The Iokath Dailies are a set of Missions on Iokath you can repeat to earn Reputation and Iokath-themed rewards. The planet of Iokath is unique in the way you can earn Reputation from two different factions, and the planet itself can be really intimidating to new players – so read on for tips!
Thank you player Zahk for all your help on this guide to make it easier for other players to find the quest objectives!
- How to Start
- Reputation
- Missions
- Clearing the Path
- Taking Care of the Caretakers // Scrubbing out the Scour Droids
- Walking the Walk
- Detect and Destroy
- The Meek and the Mighty
- Colossal Threat
- Disarm
- Disrupting the Network
- Subverting the Tower Droids
- Mend a Broken Shard
- Defend the Docking Ring
- Monitoring the Situation
- Powering Up the Weapons Factory
- Time to Vent
- Fortify the Defenses
- Systems Offline // Systems Go
- Scouting Iokath
- Iokath Power Shards
- Achievements
- Rewards
How to Start
In the Story: If you would like to do the Iokath Dailies at the correct point in the story, you would start them after completing the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion on the main story path, and then doing the main Iokath storyline, which will naturally lead to the repeatable Iokath daily and weekly quests.
Early on Other Characters: If you have unlocked the Iokath daily area on any character on your server, you can then go run the Iokath dailies at any point, even if you are not caught up on the story, as long as you are level 70+.
How to Get There: Once you’ve headed to Iokath via either travelling directly in your ship, or by Accepting the Iokath weekly mission from the Solo Tab of the activities finder (icon of ‘three little people’ near your minimap).
Terminal: Once you’ve landed on Iokath, you must then use the terminal just ahead of you to pick which Faction you will be aiding for the week, as this will decide the faction you will earn reputation for, where you go to pick up your dailies, and which dailies are available. If you are starting Iokath ‘early’, you won’t be able to pick a faction, and instead will be automatically assigned Republic if you are on a Republic character or Imperial if you are on an Imperial character.
I highly recommend you double check and make sure you pick the right faction before beginning for the day, because the character will be LOCKED IN to that faction for the remainder of the week – note that picking the opposing faction can ruin this character as far as group invites on Iokath go – if you are planning to do the Gods From the Machine Operation with a group later in the week, choose a different character to run weeklies on – being aligned to the opposing faction can make you impossible to invite to a group.
Republic/Imperial Tram: After picking your faction, the Republic aligned players will find their starting Hub complete with missions and vendors to the LEFT of the terminal, past the BLUE doorway and through the Tram. Imperially aligned players will go RIGHT from the terminal, through the RED doorway, and through this Tram.
Mission Board: The weekly terminal should be found via the repeatable mission indicator on your map from there. All of the missions will be on the missions board – you do not need to search for them. The missions on the board change slightly each week, and not all are available each week.
Reputation is a way of gaining favor with different groups by completing missions for them. As you level up your reputation rank, more rewards for that reputation track become available. Reputation is shared by all your characters on your server, so it’s legacy-wide.
By using multiple characters, you won’t be limited to how many Iokath heroics you run, but you will still be gated by how many reputation points you can earn – you can only earn a hard limit of 12,000 reputation points per week.
There are two different Iokath tracks – the Republic track and the Imperial track. They are not divided by faction – it does not matter if your character is a character you created on the Republic or Empire side. Instead, which Reputation track you are contributing to is determined by which faction you are representing when you do your quests via the Terminal – you can support either the Empire or the Republic on the same character by swapping on the Terminal.
As you run Iokath Heroics, you’ll rank up your reputation, and each rank unlocks new rewards from the Imperial or Republic Reputation vendor in their respective hubs.
- None – 0 Reputation
- Outsider – 0/2,500 Reputation (2,500 total points needed)
- Newcomer – 0/5,000 Reputation (7,500 total points needed)
- Friend – 0/7,500 Reputation (15,000 total points needed)
- Hero – 0/10,000 Reputation (25,000 total points needed)
- Champion – 0/15,000 Reputation (40,000 total points needed)
- Legend – 0/30,000 Reputation (70,000 total points needed)
Each type of token from Iokath gives you a different amount of Reputation, and it also changes based on what various boosts you have and whether you are subscribed or not:
Republic Service Medal / Imperial Mark of Loyalty: 270 Reputation (as a subscriber)
Republic Famed Service Medal / Imperial Great Mark of Loyalty: 630 Reputation (as a subscriber)
Republic Distinguished Service Medal / Imperial Grand Mark of Loyalty: 1440 Reputation (as a subscriber).
Other Rewards
Depending on your level when completing a Iokath mission, there are also some additional rewards tied to some; exactly what per mission is on a table down below!
Iokath Power Crystal Clusters (Between 50-300 shards per box, depending on quality): This unique currency is used in all transactions on Iokath, whether it be the reputation-locked outfits, decorations, vehicles, or gameplay-related costs such as powering a walker, monitor or turret for use in daily missions, control modules for achievements, or purchasable buffs for said droids. Note that the currency comes in clusters in your inventory, which need to be right clicked and open to become a character-specific usable currency. All but the gold-bordered boxes can be traded to other characters or even sold on the GTN! Once opened, the gained currency is locked to that character and cannot be traded.
