Beastmaster of Korriban Achievement Guide

This guide will go over over the Beastmaster of Korriban achievement in Star Wars: The Old Republic, which requires you to find all the bestiary lore objects on Korriban.

  • K’lor’slug
  • Shyrack
  • Tuk’ata

The achievement can be found in your Achievements section under: Location → Korriban → Exploration.

Beastmaster of Korriban Achievement Map


Enter the Tomb of Ajunta Pall and take a right past the initial class trainers to the egg-infested dead end that is the objective of the first side-mission. The Strong-Level Broodwatcher in this room will award the codex entry.

Factions: Imperial-only – Number on Map: 1

Closest Imperial Travel: Offworld Orientation


Turn on exploration missions and head to the southern room on the first floor of the Sith Academy. The mission “The Blood Legacy” will open a group phase containing the Shyracks that you must defeat.

Factions: Imperial-only – Number on Map: 2

Closest Imperial Travel: Sith Academy


Between the Lower Wilds and Wilds Laboratory road are plenty of Wild Tuk’ata. Killing any should award the codex.

Factions: Imperial-only – Number on Map: 3

Closest Imperial Travel: Lower Wilds

More Korriban Guides

 width= The information, plot points and screenshots for these interactive Korriban maps were created by player Zahk, who has been dutifully trekking across the galaxy. His dedication to this long-term projects is legendary.