SWTOR KOTOR Armors & Outfits

Love them or hate them, lore references from the extremely popular Knights of the Old Republic I and II have made their way into Star Wars: The Old Republic, set 300 years after the original games. These lore outfits can be worn by characters of all types – they are not limited to any class or level. If you are hoping to look like Revan, Bastilla or Malak from the Old Republic games, these KOTOR armors can be found in cartel packs and bought from other players on the Galactic Trade Network.

Spoiler Alert! This page includes spoilers about KOTOR I and II.

Knights of the Old Republic Armors

These Knights of the Old Republic armors can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic in the form of armor sets that players can wear. With the Outfit Designer, players can wear whatever cosmetic armor they’d like, while still retaining their original armors with stats underneath.

How to Get These KOTOR Armor Sets

These armor sets are all purchasable from other players, and they range in price from 300,000 credits to 150 million credits, with prices varying based on rarity, desirability, date and server. Players can start purchasing armor sets from the GTN around level 10 after they complete their first planet and reach the Republic or Imperial fleet, but these armor sets might be out of the price range of most new players – max-level characters can complete quests and gather crafting materials to earn credits at a much faster rate than low-level characters.

These KOTOR armors were originally available from various random-chance Cartel Packs, and are also sometimes available for direct purchase with Cartel Coins from the Cartel Market for a limited time, ranging between 700 and 3,000 Cartel Coins.

Most players will find a better price by buying them directly from other players on the GTN with credits than by trying to get them from Cartel Packs due to the random nature of their contents.

Bastila Shan’s Armor Set

“The Jedi do not believe in killing their prisoners. No one deserves execution, no matter what their crimes.”

Bastila Shan was a key character in KOTOR I, as well as your fourth companion in the game. She is a Jedi: strict in her adherence to the Jedi Code, and highly oriented to the lightside. You “rescue” her from swoop gangs on Taris, and she eventually aids you in discovering about your mysterious past. She is famous among the Jedi both for having Battle Meditation (a unique Jedi power) as well as marrying Revan in her later years.

Pieces of Bastila Shan’s Armor Set can be found in the Vice Commandant’s Contraband Cartel Pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Bastila Shan’s Armor Set, or buy the 6 individual items listed. The chest piece (tunic) is usually the most expensive piece of Bastila’s armor.

If you want to unlock this set for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections and costs 400 Cartel Coins.

Set Pieces

  • Bastila Shan’s Tunic
  • Bastila Shan’s Boots
  • Bastila Shan’s Gloves
  • Bastila Shan’s Leggings
  • Bastila Shan’s Belt
  • Bastila Shan’s Bracers

Carth Onasi’s Armor Set

“They say the Force can do terrible things to a mind. It can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity.”

Carth Onasi is your first companion in KOTOR I, and becomes a character that will stay with you until the end and even appears in KOTOR II. He was a pilot fighting for the Galactic Republic before joining you on your quest to save Bastila… and then beyond. He is known for being kind-hearted, mistrusting of others, and dual-wielding blaster pistols.

Pieces of Carth Onasi’s Armor Set can be found in the Regulator’s Contraband Pack and Enforcer’s Contraband Cartel Pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Carth Onasi’s Armor Set, or buy the 4 individual items listed. The chest piece (jacket) is usually the most expensive piece of Carth’s armor.

If you want to unlock this set for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections and costs 240 Cartel Coins.

Set Pieces

  • Carth Onasi’s Jacket
  • Carth Onasi’s Boots
  • Carth Onasi’s Pants
  • Carth Onasi’s Bracers

Darth Malak’s Armor Set

“What would have happened had our positions been reversed? What if fate had decreed I would be captured by the Jedi?”

Darth Malak is the pain protagonist in KOTOR I, as well as your final enemy in the game. Together he and Revan defeated the Mandalorians as Jedi… but somehow, both were turned to the darkside through some unknown corruption. Malak became Revan’s apprentice. His most identifying physical feature is his prosthetic jaw, which he received in a fight against Revan.

