There are hundreds of beasts that exist in the Star Wars universe. Below is a list of the beasts that have lore codex entries in Star Wars: The Old Republic, from acklays to zeldrates. There are many other types of beasts that do not have a written lore entry.
Acklay are native to the planet Vendaxa, whose ultra-dense ecosystem lends itself to evolutionary specialization. There, acklay are among the top predators, able to stalk and eviscerate prey among the jungles and plains, tracking creatures by their electrical auras. An acklay is not built to build nests or forage or migrate when seasons change–an acklay only knows how to hunt, and survive the hunting.
Despite various governments’ efforts to prevent the spread of acklay, the creatures are traded on the black market as gladiatorial challenges and targets for big game hunters. Inevitably, a few acklay escape or are left out in the wild, and the creatures either die–or they breed, survive and threaten anyone they encounter.
Akk Dog
Loyal guard dogs, faithful pets and savage killers: with the right training, akk dogs can fill any of these roles. Those brave enough to challenge the beasts must contend with a thick, scaly carapace that deflects the most powerful of blows and jaws strong enough to crush durasteel. Although native to Haruun Kal, akk dogs have been exported across the galaxy to serve a variety of masters. When not domesticated, akk dogs live in the wild, hunting in packs and attacking anyone foolish enough to enter their territory.
In addition to their incredible strength, akk dogs are rumored to be Force sensitive. In recent years a Jedi named Master Sulan attempted to connect with the creatures through Force-bonding exercises. The Jedi’s endeavor was cut short when his Padawan’s life was claimed by a particularly hungry akk dog pack leader.
There’s a good reason for the expression “angry as an arkonok” on Onderon. Though they’re the closest thing to a domesticated herd animal on the planet, their unpredictable rages put would-be tamers at risk of serious bodily harm on a daily basis and destroy all but the stoutest enclosures. Arkonok meat is prized as a delicacy on Onderon, but by all accounts this is more out of respect for the handlers than for its flavor (described as “just okay” and “sort of gritty” by famed culinarian Ton-Zek Aimar).
Asharl Panther
These fierce, attractively spotted cats are found on numerous worlds in the Outer Rim and Unknown Regions. The distinctive dorsal fronds of the asharl panther work as a set of extra sensory organs; thick nerve bundles running up the fronds allow the asharl panther to pick up the vibrations of threats approaching from behind. Along with the panthers’ pelts, these fronds are often sought after by hunters.
The asharl panther has been adopted as a mascot of the Mandalorian Rodarch clan, whose members train the animals to fight alongside them and who paint their armor to match the panthers’ pelts. The symbolism of a beast which is fearless and always aware of its surroundings is one the Rodarch clan has embraced wholeheartedly.
Domestication of the bantha has become vital to survival on Tatooine and other colonized worlds. Intelligent and reliable creatures, they can be trained as pack animals, passenger carriers and even war mounts. When needed, banthas also serve as a source of sustenance. Their meat and milk are edible, and a single bantha can provide weeks’ worth of food. Bantha skin and fur can be made into leather and clothing, and their horns are often carved into tools or jewelry.
A lumbering Houk bounty hunter reluctantly gained the nickname “Bantha” Boskirn after performing several jobs on Tatooine. Boskirn’s career was cut short when he angrily pulled his blaster on a smuggler who mocked him for the name; Boskirn was unfortunately too slow on the draw.
Barbed Ginx
Sharing a family tree with the more aggressive vrakes, barbed ginxes are relatively harmless, curious amphibians that frequent Makeb’s marshes. Their name comes from the barbed “thumb” they use to peel off bark from trees or fallen logs while looking for insects to eat. Dep Aila, the first scientist to document the barbed ginx, encountered them when he left his speeder unattended and came back to find a small horde of ginx had peeled off the exterior casing, hoping to find food.
Baspoor Glider
The baspoor glider, sometimes called the “sky swimmer” for its fishlike appearance, is an omnivorous flying amphibian often found on temperate worlds. Its unique physiology allows it to “land” in water, where it can continue to propel itself with its powerful wings. It has very little mobility on solid surfaces, and has difficulty taking flight again should it find itself grounded.
The young of the baspoor glider are carried on its mother’s back for the first few months of life and have a highly unusual diet. Children gnaw at the skin of the mother for nourishment while the mother focuses on her own needs–her trivial injuries healing quickly each day.
The bogstalker is one of many ancient species from the planet Taris’s prehistory thought extinct until its rediscovery after the planet’s bombardment. It turned out that the bogstalkers had survived for millennia beneath Taris’s sprawling undercity, and in the post-bombardment wreckage, the bogstalker has thrived as its natural swampy habitat has spread.
Remarkably, the pollutants from the destruction of Taris have only made the bogstalker more resilient, as its flesh is now poisonous to most predators–even the voracious rakghouls.
Bogwings are dangerous reptavian carnivores who often live near lakes or marshes. When they hunt, they skim the ground or marsh at high speed, using their long jaws to snatch up prey or strain the water for fish. Larger creatures are grasped in the bogwing’s heavy front claws, which are surprisingly powerful for its size. Observations show that if a bogwing is hungry enough, it can tackle animals several times its own weight.
Because of this trait, during the Great War the Republic military briefly considered training bogwings to carry supplies or even munitions to squads in remote areas. However, bogwings are extremely temperamental and respond badly to being handled. The risk to potential trainers was judged to be too high, and the idea was never widely implemented.
Utterly at odds with the tranquility of their native Alderaan, bolraidas are one of the most aggressive species in the galaxy. They are brutally effective hunters, running down prey with their powerful front legs before gouging them with the hook-like tusks on their lower jaws.
Early Alderaanian settlers were shocked to encounter such violent beasts on their paradisiacal new home, and it wasn’t long before bolraida attacks became a leading cause of death. Unlike their distant relative, the iraida, bolraidas are impossible to train; nearly every attempt to domesticate the beasts has ended disastrously.
The enormous and majestic bormus once moved in herds across Balmorra–until the Imperial bombardment wiped out many of the slow-moving behemoths and the pollution from Balmorra’s destroyed factories poisoned the land and the bormus’ food supply.
Despite their size, bormus are incredibly gentle beasts and formerly relied on their herds for protection, stampeding potential predators. Now that they are on the brink of extinction, lone bormus are easily picked off by smaller, faster predators.
Cave Jurgoran
Though not limited exclusively to caves, this subspecies of jurgoran is usually found in environments with little-to-no natural light. In order to adapt to its dark surroundings, the cave jurgoran has developed bioluminescent scales and a reflective hide. Each creature has a distinct glow pattern, nearly undetectable to most, but instantly recognizable by other cave jurgorans.
It is currently unknown how the jurgoran managed to migrate out of Dromund Kaas and settle in the darker corners of the galaxy. The most common theory among biologists is that the early Sith used jurgorans in battle but found them unpredictable and deserted them like forgotten pets. If this theory is correct, the cave jurgorans of today are descendants of these abandoned tools of war.
Most creatures avoid Hutta’s polluted swamps, but these massive reptiles call the toxic marshes home. Nicknamed “chemilizards” by the local workers, these predators have adapted to the poisonous land by absorbing toxins, which contribute to their unique coloring and acidic saliva. Many also believe these toxins have poisoned the chemilizards’ minds, turning the ferocious reptiles violent and untamable.
Before their mutation, chemilizards were a Hutt delicacy known as orpali dragons. These rare lizards were bred for harvest, killed in infancy and traditionally served over a bed of glazed chuba eyes. Orpali dragons were on the menu for the centennial feast of Bakuush the Hutt when several hatchlings escaped into the wild through the palace sewers. Over time, the resilient lizards evolved, and although one Hutt did attempt to dine on the adapted chemilizards, the results were most unappetizing.
