Cleaning Up the Street Elites Nar Shaddaa Champion Achievement Guide

This guide will go over over the Cleaning Up the Street Elites achievement in Star Wars: The Old Republic, which requires you to have defeated 8 opponents of Elite difficulty on Nar Shaddaa.

  • Exchange Tech-Monster
  • Berserk Hutt B0-2S Battle Droid
  • Varus Logan
  • Karo Dunder
  • Kaeden Ta’kor
  • Kallakar the Savage
  • Kallik Kan
  • Kaemon Zahor

The achievement can be found in your Achievements section under: Location → Nar Shaddaa → General.

Exchange Tech-Monster

This elite is much easier to get to as imperial – though technically possible for republic characters that shuttle to Lab Animals (will have to drive through imperial guards). Head southeast to the center of Upper Industrial, then find the elite confined by a fenced in area with generators in the northwest corner of the room.

Factions: Both – Number on Map: 1

Closest Imperial Travel: Upper Industrial Medcenter

Closest Republic Travel: Lab Animals – Heroic Shuttle

Berserk Hutt B0-2S Battle Droid

This elite is extremely easy to reach as republic – take the Morgukai heroic shuttle and it is directly next to you the corner of the room you end up in. As imperial you can head to Network Security and head south.

Factions: Both – Number on Map: 2

Closest Imperial Travel: Building a Better Beast – Heroic Shuttle

Closest Republic Travel: The Morgukai – Heroic Shuttle

Varus Logan

This elite is only reachable as imperials. Head all the way to the west part of network access, sticking to the north wall. The elite is in a separate room with a group of jittery slicers outside of it. This is also a “Liabilities of Nar Shaddaa” Target.

Factions: Imperial Only – Number on Map: 3

Closest Imperial Travel: Network Access/Imperial Data Center

Karo Dunder

This elite is much easier to get to as imperial – though technically possible for republic characters that shuttle to Lab Animals (will have to drive through imperial guards). The enemy is located in a separate room between the abandoned factory and the Imperial Special Ops Center.

Factions: Both – Number on Map: 4

Closest Imperial Travel: Imperial Special Ops Center

Closest Republic Travel: Lab Animals – Heroic Shuttle

Kaeden Ta’kor

This elite is only reachable as a republic character. Head all the way up to the northeastern corner of the Red Light District – then head south into the dead end. This is also a “Liabilities of Nar Shaddaa” Target.

Factions: Republic Only – Number on Map: 5

Closest Republic Travel: Club Ufora

Kallakar the Savage

This elite is only reachable as a republic character. Head west inside the spaceport to this map pin. You will enter a larger room with two ramps. Head up the ramps and go as far south as you can. In this 2nd floor room to the south is the elite enemy.

Factions: Republic Only – Number on Map: 6

Closest Republic Travel: Deucalon Spaceport

Kallik Kan

This elite is only reachable as a republic character. Follow the road east in the Nikto Sector until you can take the first left turn onto a north road. Kallik Kan will be in the back of the left-side alcove here, standing on the green carpet’s corner near the box and shelf. This is also a “Liabilities of Nar Shaddaa” Target.

Factions: Republic Only – Number on Map: 7

Closest Republic Travel: Nikto Sector

Kaemon Zahor

This elite is only reachable as imperials. Head to the Corellian Sector and go as far north as possible, the target is in this northernmost dead end. This is also a “Liabilities of Nar Shaddaa” Target.

 Factions: Imperial Only – Number on Map: 8

Closest Imperial Travel: Corellian Sector

More Nar Shaddaa Guides

 width= The information, plot points and screenshots for these interactive Nar Shaddaa maps were created by player Zahk, who has been dutifully trekking across the galaxy. His dedication to this long-term projects is legendary.