Conquest Commendations (at max-level, [DAILY] missions give 3 each, [WEEKLY] gives 50): Conquest Commendations will be awarded for most Planetary Repeatables. It’s used to upgrade virtually every track of gear upgrade, in varying amounts.
Tech Fragments (at max-level, [DAILY] missions give 30 each): Tech Fragments are an endgame currency used to buy Legendary Implants, Tacticals, materials for the best Augments in the game, and some older/cosmetic armors.
Conquest Gear Piece: at max-level, the Weekly mission will award a Conquest Gear Box in addition. These have a minimum item level of 324, and are green quality.
Credit Boom: this is a unique reward to Iokath dailies – some will give this item with a Silver Cartel Market symbol on it (that will actually unbind like a CM item after the cooldown period!) that when used awards a variable amount of credits – usually a little over 10,000.
Earning Reputation
- The Weekly “Daily Area” mission asks you to complete any 6 missions and gives you a purple rep token.
- Each individual mission gives you a blue reputation item.
- The rest of your reputation you’ll earn just from killing enemies in the mission areas and using the green tokens they sometimes drop.
Need more information about the Iokath daily missions? Scroll down!
Quest | Description | Reward |
Daily Area: Iokath (Weekly) | Complete 10 Iokath Daily quests. | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Clearing the Path | Destroy 50 Iokath Droids | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Colossal Threat | Defeat a Colossus Droid | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Disarm | Disarm the Laser Emitters | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Disrupting the Network | Use the Network Node Access Terminal in the Docking Ring // Defeat the Iokath Terminal Network Coordinator | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Monitoring the Situation | Plant Cameras Inside of the Weapons Factory | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Powering Up the Weapons Factory | Access the Power Console in the Weapons Factory // Place Five Power Cores in the Power Receiving Port // Use the Reactor Console to Power Up the Factory // Defeat the Scour Swarm Droids | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Subverting the Tower Droids | Hack the Droid Control Terminals // Clear out the Hostile Droids | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Systems Offline | Disable Republic/Imperial Plasma Emitter Defenses | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Walking the Walk | Take control of a walker and defeat 40 enemies. | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The Meek and the Mighty | Defeat a Walker on Iokath using a Mouse Droid. | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Time to Vent | Activate the Heat Vent Towers | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Taking Care of the Caretakers | Destroy 25 Caretaker Droids on Iokath | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Systems Go | Enable the Plasma Emitter Defenses | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Defend the Docking Ring | Activate the Docking Ring Defense AA Cannons | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Fortify the Defenses | Find the Incursion in the Imperial/Republic Base // Access the Turret // Use the Turret to Defeat the Republic/Imperial Troops // Defeat the Republic/Imperial Battle Droids // Defeat The Republic/Imperial Walker | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Mend a Broken Shard | Collect 50 Broken Iokath Power Shards // Repair the Broken Iokath Power Shards at a Repair Station | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Scouting Iokath | Scan Tactically Relevant Points of Interest Around Iokath | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Clearing the Path
Destroy 50 Iokath Droids
- This mission can be done anywhere on Iokath, and as long as you aren’t replaying a KOTET chapter or something similar, all droids should count.
- Feel free to skip by packs of droids on your way to doing other missions for the week – you’ll likely still end up killing your 50 before you finish.
- If you do end up short, packs of scour droids and caretakers like the one pictured above have very small HP amounts and die from just a few AoEs. They can be found spread out around the east and west edges of the outdoor Iokath area.
Taking Care of the Caretakers // Scrubbing out the Scour Droids
Destroy 25 Caretaker Droids // Scour Droids on Iokath
- These two missions are usually not up at the same time but the enemies populate the same area. This is a great one to pair up with any other “kill x enemies” dailies for the day, or any missions that DON’T take place in the Docking Ring neutral phased area.
- Caretaker and Scour droids make up 90% of the enemies in open world Iokath between the faction bases and the weapons factory.
- Custodian/Caretaker droids especially crowd the areas near both factions east/west trams and teleporters.
- Scour droids are clustered up around the Systems Offline/Systems Go missions, and the area nearer to the weapons factory north entrance.
- You’ll probably finish this before your other dailies without trying just because of how many litter the roadways, so don’t go out of your way unless you’re done everything else for the day.
Walking the Walk
Take control of a walker and defeat 40 enemies.
- You will need 14,000 credits and 200 power shards for this quest to turn into a Walker.
- Check which vehicle you’ll need for today’s mission and then open your map while inside your faction’s base. Head to the labelled station and right-click the terminal.
