Beastmaster of Coruscant Achievement Guide

This guide will go over over the Beastmaster of Coruscant achievement in Star Wars: The Old Republic, which requires you to find all bestiary lore objects on Coruscant.

  • Cthon
  • Salky Hound

The achievement can be found in your Achievements section under: Location → Coruscant → Exploration.

Beastmaster of Coruscant Achievement Map


Within the Works, there is a tunnel underneath the main path that connects the northeast and southwest halves of the area. In the middle of this tunnel is a “Howling Cthon” that will be the first enemy able to award the codex entry. There are a few more Howling Cthons further south, as well.

Factions: Republic-only – Number on Map: 1

Closest Republic Travel: The Works

Salky Hound

Any Trained Justicar Hound will do for getting the codex entry here – Immediately after arriving from the taxi you will see groups of enemies with the hounds present in them.

Factions: Republic-only – Number on Map: 2

Closest Republic Travel: Justicar Sector

More Coruscant Guides

 width= The information, plot points and screenshots for these interactive Coruscant maps were created by player Zahk, who has been dutifully trekking across the galaxy. His dedication to this long-term projects is legendary.