Pieces of Darth Malak’s Armor Set can be found in the Regulator’s Contraband Pack and Enforcer’s Contraband Cartel Pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Darth Malak’s Armor Set, or buy the 5 individual items listed. The chest piece (chestguard) is usually the most expensive piece of Malak’s armor, but the head piece (jaw casing) can also be expensive due to its unique shape. If you don’t care about completing a full set on collections, you can mix and match pieces from the Shadow Malak set and color match them to the red chest piece.

If you want to unlock this set for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections and costs 400 Cartel Coins.

Set Pieces

  • Darth Malak’s Chestguard
  • Darth Malak’s Boots
  • Darth Malak’s Jaw Casing
  • Darth Malak’s Leggings
  • Darth Malak’s Wristguards

There is also a second version available called “Malak’s Shadow Armor”, a black version of his normal armor.

Pieces of Malak’s Shadow Armor Set can be found in the Builder’s Stronghold Cartel pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Malak’s Shadow Armor Set, or buy the 5 individual items listed. The chest piece (chestguard) is usually the most expensive piece of Malak’s armor, but the head piece (jaw casing) can also be expensive due to its unique shape. If you don’t care about completing a full set on collections, you can mix and match pieces from the original Malak set and color match them to the black chest piece.

If you want to unlock this set for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections and costs 240 Cartel Coins.

Set Pieces

  • Malak’s Shadow Chestguard
  • Malak’s Shadow Boots
  • Malak’s Shadow Jaw Casing
  • Malak’s Shadow Greaves
  • Malak’s Shadow Wristguards

Mission Vao’s Armor Set

“Childish? Is that a crack about my age? You ain’t much older than me, miss “high and mighty”! Just ’cause you’re some Jedi, doesn’t mean you can be a prissy little-“

Mission Vao was a young blue Twi’lek street urchin from the first KOTOR game. She was known for her optimism and her impulsive, but courageous, attitude.

Pieces of Mission Vao’s Armor Set can be found in the Space Jockey’s Starfighter Cartel Pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Mission Vao’s Armor Set, or buy the 5 individual items listed. The chest piece is usually the most expensive piece of Mission’s armor.

If you want to unlock this set for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections and costs 240 Cartel Coins.

Set Pieces

  • Mission Vao’s Jacket
  • Mission Vao’s Boots
  • Mission Vao’s Gloves
  • Mission Vao’s Leggings
  • Mission Vao’s Belt

Calo Nord’s Armor Set

“One. Two. Three. Smart.”

Calo Nord was a bounty hunter in the first KOTOR game, a short, scary man your party runs into on multiple occasions before fighting him in a final showdown. He’s known for his no-nonsense, no small-talk behaviour.

Pieces of Calo Nord’s Armor Set can be found in the Archon’s Contraband Cartel Pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Calo Nord’s Armor Set, or buy the 6 individual items listed. The chest piece (jacket) is usually the most expensive piece of Calo Nord’s armor.

If you want to unlock this set for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections and costs 400 Cartel Coins.

Set Pieces

  • Calo Nord’s Jacket
  • Calo Nord’s Boots
  • Calo Nord’s Gloves
  • Calo Nord’s Headgear
  • Calo Nord’s Pants
  • Calo Nord’s Belt

Canderous Ordo’s Armor Set

“My name’s Canderous of the Mandalorian clan Ordo. I’ve been fighting across the galaxy for forty of your years. For my people it’s the honor and glory of battle that rules us. It’s through combat that we prove our worth, gain renown and make our fortunes.”

Canderous Ordo was a Mandalorian from KOTOR I. He was known for his lust for battle, and for his aggressive tactics in the Mandalorian Wars.

Pieces of Canderous Ordo’s Armor Set can be found in the Hotshot’s Starfighter Cartel Pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Canderous Ordo’s Armor Set, or buy the 5 individual items listed. The chest piece (vest) is usually the most expensive piece of Canderous’s armor.

If you want to unlock this set for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections and costs 240 Cartel Coins.

Set Pieces

  • Canderous Ordo’s Vest
  • Canderous Ordo’s Boots
  • Canderous Ordo’s Gloves
  • Canderous Ordo’s Pants
  • Canderous Ordo’s Belt

Jolee Bindo’s Armor Set

“Oh, I get it. Let’s play with the old man’s head, is it? He’s half-senile, he’ll forget I said anything!”

