impairing effects when activated and grants Reset Engagement, increasing your movement speed by 75% for 6 seconds.

General Suggestion: Illegal Mods - With the change to Illegal Mods giving it an extra usage of Blood Sights, you will get more use out of the buff taking Illegal Mods than you would with Focused Fusions longer duration. Take Illegal Mods and remember to use it!

Level 51 Choice

Choose from one of three Gunslinger abilities at Level 51, you can only have one of these options at any given time. Your options as a Dirty Fighting Gunslinger for the Level 51 choice are Snap Shot, Ballistic Dampers, and Lay Low.

Snap Shot

Entering cover makes the next Charged Burst or Dirty Blast activate instantly. This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds.

Entering cover makes the next Charged Burst or Dirty Blast activate instantly. This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds.

Ballistic Dampers

Entering cover grants 3 charges of Ballistic Dampers. Each charge absorbs 30% of the damage dealt by incoming attacks. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds. Ballistic Dampers can only be gained once every 6 seconds.

Entering cover grants 3 charges of Ballistic Dampers. Each charge absorbs 30% of the damage dealt by incoming attacks. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds. Ballistic Dampers can only be gained once every 6 seconds.

Lay Low

Reduces the cooldown of Hunker Down by 15 seconds. In addition, Pulse Detonator knocks targets back an additional 5 meters and the final shot of Speed Shot and Penetrating Rounds knocks targets back if they are within 10 meters.

Reduces the cooldown of Hunker Down by 15 seconds. In addition, Pulse Detonator knocks targets back an additional 5 meters and the final shot of Speed Shot and Penetrating Rounds knocks targets back if they are within 10 meters.

General Suggestion: Ballistic Dampers - Ballistic Dampers is a great method of reducing damage done to your squishy gunslinger in any content! 30% less damage taken for the next few hits every time you enter cover will immediately show noticeable tankiness as soon as you reach this choice at 51. Always be taking cover!

Level 64 Choice

Choose from one of three Gunslinger abilities at Level 64, you can only have one of these options at any given time. Your options as a Dirty Fighting Gunslinger for the Level 64 choice are Cool Under Pressure, Perfect Scheme, and Efficient Ammo.

Cool Under Pressure

While in cover, you heal for 3% of your total health every 2 seconds.

While in cover, you heal for 3% of your total health every 2 seconds.

Perfect Scheme

Reduces the cooldown of Bag of Tricks by 45 seconds and increases your damage reduction by 15% for 15 seconds after activating Bag of Tricks.

Reduces the cooldown of Bag of Tricks by 45 seconds and increases your damage reduction by 15% for 15 seconds after activating Bag of Tricks.

Efficient Ammo

Increases the damage dealt by Sweeping Gunfire by 25%.

Increases the damage dealt by Sweeping Gunfire by 25%.

Solo Single-Strong-Enemy Suggestion: Perfect Scheme - A reduced cooldown on bag of tricks enables you to use surrender more often, which can also allow you to roll more often, which is pretty fun mobility! You may wonder why a 25% increase to sweeping gunfire isnt suggested: It's simply not a big source of damage for dirty fighting even in AoE situations. You'd be better off spreading your damage over time effects to multiple targets to do damage!

Multi-Enemy Solo Suggestion: Perfect Scheme - A reduced cooldown on bag of tricks enables you to use surrender more often, which can also allow you to roll more often, which is pretty fun mobility! You may wonder why a 25% increase to sweeping gunfire isnt suggested: It's simply not a big source of damage for dirty fighting even in AoE situations. You'd be better off spreading your damage over time effects to multiple targets to do damage!

Flashpoint Suggestion: Perfect Scheme - Perfect Scheme will greatly increase your survivability in group content and make you easier to heal. You may wonder why a 25% increase to sweeping gunfire isnt suggested: It's simply not a big source of damage for Dirty Fighting even in AoE situations. You'd be better off spreading your damage over time effects to multiple targets to do damage!

Operation Suggestion: Perfect Scheme - If that speed boost from Surrender in the "Reset Engagement" choice isn't needed, Perfect Scheme will greatly increase your survivability in group content and make you easier to heal. You may wonder why a 25% increase to sweeping gunfire isnt suggested: It's simply not a big source of damage for Dirty Fighting even in AoE situations. You'd be better off spreading your damage over time effects to multiple targets to do damage!

Level 68 Choice

Choose from one of three Gunslinger abilities at Level 68, you can only have one of these options at any given time. Your options as a Dirty Fighting Gunslinger for the Level 68 choice are Hideout, Scrambling Field, and Bombing Run.


Activating the ability marks your current location for 10 minutes. When this ability is activated again, if you are within 60 meters of the marked location, you instantly return to the marked location. Hideout goes on cooldown for 120 seconds when used to return to the marked location.

Activating the ability marks your current location for 10 minutes. When this ability is activated again, if you are within 60 meters of the marked location, you instantly return to the marked location. Hideout goes on cooldown for 120 seconds when used to return to the marked location.

Scrambling Field

Deploys an acquired scrambling field that disrupts the energy signatures of conventional weapons. The field spans 10 meters around you, reducing the damage taken by all allies that remain inside by 20%. Lasts 25 seconds.

Deploys an acquired scrambling field that disrupts the energy signatures of conventional weapons. The field spans 10 meters around you, reducing the damage taken by all allies that remain inside by 20%. Lasts 25 seconds.

Bombing Run

Calls in support from your crew, dealing elemental damage over 9 seconds to up to 8 enemies within 8 meters of the targeted area. Additionally, standard and weak enemies are stunned by the flames.

