Fastest Level 80 Solo Gearing in SWTOR

Star Wars: The Old Republic now allows you to get the best gear in the game, even as a pure solo or casual player! In this guide I’m going to teach you the fastest and easiest way to gear up solo, a bunch of tips and tricks, and your options when it comes to gearing up as a solo player.

How does gear work?

If you’d prefer to learn how gearing works in my a general way, and what all the different currencies, tiers and types are, visit the Gearing Up at Level 80 in SWTOR Guide. This guide below will go over how to gear efficiently and quickly as a very new solo player, but won’t talk about all the different options available across the entire game.

SWTOR Level 80 Gearing Guide


If you are looking for the true fastest way, or occasionally do group content, you may want to look at Fastest Way to Gear Up at Level 80 in SWTOR – you can also kinda combine the two guides if you play a little group content but mostly play solo. The current gearing system allows a lot of mix and match.

Fastest Way to Gear Up at Level 80 in SWTOR

If you are not actually a solo player, this whole process can go a lot faster. You can use this solo guide to gear up with friends or in a group, it’ll just be faster if you aren’t playing alone and do group content instead! You can also do some solo content and some group content, the gearing path is very flexible because you can exchange the currencies you earn.


Our goal is to try and obtain a single item that is item-rating 340 with a blue border. This will allow you to get an almost full set of 340 blue gear for all your characters on your server which is a fantastic set for solo players and above and beyond what you’d need for almost any type of content, including harder content. This is called the Hyde and Zeek method. Our second goal, if you choose to keep gearing up, is to get a single item that is item-rating 340 with a purple border. Lastly, I’ll teach you how you’d go about getting a full purple set of 344 gear, if you really, really like gearing up.

All of the steps we’re going to take are the fastest and most efficient way to get to that point while playing as a brand new level 80 player who only wants to play solo.

1. Legendary Implants Quest

As soon as you hit level 80, the very first thing you should do is head to the Supplies section of the Fleet and speak to the big Blue Twi’lek quest giver twice, which will give you the Technological Advancements quest. This will eventually allow you to buy some of the best Implants for your character in the game. Right now though, we’re just picking up the quest. Legendary Implants Guide

2. Conquest

Your next step is to complete a Conquest while at Level 80. Conquest is a weekly set of rotating objectives, and your goal is to earn 100,000 points within the week. You can see the Conquest panel by opening your Missions windows and pressing the Conquest tab. Completing a Conquest at level 80 will give you enough endgame currency to buy your first basic level 80 gear set.  Conquest Guide

3. Purchase Basic Gear Set

Go to the Supplies section of the Fleet and find the Conquest Gear Vendor.


Buy one of each armor piece, a main hand, and an offhand, two yellow implants, a yellow earpiece, and two different red relics. This will give you a full set of basic “324 green” gear.

4. Time to play!

Now it’s time for you to go run content in the game to earn currency you can exchange for gear and gear upgrades.

There’s a bunch of different ways to do this, and you can also do a combination of all activities, including running whatever solo Flashpoints you want, running Conquest on one or multiple characters, running any Heroic or Daily Area quests, and deconstructing gear will all give you either Conquest Commendations which you can exchange for FP-1 Stabilizers, or directly give you FP-1 Stabilizers.

SOLO: If you purely want to play solo, and avoid the groupfinder, here’s some examples of how long it might takes to get to a 340 blue piece from scratch:

No matter what route you choose, gearing up solo is quite a long process, but it is great because in previous expansions, solo players could not get great gear at all. From scratch, you’ll need to get about a total of 1,470 FP-1 Stabilizers, how exactly you get them is up to you. If you wanted to go really bare-bones, you could actually just get 1,110 FP-1 Stabilizers by upgrading to just 336, and stopping there and turning it in to Hyde and Zeek, which is more than is technically needed for all types of content.

5. Exchange Currencies

As you play, you’ll get a bunch of different types of of end-game currency. For example, running Heroics and Dailies and Conquest will get you a common type of currency called Conquest Commendations, but we will need the FP-1 Stabilizer currency to upgrade our blue piece. The good news is it’s easy to exchange different types of end-game currency in the Supplies section of the Fleet.

Here are the ways to exchange currency for other currencies:

You have...ForYou want...Exchange
400for 100Exchange 400 Conquest Commendations for 100 FP-1 Stabilizers at the Conquest Gear Vendor
2,000for 175Exchange 2,000 Conquest Commendations for 175 OP-1 Catalysts at the Conquest Gear Vendor
500for 175Exchange 500 FP-1 Stabilizers for 175 OP-1 Catalysts at the Flashpoint Gear Vendor
200for 200Exchange 200 WZ-1 Accelerants for 200 Tech Fragments at the PvP Gear Vendor in the Combat section of the Fleet
200for 200Exchange 200 Conquest Commendations for 200 Tech Fragments at the Conquest Gear Vendor
200for 200Exchange 200 FP-1 Stabilizers for 200 Tech Fragments at the Flashpoint Gear Vendor
200for 200Exchange 200 OP-1 Catalysts for 200 Tech Fragments at the Operations Gear Vendor

6. Buy & Upgrade Blue Gear Piece

Once you have saved up at least 60 FP-1 Stabilizers and 34,650 Credits, you can buy your first blue piece from the Flashpoint Gear Vendor in the Supplies section of the Fleet! It’s recommended to buy a blue earpiece, as it is the cheapest to upgrade. It does not matter which exact one you buy, as long as it has a blue border and is an earpiece.

Once you have your first blue earpiece, you can then upgrade it with more currency at the Flashpoint Upgrade Vendor.