Jolee Bindo was an older gray Jedi that joins you as a companion later in KOTOR I. His personality is fickle: teasing and crass at times, wise and calm during others. He self-imposed himself to the forests of Kashyyk before he joins you on your quest.

Pieces of Jolee Bindo’s Armor Set can be found in the Vice Commandant’s Contraband Cartel Pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Jolee Bindo’s Armor Set, or buy the 4 individual items listed. The chest piece (tunic) is usually the most expensive piece of Jolee’s armor. Costs 400 Cartel Coins to unlock.

If you want to unlock this set for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections and costs 400 Cartel Coins.

Set Pieces

  • Jolee Bindo’s Tunic
  • Jolee Bindo’s Boots
  • Jolee Bindo’s Leggings
  • Jolee Bindo’s Bracers

Juhani’s Armor Set

“From that moment on I knew that I would have to try to become a Jedi. To lift myself out of the rut I had been living in for years and to make a real difference, as the Jedi were. The foolish delusions of a child. But THIS child made it happen!”

Juhani is a Cathar Jedi from Knights of the Old Republic. She was known for her fierce devotion and determination.

Pieces of Juhani’s Armor Set can be found in the Hotshot’s Starfighter Cartel Pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Juhani’s Armor Set, or buy the 6 individual items listed. The chest piece (chestguard) is usually the most expensive piece of Juhani’s armor.

If you want to unlock this set for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections and costs 400 Cartel Coins.

Set Pieces

  • Juhani’s Chestguard
  • Juhani’s Boots
  • Juhani’s Gloves
  • Juhani’s Leggings
  • Juhani’s Belt
  • Juhani’s Bracers

Revan’s Armor Set

“If he is lost out there, on the edge of the galaxy, if he finds whatever terrible thing he has seen, then he may not survive.”

Revan is an incredibly powerful force-user, originally a Jedi who was turned to the darkside… and then gets to choose once again which path he will follow. He was incredibly charismatic, causing hundreds of Jedi to defect with him when he turned. In Star Wars: The Old Republic he is the focus of multiple Flashpoints and the Shadow of Revan expansion.

Pieces of Revan’s Armor Set can be found in the Space Pirate’s Cartel Pack and Blockade Runner’s Cartel Cartel Pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Armor of Darth Revan, or buy the 5 individual items listed. This entire set is extremely expensive, including even the least important pieces like the gloves and sash. Players often try to buy every piece to unlock the expensive set in collections which drives up the price.

If you want to unlock Revan’s set across multiple characters, it costs 400 Cartel Coins in collections.

Set Pieces

  • Revan’s Sash
  • Revan’s Chest Plate
  • Revan’s Gloves
  • Revan’s Mask
  • Revan’s Robes

Trask Ulgo’s Armor Set

“I’m your bunkmate here on the Endar Spire. We work opposite shifts, I guess that’s why you haven’t seen me before.”

Trask Ulgo is the first character you meet in Knights of the Old Republic. He sacrifices himself in order to allow you to seek Bastilla, and make sure she gets off the ship alive. His armor in SWTOR is called the “Vintage Republic Military Armor Set”, and is the same armor that can be seen on many other Republic soldiers on the ship.

Pieces of the Vintage Republic Military Armor Set set can usually only be found is special limited-time packs, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Vintage Republic Military Armor Set, or buy the 6 individual items listed. The chest piece is usually the most expensive piece of this “vintage” set.

If you want to unlock this set for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections and costs 400 Cartel Coins.

Set Pieces

  • Vintage Republic Military Chestguard
  • Vintage Republic Military Boots
  • Vintage Republic Military Gauntlets
  • Vintage Republic Military Headgear
  • Vintage Republic Military Greaves
  • Vintage Republic Military Belt

Knights of the Old Republic II Armors

Many armor sets from Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords are also available in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Kreia’s Armor Set

“Apathy is death”

Kreia was a blind force-sensitive players bonded with in Knights of the Old Republic II.