Calls in support from your crew, dealing elemental damage over 9 seconds to up to 8 enemies within 8 meters of the targeted area. Additionally, standard and weak enemies are stunned by the flames.

Operation Suggestion: Scrambling Field - Scrambling Field is a very strong group-wide defensive that should be taken whenever needed. If you find that you need a little more damage, you could take Bombing Run instead and have it do some extra damage over time at the beginning of a fight.

Solo Single-Strong-Enemy Suggestion: Bombing Run - Bombing run is a great source of free damage even in single target scenarios if you drop it on the enemy right at the beginning of a fight. Open up with this if you take it! If you find you really dont need an extra Area Attack or maybe really need some group utility, Scrambling Field is a very strong group-wide defensive that should be taken whenever needed.

Multi-Enemy Solo Suggestion: Bombing Run - Bombing run is a great source of free damage even in single target scenarios if you drop it on the enemy right at the beginning of a fight. Open up with this if you take it! If you find you really dont need an extra Area Attack or maybe really need some group utility, Scrambling Field is a very strong group-wide defensive that should be taken whenever needed.

Flashpoint Suggestion: Bombing Run - Bombing run is a great source of free damage even in single target scenarios if you drop it on the enemy right at the beginning of a fight. Open up with this if you take it! If you find you really dont need an extra Area Attack or maybe really need some group utility, Scrambling Field is a very strong group-wide defensive that should be taken whenever needed.

Level 73 Choice

Choose from one of three Gunslinger abilities at Level 73, you can only have one of these options at any given time. Your options as a Dirty Fighting Gunslinger for the Level 73 choice are Hotwired Defenses, Hot Pursuit, and Heads Up.

Hotwired Defenses

Increases the amount of damage absorbed by defense screen by 30%. In addition, when taking damage while Hunker Down is active the cooldown for Bag of Tricks is reduced by 2 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 3 seconds.

Increases the amount of damage absorbed by defense screen by 30%. In addition, when taking damage while Hunker Down is active the cooldown for Bag of Tricks is reduced by 2 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 3 seconds.

Hot Pursuit

You gain 4 charges of Hot Pursuit upon exiting cover, which allow Charged Burst and Dirty Blast to be activated while moving. This effect lasts up to 15 seconds or until all 4 charges are consumed, but reentering cover removes the effect prematurely. Hot Pursuit cannot be gained more than once every 20 seconds.

You gain 4 charges of Hot Pursuit upon exiting cover, which allow Charged Burst and Dirty Blast to be activated while moving. This effect lasts up to 15 seconds or until all 4 charges are consumed, but reentering cover removes the effect prematurely. Hot Pursuit cannot be gained more than once every 20 seconds.

Heads Up

When Hunker Down ends or you leave cover while Hunker Down is active, you gain Heads Up, which increases your movement speed by 50% and grants immunity to movement impairing effects. Lasts 6 seconds.

When Hunker Down ends or you leave cover while Hunker Down is active, you gain Heads Up, which increases your movement speed by 50% and grants immunity to movement impairing effects. Lasts 6 seconds.

Solo Single-Strong-Enemy Suggestion: Hotwired Defenses - Hotwired defenses takes the strongest defensive that gunslingers have and makes it better! This should be the default choice for any gunslinger taking damage.

Multi-Enemy Solo Suggestion: Hotwired Defenses - Hotwired defenses takes the strongest defensive that gunslingers have and makes it better! This should be the default choice for any gunslinger taking damage.

Flashpoint Suggestion: Heads Up - If you aren't taking much damage and would rather some utility over Hotwired Defenses' increase to reduction, Heads up is a great addition of mobility for gunslingers that may need help dodging area attacks or standing in the right place for mechanics.

Operation Suggestion: Heads Up - If you aren't taking much damage and would rather some utility over Hotwired Defenses' increase to reduction, Heads up is a great addition of mobility for gunslingers that may need help dodging area attacks or standing in the right place for mechanics.

All Abilities

All your abilities for the Dirty Fighting Gunslinger.


Crouches in place, taking cover if used behind an object that provides cover. Crouching enables the use of cover-only abilities, and so long as you remain down behind a cover object, most ranged attackers strike your cover instead.

You must be in cover to take advantage of some of you abilities. Your Crouch will allow you to take cover where you are standing.

Take CoverEnvironment Cover

Roll into the selected cover point. If no cover point is available, you will crouch in place. Taking cover enables the use of cover-only abilities, and so long as you remain down behind a cover object, most ranged attackers strike your cover instead.

You must be in cover to take advantage of some of you abilities. You have two ways to enter Cover - your normal Cover in place ability, and your Environment Cover, which you can only use if there is terrain to take cover behind nearby, indicated by a holographic green figure crouching in front of a rock or barricade.

Flurry of BoltsBasic Attack 35m

Fires a flurry of bolts from your blaster, dealing weapon damage.

Fires a flurry of bolts from your blaster, dealing weapon damage.

Charged BurstAttack 35m

Fires a series of powerful blasts for weapon damage. Fires both blasters if dual wielding.

Fires a series of powerful blasts for weapon damage. Fires both blasters if dual wielding.

QuickdrawAttack 35m

Fires off a round of lightning-quick shots that deals weapon damage. Only usable on targets at or below 30% max health. Requires dual blasters.

Fires off a round of lightning-quick shots that deals weapon damage. Only usable on targets at or below 30% max health. Requires dual blasters.


Allows you to catch your breath, recovering your health and energy over 15 seconds. This is only usable out of combat.

Regain health out of battle.

Lucky ShotsPassive Class Buff

Increases critical hit chance by 5%.

Increases critical hit chance by 5%.

Black Market EquipmentPassive

Increases the critical hit chance of all periodic effects by 5%.