Cthons are vicious humanoids that have plagued the underworld of Coruscant for centuries, though some have found their way or been smuggled offworld. Swift to mutate from generation to generation, nearly blind despite their unusual eye structure, cthons find their prey by listening for movement and feeling vibrations through Coruscant’s substructures. Many of the lower level’s more superstitious believe the cthons were originally Coruscanti criminals, banished from the upper levels and left to devolve. There is no scientific evidence for this belief.
While they usually scavenge from the huge piles of garbage that accumulate in Coruscant’s lower levels, cthons are vicious hunters, capable of bringing down security patrols. Coruscant’s reconstruction has been particularly beneficial to the cthon population, providing new lairs and breeding grounds, not to mention a surfeit of lost and easily preyed-upon refugees.
The Gormak’s fascination with technology has led them to experiment heavily in the field of organic-cybernetic hybrids, using the native fauna of Voss as their test subjects. Gormak hunting parties set out at regular intervals to trap mawvorrs, shaclaws and even the deadly vorantikus alive so that the creatures can be implanted with cybernetic upgrades, creating monstrous cyberbeasts.
While the Voss consider this practice barbaric, it is important to note that the Gormak see cyberbeasts as improved versions of what nature intended. Considering that the cyberbeasts are faster, stronger and far more dangerous than their organic counterparts, there is some merit to this belief.
The cybernetic implants allow the Gormak to influence the natural instincts of the cyberbeasts, effectively letting the Gormak program them with simple yet very specific instructions. Not surprisingly, this makes the cyberbeasts excellent guardians of Gormak lands.
Dewbacks are omnivorous reptiles that originated on Tatooine, where settlements, moisture farmers and Sand People alike use them as work beasts and transportation, and where wild dewbacks still roam the planet’s deserts and canyons. Over time, the sturdy creatures have been exported to other worlds and found similar utilitarian niches elsewhere.
Centuries ago, Czerka Corporation scientists attempted to breed “war dewbacks” that were larger and more aggressive than their easily domesticated cousins. Although the scientists eventually succeeded, the project was written off as a failure when the test herd broke out of its enclosure and rampaged through the research facility.
Dragonbats are nocturnal hunters often found in the dark places of warm and temperate worlds. They are able to draw sustenance from carrion as well from fresh meat, and this wide-ranging diet makes them adaptable to many environments–making them a pest to sentient creatures and a source of fear for fellow animals.
Dragonbats generally hunt alone or in small packs, but they occasionally gather into massive “swarms.” The swarm is combination mating ritual and battle royale, where the weakest of the species are culled by stronger members, who may then reproduce. While vicious, this ritual helps ensure dragonbat genetic diversity while capping the creatures’ population.
Rarely seen even on its home planet of Tatooine, the omnivorous, reptilian duneclaw is an aloof and solitary creature. Possibly a distant cousin of the wraid, the duneclaw has tough skin covered in armor-like plating, and this–along with its thick skull–makes this beast very difficult to bring down. A head-butt from a duneclaw is powerful enough to shatter bones, crack stone and dent metal.
Although its eyesight is adequate, a duneclaw is able to navigate in dim light through echolocation and can easily pick up sound waves made by other creatures. For this reason, duneclaws can often be found hunting prey near Tatooine’s cliffside caves and other dark, enclosed spaces.
When a group of Makeb’s early settlers explored the planet’s underground caves, they encountered a vicious burrowing animal they named the exoboar. Surprisingly fast and armored with blaster-resistant leathery skin, the exoboars ripped up equipment and drove the settlers back until Sarthon Quis, a former career bodyguard, figured out that the boars were repelled by a particular herb growing in the caves. Rubbing the herb on their clothes allowed the settlers to pass safely.
In later years, Sarthon Quis became an acclaimed hunter of exoboars and even had a set of armor made from exoboar hide. Unfortunately, he wore it while on an expedition into even deeper caves and was devoured by a subteroth who took him for a particularly plump boar.
Ferrazid Hound
Millennia ago, before Taris became a city-world–and long before that city was destroyed–ferrazid hounds lived in the planet’s jungles and swamps, hunting birds and lizards and roaming in small packs. When Taris became an urban environment, ferrazids were believed extinct–the population wiped out, with only a few specimens preserved in zoos.
When the Republic returned to the ruins of Taris, explorers found the ferrazid hound population robust and recovered. Unfortunately, the ferrazids are extremely territorial. Although they keep their distance from major settlements, they are an increasing problem for scouts and transports.
Scintillating flirron glide through Onderon’s skies with ephemeral grace. The dazzling patterns produced by their billions of chromatophores are believed by scientists to be an intricate form of visual communication. The gentle beasts (a rarity among Onderon’s deadly fauna) are so loved by the citizens of Iziz that flirron watching is a citywide pastime. Prime flirron-viewing locations along the city’s outer walls are some of its most valuable real estate, and cover charges for the best-positioned rooftop cafes are well beyond the means of the general citizenry.
Gapillian Grazer
The slow-moving, gentle-tempered Gapillian grazers are herbivores that range across Ord Mantell’s grassy plains. Although their massive curved tusks and rock-like hides give them a fearsome appearance, these beasts are among the most peaceful creatures inhabiting the planet. This does not mean they are entirely harmless, however.
Few things are more terrifying than a Gapillian grazer stampede at the height of mating season. With so many of these beasts grouped together, a single spooked grazer can initiate a charge capable of leveling a small town. Unwary travelers caught on foot during these catastrophic panics are rarely seen again.
Subject: Gethul Entity
Status: Terminated (full autopsy pending)
Doctor Oggurobb’s investigations are ongoing, but initial findings revealed that the Gethul entity contained genetic markers from dozens of species, including dianoga, rathtars, and surprisingly, Rakata. This is particularly interesting as certain particulate matter found deep within the entity’s digestive tract is found only on the planet Belsavis, suggesting that the creature originated there and was at some point moved to Makeb, perhaps by the same Rakatans who constructed the Belsavis containment facilities.
The entity’s mental connection to Adelade and its sway over other biological creatures suggests some degree of Force sensitivity, further deepening the mystery of its origins and life cycle. Is this creature representative of an undiscovered species, or merely a unique creation of ancient Rakatan scientists? While we search for answers, one troubling mystery remains.
Adelade found the entity based on intel she received from an unidentified third party. This source sent her precise coordinates–and the claim that she would discover one of the Force’s greatest mysteries buried beneath Makeb. Who sent her this intel? If it was a friend, why cover their tracks? If an enemy, what did they hope to accomplish by luring Adelade into the heart of madness? We will continue to investigate.
The Grefna’s prominent cranial spine serves multiple purposes. It allows flock members to visually track one another through the verdant undergrowth due to ultraviolet striations on its surface, and its sharp, blade-like edge presents a formidable defense against would-be attackers. An agitated Grefna will lower its head, issue a honking bellow, and charge, impaling its enemy and tossing it backwards with a sharp flick of its neck to clear a path to safety. Given the predators that terrorize Onderon, even its prey animals are deadly in their own right.
Domestication of the foraging omnivores known as grophets has long been a goal of livestock farmers on Rishi, but the notoriously stubborn and intelligent mammals do not take well to pens or cages. Grophets use their dense mass, low centers of gravity and nodule-pocked foreheads to ram defensively into predators and other nuisances, while their long, sensitive ears make them especially difficult to get the drop on. Grophet demand has spiked among game hunters in recent years as their raw entrails have become a noted Hutt delicacy.
