
Decelerator Armor Set

The Decelerator armor set can be obtained by through Kai Zykken as a randomized reward for level 75+ players. This set is wearable by characters on either faction, who are level 75 or higher, but is only wearable by Sith Inquisitors* and Jedi Consulars*, even in the Outfitter tab.

The Decelerator armor set will grant you the Decelerator legacy title if you collect the whole set. It can only be collected from Kai Zykken by characters with a discipline in the Shadow / Assassin / Sage / Sorcerer combat style.

Kai Zykken Armor

Kai Zykken, a unique vendor located in the Supplies section of the Fleet, sells an item called an Unidentified Onslaught Set Bonus Gear. Kai Zykken Gear Guide.

Legacy Bound

Legacy bound armor is armor that can be transferred between your characters on your server. Pieces of the Decelerator set can be obtained on one of your characters, and then sent to another one of your characters on the same server. you can also stamp Legacy-bound armors into the Outfitter tab for as many of your characters as you'd like without the item being stuck on one character.

Decelerator Armor Pieces

  • Decelerator [head]
  • Decelerator [chestpiece]
  • Decelerator [legs]
  • Decelerator [boots]
  • Decelerator [gloves]
  • Decelerator [belt]
Decelerator [chestpiece]
Decelerator [head]
Decelerator [legs]
Decelerator [boots]
Decelerator [gloves]
Decelerator [belt]