Increases the critical hit chance of all periodic effects by 5%.

Feelin' WoozyHidden Passive

Shrap Bomb reduces the movement speed of all affected targets by 30% for its full duration.

Shrap Bomb reduces the movement speed of all affected targets by 30% for its full duration.

Open WoundHidden Passive

Increases the duration of Vital Shot by 6 seconds.

Increases the duration of Vital Shot by 6 seconds.

Reopen WoundsHidden Passive

Increases the critical chance of Wounding Shots and Speed Shot by 10%.

Increases the critical chance of Wounding Shots and Speed Shot by 10%.

Accurized BlastersPassive

Increases the critical chance of Sweeping Gunfire by 15% and increases its critical damage by 30%.

Increases the critical chance of Sweeping Gunfire by 15% and increases its critical damage by 30%.


Increases the critical damage dealt by Aimed Shot, Penetrating Rounds, Trickshot, Charged Burst, and Quickdraw by 10%.

Increases the critical damage dealt by Aimed Shot, Penetrating Rounds, Trickshot, Charged Burst, and Quickdraw by 10%.

Thermal GrenadeArea Attack 35m

Deals kinetic damage to the primary target and kinetic damage to up to 7 standard or weak enemies within 5 meters of the primary target. If the primary target is a standard of weak enemy, it is knocked to the ground.

Deals kinetic damage to the primary target and kinetic damage to up to 7 standard or weak enemies within 5 meters of the primary target. If the primary target is a standard of weak enemy, it is knocked to the ground.

Hold PositionPassive

While in cover, ranged defense is increased by 20%, you cannot be leapt to or pulled, and you are immune to interrupts and ability activation pushback.

While in cover, ranged defense is increased by 20%, you cannot be leapt to or pulled, and you are immune to interrupts and ability activation pushback.

Sweeping GunfireArea Attack 35m

Sprays a wave of bolts over the target area, dealing weapon damage over the duration to up to 8 targets within 8 meters. Requires dual blasters. Can only be used from cover.

Sprays a wave of bolts over the target area, dealing weapon damage over the duration to up to 8 targets within 8 meters. Requires dual blasters. Can only be used from cover.

Vital ShotAttack 35m

Fires a shot that causes the target to bleed, dealing internal damage over 18 seconds.

Fires a shot that causes the target to bleed, dealing internal damage over 18 seconds.

EscapeStun Break

Purges incapacitating and movement-impairing effects.

If you are stunned and can’t move, you can use this ability to unstun yourself.

Leg ShotAttack 35m

Fires a shot that deals weapon damage and immobilizes the target for 5 seconds. Direct damage dealt after 2 seconds ends the effect prematurely. Fires both blasters if dual wielding.

Fires a shot that deals weapon damage and immobilizes the target for 5 seconds. Direct damage dealt after 2 seconds ends the effect prematurely. Fires both blasters if dual wielding.

Cool HeadBuff

Keeps a cool head, recovering 50 energy over 3 seconds.

Keeps a cool head, recovering 50 energy over 3 seconds.

Crack ShotPassive

Increases the range of Quick Shot, Flash Grenade, and Distraction to 30 meters, and additionally increases the range of all blaster, grenade, and charge attacks by 5 meters. In addition, Vital Shot marks its target for 45 seconds. Marked targets take 5% more damage from ranged weapon attacks.

Increases the range of Quick Shot, Flash Grenade, and Distraction to 30 meters, and additionally increases the range of all blaster, grenade, and charge attacks by 5 meters. In addition, Vital Shot marks its target for 45 seconds. Marked targets take 5% more damage from ranged weapon attacks.

Blood SightsBuff

Increases the critical hit chance of your next Wounding Shots or Quickdraw by 100%. When Blood Sights is utilized it grants Smuggler's Chems for 10 seconds, causing your bleed effects to automatically critically hit.

Increases the critical hit chance of your next Wounding Shots or Quickdraw by 100%. When Blood Sights is utilized it grants Smuggler's Chems for 10 seconds, causing your bleed effects to automatically critically hit.

Shrap BombArea Attack 35m

Hurls a bomb that explodes with razor-sharp shrapnel in a 5-meter radius, dealing internal bleed damage on impact and internal bleed damage over 24 seconds to up to 8 targets. Targets damaged this way are slowed by 30% for the duration.

Hurls a bomb that explodes with razor-sharp shrapnel in a 5-meter radius, dealing internal bleed damage on impact and internal bleed damage over 24 seconds to up to 8 targets. Targets damaged this way are slowed by 30% for the duration.


Your periodic damaging effects don't tick on targets affected by any of your sleep effects. In addition, you always take 30% reduced damage from periodic effects, and your damage reduction is increased by 15% for 6 seconds after Defense Screen ends.

Your periodic damaging effects don't tick on targets affected by any of your sleep effects. In addition, you always take 30% reduced damage from periodic effects, and your damage reduction is increased by 15% for 6 seconds after Defense Screen ends.

Smuggler's ChemsHidden Passive

Blood Sights grants Smuggler's Chems to you after it is utilized, causing all bleed effects to critically hit for 10 seconds.

Blood Sights grants Smuggler's Chems to you after it is utilized, causing all bleed effects to critically hit for 10 seconds.

DistractionInterrupt 35m

Interrupts the target's current action and prevents that ability from being used for 4 seconds.

Every class has an interrupt ability that allows them to interrupt an enemy while they are casting. Enemy castbars that fill up from left to right are called casts and can be interrupted and the ability will be stopped, but castbars that go from right to left deal damage the entire time they are channeling. Using your interrupt in combat is very useful as it can prevent the enemy from damaging you, or sometimes even prevent them from stunning you or knocking you back!