Guids are hoofed quadrupeds indigenous to Tython. Notable for their muscular forelegs and the distinctive tufts of hair on the shoulders, back and chin, they are typically encountered grazing alone or in small herds. Guids are not particularly aggressive, but if threatened, they are capable of causing injury or even death with their massive forelegs and powerful jaws. Attempts to domesticate guids have proved unsuccessful due to their stubborn and occasionally irritable nature.
Jedi Master Silvarte has taken to labeling Padawans with a particularly lumbering lightsaber stance as devotees of the “Form of the Guid.” At least one of these Padawans–since proclaimed a full Jedi Knight–has taken this mild insult to heart, developing several lightsaber techniques inspired by the study and observation of these strange creatures. Master Silvarte considers this a mark of his success as a teacher.
The gundark is among the most feared of all species. Its strength is matched only by its resilience and keen senses, and it is a favorite target of big game hunters and a featured attraction in gladiatorial arenas galaxy-wide. Gundarks rarely last long in captivity, however; many beast tamers tell of letting their guard down for a half-second in the presence of these mighty creatures, only to be attacked and horribly mauled. They are the lucky ones. Anyone encountering a gundark in the wild knows to give this monster a wide berth or else be prepared for a fight; the gundark is known to attack unprovoked.
One of two new species discovered by Jarn Harvus on Nim Drovis, the harvap can be found on several planets and has thrived on heavily industrialized worlds in particular. Originally a carrion-eater, the harvap has adapted to other ecosystems by feeding on industrial waste and garbage in addition to its normal diet.
Harvap infestations have plagued Hutt Space due to the density of industry and the generally lax decontamination procedures used when moving cargo from world to world. On Quesh, the byproducts of venom mining and processing have created a particularly strong breed of harvap that can thrive in the toxic atmosphere.
The second of two species discovered by Jarn Harvus on Nim Drovis, the harvorisk is actually no relation to the similarly named harvap. Shortly after its discovery, the harvorisk was coveted by Hutts across the galaxy, who considered it alternately an exotic new pet and a tasty meal. But its rapid rate of breeding and vicious, untrainable personality quickly led to the Hutts’ becoming disenchanted with their new pets, causing the release of many harvorisks into the wild.
On Quesh, it was the Three Families who brought harvorisks to the planet and genetically modified the creatures so they might survive in the toxic atmosphere–albeit at a cost of half their lifespan. The Hutts refuse to accept responsibility for the creatures’ escape, but the harvorisks have begun reproducing, seeking prey among the planet’s miners.
Four-legged reptilian predators found primarily on Tython, horranths typically hunt in large family groups called broods. With their high birth rate, quick maturation and few natural predators, the horranth population is usually constrained only by a limited food supply.
If food suddenly becomes more abundant in a region, a horranth matriarch will lay hundreds of eggs, causing her brood’s population to explode. As their numbers multiply, the beasts grow bolder and more aggressive. Unchecked, the brood will continue to spread until they finally exceed their food supply, at which point the matriarch will suddenly stop producing eggs. Unfortunately, this return to normal population levels typically only happens after the brood has thoroughly devastated the region.
On a world as inhospitable as Hoth, herbivores need natural advantages to survive. The lumbering herd beasts commonly called “icetrompers” must contend with the constant threat of hungry wampas and whitefangs. Unable to outrun their natural predators, icetrompers compensate with powerful stomping hooves and thick curled horns that can sweep aside even the most determined hunter.
An icetromper’s greatest natural asset, however, is its multiple sets of eyes. Like certain arachnid species, the secondary eyes are reserved exclusively for detection of sudden changes in nearby light patterns. Even the stealthiest wampas have difficulty sneaking up on icetrompers.
Iraidas are a species of predatory reptomammals native to Alderaan, known for their exceptional hearing and extreme resistance to cold. Although they are distantly related to the bolraida, iraidas have demonstrated a level of intelligence far superior to their vicious brethren; this has not only made them more cunning predators but has also led to their limited use as trained watch-beasts and gladiatorial challenges.
Isotope-5 Droids
The mineral isotope-5 is the Hutt Cartel’s key to technological advances that will make it the galaxy’s undisputed military superpower. Scientists speculate that a single microgram of isotope-5 is enough to power a large datapad for an entire century. The Hutts are not interested in such peaceful applications, however.
Unbeknownst to Makeb’s rightful government, Hutt-employed scientists have designed and manufactured advanced war droids unlike anything the galaxy has seen. These isotope-5 droids are powered by fuel rods that generate impressive energy shields and devastating blaster fire.
Toborro the Hutt has deployed isotope-5 droids to attack civilian settlements and resistance forces. Although these early models are clearly “expendable” prototype designs, they are remarkably effective. Toborro is likely holding even more advanced isotope-5 droids in reserve.
These large amphibious creatures are known for their sharp claws and tough hides. They are found primarily on Dromund Kaas, where they are challenged only by the gundark for a position at the top of the food chain.
The jurgoran quickly became an image of vicious, unrelenting strength among the Sith who first came to Dromund Kaas, and there are several instances of Sith taking the name “Lord Jurgoran” throughout the histories.
Hulking, worm-like creatures with pincer legs and gaping maws of teeth, k’lor’slugs are among the most dangerous species on Korriban. Not only can they shear a man in half or swallow him whole, they can project their vile, venomous spit great distances. Hatched from eggs laid hundreds at a time by their queens and blessed with a short incubation period, these hideous monsters can infest and overrun an area in no time.
A century ago, a notorious hunter named Riegenn Hetuu was contracted to bring a live k’lor’slug queen to an eccentric Hutt for a gala celebration. The beast was meant to be a highlight in the Hutt’s annual gladiatorial tournament, but when Riegenn arrived on Hutta and opened his cargo bay, some four hundred k’lor’slugs poured out, consuming the hunter as well as the Hutt. To this day, the sound made when a batch of k’lor’slugs hatch is called “a Hutt’s cry.”
Kath Hound
Native to Dantooine, kath hounds are sturdy, horned creatures with a ruff of fur. Although they can be aggressive if threatened or during mating season, they are normally docile, intelligent creatures who take well to training. Kath hounds are popular across the galaxy as guard dogs and pets (although the latter usually have their horns trimmed as a precaution).
Albino kath hounds are rare and highly prized by breeders. On Dantooine, seeing an albino kath hound is considered lucky; there are even stories of albino hounds protecting people lost in the hills. While these stories are unlikely to be more than legends, an albino kath hound is large and intimidating enough to frighten off Dantooine’s worst predators, kinraths, which certainly would prey on lost travelers.
Kell Dragon
Vicious predators known for their powerful jaws and thickly scaled hides, kell dragons have become a favorite pet and status symbol among the galaxy’s crime lords and collectors of exotic creatures. Almost all currently documented kell dragons were bred in captivity and trained specifically for battle in underworld fighting pits, despite the illegal nature of such activities throughout most of the galaxy.
Although genetically related to the famed krayt dragons of the planet Tatooine, the homeworld of the smaller kell dragons remains unknown. Some biologists believe the creatures may have been specifically bred from their larger cousins, though how anyone could control the breeding of such colossal and destructive creatures is anyone’s guess.
