This guide will go over over the Beastmaster of Dromund Kaas achievement in Star Wars: The Old Republic, which requires you to find all the bestiary lore objects on Dromund Kaas.
- Gundark
- Jurgoran
- Sleen
- Vine Cat
- Yozusk
The achievement can be found in your Achievements section under: Location → Dromund Kaas → Exploration.
Head south along this trail out of the spaceport. The Gundark Lifetaker enemy will award the codex (not the stalkers on the way down).
Factions: Imperial-only – Number on Map: 1
Closest Travel: Dromund Kaas Spaceport
Follow the body of water leading into this northeast dead end east of the Kaas City Entrance. A champion level Jurgoran named Howler awards the codex.
Factions: Imperial-only – Number on Map: 2
Closest Travel: Kaas City Entrance
In the center of the jungle, the Lethargic Sleen enemies near a tiny waterfall will award this codex entry when defeated.
Factions: Imperial-only – Number on Map: 3
Closest Travel: The Wall
Vine Cat
Any strong-level Savage Vine Cat in the jungles of Dromund Kaas should award the codex right away.
Factions: Imperial-only – Number on Map: 4
Closest Travel: The Wall
When approaching the end of the river here in the southwest corner of the Shadow Spawn heroic area, you will see a raised waterfall with a datacron on top of it. Turn around and hug the wall to your right along the river – keep turning right and you will find a hidden path up to where the datacron and Yozusk champion are.
Factions: Imperial-only – Number on Map: 5
Closest Travel: Shadow Spawn Heroic Shuttle