Pieces of Kreia’s Armor Set can be found in the Constable’s Stronghold Cartel pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Kreia’s Armor Set, or buy the 6 individual items listed. The chest piece (robes) is usually the most expensive piece of Kreia’s Armor Set, especially due to its unique hood shape which covers the character’s eyes.

If you want to unlock this set for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections..

Set Pieces

  • Kreia’s Sash
  • Kreia’s Robes
  • Kreia’s Boots
  • Kreia’s Gloves
  • Kreia’s Hood
  • Kreia’s Lower Robes

Darth Nihilus’s Armor Set

“He cares nothing for the Sith or its teachings… or the Jedi. And when the Jedi are dead, he will feed on the galaxy, the Republic, and eventually, consume the Sith as well.”

Darth Nihilus is a major antagonist in KOTOR II, in league with Darth Sion and Darth Traya. His name was never said aloud in the game, nor did he ever speak a decipherable word. He trained Visas Marr as his Shadow Hand, sending her out into the galaxy to quell a growing threat.

The Mask of Nihilus can be found in the Black Market Cartel Pack and Crime Lord’s Cartel Pack, and is buyable on the GTN from other players. Due to its unique shape, this mask is often extremely expensive on the GTN. If you want to unlock this mask for all your characters, it costs 400 Cartel Coins in colletions.

There is no armor of Nihilus available in the game – in these screenshots, the character is wearing Atris’s Armor Set with an (expensive) Black and Black Dye Module, but players can substitute it with black robes of their choice.

Darth Sion’s Armor Set

“…he is not a beast of flesh and blood.”

Held together purely by the dark side of the Force, Darth Sion is a main antagonist in KOTOR II. Rather than dying, he chose to preserve his fractured and decaying body. Darth Sion formed the Sith Triumvirate with Darth Traya and Darth Nihilus, sworn to restoring the Sith and destroying the Jedi.

Pieces of Darth Sion’s Armor Set can be found in the Contractor’s Bounty Pack and Freelancer’s Bounty Cartel Pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Darth Sion’s Armor Set, or buy the 6 individual items listed. The chest piece (pauldron) is usually the most expensive piece of Darth Sion’s armor.

If you want to unlock this set for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections and costs 60 Cartel Coins.

Set Pieces

  • Darth Sion’s Leggings
  • Darth Sion’s Vambrace
  • Darth Sion’s Pauldron
  • Darth Sion’s Shinguards
  • Darth Sion’s Sash

There is also a “purple” version of Darth Sion’s armor available, called the Balanced Combatant’s Armor Set.

Pieces of the Balanced Combatant’s Armor Set can be found in the Architect’s Stronghold Cartel pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Balanced Combatant’s Armor Set, or buy the 5 individual items listed. The chest piece (pauldrons) is usually the most expensive piece of this set.

If you want to unlock this set for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections.

Set Pieces

  • Balanced Combatant’s Pauldrons
  • Balanced Combatant’s Shinguards
  • Balanced Combatant’s Vambrace
  • Balanced Combatant’s Leggings
  • Balanced Combatant’s Sash


Visas Marr’s Armor Set

“To see everything around you extinguished… it… was as if I was blinded. It was as if the Force had… been bled from the world..”

Visas Marr was a Miralukan from KOTOR II, the only survivor of the consumption of Katarr.

Pieces of Visas Marr’s Armor Set can be found in the Tracker’s Bounty Cartel Pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Visas Marr’s Armor Set, or buy the 7 individual items listed. Both the chestpiece (robes) and the head piece (veil) are very expensive pieces of armor – the chest piece for its unique and luxurious shape, the veil for its unique appeal to Miralukan and blind characters alike.

If you want to unlock this armor across multiple characters, it is vailable to unlock in collections.

Set Pieces

  • Visas Marr’s Robes
  • Visas Marr’s Veil
  • Visas Marr’s Wristwraps
  • Visas Marr’s Sash
  • Visas Marr’s Boots
  • Visas Marr’s Gloves
  • Visas Marr’s Lower Robes

Mandalore the Preserver’s Armor Set

“Nice speech. I bet you tell yourself that every night so you can sleep. But I am accept who and what I am. I don’t have to justify it with words. Victory in battle is my justification.”