Kintan Crusher
Kintan crushers, also known as “Kintan enforcers,” are savage, brutish creatures native to the Nikto homeworld of Kintan. They are characterized by their stocky builds, powerful arms and large, meaty fists. Crushers are notably smarter than their cousins, the Kintan striders, and are rarely seen in the wild thanks to centuries of “domestication” by the Hutts; the Kintan crushers’ ability to follow complex commands and pound their victims into jelly inspired the Hutts to employ them as reliable and obedient footsoldiers. Many speculate as to how the Hutts pay their Kintan enforcers, with guesses ranging from the absurd to the grotesque.
Kowakian Monkey-Lizard
When it comes to compatibility, few pets in the criminal underworld can outmatch a monkey-lizard from the planet Kowak. Their intelligence allows them to understand and execute complex commands, while their small size, nimble bodies and prehensile tails make it easy for them to maneuver through small spaces. The Kowakian monkey-lizard isn’t exactly defenseless, either. When cornered, they are known to go for any would-be assailant’s neck and eyes with their sharp claws and powerful beaks.
For those whose sense of humor tends toward the sadistic, it also doesn’t hurt that Kowakian monkey-lizards are notoriously cruel. Their knack for recognizing weakness in others provides ample opportunity for acts of public humiliation, which they’ll often carry out while chirping away with a mocking laughter that will haunt the victim until their dying days.
The golden-hued and black-striped pelage of the krakjya instills in those who behold the tropical feline a notion of majestic beauty, but maintaining that affectation would be a mistake. Krakjyas are savage predators, acting only in regard to self-preservation without anything resembling decorum or elegance. Powerful back muscles allow krakjyas to leap great distances and pin down quarry several times their own weight long enough to render it lifeless with their long, sharp teeth. Even the great Massassi warriors of Yavin 4 know better than to face a krakjya without lots of backup.
Despite its bipedal shape, the lisk is actually a carnivorous species of warm-blooded reptile suited to cold-weather climates. The “hairs” on its head and torso are in fact sharp, fibrous scales that help protect it from low temperatures and larger creatures. Sentient species are often surprised at how vicious a lisk can be, as its wide eyes and childlike grin give it a harmless appearance.
The lisk’s two pairs of eyes are operated by different hemispheres of its brain, and are integral to its survival while sleeping. Only half of the lisk’s body falls asleep at one time, allowing each pair of eyes to keep watch during half of its sleep cycle.
The lobel appears to be one of very few species actually indigenous to the planet Quesh, though it can be found in small pockets throughout the galaxy–perhaps the work of a single explorer thousands of years ago.
A slow-moving creature, the lobel has four stomachs that are key to its survival in some of the most ravaged ecosystems known to civilization. The slow rate of digestion and normally languid movement of the lobel has allowed it to survive even when food is very rare, and there appears to be a degree of redundancy in the four stomachs–when the toxicity of industry damages one, the lobel is able to continue eating and digesting.
Lean, amphibious bipeds with a tendency to travel in packs, lurkers are carrion eaters most comfortable in tropical environments. Alone, they usually avoid confronting danger, crawling into tight spaces and observing potential threats from a distance. In numbers, they can strike with a rabid, frenzied intensity, happily downing prey for later consumption.
Biologists serving the Hutt Cartel believe that lurkers originated on a nameless jungle world on the edges of the Torch Nebula. They were first identified in the wider galaxy two hundred years ago, and have begun appearing on more and more worlds ever since. No convincing explanation for the lurkers’ spread has been offered, leaving the creatures a disturbing mystery.
Makrin Creeper
Travelers in Makeb’s wilderness may be tempted to make camp on small, inviting hillocks, not realizing that they are actually the backs of makrin creepers. These enormous beasts possess bark-like skin–actually cords of muscle–and grass-like nerve-rich tissues that blend in perfectly with their environment. Normally docile, makrin creepers can lash out with thick claws if attacked, disabling their attackers before crushing them to death.
Many tourists to Makeb are fascinated by makrin creepers. Some unscrupulous souvenir vendors have been caught selling tree branches as “creeper trophies.”
Manka Cat
Fierce feline hunters, manka cats are believed to have originated on Alderaan but can now be found on a number of different worlds due to their desirability as exotic pets or trained guardians. It is no surprise that these accomplished hunters have thrived in virtually every ecosystem into which they have been introduced. Sleek and powerful, they have the speed to run down smaller prey, while their massive protruding tusks and claws also allow them to tackle much larger targets. Often traveling in prides, even a lone manka cat can be dangerous, and extreme caution should be exercised when in their territory. Despite the risks, manka cats are sometimes hunted for sport and for their tusks and teeth, which are said to possess healing properties.
Mantellian Flutterplume
Although its beautiful feathers are valued as good luck charms, everything else about the Mantellian flutterplume is worth avoiding. This enormous scavenger bird is noted for its impressive hook-like beak and four sets of curled talons–tools that it uses to tear apart and consume rotting carcasses.
The flutterplume population has skyrocketed thanks to Ord Mantell’s brutal civil war. An abundant supply of fresh battlefield kills attracts flocks of these carrion eaters. Soldiers whisper horror stories of wounded men unable to defend themselves and doomed by the hungry winged predators.
Subspecies of the Mantellian flutterplume have evolved on a handful of other Republic worlds where the birds have been imported. Like their ancestors, they are both elegant and aggressive.
Carnivorous beasts that stalk the wilderness outside Voss-Ka, mawvorrs are generally considered opportunistic hunters. They prefer striking at whatever wounded predators or wandering humanoids they come across to carefully hunting and stalking their food, though in packs they exhibit increased aggression and have been known to attack even the mighty vorantikus.
Mawvorrs also typically attack Gormak on sight, though they refuse to eat the bodies afterwards. This odd behavior has led the Voss to perceive mawvorrs as guardians or protectors who abhor the Gormak. Because of this, the Voss take steps to maintain the mawvorr population around Voss-Ka.
This symbiotic relationship can be taken to extremes during times when the mawvorr food supply is low. There is a historical account of a Mystic’s vision resulting in unarmed Voss wandering out into the wilderness and allowing themselves to be devoured by mawvorr packs.
Given enough intellect, knowledge, fortitude and power, Sith alchemy can be used to achieve the seemingly impossible, such as transforming flesh and bone to form vicious Sithspawn such as the imposing Massassi and the unstoppable Terentatek. But Monoliths are something beyond Sithspawn: they are everlasting monstrosities built not on a foundation of living tissue but of dark side energy itself. Enduring and merciless and quite possibly unkillable, Monoliths plainly illustrate the immeasurable power of their creator and are best avoided at all costs.
Mutated Colicoid
The product of secretive experiments conducted on Balmorra prior to the Imperial invasion, the mutated Colicoids are mindless, bloodthirsty insectoids with many legs and sharp claws. Originally created in the lab facility known colloquially as Bugtown, these monstrosities escaped during the Empire’s conquest and have overrun parts of Balmorra (including the lab facilities where they were created).
The creatures seem particularly drawn to Balmorra’s hazard vaults and other zones of heavy pollution. By feeding on the toxic waste, they appear to grow stronger and more vicious.
Rakghouls evolve with incredible speed, but until recently, they had never shown signs of intelligence. Larger and far smarter than their rakghoul cousins, nekghouls may qualify as a new species in their own right–they appear unable to infect and transform their victims, but instead possess sensitivity to the Force and violent, untrained talent in its use.
Although nekghouls are capable of speech, they have no known history or record of their origins. Are they the result of a Jedi or Sith being infected with the rakghoul virus? A mutation caused by radiation from Taris’s shattered reactors? Studies may have to wait–for now, merely surviving the presence of these horrific beings is difficult enough.