The exact costs varies a bit by piece, but here’s roughly what you’ll need if you upgrade a blue earpiece to item-rating 340:

  • Purchase 324: 60 FP-1 Stabilizers + 34,650 Credits
  • 324 to 326: 170 FP-1 Stabilizers + 50,100 Credits
  • 326 to 328: 170 FP-1 Stabilizers + 53,900 Credits
  • 328 to 330: 170 FP-1 Stabilizers + 57,800 Credits
  • 330 to 332: 180 FP-1 Stabilizers + 61,000 Credits
  • 332 to 334: 180 FP-1 Stabilizers + 65,000 Credits
  • 334 to 336: 180 FP-1 Stabilizers + 69,000 Credits
  • 336 to 338: 180 FP-1 Stabilizers + 69,300 Credits
  • 338 to 340: 180 FP-1 Stabilizers + 69,300 Credits
  • 340 to 342: Not available. Max 340.
  • 342 to 344: Not available. Max 340.

7. Unlock Hyde & Zeek

Once you have your blue 340 earpiece, you can unlock Hyde & Zeek and complete their quest!

Speak to Hyde & Zeek in the Supplies section of the Fleet, pick up the blue 340 Prototype quest, then deconstruct your precious blue 340 earpiece once you’ve confirmed you are on the right quest. After you speak to Hyde & Zeek again, you’ll be able to turn in the quest and a vendor will become available.

8. Create Your Armor Set

After you have Hyde and Zeek unlocked you can start making your blue set! If you are a Damage player, you can use the Hyde and Zeek guide to learn what pieces to buy and how to put together a set.

Hyde and Zeek Guide

9. Hyde and Zeek Purple

When you finally get a single blue item-rating 340 piece, and have unlocked Hyde and Zeek, your next goal might be to get a single item-rating 340 purple piece.

SOLO: Getting a purple piece as a solo player is very difficult and tedious, so unless you really want to chase gear, stopping at 340 blues is actually a great gearing point to be at. However if you want to get purple enhancements, you’ll need to get a single item-rating 340 purple piece, which is going to take… a while, as you will need to work on earning lesser currencies to trade up for the currencies that normally drop from group content.

If you aren’t interested in doing this all over again, skip to the next step for your Relics and Earpiece!

10. Get Relics & Earpiece

Solo: Getting your earpiece and relics as a solo player is a bit funky. If you want, you can shoot for blue Supreme Decurion pieces just like we did before when getting our single blue piece, either doing Veteran Mode Red Reaper solo stealth, or heroics, or dailies, or conquest. But the cost for getting a purple is roughly the same, so you might as well purchase and upgrade a purple one instead.

If you would like to be done and are sick of gear, you can instead go and grab a green-bordered Noble Decurion piece from the Conquest Gear Vendor in the Supplies Section if you don’t already have one, and just upgrade it to item-rating 340. This is a very short process and won’t take you long at all compared to the other steps.

11. Get Full Rakata Gear

Once you’ve gotten both 340 blue and purple mods unlocked from Hyde and Zeek, and 340+ relics and earpiece of any kind, you’ve accomplished a lot and will have some of the best gear in the game.

SOLO: If you got this far as a solo player, I really wouldn’t recommend shooting for a full set of Rakata gear. This is because each piece will take roughly the same amount of time as the first purple piece you got, and you have 12 pieces total!!!! However, if you decide to, I do recommend working on getting better Relics and a better Earpiece, and you might as well shoot for purple since it takes roughly the same amount of time as blue. Each relic, and each earpiece, will cost roughly 675 OP-1 Catalysts, which you can earn these ways.


While the whole explanation is a bit long, each individual step is pretty easy, and it’s a lot faster and efficient than the previous ways of gearing up for solo players! As mentioned earlier, even solo players can get the very best gear in the game, if they’re crazy enough to chase it down!

Here’s how to get the best solo gear in SWTOR as of 7.5.1:

**Summary of Fastest Solo Gear**

- Step 1 - Reach Level 80 and pick up the Legendary Implants quest
- Step 2 - Complete a Conquest at Level 80 to earn the Conquest Commendations currency
- Step 3 - Purchase a basic set of green 324 Conquest Gear with your Conquest Commendations
- Step 4 - Acquire a below-level-80 Earpiece and equip it (GTN is an easy place to get it)
- Step 5 - Play whatever type of content you prefer to earn currency to buy a blue piece
- Step 6 - Upgrade that initial piece from  324 -> 326 -> 328 -> 330 -> 332 -> 334 -> 336 -> 338 -> 340
- Step 7 - Once you have a blue 340 piece, speak to Hyde and Zeek and pick the 340 Prototype mission.
- Step 8 - Once you have the mission, deconstruct your 340 blue piece, completing the quest
- Step 9 - You will now have access to a vendor that will sell you infinite item-rating 340 blue armorings, mods and enhancements, and you can now buy and equip an almost complete set of some of the best gear in the game
- Step 10 - If you want to unlock purple enhancements, a step up from blue, from Hyde and Zeek, earn and upgrade a single purple piece up to item-rating 340
- Step 11 - If you really want to go wild, work on getting full 344 Rakata by saving up currency and purchasing and upgrading pieces over a very long period of time

Full Solo Guide:

Quick Notes and Methods

  • Could you just buy an all green 340 set, then run a single Master Mode Flashpoint for a guaranteed blue 340 piece? Yes, but, it costs roughly 6,000 Conquest Commendations to buy and upgrade a full set of green gear from 324 -> 340. 6,000 Conquest Commendations are worth 1,500 FP-1 Stabilizers when exchanging. Which is about the same as just earning that same currency to buy and upgrade a single blue piece from 324 -> 340, 1,470 FP-1 Stabilizers.