Puts up the front of surrender, instantly lowering your threat by a moderate amount.

Your detaunt ability will cause enemies to lose interest in your character, at least for a short time. This is most useful if you're getting attacked during group fights when your tank is supposed to be taking the damage, or when your companion is set to tank.

Ready for AnythingPassive

Upon entering cover, your stealth detection level begins to increase gradually, reaching up to 30 additional levels of stealth detection over the following 30 seconds. This effect ends when you leave cover.

Upon entering cover, your stealth detection level begins to increase gradually, reaching up to 30 additional levels of stealth detection over the following 30 seconds. This effect ends when you leave cover.

Improvised TechOptional Passive Level 23 Option 1/3

Shrap Bomb deals 10% more initial damage. In addition, Shrap Bomb extends the duration of Smuggler's Chems by 1 second for each target it hits.

Shrap Bomb deals 10% more initial damage. In addition, Shrap Bomb extends the duration of Smuggler's Chems by 1 second for each target it hits.

ScroungingOptional Passive Level 23 Option 2/3

Shrap Bomb refunds 2 energy when dealing periodic damage with Shrap Bomb.

Shrap Bomb refunds 2 energy when dealing periodic damage with Shrap Bomb.

Sharp ObjectsOptional Passive Level 23 Option 3/3

Shrap Bomb increases the critical hit damage of your periodic bleed effects to targets it affects by 5%.

Shrap Bomb increases the critical hit damage of your periodic bleed effects to targets it affects by 5%.

General Suggestion: As a Dirty Fighter, most of your damage will come from periodic damage effects. Sharp Objects increasing the damage of their crits is by far the best boost to your damage you can take at 23.

Extra ShrapnelPassive

Shrap Bomb spreads your Vital Shot to the targets it damages, as long as it damages at least one target already affected by your Vital Shot.

Shrap Bomb spreads your Vital Shot to the targets it damages, as long as it damages at least one target already affected by your Vital Shot.


Increases maximum energy by 10.

Increases maximum energy by 10.

Dodge StanceOptional Passive Level 27 Option 1/3

Surrender grants Dodge Stance, increasing your chance to dodge melee and ranged attacks by 200% and reducing the damage you take from Force and Tech attacks by 75% for 3 seconds. Additionally, activating Surrender resets the cooldown of Hightail It.

Surrender grants Dodge Stance, increasing your chance to dodge melee and ranged attacks by 200% and reducing the damage you take from Force and Tech attacks by 75% for 3 seconds. Additionally, activating Surrender resets the cooldown of Hightail It.

Flourish BurstOptional Passive Level 27 Option 2/3

The critical hit damage of Charged Burst is increased by 20%. Dealing damage to a target with Charged Burst inflicts trauma for 10 seconds, reducing all healing the target receives by 20%.

The critical hit damage of Charged Burst is increased by 20%. Dealing damage to a target with Charged Burst inflicts trauma for 10 seconds, reducing all healing the target receives by 20%.

General Suggestion: Unfortunately at level 27 a damage increase is competing against a better defensive passive and an optional stun, and as a DPS-only combat style, you should really be taking the DPS increase. If you really need a 4 second stun for something, Below the Belt is there, but ultimately, take Flourish Burst by default.

Below the BeltOptional Stun 10m (short range) Level 27 Option 3/3

Aim your sights low, dealing energy damage and stunning the target for 4 seconds and allowing your next Quickdraw to be used regardless of the target's remaining health and deal 15% additional damage. Requires dual blasters.

You can use your short stun on weaker enemies to stop them from running around, from casting abilities, to stop them from damaging you, or just to keep them out of the fight in general.

Pulse DetonatorKnockback

Detonates an emergency charge that knocks all nearby targets back several meters and immobilizes them for 5 seconds. Damage dealt after 2 seconds ends the effect prematurely. Only usable in cover.

Pushes enemies back.

DiversionDefensive 35m

Reduces the accuracy by 45% and exposes from cover of up to 8 enemies within 8 meters for 6 seconds. Cannot be used on Operation Bosses.

Reduces the accuracy by 45% and exposes from cover of up to 8 enemies within 8 meters for 6 seconds. Cannot be used on Operation Bosses.

Hunker DownDefensive

Hunkers you down into cover, becoming immune to all controlling effects and reducing all area effect damage taken by 60%. Only grants protection while in cover. Lasts 20 seconds.

Hunkers you down into cover, becoming immune to all controlling effects and reducing all area effect damage taken by 60%. Only grants protection while in cover. Lasts 20 seconds.

Wounding ShotsAttack 35m

Fires a wave of bolts at the target, dealing weapon damage and spending 6 energy each second. When you deal damage with Wounding Shots, each of your bleed effects on the target also deal damage.

Fires a wave of bolts at the target, dealing weapon damage and spending 6 energy each second. When you deal damage with Wounding Shots, each of your bleed effects on the target also deal damage.

Fighting SpiritPassive

Reduces the cooldown of Cool Head by 15 seconds. In addition, dealing damage with a bleed effect restores 1 energy.

Reduces the cooldown of Cool Head by 15 seconds. In addition, dealing damage with a bleed effect restores 1 energy.

Speed ShotAttack 35m

Unloads both blasters at a high rate of fire, dealing weapon damage over the duration. Consumes 20 energy over the duration of the channel. Requires dual blasters.

Unloads both blasters at a high rate of fire, dealing weapon damage over the duration. Consumes 20 energy over the duration of the channel. Requires dual blasters.

Steady ShotsPassive

Increases the damage dealt by Charged Burst, Dirty Blast, Speed Shot, and Penetrating Rounds by 5%.