Mandalore the Preserver is a Mandalorian that joins your party anonymously in KOTOR II. From Mandalorian Basilisk War Droid pilot to heavy blaster wielder, this man is known for his prowess on the battlefield.

Pieces of Mandalore the Preserver’s Armor Set can be found in the Contractor’s Bounty Pack and Freelancer’s Bounty Cartel Pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Mandalore the Preserver’s Armor Set , or buy the 6 individual items listed. The chest piece (chest plate) is usually the most expensive piece of this Mandalore set – note that there are multiple Mandalore sets available in the game.

If you want to unlock this set for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections and costs 240 Cartel Coins.

Set Pieces

  • Mandalore the Preserver’s Chest Plate
  • Mandalore the Preserver’s Boots
  • Mandalore the Preserver’s Gloves
  • Mandalore the Preserver’s Helmet
  • Mandalore the Preserver’s Leg Plates
  • Mandalore the Preserver’s Belt

Mira’s Armor Set

“The next time you ask me a question I swear I’ll shoot you in the head and dump you out the airlock.”

Mira is a sassy, practical bounty hunter from Nar Shaddaa who may join your party in KOTOR II. When a hunt went wrong, she acquired a murderous, life-debt bound Wookie named Hanharr… who she would eventually be forced to fight.

Pieces of Mira’s Armor Set can be found in the Supreme Mogul’s Contraband Cartel Pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Mira’s Armor Set, or buy the 6 individual items listed. The chest piece is usually the most expensive piece of Mira’s Armor Set, especially due to its cropped jacket and bikini top appearance.

If you want to unlock this set for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections and costs 400 Cartel Coins.

Set Pieces

  • Mira’s Jacket
  • Mira’s Combat Boots
  • Mira’s Gauntlet
  • Mira’s Headband
  • Mira’s Pants
  • Mira’s Utility Belt

Atton Rand’s Armor Set

“We’re not playing for credits. We’re playing for something else. Are you going to play or not?”

Atton Rand was a pilot who joined Meetra Surik in KOTOR II. He was known for his pistol skills, Echani training and resistance to Jedi mind tricks.

Pieces of Atton Rand’s Armor Set can be found in the Pursuer’s Bounty Cartel Pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Atton Rand’s Armor Set, or buy the 6 individual items listed. The chest piece (jacket) is usually the most expensive piece of Atton’s armor.

If you want to unlock this set for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections and costs 240 Cartel Coins.

Set Pieces

  • Atton Rand’s Jacket
  • Atton Rand’s Boots
  • Atton Rand’s Gloves
  • Atton Rand’s Pants
  • Atton Rand’s Belt
  • Atton Rand’s Cuffs

Vrook Lamar’s Armor Set

“Always rushing into action without thinking of the consequences. What? You were expecting thanks?”

Vrook Lamar was a Jedi Council Member on Dantooine in Knights of the Old Republic. Lamar wished for all his students to be strong, capable Jedi.

Pieces of Vrook Lamar’s Armor Set can be found in the Seneschal’s Stronghold Cartel pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Vrook Lamar’s Armor Set, or buy the 6 individual items listed. The chest piece is usually the most expensive piece of Vrook’s armor.

If you want to unlock this set for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections and costs 60 Cartel Coins (good price!). If you enjoy playing Jedi this is a great set to unlock via collections as it fits well for both a Padawan or a Master.

Set Pieces

  • Vrook Lamar’s Tunic
  • Vrook Lamar’s Boots
  • Vrook Lamar’s Gloves
  • Vrook Lamar’s Pants
  • Vrook Lamar’s Belt
  • Vrook Lamar’s Bracers

Atris’ Armor Set

“I am Atris, Jedi Master…the last historian of the Jedi…the last of the Jedi.”

Atris was a Jedi master and historian for the Jedi. In KOTOR II she took refuge under a polar ice cap on the planet Telos IV, where she began to build a secret Jedi academy.