- With the above prices in mind, you may want to skip these dailies if you are planning on accruing large amounts of power shards, for achievements or what have you, as you won’t make back as many as it costs you, in the walker’s case. The abilities for walkers are the same as during the KOTFE/KOTET chapters involving them:
is a good spammable every 2.5 seconds, switching from a flurry-like laser shot at range to a quick stomp to targets in melee.
is a great melee-range attack.
is a longer cooldown burst attack.
the fourth ability charges up the fifth, but for this daily it’s a little overkill, so only charge when you’re in-between fights and walking to the next.
will call down missiles randomly on any enemies in range, so it’s great to pop this when moving through a densely populated walkway in Iokath.
Detect and Destroy
Take control of a monitor and defeat 10 enemies.
- You will need 10,000 credits and 100 power shards for this quest to turn into a Monitor.
- Check which vehicle you’ll need for today’s mission and then open your map while inside your faction’s base. Head to the labelled station and right-click the terminal.
- The abilities for Monitors are a little less fantastic compared to Walkers but thankfully you need to kill 30 less enemies for the monitor mission compared to the walker one.
The first is your only attack, almost one shotting most regular enemies and leaves you stunned for 6 seconds.
This is your single target heal, best used between shots to recover.
These last two are an AoE heal and Shield Generator, respectively. They likely had more useful applications for open world Iokath vehicle PvP, but for this mission they aren’t really needed.
- A good strategy is to simply use your only attack on caretakers and scour droids one at a time, and once you leave combat, heal back the damage you took while stunned with the 2nd ability, a channel. Be very careful when pulling a group of 4 scour droids, as their targeted armor reducing laser can make short work of the monitor. You may need to start the fight at full HP and heal halfway through.
The Meek and the Mighty
Defeat a Walker on Iokath using a Mouse Droid.
- If you meet the rep requirements, boosts to the mouse droid can be purchased from the reputation vendor for more power crystals but they are not necessary to complete this mission.
- Open your map inside the base you’ve chosen today and head to the Mouse Droid Control Terminal. Become a mouse droid for 25 Power Crystals and 3,750 credits.
- From the Starting base, leave and follow the east/west road to the teleporter that’s marked on the map. On the other end, you’re meant to get near the enemy base and find a walker.
- You will aggro plenty of enemies on your way – do not stop moving. Melee attacks are basically the only real threat as long as you go fast. Thankfully you have abilities to deal with these.
Electromagnetic Pulse. Use this while driving by melee enemies, like Caretaker droids without guns and heavy scour droids.
Self Destruct. Once you find an enemy walker drive directly between it’s feet and press this on the vehicle bar.
Disconnect simply disconnects. Don’t ever press it.
Colossal Threat
Defeat a Colossus Droid
- This mission is to defeat the world boss on Iokath. This boss is unique compared to the usual world bosses as players can make use of power shards to make the fight much easier for fewer people.
- This can technically be done solo, with planning and solid understanding of your class’ survivability toolkit. You’ll need the Armor Piercing Rocket Launcher and the Portable Missile Turret sold by these droids.
- The reputation vendor also sells some minor upgrades to the turrets you could purchase, though this likely isn’t required unless trying to solo.
- The more players the easier this will go – for the intended difficulty you’ll likely want at least 4 players with a healer and a tank. If everyone brings a rocket launcher this should go down smoothly – just remember to get out of red circles and shoot your rocket when you can.
- Soloing [not recommended for most players] – you’ll need a 50 companion set to healing. Place down your missile turret and then get away from it before pulling. Make sure you can keep aggro on yourself – the boss can and will kill your turret! Keep red circles away from the turret and dodge them yourself; every time the droid casts a more targeted ability directly at you, run behind a corner in the fight area to break Line of Sight and cancel the attack. This makes soloing much easier for a ranged player. Commandos and Mercenaries especially get longer survivability with their reflects. Good luck! But keep in mind this is not easy to solo and should be skipped for most people if they are unwilling to find a group.
Disarm the Laser Emitters
- The Disarm daily takes places in the Neutral Phased Area between both bases, so once ready to do it, remember to go back to the start of iokath via your tram and head north to the yellow missions on this map.
- Once you enter, the first two laser emitters are in the open area with you, across from eachother. One is directly above your head, and the other is over the east entrance to the docking ring. They look like the picture above. Get underneath the emitter and click to destroy.
- Ignore the giant spinning search area marker on your map for the last two. These emitters are on opposite sides of the phased area – the easternmost and northernmost dead ends on your map.
- If you’re the kind of player that wants to do their weekly 6 missions and no more, it’s highly recommended to grab multiple missions that take you through the docking ring phased instance, as disarm is simple and makes you fight through the whole area already.
Disrupting the Network
Use the Network Node Access Terminal in the Docking Ring // Defeat the Iokath Terminal Network Coordinator
- This Network daily takes places in the Neutral Phased Area between both bases, so once ready to do it, remember to go back to the start of iokath via your tram and head north to the yellow missions on this map.
- It takes place in the initial open area with laser emitters, like Disarm does. You’ll start by clicking a big glowing blue terminal in the center of the room – can’t miss it.