Increases the damage dealt by Charged Burst, Dirty Blast, Speed Shot, and Penetrating Rounds by 5%.

Chemical SightingsOptional Passive Level 39 Option 1/3

The armor penetration, critical hit chance, and critical hit damage of Wounding Shots is increased by 20% while Smuggler's Chems are active.

The armor penetration, critical hit chance, and critical hit damage of Wounding Shots is increased by 20% while Smuggler's Chems are active.

General Suggestion: Increasing armor penetration on an attack that does weapon damage is a huge boost to damage, because unlike your internal bleeds, weapon damage is stopped by armor. Top that off with extra crits and Chemical Sightings is by far your biggest damage increase at 39. If you tend to forget to use Blood Sights to boost your damage, Wounding Impair is a nice flat 10% increase as well. Not as strong, but simpler!

Wounding ImpairOptional Passive Level 39 Option 2/3

Wounding Shots deals 10% more weapon damage and slows the target by 50% for 6 seconds.

Wounding Shots deals 10% more weapon damage and slows the target by 50% for 6 seconds.

Dividing ShotOptional Passive Level 39 Option 3/3

Killing a target during Wounding Shots resets the cooldown of Wounding Shots and deals bleed damage to nearby enemies if the target was affected by one of your bleeds.

Killing a target during Wounding Shots resets the cooldown of Wounding Shots and deals bleed damage to nearby enemies if the target was affected by one of your bleeds.

Solo Many-Enemy Suggestion: This choice will naturally work very often when attacking groups of three. Put your dots on, use wounding shots, and weak targets will typically die before it ends, giving you tons of damage value.

Focused FusionOptional Passive Level 43 Option 1/3

Blood Sight's cooldown is extended by 30 seconds but its Smuggler's Chems effect lasts twice as long.

Blood Sight's cooldown is extended by 30 seconds but its Smuggler's Chems effect lasts twice as long.

Critical CompoundsOptional Passive Level 43 Option 2/3

Critically hitting with periodic damage generates 1 energy.

Critically hitting with periodic damage generates 1 energy.

Illegal ModsOptional Buff Level 43 Option 3/3

Increases ranged and tech accuracy by 30% and armor penetration by 15% for 10 seconds and immediately restores 15 energy. In addition, Illegal Mods resets the cooldown of Blood Sights.

Increases ranged and tech accuracy by 30% and armor penetration by 15% for 10 seconds and immediately restores 15 energy. In addition, Illegal Mods resets the cooldown of Blood Sights.

General Suggestion: With the change to Illegal Mods giving it an extra usage of Blood Sights, you will get more use out of the buff taking Illegal Mods than you would with Focused Fusions longer duration. Take Illegal Mods and remember to use it!

Mortal WoundPassive

Vital Shot and Shrap Bomb have a 10% chance to deal their damage twice whenever they harm a target. In addition, Shrap Bomb makes its targets assailable for 45 seconds. Assailable targets take 7% more elemental and internal damage.

Vital Shot and Shrap Bomb have a 10% chance to deal their damage twice whenever they harm a target. In addition, Shrap Bomb makes its targets assailable for 45 seconds. Assailable targets take 7% more elemental and internal damage.

Gushing WoundsHidden Passive

Hemorrhaging Blast deals 5% more damage and Shrap Bomb has a 10% chance to deal its damage twice whenever it harms a target.

Hemorrhaging Blast deals 5% more damage and Shrap Bomb has a 10% chance to deal its damage twice whenever it harms a target.

Reset EngagementHidden Passive

Surrender purges all movement-impairing effects when activated and grants Reset Engagement, increasing your movement speed by 75% for 6 seconds.

Surrender purges all movement-impairing effects when activated and grants Reset Engagement, increasing your movement speed by 75% for 6 seconds.

Defense ScreenDefensive

Projects a defense field around yourself for up to 10 seconds, which absorbs damage. Does not break stealth.

Projects a defense field around yourself for up to 10 seconds, which absorbs damage. Does not break stealth.

Hemorrhaging BlastAttack 35m

Deals weapon damage and for the next 10 seconds causes the target to take additional weapon damage whenever it takes damage from one of your bleed effects. Requires both blasters to activate.

Deals weapon damage and for the next 10 seconds causes the target to take additional weapon damage whenever it takes damage from one of your bleed effects. Requires both blasters to activate.

Snap ShotOptional Passive Level 51 Option 1/3

Entering cover makes the next Charged Burst or Dirty Blast activate instantly. This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds.

Entering cover makes the next Charged Burst or Dirty Blast activate instantly. This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds.

Ballistic DampersOptional Passive Level 51 Option 2/3

Entering cover grants 3 charges of Ballistic Dampers. Each charge absorbs 30% of the damage dealt by incoming attacks. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds. Ballistic Dampers can only be gained once every 6 seconds.

Entering cover grants 3 charges of Ballistic Dampers. Each charge absorbs 30% of the damage dealt by incoming attacks. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds. Ballistic Dampers can only be gained once every 6 seconds.

General Suggestion: Ballistic Dampers is a great method of reducing damage done to your squishy gunslinger in any content! 30% less damage taken for the next few hits every time you enter cover will immediately show noticeable tankiness as soon as you reach this choice at 51. Always be taking cover!

Lay LowOptional Passive Level 51 Option 3/3

Reduces the cooldown of Hunker Down by 15 seconds. In addition, Pulse Detonator knocks targets back an additional 5 meters and the final shot of Speed Shot and Penetrating Rounds knocks targets back if they are within 10 meters.