Nerfs are large, shaggy pack animals raised for their meat, fur and hides, primarily characterized by their horns, surly disposition and horrid stench. Their tendency to spit on people has only cemented their reputation for being particularly unpleasant animals to handle; it’s no surprise that nerf-herding is regarded as one of the less glamorous professions in the galaxy.
Although they are native to Alderaan, the nerfs’ hardiness has allowed them to adapt to a variety of climates on other planets. Nerfs are common livestock on many Core and Inner Rim planets, though most ranchers beyond the Mid Rim prefer to breed less unruly animals.
Native to the forests of the planet Cholganna, the feline nexu have become alpha predators throughout the galaxy over the past few centuries, adapting to new environments through a natural hardiness and a quick reproductive cycle. Packs of nexu have been found roaming the tundra of Mygeeto and the steaming jungles of Rodia, equally adept at stalking and killing prey.
Nexu are recognized in many cultures as an icon of viciousness, and several Mandalorian clans have taken the creature as their symbol. Some xenobiologists argue that nexu are far less violent than common wisdom suggests, and that it’s the activities of sentient beings that agitate the cats. Left alone, they’re smart, capable and strong–but not cruel or aggressive.
Little escapes the notice of the Orlax. Its four specialized eyes each feature three foveae, allowing it to keep multiple targets in sharp focus at one time. Once it identifies its prey, it strikes with startling speed. While few survive an Orlax attack, even fewer escape the jaws of the Varlax, a closely related species found on Dxun that has developed a potent and notoriously painful hemotoxic venom that it delivers through its large lower tusks.
Orobirds are a species of tall, flightless avians noted for their distinctive plumage and loud, squawking calls. Their very existence baffles scientists: colorful, loud and dumb, orobirds should be easy prey for predators and poachers, yet they can be found thriving on a multitude of worlds. Many attribute the orobirds’ continued survival to their brutish temperament and odious flavor; orobird meat is generally considered one of the foulest in the galaxy, though some wealthy highbrows insist the taste is an acquired one.
Pantran Whitefang
The sleek and lethal whitefang cats are noteworthy for having bodies composed almost entirely of muscle. These felines do not store any fat, and consequently must constantly be on the hunt. They are the only creatures on Hoth capable of matching a tauntaun’s running speed.
Certain enterprising crime lords have attempted to train captured whitefangs for use as guard animals. These experiments have routinely ended in disaster for trainers and beasts alike. On the other hand, underground death duel arenas have profited tremendously from the spectacle these untamed creatures can provide.
The rumbling infrasonic “purr” of the pritarr is the last sensation its prey feels before being ripped apart by a pack on the hunt. Pritarr use these low-frequency sounds to communicate over long distances through their densely jungled habitat as they search for prey. Their sensitivity to these sounds allows them to detect seismic activity long before most other creatures, and the Untamed have long known to prepare for potential disaster if their pritarr are restless.
It is widely suspected that Makeb’s recent groundquakes leveled a major pterathki nest, since these strangely elegant creatures have been seen flying over Talaos City in increasing numbers. Pterathkis normally hunt small animals, using their unusual tails to attract prey before spearing them with stabs of their powerful beaks.
Although there is little meat on a pterathki, they are known to be particularly delicious to the Hutt palate when basted in Dantooine cane syrup. Since Makeb’s takeover, Hutt Cartel forces have been seen attempting to net pterathkis for their masters’ tables–and earning scars from angry pterathki beaks.
Rakghouls are a living plague–the manifestation of a highly communicable disease capable of swiftly transforming its victims into twisted, degenerate monsters with predatory instincts. The rakghoul virus can infect hundreds of known species and is most often delivered through a rakghoul’s bite; a person attacked by a rakghoul and “lucky” enough to survive typically becomes a rakghoul him- or herself. Some victims resist the virus for days, succumbing to rakghoul instincts while retaining their original bodies.
Different strains of the virus manifest in different breeds of rakghoul–the smallest and weakest travel in enormous colonies, whereas larger, smarter rakghouls often hunt alone. The virus mutates fastest when infecting new species, and slowest when rakghouls reproduce with other rakghouls.
Before the planet’s bombardment, Taris contained its substantial rakghoul population in the undercity. Many specialists believe rakghouls are native to Taris, but rare outbreaks elsewhere in the galaxy suggest the truth is more complicated.
Rancors are reptilian monstrosities known as some of the galaxy’s most dangerous predators. Although indigenous to the planet Dathomir, they have spread to many other worlds and thrived in many environments. Rancors are a favorite among the wealthiest underworld crime lords, who raise them from eggs to become (relatively) tame pets. Those whose rancors survive to adulthood are afforded a great deal of status, as well as a powerful weapon against their enemies.
A unique feature of the rancor is its tough hide–a mixture of fine scales, thick skin and bony plates. Blaster bolts and vibroblades have little effect upon the hide, and while these attributes fade from a hide removed from a rancor carcass, a few lucky hunters nonetheless wear ornamental outfits made from the material.
One of the only carnivores capable of taking down a Gapillian grazer by itself, razoronn beasts are nearly three meters in length and weigh over a thousand kilograms. It is no exaggeration to state that these tusked, fanged beasts present a serious threat to anything smaller than an armored shuttlecraft.
During the early settlement of Ord Mantell, a small farming convoy broke down on a remote plain at nightfall and fell prey to a razoronn pack. The curious predators began “investigating” these intruders in their hunting grounds. The farmers’ landspeeders offered no shelter from the ravenous creatures. By morning, all but one of the farmers had been dragged away.
Reeks are horned, thick-skinned herbivores. They originally hail from the planet Ylesia but can be found all over the galaxy, particularly on Iridonia, Ithor and Tatooine. They are highly sought-after as pack animals, but are also commonly used as mounts.
Curiously, reeks’ temperaments are largely dictated by their diets. While they normally subsist on plants, reeks will eat meat if it is offered to them; however, a carnivorous diet turns their skin dark red and makes them extremely hostile. This phenomenon inspired the phrase “mad as a red reek” and has led to the practice of using battle-maddened reeks in gladiatorial arenas.
One of the swiftest land animals on Tatooine, the rill is a reptilian predator that hunts womp rats and other large mammals. Fiercely territorial, an individual rill (or a rill and its young) stakes out a patch of desert and defends it vigorously against all intruders. To sleep and protect itself from Tatooine’s blistering heat, the rill burrows into the sand several meters below the surface.
These nests are also where rills lay their eggs, burying the eggs under sand to hide them from scavengers. The first task of a newly hatched rill is to successfully dig its way back up to the surface, or else be abandoned by its mother and broodmates.
Salky Hound
Many know the salky hound for its acute senses, unbreakable claws and exceptionally powerful bite; few know this vicious beast was actually designed in a laboratory. The Republic military contracted a bioengineering firm to breed a dangerous but intelligent creature, able to protect remote bases in the Outer Rim without the expense of droids or troops.
Unfortunately, the scientists weren’t able to make their creation obedient. Salky hounds turned out to be ferocious and impossible to train for military action. After several accidental deaths, the Republic military canceled the contract, and salky hounds were banned from the Core Worlds.
However, many breeding pairs were sold quietly on the black market, and the hounds have appeared on dozens of worlds since. Many mercenary and criminal organizations deploy salky hounds when they have no need to capture someone alive.
Sand Demon
If not for the tall tales of desert nomads and a few grainy satellite reconnaissance images, Tatooine’s so-called “Sand Demon” would be considered a myth. Jawas say the Sand Demon is feared by all other life on the planet, including the mighty krayt dragon–for the Sand Demon is the krayt’s only predator. Some stories report that the beast is capable of “sand swimming,” gliding underneath the surface of the desert as if it were water. Others claim it bores through rock using its hardened, talon-like legs.