- You can start damaging the Network Coordinator that appears, but shortly it will summon two network assistants that make the main coordinator invincible until they are dealt with – but they are also immune!
- To remedy this, you must pick up a floating power core located behind the assistants, and run it across the room to the sockets, glowing blue in the image above. The assistants and coordinator will attempt to slow you down by grappling you back over to them. Just keep making your way to the sockets and deposit a power core, then destroy the nearest assistant.
- Repeat for the 2nd assistant. Then you can safely go and finish off the Coordinator. A healing companion is recommended to make carrying the power cores safer.
Subverting the Tower Droids
Hack the Droid Control Terminals // Clear out the Hostile Droids
- This daily takes places in the Neutral Phased Area between both bases, so once ready to do it, remember to go back to the start of iokath via your tram and head north to the yellow missions on this map.
- One neat trick to this daily is that many droids outside the phased instance count for the 25 hostile droids objective. Droids can’t be sleep darted so stealth still isn’t super advantageous but if you’ve killed enough droids elsewhere it could save you some time.
- These droid control terminals you are looking for are pictured in the image above – they’re typically at the ends and elbows of the primary (wider) hallways throughout the docking ring. Keep in mind that although the AA gun consoles in the dead end rooms of the docking ring look very similar, they aren’t usable for this mission, so unless you’re doing both, don’t bother checking the northernmost or easternmost rooms.
- If you’re the kind of player that wants to do their weekly 6 missions and no more, it’s highly recommended to grab multiple missions that take you through the docking ring phased instance, as both disarm and defend the docking ring are simple and makes you fight through the whole area already.
Mend a Broken Shard
Collect 50 Broken Iokath Power Shards // Repair the Broken Iokath Power Shards at a Repair Station
- This daily takes places in the Neutral Phased Area between both bases, so once ready to do it, remember to go back to the start of iokath via your tram and head north to the yellow missions on this map.
- All droids that you defeat within the docking ring have a chance to drop this broken power shard quest item, in varying amounts. Hopefully you’ve picked up other missions so that as you work towards getting to your other objectives, you’ve been consistently looting enemies and getting enough to move on to the repair objective of this mission.
- Once all your other business in the docking ring is concluded, the repair takes place back in your current faction’s base. Take the tram back to whoever you supported today and regardless of faction, the repair station is a terminal with a blue-white circular display in it’s center. It’s located to the right of your GTN terminal, further along the wall. The imperial one is pictured above, but it’s true of the republic station’s relative location too.
- If you’re the kind of player that wants to do their weekly 6 missions and no more, it’s highly recommended to grab multiple missions that take you through the docking ring phased instance, as this one is simple and makes you fight through plenty of mobs already.
Defend the Docking Ring
Activate the Docking Ring Defense AA Cannons
- This daily takes places in the Neutral Phased Area between both bases, so once ready to do it, remember to go back to the start of iokath via your tram and head north to the yellow missions on this map.
- Ignore the giant spinning search area marker on your map for the AA Cannons. These consoles are on opposite sides of the phased area – the easternmost and northernmost dead ends on your map. They are pictured in the image above.
- If you’re the kind of player that wants to do their weekly 6 missions and no more, it’s highly recommended to grab multiple missions that take you through the docking ring phased instance, as this one is simple and makes you fight through the whole area already.
Monitoring the Situation
Plant Cameras Inside of the Weapons Factory
- The least painful way to arrive at the weapons factory for this mission is to exit your faction’s base to the south and follow the yellow roads on the map to whichever “Factory Tram” is highlighted.
- Whether you arrive in the west or east side of the factory, head inward to the center and you’ll see your objective along the way. You are looking for large glowing blue panels on the walls like in the image above – these can be found both in the main rooms along the walls as well as in the hallways going around the outside, so if you run out while in the center rooms, take a lap along the narrow passages.
Powering Up the Weapons Factory
Access the Power Console in the Weapons Factory // Place Five Power Cores in the Power Receiving Port // Use the Reactor Console to Power Up the Factory // Defeat the Scour Swarm Droids
- The least painful way to arrive at the weapons factory for this mission is to exit your faction’s base to the south and follow the yellow roads on the map to whichever “Factory Tram” is highlighted.
- Whether you arrive in the west or east side of the factory, head inward to the southern center room with the search indicator and you’ll see your objective as two glowing consoles on this walkway.
- You’ll be teleported up into a room above the one you are in, as a monitor. Your objective here is to place power cores in the receiver port similar to the network coordinator daily in the phased area. Cores can be picked up by clicking them in the six receptacles around the room, and also stolen by targeting NPC remotes that are carrying one, and pressing your only ability you have.
- Keep in mind that once the reciever gets a core, it processes it for a few seconds and is unable to take more. NPC monitors can and will deposit their cores and force you to wait your turn, so to be speedy it’s generally a good idea to wait near the reciever and simply steal theirs as they come.
- Upon placing 5, you’ll be teleported out and can access a tiny keyboard behind you. This summons two silver-level scour droids to kill that should pose no problem to anyone with a companion out.