Pieces of Atris’ Armor Set can be found in the Constable’s Stronghold Cartel pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Atris’ Armor Set, or buy the 5 individual items listed. The chest piece (robes) are usually the most expensive piece of Atris’ armor.

If you want to unlock this set for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections and costs 240 Cartel Coins.

Set Pieces

  • Atris’ Armor Set
  • Atris’ Robes
  • Atris’ Boots
  • Atris’ Lower Robes
  • Atris’ Sash

The Last Handmaiden’s Armor Set

“When you risk pain or death for another, there is no truer test of your beliefs and strength.”

Also known as Brianna or Handmaiden, this woman may join your party in KOTOR II. She served under Jedi Master Atris in a secluded sanctum on Telos IV, before leaving to aid the Exile on her quest. Her personality leaned towards reservation and seclusion, her passion shown through the art and dance of combat.

Pieces of The Last Handmaiden’s Armor Set can be found in the Regulator’s Contraband Pack and Enforcer’s Contraband Cartel Pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called The Last Handmaiden’s Armor Set, or buy the 4 individual items listed. The tight-fighting white chest piece (tunic) is usually the most expensive piece of Brianna’s armor.

If you want to unlock this set for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections and costs 400 Cartel Coins.

Set Pieces

  • The Last Handmaiden’s Tunic
  • The Last Handmaiden’s Boots
  • The Last Handmaiden’s Leggings
  • The Last Handmaiden’s Bracers

Naresh’s Armor Set (Sensuous Dress)

While not technically available in KOTOR or KOTOR II, this dress was designed for a character named Naresh (designed by Cory Allemeier) who was planned to be in KOTOR III before the game was cancelled. The design was later re-purposed and made into the Sensuous Dress for SWTOR.

Pieces of The Sensuous Dress Armor Set can be found in the Opportunist’s Bounty Cartel Pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Sensuous Dress Armor Set, or buy the 4 individual items listed. This set is quite expensive due to its ballroom-style looks and unique corset top which is the most expensive piece in the set. If you want to unlock this set for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections.
Set Pieces

  • Sensuous Dress Top
  • Sensuous Dress Shoes
  • Sensuous Dress Gloves
  • Sensuous Dress Bottom

Saul Karath Armor Set

“Admiral Karath taught me everything I know about being a soldier. He was a legend in the Republic fleet, and a hero to me. Until he betrayed us.”

Only seen briefly in Knights of the Old Republic, Saul Karath was a defector who had failed to convince his protege Carth Onasi to follow him to join Revan’s Sith Empire, where he went on to carry out the blockade and destruction of Taris. His red outfit in SWTOR is based off of the way he looks in the Knights of the Old Republic comics.

Pieces of Saul Karath’s Armor Set can be found in the Space Jockey’s Starfighter Cartel Pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Saul Karath’s Armor Set, or buy the 6 individual items listed. This set is expensive and can be difficult to find, especially the unique admiral’s hat and jacket. If you want to unlock this set for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections for 400 Cartel Coins.
Set Pieces

  • Saul Karath’s Jacket
  • Saul Karath’s Boots
  • Saul Karath’s Gloves
  • Saul Karath’s Hat
  • Saul Karath’s Pants
  • Saul Karath’s Belt

Restored Triumvirate Armor Set

“Sith Armor is the standard issue armor for all Sith Assault Troopers on Taris during the planet-wide quarantine. Wearing the armor will cause other people to believe that you are of the Sith.”

Better known as standard Sith Trooper armor in KOTOR I, this armor has a distinctive shape and sheen.

Pieces of the Restored Triumverate Armor Set can be found in the Vice Commandant’s Contraband Cartel Pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Restored Triumverate Armor Set, or buy the 6 individual items listed. The chest piece (body armor) is usually the most expensive piece of the set.

If you want to unlock this set for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections and costs 240 Cartel Coins.