Cave paintings suggest the Sand People believe the Sand Demon devours the life essence of its victims, growing stronger and tougher with each kill. They depict stories of centuries-old demons that have become immune to injury, a warning heeded by even the most skeptical outsiders.
Predators on Tatooine have learned to give the sandtusker a wide berth, as this reptilian scavenger is far from an easy meal. Protected by ridges of bone and capable of goring flesh with its tusks, a sandtusker not only repels attempts to prey on it, but often chases down and finishes off a would-be attacker. Sandtuskers mainly feed on carrion, and their powerful maws are capable of crunching through even krayt dragon bones to reach the nutrient-rich marrow inside.
A platoon in the Republic’s Thirty-eighth Infantry–several members of which had lived on Tatooine–named its armored walker “the Sandtusker.” True to form, it carried the soldiers safely through the harshest battles of the Great War.
The savrips’ bestial appearance leads many to dismiss them as nothing more than monstrous hulking predators that attack on instinct. This is far from the case, as anyone who has gotten close to a savrip can attest. Would a mindless animal really wear a tanned hide and belt made from Gapillian grazers?
Despite their brutish and primitive appearance, savrips are an intelligent species capable of communication. Unfortunately, for the average Ord Mantellian, savrips are actively hostile to other life-forms. Previously content to remain in their home territories, recent surges in savrip attacks have led authorities to speculate on a separatist-savrip alliance, but these claims remain unsubstantiated.
The bloodthirsty scyks inhabit remote regions of Tatooine, thankfully far from most settled areas. They seem almost to delight in carnage, brutally tearing through prey and unwary desert travelers. Their fangs are a prized trophy among hunters, who rarely escape the creatures without scars.
The Sith beastmaster Lord Adrazar found the scyk a deadly and eager servant. However, no amount of training or Force manipulation could persuade the creatures to cooperate in packs for more than a few days. The scyk that survived–obviously the strongest–now guards his personal domicile on Dromund Kaas.
Massive, armored insects, shaclaws use their powerful foreclaws primarily for burrowing into the soil in search of the roots and subterranean mammals that make up their diet. If challenged, however, they can also use their claws as savage weapons capable of shredding the flesh or armor of their enemies.
The Gormak consider the meat of the shaclaw to be a delicacy, but within minutes of dying the insects release a deadly toxin into their tissues that contaminates the flesh. To circumvent this, the Gormak have become quite skilled at capturing shaclaws and cooking them alive.
Xenoanthropologists are quick to note that Gormak only dine on shaclaws during special coming of age feasts in which the capture and preparation of the meal is considered an essential part of the ritual celebration. The Voss reject this symbolic justification, however, and point to the practice of cooking any creature alive as proof of Gormak savagery and barbarism.
Shade Stalker
An excerpt of notes from Dr. Juvard Illip Oggurobb:
The creatures appear predatory in nature, exhibiting highly aggressive tendencies. In my studies, they do not consume the flesh of their kill. They simply enjoy the hunt. In fact, shade stalkers do not seem to eat at all. Can a living organism really survive without sustenance? It’s almost beyond comprehension!
These magnificent beasts seem directly tied to the strong Force presence on Odessen. Whether they were born of the conditions or simply corrupted by them remains to be seen. Their scaly hides indicate a defense against aggressors, suggesting these creatures may not have always been so predatory. My conjecture is that their natural course of evolution was somehow rapidly thrust forward by an unknown process. Could the Force be responsible? And if so, could this mean the Force can similarly affect the evolution of other species? Can we harness such a process for our own gain?
I must study this further.
Eyeless, winged monstrosities that hunt in swarms, shyracks are cave-dwelling terrors indigenous to Korriban. Fiercely territorial, they attack intruders with aggression and frenzy.
Typically cave-bound, every sixty-three years the shyracks of Korriban spill from their habitats every day for the entire summer. They fill the sky, blotting out the sun and moon, and rain their bluish droppings onto everything below. Before the Sith returned to reclaim Korriban, every sixty-third summer saw biologists from across the galaxy descend on the planet to observe the purpling of the red terrain.
An innocuous trip to the beach for fun in the sun can quickly become a living nightmare wherever skar’klas are known to roam. These semiaquatic, carnivorous reptiles thrive in wet, tropical climes, and are strong, fast, and deadly. Their scaly hides and plated manes offer protection from other predators while their sharp teeth and powerful jaws allow them to quickly devour their prey. A legend persists that skar’klas find relief in having the undersides of their mane plates scratched, but so far no one has been known to dare attempt to confirm it.
Despite their diminutive stature, the vicious and intelligent skels are a potential wild card in the three-way war for Hoth. Skels hunt in packs, are capable of wielding primitive weapons and are biologically adapted to survival on Hoth’s frozen plains. Their bony claws are capable of burrowing through even the thickest snow and ice, allowing them to spring devastating surprise attacks.
Imperial war strategists dismiss the skels as a threat, but Republic soldiers are encouraged to report any mass gatherings of skels immediately. Long before the Republic, the Empire or the White Maw came to Hoth, the planet belonged to the skels–and these well-organized natives may decide to eliminate the unwelcome invaders.
Skyslashers are flying predators with a gruesome appearance, compact masses of bone, muscle and wings. Although they have poor eyesight, skyslashers have evolved a powerful sense of smell that allows them to not only detect victims at a distance, but tell whether they are injured or exhausted enough to be easy prey.
The bad eyesight of skyslashers may be no accident. The Sith Lord Erindax had an interest in creating new species and bred the first skyslashers centuries ago as a hobby. He overestimated his control of the creatures, however, and was blinded in one eye when the flock suddenly turned on him. Afterward, Erindax engineered his skyslashers to be almost blind; either out of fear for his remaining eye, or to avenge himself on his wayward pets.
Sleek and web-footed, the sleen is among the fastest creatures that crawl through the Dromund Kaas jungle. It feeds primarily on the eggs of other Dromund Kaas lizards, but it has been known to hunt small prey and can be vicious in protecting its territory against intruders.
The early Sith were known to keep sleens as guard animals and pets, but the practice went out of favor as Dromund Kaas became more densely populated and the sleens proved difficult to keep in close quarters. Hunting sleens are still kept among certain high-ranking Imperial military officers, bred and trained by generations of family servants.
Of all the creatures indigenous to Yavin 4, the stoneray fits most suitably within its dark side-permeated swamps and jungles. Their ashen skin and low-necked posture lend an air of the sinister. And at night, bathed in the crimson glow of the gas giant Yavin, stonerays appear to be covered in blood–a terrifying sight, especially when one is observed using its taloned tail to effortlessly disembowel its prey.
Subteroths linger in the nightmares of every Makeb explorer. Armored, muscular and utterly deadly, these hulking beasts typically live in deep underground caverns, where their eyes have atrophied over time. Instead, subteroths hunt using scent and the crest on the back of their head, a hypersensitive organ that picks up the electromagnetic fields of a prey’s heartbeat and transmits it directly to the subteroth’s nervous system.
Makeb’s recent groundquakes have driven the subteroths out of their normal hunting grounds and toward the surface. Being surrounded by an abundance of prey and curious interlopers has driven the already-lethal subteroths into a feeding frenzy.
Tarsarian Devourer
The tarsarian devourer is the product of a rakghoul virus mutation that has spread to the predatory tarsarian stomper. The stompers–a non-native species once kept in a handful of Tarisian zoos–bred, hunted and initially thrived in the post-bombardment jungles, but were soon overwhelmed by their more aggressive infected cousins.