Time to Vent
Activate the Heat Vent Towers
- This is a weapon factory daily, as such it is recommended to pair it with Powering Up and Monitoring the Situation, as well as Scouting Iokath if you need to.
- The least painful way to arrive at the weapons factory for this mission is to exit your faction’s base to the south and follow the yellow roads on the map to whichever “Factory Tram” is highlighted.
- Whether you arrive in the west or east side of the factory, your objective will be north at the exit of the factory, in an open air area. If you are doing other dailies in this area, clear them out first before heading north to Time to Vent. Scouting Iokath should be at 4/5.
- In this area you must simply clear out the droids so you can complete a 4 second ability repairing the heat towers. There are four to use – one immediately facing you by the exit, two across from eachother on the easternmost side, and the final one is facing away from you on the northwest corner.
- If another player uses a panel it will go non-interactable for a bit. Simply wait and you can re-do any tower you like for credit.
Fortify the Defenses
Find the Incursion in the Imperial/Republic Base // Access the Turret // Use the Turret to Defeat the Republic/Imperial Troops // Defeat the Republic/Imperial Battle Droids // Defeat The Republic/Imperial Walker
- Regardless of the faction you do this on, the area to check out will be a phased spot in the north half of your base. DON’T take the tram back to the neutral area, this is a different phase.
- Walk through the doorways and when your objective changes there should be a cylindrical metal turret with an interactable blue panel on the side. Click it to get in and blast away at the troops in your immediate vicinity.
- The 3rd ability on your vehicle bar is to exit the turret – don’t do that. the 2nd one is good for placing an AoE to destroy the waves of regular troops for the first step.
- Once all organic troops are down, some battle droids will start dropping in one at a time. Keep spamming the first ability for single target damage til they run out and a walker drops. Spam the first key on this one too, and you’ll eventually win. Don’t panic about the sparkly area attacks the walker uses – if you keep shooting you’ll defeat it way faster than it can damage your turret.
Systems Offline // Systems Go
Disable // Enable Imperial/Republic Plasma Emitter Defenses
Tips for Systems Offline:
- From the Starting base, leave to the south and follow the east/west road to the teleporter that’s marked on the map as a spinning search-area symbol. On the other end, you’re meant to get near the enemy base and follow their roads further to an area like in the image above. Be careful when near the enemy base as the Guard NPCs have an absolutely huge aggression range compared to most other NPCs in the game. Just driving on the road nearby will aggro a few troopers.
- Once you’ve safely made it, there are two emitters in the image above. One is on, one is already off. You can only disable an emitter that’s currently firing, so you’ll have to move around this area both above and below the platform to find all the emitters that are firing.
- During relatively high-pop times for Iokath, sometimes emitters are running out and there won’t be enough active ones for you. They do respawn but it takes quite awhile, so I’d recommend moving on to a different mission and checking again later.
Tips for Systems Go:
- Essentially, this is the exact same daily except you’ll be heading to your OWN factions emitter cluster and enabling the disabled ones. Simply ignore the teleporter and head along the road to your emitters and the rest is the same.
Scouting Iokath
Scan Tactically Relevant Points of Interest Around Iokath
- If you’ll bother with this mission we recommend taking all weapons factory dailies as well as doing this in one sitting or sticking to the guide as it can be frustrating to remember which buildings you’ve scanned or not if you aren’t going in a particular order.
- Regardless of faction, leave your base and head to the northern edge of the map, or the star with a #1 in it, in the above image. From here you can scan a terrarium building far north, and a sort of power-core looking building beside you. (two of five found)
- Quick travel to Iokath Operation Control (outside the Gods from the Machine Entrance). Take the tram to Superweapon East. Go through the teleporter to your right and head east again up a ramp, follow this path north until you make it back onto the main map at the #2 star in the image above – a catwalk with a clear view to the east. From here you can scan east and scan west and you should be at four of five found.
- Backtrack to the teleporter but don’t use it. Continue on to the factory tram nearby and do your weapons factory dailies, exiting to the north once you’re finished in there. Go across the exit bridge and follow the path on the map that sharply goes northwest and stand on the highest hexagonal piece of platform here. On it’s edge, you can scan West-Southwest for the last structure.
Iokath Power Shards
Iokath Power Shards are the currency you earn by running Iokath dailies. This currency is per-character, and is not legacy wide (however, you may pick up an item version from the ground which is legacy-bound so you can transfer it between characters). You can see how many Iokath Power Shards your character has in the currency tab of your inventory.
They can be spent on multiple things:
- Reputation Rewards for both Iokath tracks
- Terminals to turn you into these for fun, for quests, or for achievements:
- Mouse Droid
- Assault Walker
- Mounted Turret
- Iokath Monitor
- Iokath-only temporary boosts that you can use on the planet to make dailies easier:
- Portable Stealth Generator
- Armor Piercing Rocket Launcher
- Portable Turret – Carbonize Turret
- Portable Turret – Missile Turret
- Portable Turret – Sentry Turret
- Control Modules to turn you into a Machine God
Crafting Materials to Iokath Power Shards
By heading to the droids marked in the images below, you can initiate a voiceless KOTOR-style conversation that allows you to make trades of certain crafting materials for more powershards, which is useful if you’re short and need to do a walker/monitor/mouse droid mission, or are working on any control module PvP achievements (use of a control module costs 1,000 power shards.) The trades are very material specific, and in specific amounts.