Set Pieces

  • Restored Triumvirate Body Armor
  • Restored Triumvirate Boots
  • Restored Triumvirate Gauntlets
  • Restored Triumvirate Helmet
  • Restored Triumvirate Leg Plates
  • Restored Triumvirate Belt

This armor also has multiple variations, some silly and some serious. The “Battleworn Triumvirate Armor Set” has the same appearance as the standard Restored Triumvirate Armor, but it is worn down, with chips and pieces missing, making it appear old or damaged. If you want to unlock this version for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections and costs 60 Cartel Coins.

Pieces of the Battleworn Triumvirate Armor Set can be found in the Wingman’s Starfighter Pack and Dogfighter Starfighter Cartel Pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Restored Triumverate Armor Set, or buy the 6 individual items listed. The chest piece is usually the most expensive piece of this set. If you want to unlock this version for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections and costs 60 Cartel Coins.
Set Pieces

  • Battleworn Triumvirate Body Armor
  • Battleworn Triumvirate Boots
  • Battleworn Triumvirate Gauntlets
  • Battleworn Triumvirate Helmet
  • Battleworn Triumvirate Leggings
  • Battleworn Triumvirate Belt

A similar variation is the “Energized Triumvirate Armor Set”. This armor set has the same appearance as the as the “Battleworn Triumvirate Armor Set”, but it also has an animated effect when the player draws their weapon. When your character enters combat while this armor is equipped, “sparks” and electricity will zap around this armor’s breastplate.

Pieces of the Energized Triumvirate Armor Set can be found in the Mid Rim Explorer’s Cartel Pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Energized Triumvirate Armor Set, or buy the 6 individual items listed. The chest piece is usually the most expensive piece of this animated armor. ___WHICH PARTS ANIMATE___ If you want to unlock this animated version for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections and costs 60 Cartel Coins.
Set Pieces

  • Energized Triumvirate Body Armor
  • Energized Triumvirate Boots
  • Energized Triumvirate Gauntlets
  • Energized Triumvirate Helmet
  • Energized Triumvirate Leggings
  • Energized Triumvirate Belt

If you’re interested in wearing Sith Armor but also interested in showing a little skin, apparently there is an option made just for you, called the “Ventilated Triumvirate Armor Set”. Why exactly, we will never know, but this armor is surprisingly hard to find on the GTN compared to the other KOTOR armors. Grab this set and head to the Upper City Cantina and make some good friends with the off-duty Sith who frequent the stablishemnt – or don’t, since we’re 300 years in the future and Taris never really recovered.

Pieces of the Ventilated Triumvirate Armor Set can be obtained from the Club Vertica Nightlife Cartel Pack, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Ventilated Triumvirate Armor Set, or buy the 7 individual items listed. The chest piece is usually the most expensive piece of this revealing set, but the metal undies (leggings) can go for a high price as well. If you want to unlock this set for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections and costs 60 Cartel Coins.

Set Pieces

  • Ventilated Triumvirate Armor Set
  • Ventilated Triumvirate Body Armor
  • Ventilated Triumvirate Boots
  • Ventilated Triumvirate Gauntlets
  • Ventilated Triumvirate Helmet
  • Ventilated Triumvirate Leggings
  • Ventilated Triumvirate Belt

In addition to the traditional Triumvirate sets, there is also the “Opulent Triumverate Armor Set” better know as the “shiny gold armor set”. This armor was mainly created as a reward for players who had purchased many Cartel Packs and gained a high amount of reputation, but can sometimes be found on the GTN as well. If you are looking this set up in collections, it is spelled incorreclty as “Opulent Triumverate Armor Set” there, but the items themselves are spelled correctly when searching the GTN.

Pieces of the Opulent Triumverate Armor Set can ___REPUTATION___, and are buyable on the GTN from other players. You can buy the full set as an item called Opulent Triumverate Armor Set, or buy the 6 individual items listed. The chest piece is usually the most expensive piece of the golden set. If you want to unlock this gold version for all your characters, it can be unlocked through collections and costs 60 Cartel Coins.

Set Pieces

  • Opulent Triumvirate Body Armor
  • Opulent Triumvirate Boots
  • Opulent Triumvirate Gauntlets
  • Opulent Triumvirate Helmet
  • Opulent Triumvirate Leg Plates
  • Opulent Triumvirate Belt