The tarsarian devourer became king of the Tarisian food chain, and although it is impossible for sentient species to contract the mutated form of the rakghoul virus, that makes the tarsarian devourer no less feared when encountered in the wild.
The tauntaun is an omnivorous reptomammal occupying a key position in Hoth’s ecosystem. Beyond providing a food source for wampas and the feline whitefangs, tauntauns also expand the planet’s natural tundra by spreading fast-growing moss and lichen to new growth areas. In fact, scientists speculate that Hoth’s limited fauna would quickly go extinct if the tauntauns disappeared.
More important to Republic, Imperial and White Fang forces on Hoth, tauntauns provide the promise of a native means of traversing the icy plains. Adult tauntauns can move at speeds of up to ninety kilometers per hour–useful for outrunning all manner of foes. The trick, of course, is domesticating these notoriously ill-tempered beasts.
The legendary terentatek is a vicious, tusked monster that feeds on the blood of Force sensitives. Terentateks are known to cluster wherever there is a strong dark side presence and to remain dormant for many years before emerging to hunt.
How terentateks came to be is a subject of much debate. Ancient chronicles report terentatek-like creatures on Korriban, twisted by the dark side rituals performed by early Dark Jedi. Other sources attribute their creation directly to the Sith Lord Exar Kun, who performed many Force experiments on creatures on Yavin 4. Terentateks are undoubtedly one of the most vicious of all creatures steeped in the dark side, and they are doubly dangerous because of their unnatural resistance to Force powers.
Jedi throughout the ages have tried to wipe terentateks from the galaxy, but the creatures have proven incredibly resilient. The most recent concerted effort was three centuries ago; many terentateks were destroyed, but the hunt took the lives of many Jedi Masters, as well.
Thrantas are a species of flying animals indigenous to Alderaan. Their powerful wing muscles and internal air sacs allow them to stay aloft while carrying large amounts of weight, making them perfect aerial mounts. Early Alderaanian colonists made extensive use of thrantas, using them for personal and military transport.
Their popularity on Alderaan generated an enormous demand for the animals on Coruscant; thousands of thrantas were transplanted, but they were unable to survive the city-world’s heavy air pollution. Since that debacle, the Alderaanians have refused to export the thrantas offworld and hunting them on Alderaan is strictly forbidden. This has only made thranta smuggling and thranta poaching more appealing in certain circles.
Keen eyesight, an insatiable appetite and a bone-chilling call make the tonitran one of the galaxy’s most feared predators. These remorseless lizards use their muscular hind legs to gain purchase with their powerful claws and propel themselves at great speed, often resulting in a successful kill without their prey ever having known they were in danger. The substantial tail of a tonitran not only assists in its balance, but it also provides excellent defense against any creature foolish enough to attempt a furtive attack from behind.
Trinthan Prowler
Cat-like and deadly, the Trinthan prowler originated in the Trinith system before being sold across the galaxy for use as trained hunters and trackers. After a string of incidents where bystanders were badly mauled, the Republic made Trinthan prowler breeding illegal and a large number of the beasts were released into the wild. They can now be found on a great many planets, where their predatory skills have allowed them to thrive feeding on smaller, slower and weaker creatures.
These oversized hounds were bred to be fearless and relentless. Left to guard the Sith tombs of Korriban, they have sharp horns, long claws and savage teeth. They are unusually intelligent and seem capable of communicating with one another through unknown means.
It is said that the species was nonviolent and grazing before being corrupted by Sith alchemical experiments that awakened a latent part of their brains and changed them into unnatural abominations. Random mutations now occur that produce some tuk’ata that can live for centuries and grow to immense proportions.
Tythonian War Droid
The ruins of Kaleth are overrun with various squads of ancient–and hostile–war droids. A deadly remnant of Tython’s mysterious past, the original purpose of the droids has been lost in the mists of time. Some speculate they were once guardians, programmed to protect the powerful secrets of Tython’s original Jedi inhabitants. Others believe the droids were used for combat training by the order shortly after the creation of the first proto-lightsaber. A more sinister theory suggests the droids were somehow involved in the destruction of Kaleth itself. Whatever the explanation, one fact is not in dispute: The droids will attack any living creature that dares to enter the territory they still fiercely patrol.
“Underwalker” is the Makeb nickname for a species of subterranean insectoid carnivores. The shell of an underwalker is astonishingly resilient and shares the properties of some of Makeb’s ores. Biologists believe that the underwalkers may have mutated over millennia of drinking water contaminated by mineral deposits.
Whatever they once were, underwalkers are a constant menace to Makeb’s mining engineers because underwalker territory is often around the richest seams of mineral wealth. More than one underwalker has been sighted with tools lodged in its carapace: the sign of tragic events occurring around a newly bored drill shaft.
Deceptively aggressive, uxibeasts are mammalian herbivores with a multitude of horns covering their shaggy bodies. They are believed to originate on Tython, but have been found in small numbers on other planets–evidence of the migration of the first Jedi, long ago. They typically travel in herds and are quite capable of fending off would-be predators; the pointed spines on their backs prevent attackers from pouncing on them, and a charging uxibeast is capable of inflicting all kinds of bodily harm.
Uxibeasts are generally ill-tempered and unpleasant around people, but they can be tamed–to a degree. Domesticated uxibeasts will imprint on a single individual, whom they are unquestionably loyal to, while remaining hostile toward everyone else.
Originating on the planet Utapau, where they were trained and used extensively as mounts, the varactyl has become a popular mode of non-mechanized transportation across the galaxy. As a result, the reptavian creatures have thrived on a great many worlds, both as mounts and in the wild.
The most famous varactyl-rider, Hrosus the Swift, was able to coax his mount to phenomenal speeds, once beating a swoop bike in a head-to-head race. This same speed makes varactyl formidable opponents; although they can be peaceful, loving creatures when among creatures they view as friendly, they are highly territorial and viciously protect their nests from aggressors.
Vine Cat
The heavily armored, sharp-toothed vine cat can pounce up to eight meters and has been known to tear a sleen apart in less than ten seconds. Its armored frill and hide protect it against larger predators such as the jurgoran, and its claws make it an expert climber when it needs to get away. The vine cat was introduced to Dromund Kaas by the early Sith from the dark forest world of Ziost and is responsible for wiping out three of Dromund Kaas’s native herbivorous species to date.
Sitting undisputed atop the Voss food chain is the terrifying vorantikus, the largest and deadliest predator on the planet–if not the entire sector. Heavily muscled and perpetually hungry, vorantiki are lone hunters that stalk the wilds in an endless search for their next meal.
Revered by the Gormak for their power and fearlessness, vorantiki are often depicted in crudely scrawled pictures found inside Gormak domiciles. Typically the scenes depict a vorantikus devouring a Voss Mystic, or laying wasted to the mountaintop city of Voss-Ka itself, though there is no historical account of any such attack upon the Voss capital.
Understanding the vorantikus may be key to understanding the evolutionary “arms race” occurring amongst Voss’s fauna. The planet’s wildlife is far larger, heartier and more aggressive than that of most comparable worlds, and the vorantikus represents an amazingly precise set of “alpha predator” traits. What sort of environment–or unnatural intervention–creates a vorantikus, and what effect does such a creature have on the world around it?
A subterranean species of semi-sentient bipedal insects, the voreclaw survived the devastating ritual that wiped out all life on Nathema’s surface… but not without cost. The dark side cataclysm obliterated the Voreclaw’s hive mind, transforming their underground colonies into mindless individuals without purpose or will.