Reduces the cooldown of Hunker Down by 15 seconds. In addition, Pulse Detonator knocks targets back an additional 5 meters and the final shot of Speed Shot and Penetrating Rounds knocks targets back if they are within 10 meters.

BombasticHidden Passive

Increases the damage dealt by Shrap Bomb by 5% and reduces the energy cost of Speed Shot by 1 per tick.

Increases the damage dealt by Shrap Bomb by 5% and reduces the energy cost of Speed Shot by 1 per tick.

Nice TryPassive

Increases the damage dealt by Charged Burst, Dirty Blast, Wounding Shots, and Shrap Bomb by 3% and reduces the energy cost of Speed Shot by 1 per tick. Additionally, when Shrap Bomb and Vital Shots end they are replaced by a lingering version for 5 seconds that will only deal damage when Wounding Shots deals damage.

Increases the damage dealt by Charged Burst, Dirty Blast, Wounding Shots, and Shrap Bomb by 3% and reduces the energy cost of Speed Shot by 1 per tick. Additionally, when Shrap Bomb and Vital Shots end they are replaced by a lingering version for 5 seconds that will only deal damage when Wounding Shots deals damage.

Hightail ItMovement

Roll forward 18 meters, purging movement-impairing effects and landing crouched behind cover. While rolling, your chance to dodge attacks is increased by 100%.

Roll forward 18 meters, purging movement-impairing effects and landing crouched behind cover. While rolling, your chance to dodge attacks is increased by 100%.

Dirty BlastAttack 35m

Shoots a target for weapon damage and internal bleed damage. Replaces Charged Burst.

Shoots a target for weapon damage and internal bleed damage. Replaces Charged Burst.

Dirty ShotPassive

Damage dealt by Wounding Shots has a 80% chance to trigger Dirty Shot, which finishes the cooldown of Quickdraw and makes your next Quickdraw usable on a target with any health level and cost 3 less energy.

Damage dealt by Wounding Shots has a 80% chance to trigger Dirty Shot, which finishes the cooldown of Quickdraw and makes your next Quickdraw usable on a target with any health level and cost 3 less energy.

Cool Under PressureOptional Passive Level 64 Option 1/3

While in cover, you heal for 3% of your total health every 2 seconds.

While in cover, you heal for 3% of your total health every 2 seconds.

Perfect SchemeOptional Passive Level 64 Option 2/3

Reduces the cooldown of Bag of Tricks by 45 seconds and increases your damage reduction by 15% for 15 seconds after activating Bag of Tricks.

Reduces the cooldown of Bag of Tricks by 45 seconds and increases your damage reduction by 15% for 15 seconds after activating Bag of Tricks.

Solo Single-Enemy Suggestion: A reduced cooldown on bag of tricks enables you to use surrender more often, which can also allow you to roll more often, which is pretty fun mobility! You may wonder why a 25% increase to sweeping gunfire isnt suggested: It's simply not a big source of damage for dirty fighting even in AoE situations. You'd be better off spreading your damage over time effects to multiple targets to do damage!

Solo Many-Enemy Suggestion: A reduced cooldown on bag of tricks enables you to use surrender more often, which can also allow you to roll more often, which is pretty fun mobility! You may wonder why a 25% increase to sweeping gunfire isnt suggested: It's simply not a big source of damage for dirty fighting even in AoE situations. You'd be better off spreading your damage over time effects to multiple targets to do damage!

Flashpoint Suggestion: Perfect Scheme will greatly increase your survivability in group content and make you easier to heal. You may wonder why a 25% increase to sweeping gunfire isnt suggested: It's simply not a big source of damage for Dirty Fighting even in AoE situations. You'd be better off spreading your damage over time effects to multiple targets to do damage!

Operation Suggestion: If that speed boost from Surrender in the "Reset Engagement" choice isn't needed, Perfect Scheme will greatly increase your survivability in group content and make you easier to heal. You may wonder why a 25% increase to sweeping gunfire isnt suggested: It's simply not a big source of damage for Dirty Fighting even in AoE situations. You'd be better off spreading your damage over time effects to multiple targets to do damage!

Efficient AmmoOptional Passive Level 64 Option 3/3

Increases the damage dealt by Sweeping Gunfire by 25%.

Increases the damage dealt by Sweeping Gunfire by 25%.

Bag of TricksBuff

Immediately finishes the active cooldowns on Surrender, Defense Screen, Pulse Detonator, and Hunker Down.

Immediately finishes the active cooldowns on Surrender, Defense Screen, Pulse Detonator, and Hunker Down.

HideoutOptional Teleport 60m Level 68 Option 1/3

Activating the ability marks your current location for 10 minutes. When this ability is activated again, if you are within 60 meters of the marked location, you instantly return to the marked location. Hideout goes on cooldown for 120 seconds when used to return to the marked location.

Activating the ability marks your current location for 10 minutes. When this ability is activated again, if you are within 60 meters of the marked location, you instantly return to the marked location. Hideout goes on cooldown for 120 seconds when used to return to the marked location.

Scrambling FieldOptional Defensive 10m (short range) Level 68 Option 2/3

Deploys an acquired scrambling field that disrupts the energy signatures of conventional weapons. The field spans 10 meters around you, reducing the damage taken by all allies that remain inside by 20%. Lasts 25 seconds.

Deploys an acquired scrambling field that disrupts the energy signatures of conventional weapons. The field spans 10 meters around you, reducing the damage taken by all allies that remain inside by 20%. Lasts 25 seconds.

Operation Suggestion: Scrambling Field is a very strong group-wide defensive that should be taken whenever needed. If you find that you need a little more damage, you could take Bombing Run instead and have it do some extra damage over time at the beginning of a fight.