The table can be used below to figure out how much you can get with what you have, but keep in mind the best value is going to be from the largest deals – 1200 material to 410 shards. You can either head to stronghold or fleet jawa vendors to spend junk on the materials, or grab them from the nearby GTN terminal on your base. (You may also be able to skip the middle man and buy shards directly off the GTN, though most servers have a short supply.) If you are using the Jawa vendor make sure to SHIFT+LEFT CLICK to buy multiple at once and save time!
Icon | Crafting Material | Crew Skill | Materials | Jawa Junk | Shards |
![]() | Iridescent Blue Crystal | Archaeology | 12 | 120.00 | 3 |
![]() | Iridescent Blue Crystal | Archaeology | 36 | 360.00 | 10 |
![]() | Iridescent Blue Crystal | Archaeology | 120 | 1,200.00 | 35 |
![]() | Iridescent Blue Crystal | Archaeology | 1200 | 12,000 | 410 |
![]() | Iridescent Green Crystal | Archaeology | 12 | 120.00 | 3 |
![]() | Iridescent Green Crystal | Archaeology | 36 | 360.00 | 10 |
![]() | Iridescent Green Crystal | Archaeology | 120 | 1,200.00 | 35 |
![]() | Iridescent Green Crystal | Archaeology | 1200 | 12,000 | 410 |
![]() | Iridescent Red Crystal | Archaeology | 12 | 120.00 | 3 |
![]() | Iridescent Red Crystal | Archaeology | 36 | 360.00 | 10 |
![]() | Iridescent Red Crystal | Archaeology | 120 | 1,200.00 | 35 |
![]() | Iridescent Red Crystal | Archaeology | 1200 | 12,000 | 410 |
![]() | Fresh Toxic Extract | Bioanalysis | 12 | 120.00 | 3 |
![]() | Fresh Toxic Extract | Bioanalysis | 36 | 360.00 | 10 |
![]() | Fresh Toxic Extract | Bioanalysis | 120 | 1,200.00 | 35 |
![]() | Fresh Toxic Extract | Bioanalysis | 1200 | 12,000 | 410 |
![]() | Fresh Medicinal Fluid | Bioanalysis | 12 | 120.00 | 3 |
![]() | Fresh Medicinal Fluid | Bioanalysis | 36 | 360.00 | 10 |
![]() | Fresh Medicinal Fluid | Bioanalysis | 120 | 1,200.00 | 35 |
![]() | Fresh Medicinal Fluid | Bioanalysis | 1200 | 12,000 | 410 |
![]() | Polished Plasteel | Scavenging | 12 | 120.00 | 3 |
![]() | Polished Plasteel | Scavenging | 36 | 360.00 | 10 |
![]() | Polished Plasteel | Scavenging | 120 | 1,200.00 | 35 |
![]() | Polished Plasteel | Scavenging | 1200 | 12,000 | 410 |
![]() | Polished Chanlon | Scavenging | 12 | 120.00 | 3 |
![]() | Polished Chanlon | Scavenging | 36 | 360.00 | 10 |
![]() | Polished Chanlon | Scavenging | 120 | 1,200.00 | 35 |
![]() | Polished Chanlon | Scavenging | 1200 | 12,000 | 410 |
Terminals for Transformation
The terminals available in each base are thankfully labelled pretty clearly in-game, and even have a holographic image of the available vehicle above it’s roof when looking at it.
ome guilds have previously organized world PvP events using the vehicles and their unique abilities.
- Mouse Droid: 3,750 Credits + 25 Iokath Power Shards
- Assault Walker: 14,000 Credits + 200 Iokath Power Shards
- Mounted Turret: 6,750 Credits + 50 Iokath Power Shards
- Iokath Monitor: 10,000 Credits + 100 Iokath Power Shards
Mouse Droid
The Mouse Droid terminal is used for The Meek and the Mighty daily quest, or just to run around being cute.
Modified Iokath Armor Cell for Mouse Droids
Consumable – Health Buff – Rarity: Uncommon
Reputation Rank: Friend (both Reputation tracks), Costs 20 shards + 5,000 credits
Use: Increases Health by 20% for 30 minutes for remotely controlled Mouse Droids. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.
Modified Iokath Movement Cell for Mouse Droids
Consumable – Speed Buff – Rarity: Prototype
Reputation Rank: Champion (both Reputation tracks), Costs 40 shards + 10,000 credits
Use: Increases Speed by 20% for 30 minutes for remotely controlled Mouse Droids. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.