Driven by hunger, the voreclaw emerged onto Nathema’s barren surface, where the sun’s radiation seared their exposed flesh and charred their chitinous shells. With no other plants or animals to eat, the voreclaw resorted to cannibalism– devouring each other until only the few strongest remained.
The species was saved from extinction when the Sith Emperor captured the few survivors to use as guardians in his underground vault. Frozen in carbonite, the voreclaw remained in suspended animation for generations–grim sentries waiting to be awakened should anyone be foolish enough to enter their new domain.
Vorn Tiger
Vorn tigers are a dangerous breed of feline predators distinguished by their distinctive horns and sleek coats. They are solitary hunters by nature and most are extremely territorial. They typically avoid major settlements but are absolutely merciless to anyone unlucky enough to wander into their hunting grounds.
Vorn tigers often mark their territory by gouging bark from trees with their horns. Zoologists have noted that these markings are both unique and consistent–each vorn tiger seems to scratch in a consistent and unique pattern.
Although currently abundant, the strikingly patterned vrakes were on the verge of extinction for more than a hundred years. An enterprising Makeb scientist, Kaylah Taprish, took a liking to the creatures–she claimed their faces reminded her of her favorite uncle–and spent five years studying and crossbreeding them before releasing a dozen new colonies into the wild. Unfortunately, with their numbers increased, vrakes have now become fiercely territorial.
The head crest of a vrake resembles the face of another Makeb predator, the thunderhead hawk. Vrakes use the crest to startle prey–usually birds and small rodents–for the rest of their colony to pounce on.
Indigenous to the planet Varl, vrblthers were often kept as pets by rich and powerful Hutts. When Varl was vaporized over ten thousand years ago, the species survived only because many of the fierce bipedal predators had accompanied their owners to Nar Shaddaa and Hutta.
The beasts proved resilient to the pollutants and toxins commonly found in their new environments, and their numbers grew rapidly. Packs of vrblthers are known to roam the lower levels of Nar Shaddaa, in constant search of their next meal.
Vulagools are a species of small, hunched bipeds most commonly found on Alderaan. They are primarily scavengers, though they are known to bring down larger animals in packs.
While their planet of origin is unclear, some researchers believe vulagools were once a sentient species driven to near-extinction by the Killiks and brought to Alderaan to work in the Killik hives millennia ago. Others suggest the vulagools are themselves descended from Killik Joiners who mutated unexpectedly and were driven from the nests. Whatever their true nature, vulagools seem to both fear and hate the Killiks and do whatever they can to steer clear of the insectoids.
The fearsome wampa is Hoth’s apex predator. These surprisingly intelligent beasts pose a major hazard to unwary travelers, especially those wandering near unexplored caves. More than one combat patrol has vanished after seeking shelter in a seemingly unoccupied ice cavern. Among fresh arrivals to the planet, horror stories circulate of men swallowed whole by these towering creatures.
The more terrifying truth is that wampas prefer fresh meat and rarely kill a victim outright, instead stunning or incapacitating prey. Future meals are dragged back to a wampa’s lair and suspended immobilized from the cave’s ceiling. Wampa victims may have hours or even days to contemplate their eventual fates.
Wingmaws are a biological oddity, an evolutionary branch of Balmorran life that developed on an isolated chain of islands; it was only six hundred years ago that wingmaws were accidentally carried to the mainland by unwary explorers. The creatures maintain insect-like social structures despite their reptilian appearance, frequently traveling in groups and favoring open spaces to dark caves.
The wingmaw population on Balmorra has increased rapidly since the Imperial invasion, as the creatures’ primary predator–the Balmorran maweater, another transplant from the island chain–was completely wiped out during the bombardment. Unchecked, the wingmaw has become a threat to Imperial and resistance soldiers alike and wreaked havoc on the rest of the Balmorran ecosystem. They are bold carnivores and scavengers, happily swarming on a lone fighter or an unprepared convoy.
Womp Rat
Carnivorous rodents native to Tatooine, womp rats are a menace to any permanent settlement. They reproduce at a staggering rate and are known to stalk urban alleyways and remote moisture farms alike, prompting some authorities to maintain a standing bounty on the creatures. Vicious and ill-tempered, they prefer meals of organic debris and runoff–but even lone womp rats will attack any creature that gets too close, often spreading virulent disease.
When found in the desert, womp rats also hunt in packs, emerging from burrows and swarming their unfortunate victims in a flurry of claws and teeth. A dozen womp rats can overwhelm a full-grown dewback in just a few seconds, and larger packs regularly feast on fresh bantha.
Hunting dangerous predators is a tradition on Tatooine, and stalking the deadly wraid is often a test to separate the amateurs from the experts. In addition to its great strength and powerful jaws, a wraid is able to quickly cover large distances by breaking into a bounding sprint. The impact of its massive forelegs creates highly distinctive tracks in the sand for hunters to either follow or avoid.
Rumors persist across Tatooine of a gigantic “alpha” wraid that stalks deep in the desert wastes. Some hunters claim to have seen it; others tell tales of stumbling across its oversized claw prints before the desert wind blew them away. Its existence, however, has never been confirmed.
The flapping of thick, hairless wings is often the last sound heard by a victim of the deadly xuvvas. Their fangs bite with brutal precision, quickly disabling prey while filling the xuvvas’ swollen stomachs. The creatures then take flight and hunt down their next meal using sensitive electroreceptors in their horn-like antenna. A single xuvva is capable of killing a trained hunter; an entire flock can reduce a mature Hutt to bones in minutes.
Unknown to most, xuvvas are distant relations to the decidedly less vicious mynocks. Like their parasitic cousins, xuvvas latch onto power sources and leech their electrical energy. Ten years ago, an entire xuvva flock sapped enough power from a subterranean conduit to cause a blackout over half of Jiguuna. In a fit of fury, Nem’ro the Hutt placed a bounty on the creatures that was quickly called off when his palace became littered with the trophies of dead xuvvas.
The sinuous, short-haired yaras are not native to Makeb. When a transport ship carrying the first settlers crash-landed three hundred years ago, a breeding pair of pedigree yaras in the cargo hold managed to escape and quickly adapted to Makeb’s wilderness.
Yaras are highly adept swimmers, either hunting fish or lurking underwater to ambush their prey. Recent changes in Makeb’s climate have driven them onto land, where they have found sentients to be a perfectly acceptable meal. There is some talk of domesticating the yaras, but centuries of running wild have made them a dangerous prospect as pets.
Yozusks were originally referred to as “rock wardens” by the Sith when they arrived on Dromund Kaas, because they nested in the cliffsides around the jungle and because of the hard, rocky protrusions on their backs. Though they are extremely territorial, they primarily feed on animals living beneath the ground, which they dig up with their long arms. They are nocturnal creatures and rely primarily on their sense of smell in the darkness. They are incredibly strong, and many young thrill-seekers cut their teeth fighting the yozusks before moving on to the larger, more powerful gundarks.
The zeldrate is a sleek predator that used to hunt bormus in the Balmorran plains–but with the bormu population dwindling, the zeldrate has increasingly targeted sentient prey. Imperial troops and resistance fighters wounded during battle are common victims, but bolder zeldrates have assaulted full squads.
Prior to the invasion, zeldrates were hunted for a caustic chemical secretion useful as a cleaning solution for industrial parts. Today, with Balmorran industry operating below half capacity, the zeldrate population has seen a slight increase–balanced by the fact that they are often killed seeking easy prey on the battlefield.