Bombing RunOptional Area Attack 35m Level 68 Option 3/3

Calls in support from your crew, dealing elemental damage over 9 seconds to up to 8 enemies within 8 meters of the targeted area. Additionally, standard and weak enemies are stunned by the flames.

Calls in support from your crew, dealing elemental damage over 9 seconds to up to 8 enemies within 8 meters of the targeted area. Additionally, standard and weak enemies are stunned by the flames.

Solo Single-Enemy Suggestion: Bombing run is a great source of free damage even in single target scenarios if you drop it on the enemy right at the beginning of a fight. Open up with this if you take it! If you find you really dont need an extra Area Attack or maybe really need some group utility, Scrambling Field is a very strong group-wide defensive that should be taken whenever needed.

Solo Many-Enemy Suggestion: Bombing run is a great source of free damage even in single target scenarios if you drop it on the enemy right at the beginning of a fight. Open up with this if you take it! If you find you really dont need an extra Area Attack or maybe really need some group utility, Scrambling Field is a very strong group-wide defensive that should be taken whenever needed.

Flashpoint Suggestion: Bombing run is a great source of free damage even in single target scenarios if you drop it on the enemy right at the beginning of a fight. Open up with this if you take it! If you find you really dont need an extra Area Attack or maybe really need some group utility, Scrambling Field is a very strong group-wide defensive that should be taken whenever needed.

Cold BloodedPassive

Increases the damage dealt by bleeding effects by 15% on targets below 30% of max health. In addition, if a target dies with Hemorrhaging Blast, it finishes the cooldown of Hemorrhaging Blast.

Increases the damage dealt by bleeding effects by 15% on targets below 30% of max health. In addition, if a target dies with Hemorrhaging Blast, it finishes the cooldown of Hemorrhaging Blast.

Hotwired DefensesOptional Passive Level 73 Option 1/3

Increases the amount of damage absorbed by defense screen by 30%. In addition, when taking damage while Hunker Down is active the cooldown for Bag of Tricks is reduced by 2 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 3 seconds.

Increases the amount of damage absorbed by defense screen by 30%. In addition, when taking damage while Hunker Down is active the cooldown for Bag of Tricks is reduced by 2 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 3 seconds.

Solo Single-Enemy Suggestion: Hotwired defenses takes the strongest defensive that gunslingers have and makes it better! This should be the default choice for any gunslinger taking damage.

Solo Many-Enemy Suggestion: Hotwired defenses takes the strongest defensive that gunslingers have and makes it better! This should be the default choice for any gunslinger taking damage.

Hot PursuitOptional Passive Level 73 Option 2/3

You gain 4 charges of Hot Pursuit upon exiting cover, which allow Charged Burst and Dirty Blast to be activated while moving. This effect lasts up to 15 seconds or until all 4 charges are consumed, but reentering cover removes the effect prematurely. Hot Pursuit cannot be gained more than once every 20 seconds.

You gain 4 charges of Hot Pursuit upon exiting cover, which allow Charged Burst and Dirty Blast to be activated while moving. This effect lasts up to 15 seconds or until all 4 charges are consumed, but reentering cover removes the effect prematurely. Hot Pursuit cannot be gained more than once every 20 seconds.

Heads UpOptional Passive Level 73 Option 3/3

When Hunker Down ends or you leave cover while Hunker Down is active, you gain Heads Up, which increases your movement speed by 50% and grants immunity to movement impairing effects. Lasts 6 seconds.

When Hunker Down ends or you leave cover while Hunker Down is active, you gain Heads Up, which increases your movement speed by 50% and grants immunity to movement impairing effects. Lasts 6 seconds.

Flashpoint Suggestion: If you aren't taking much damage and would rather some utility over Hotwired Defenses' increase to reduction, Heads up is a great addition of mobility for gunslingers that may need help dodging area attacks or standing in the right place for mechanics.

Operation Suggestion: If you aren't taking much damage and would rather some utility over Hotwired Defenses' increase to reduction, Heads up is a great addition of mobility for gunslingers that may need help dodging area attacks or standing in the right place for mechanics.

Incendiary MinePassive

Increases the duration of your Scrambling Field by 5 seconds. In addition, when you activate Hightail It, you detonate an Incendiary Mine that deals internal damage to all nearby enemies over the duration. Targets that remain within are additionally slowed by 70% for the duration. Lasts 8 seconds. Does not affect sleeping or incapacitated targets.

Increases the duration of your Scrambling Field by 5 seconds. In addition, when you activate Hightail It, you detonate an Incendiary Mine that deals internal damage to all nearby enemies over the duration. Targets that remain within are additionally slowed by 70% for the duration. Lasts 8 seconds. Does not affect sleeping or incapacitated targets.

Bloody MayhemPassive

Hemorrhaging Blast applies Bloody Mayhem to the target, which causes internal damage the next time the target takes damage from your Shrap Bomb.

Hemorrhaging Blast applies Bloody Mayhem to the target, which causes internal damage the next time the target takes damage from your Shrap Bomb.


  • At Level 15 you will get your first exclusive ability only the Dirty Fighting Gunslinger has, it will be called Shrap Bomb.
  • At Level 23 you will get to choose a way to change how Shrap Bomb works from three different options. This is your first Ability Tree choice, and you can make it by pressing K on your keyboard and selecting an option from the Dirty Fighting Ability Tree on the right.
  • At Level 27 you will get your second choice between three options in your Ability Tree. These options may be useable abilities you can click, or they can be passive abilities which give you a boost to your existing abilities.
  • At Level 47 you will get your second exclusive ability only the Dirty Fighting Gunslinger gets, it will be called Wounding Shots.
  • At Level 39 you will get to choose a way to change how Wounding Shots works from three different options in your Ability Tree.
  • At Level 47 and 60 you will get your last two exclusive abilities only the Dirty Fighting Gunslinger has, Hemorrhaging Blast and Dirty Blast.
  • At Level 73, you will get to make an important choice between three major abilities. This is a big choice all players need to make for their character.
  • At Level 43, 51, 64, 68 you will get to make additional choices for your Gunslinger.
  • All of these Ability Tree choices are not permanent. You can change them any time you are not in combat and are not in a queue for Flashpoints, Operations or PvP.