Modified Iokath Weapons Cell for Mouse Droids
Consumable – Damage Buff – Rarity: Standard
Reputation Rank: Outsider (both Reputation tracks), Costs 10 shards + 1,000 credits
Use: Increases Damage by 20% for 30 minutes for remotely controlled Mouse Droids. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.
Assault Walker
The Iokath Monitor terminal is used for the Detect and Destroy daily quest.
Modified Iokath Armor Cell for Walkers
Consumable – Health Buff – Rarity: Uncommon
Reputation Rank: Friend (both Reputation tracks), Costs 20 shards + 5,000 credits
Use: Increases Health by 20% for 30 minutes for piloted Walkers. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.
Modified Iokath Movement Cell for Walkers
Consumable – Speed Buff – Rarity: Prototype
Reputation Rank: Champion (both Reputation tracks), Costs 40 shards + 10,000 credits
Use: Increases Speed by 20% for 30 minutes for piloted Walkers. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.
Modified Iokath Weapons Cell for Walkers
Consumable – Damage Buff – Rarity: Standard
Reputation Rank: Outsider (both Reputation tracks), Costs 10 shards + 1,000 credits
Use: Increases Speed by 20% for 30 minutes for piloted Walkers. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.
Iokath Monitor
The Monitor is used for the Walking the Walk daily quest.
There is also a PvP achievement called Walking All Over Them to defeat 50 enemy players while in a Walker on Iokath to earn 20 Cartel Coins.
Modified Iokath Repair Cell for Iokath Monitors
Consumable – Healing Buff – Rarity: Uncommon
Reputation Rank: Friend (both Reputation tracks), Costs 20 shards + 5,000 credits
Increases Healing by 20% for 30 minutes for remotely controlled Iokath Monitors. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.
Modified Iokath Armor Cell for Iokath Monitors
Consumable – Health Buff – Rarity: Standard
Reputation Rank: Outsider (both Reputation tracks), Costs 10 shards + 1,000 credits
Increases Health by 20% for 30 minutes for remotely controlled Iokath Monitors. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.
Modified Iokath Movement Cell for Iokath Monitors
Consumable – Speed Buff – Rarity: Prototype
Reputation Rank: Champion (both Reputation tracks), Costs 40 shards + 10,000 credits
Increases Speed by 20% for 30 minutes for remotely controlled Iokath Monitors. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.
Mounted Turret
The Assault Turret is not needed for any specific daily available to do, but all four vehicles can be fun to use in the open world, especially once given upgrades via the reputation vendor’s modules. The Turret can not be moved once placed down, so make sure to choose where you place it wisely as once placed it can’t be moved.
Modified Iokath Armor Cell for Turrets
Consumable – Health Buff – Rarity: Uncommon
Reputation Rank: Friend (both Reputation tracks), Costs 20 shards + 5,000 credits
Use: Increases Health by 20% for 30 minutes for mounted Turrets. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.
Modified Iokath Range Cell for Turrets
Consumable – Range Buff – Rarity: Prototype
Reputation Rank: Champion (both Reputation tracks), Costs 40 shards + 10,000 credits
Use: Increases Range by 20% for 30 minutes for mounted Turrets. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.
Modified Iokath Weapons Cell for Turrets
Consumable – Damage Buff – Rarity: Standard
Reputation Rank: Outsider (both Reputation tracks), Costs 10 shards + 1,000 credits
Use: Increases Damage by 20% for 30 minutes for mounted Turrets. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.
Temporary Boost Items for Iokath
By heading to the astromech droid vendors marked in the images below, you can initiate a voiceless KOTOR-style conversation that allows you to make purchases of useful tools that can help during your time on Iokath. All can be fun to find uses for, but none are truly required. The small exception to this is most notably the Armor Piercing Rocket Launcher in the menu below, as it trivializes the Colossal Threat world boss and makes it achievable with a much smaller group. For people looking to try soloing that boss for the challenge, the Missile Turret is also a great steady source of extra damage. Otherwise, these are simply for fun.
- Portable Stealth Generator: 2,000 Credits + 25 Iokath Power Shards
- Armor Piercing Rocket Launcher: 2,000 Credits + 10 Iokath Power Shards
- Portable Turret – Carbonize Turret: 2,000 Credits + 18 Iokath Power Shards
- Portable Turret – Missile Turret: 2,000 Credits + 18 Iokath Power Shards
- Portable Turret – Sentry Turret: 2,000 Credits + 18 Iokath Power Shards
When you buy a turret, you get three uses of it using the temporary ability bar.
Most Iokath Achievements are nothing special to write home about – do each mission that rotates on the terminals once, and destroy lots of droids. The completionists going for the unique Iokath PvP section have a lot of work to do, however.