Thank you...


Thank you to these players who have submitted cool screenshots of their Imperial Agent characters:

@saoirse_ie (Main Image & Operative), @MagSulDeruyter (Marksmanship), @MagSulDeruyter (Virulence), @kivurikardok (Operative), @Darth_Amarth (Medicine), @JacksonM95 (Engineering), @BeardMan_Roy (Sniper), @M3KON_ (Combat), @M3KON_ (Armor & Weapons), @loreleif, Swtorista (Concealment), Swtorista (Lethality), Swtorista (companions)

Thank you to these players who have submitted cool screenshots of their Trooper characters:

@Failtasmagoria (Main Image), @ravendas2_0 (blue armor red hair), Pathrik I think (aqua glow), @OurManOnEarth (Species), @agentcupholder (Gunnery), @phyreblade (Combat Medic), @agentcupholder (Story), @PanagiotisLial1 (Commando), @DBSaitre (Assault Specialist), @tomlewookie (Plasmatech), @Caelvin_Dulany (Vanguard), Swtorista (Shield Specialist), @tomlewookie (Armor & Weapons), @adsinmalgusland (Combat), @phyreblade (Companions)

Thank you to these players who have submitted cool screenshots of their Smuggler characters:

@AlexDGeslin (Gunslinger), @rebelrealcanon (Ruffian), @Kayeri (Scoundrel & Main Image), @adsinmalgusland (Story), @phyreblade (Sawbones), @Nathswtor (Saboteur), @PequeClonSW (Dirty Fighting), @MagSulDeruyter (Scrapper), @WardenVakarian (Species), @gh0uldude (Combat), @gh0uldude (Armor & Weapons), Swtorista (Sharpshooter), @MagSulDeruyter (Nar Shaddaa), Swtorista (Companions)

Thank you to these players who have submitted cool screenshots of their Bounty Hunter characters:

@M3KON_ (Main Image), @adsinmalgusland (Species), @ShintarCommando (Advanced Prototype), @rebelrealcanon (Combat), @Kayeri (Powertech), @DHGamerMR (Armor & Weapons), @JamieD1138 (Innovative Ordnance), @phyreblade (Bodyguard), @SkyKard (Shield Tech), @GatoHacker (Story),  @Nyethux (Purotech), Swtorista (Arsenal), Swtorista (Mercenary), Swtorista (Companions)

Thank you to these players who helped look over the summaries for their favorite tech disciplines:

@Eksys, @ASadiablo, @CT7056, PatrikOfHavoc, Daghdha, Aflixion Starr, @TodayinTor, @DumaarShay, @BinaryNine, @Duccisan, @gh0uldude, @Kagetheorc, @Encurez, @zer0_pe,

Thank you to Zahk for writing the initial round of 5-button rotations, Merlyn for providing first-look feedback, and Mark Biggs for giving a final lookover of the rotations.

  And finally thank you to Zahk who helped type up all the 1,000+ abilities in the game for each class so we could make the summaries and the basic class guides for each discipline, and helped with testing and formatting for this page!

Learn Your Class
Combat StyleDisciplineRoleDisciplineCombat Style
SentinelWatchman DOT DamageAnnihilationMarauder
Combat Burst DamageCarnage
Concentration Burst DamageFury
Vigilance DOT (AOE) DamageVengeance
Focus Burst DamageRage
ShadowKinetic CombatTankDarkness
Infiltration Burst DamageDeception
Serenity DOT DamageHatred
SageSeer HealerCorruptionSorcerer
Telekinetics Burst DamageLightning
Balance DOT DamageMadness
VanguardShield SpecialistTankShield
Plasmatech DOT DamagePyrotech
Burst DamageAdvanced Prototype
CommandoCombat Medic HealerBodyguardMercenary
Gunnery Burst DamageArsenal
Assault Specialist DOT DamageInnovative Ordnance
ScoundrelSawbones HealerMedicineOperative
Scrapper Burst DamageConcealment
Ruffian DOT DamageLethality
GunslingerSharpshooter Burst DamageMarksmanshipSniper
Saboteur DOT DamageEngineering
Dirty Fighting DOT DamageVirulence
Learn Your Mirror
Combat StyleDisciplineRoleDisciplineCombat Style
VanguardShield SpecialistTankShield
Plasmatech DamagePyrotech
DamageAdvanced Prototype
CommandoCombat Medic HealerBodyguardMercenary
Gunnery DamageArsenal
Assault Specialist DamageInnovative Ordnance
ScoundrelSawbones HealerMedicineOperative
Scrapper DamageConcealment
Ruffian DamageLethality
GunslingerSharpshooter DamageMarksmanshipSniper
Saboteur DamageEngineering
Dirty Fighting DamageVirulence
SentinelWatchman DamageAnnihilationMarauder
Combat DamageCarnage
Concentration DamageFury
Vigilance DamageVengeance
Focus DamageRage
ShadowKinetic CombatTankDarkness
Infiltration DamageDeception
Serenity DamageHatred
SageSeer HealerCorruptionSorcerer
Telekinetics DamageLightning
Balance DamageMadness