- Defeat 10,000 non-player opponents on Iokath
- Destroy 1,000 droids on Iokath
- Iokath Conquest: Do both of the above to earn 20 Cartel Coins
- Do every Iokath Daily quest once (not all available at once) to earn 20 Cartel Coins
- Explore every part of Iokath to uncover the map
- Defeat 500 enemy players on Iokath
- Defeat 50 Republic guards on Iokath
- Defeat 50 Imperial guards on Iokath
- Defeat 50 other players while being on the same Republic ‘faction’ as them as a traitor on Iokath
- Defeat 50 other players while being on the same Imperial ‘faction’ as them as a traitor on Iokath
- Hero of Iokath: Do both of the above to earn 20 Cartel Coins
- Defeat 50 enemy players while in a Walker on Iokath to earn 20 Cartel Coins
Control Modules
- The Fire of Aivela: Defeat 50 players as Aivela to earn 20 Cartel Coins
- The Jealousy of Esne: Defeat 50 players as Esne to earn 20 Cartel Coins
- Tyths Rage: Defeat 50 players as Tyth to earn 20 Cartel Coins
Control Module Achievements
The first 3 rows of PvP achievements are standard fare; defeat a ton of players, defeat a ton of imp/republic guards… but the next four achievements are pretty unique. These are The Fire of Aivela, The Jealousy of Esne, and Tyths Rage, known collectively in this guide as “The Control Module Achievements”. We’re naming them such because that’ll be the main item you need to go get to even start working towards them.
These control modules are loot from bosses in the Gods from the Machine Operation here on Iokath. One control module matching the boss defeated will drop for a single person per boss (at least on story mode). Although a module dropping is almost assured on each boss that has one, because Aivela and Esne are both part of the same encounter, its a 50% chance you’ll get either one to drop. Once dropped, it can be briefly traded to anyone else present for the kill, and for this reason you should probably start your own achievement-farming group of 8 to help eachother get all these modules. A spreadsheet keeping track of who has what is super useful!
Once you have the Control Module(s) you need for the respective achievement, turning into the appropriate boss has even more requirements. BEFORE READING ON TO USE THE MODULE, ENSURE YOU ARE IN THE PVP INSTANCE OF IOKATH. This is a PvP achievement and will require you to be able to hit enemy players. That seems pretty common sense but redeeming the robot on a PvE phase and thinking you can swap once you’re driving around as Tyth is all too common and unfortunately not possible. We’ve previously had control modules get eaten up with no chance to become the robots due to this error and it hurts bad, and requires another run of Gods from the Machine to recover a new module. Save yourself the walk of shame.
Just outside the Gods operation entrance on Iokath, there is a group of little consoles surrounding a throne in this Operations Control Room. You must take your control module to the correct terminal (a KOTOR-style conversation with them will confirm which you are at), along with 1,000 Iokath Power Shards. Aside from getting a group of people to run Gods from the Machine with you, this is the most prohibitive part of the achievement. Dailies can get you a fair amount, and for those sick of dailies, handing in crafting materials for piles of shards is pretty painless. If a boss has been summoned and used by another player, a cooldown period lasting about an hour will initiate. You won’t be able to redeem your Power Core and hop in the throne til at least that hour has passed.
Once you’ve taken control of your very expensive and hard-earned Machine God vehicle, take a moment to familiarize yourself with each ability it has, note which one disconnects you and vow to never press it until the achievement is earned, and request your volunteer helpers to meet you outside either the east or west tram out of Operation Control. For us, we had people simply follow the road you spawn on top of and go wait by the West Tram and Teleporter area. As open world PvP events on Iokath are few and far between these days, your only hope of 50 kills as the robot will be to have your 7 (or more) achievement hunting volunteers go and switch factions at the beginning of Iokath, and come meet you in the PvP instance near the tram (which is also a med center!) to die to your robotic might over and over again.
The rewards are divided between two different Reputation tracks – the Republic track and the Imperial track. They are not divided by faction – it does not matter if your character is a character you created on the Republic or Empire side. Instead, your Reputation is determined by which faction you are representing when you do your quests – you can support either the Empire or the Republic on the same character. There are different Reward for Republic Iokath and Imperial Iokath, so you would want to progress both reputation tracks to earn all the rewards.
Scavenged Remote Miniprobe
Pet – Flying Pet – Rarity: Prototype
Reputation Rank: Newcomer (Republic Reputation Track), Costs 250 shards + 200,000 credits
Refurbished Remote Miniprobe
Pet – Flying Pet – Rarity: Prototype
Reputation Rank: Newcomer (Imperial Reputation Track), Costs 250 shards + 200,000 credits
Iokath X1 Speeder
Vehicle – Speeder Bike – Rarity: Artifact
Reputation Rank: Legend (Republic Reputation Track), Costs 500 shards + 1,000,000 credits
Iokath Z1 Speeder
Vehicle – Speeder Bike – Rarity: Artifact
Reputation Rank: Legend (Imperial Reputation Track), Costs 500 shards + 1,000,000 credits
Iokath Technographer
Republic Reputation Track – Full Preview
- Iokath Technographer’s Belt – Armor – Waist – Rarity: Prototype – Reputation Rank: Outsider, Costs 60 shards + 60,000 credits
- Iokath Technographer’s Boots – Armor – Feet – Rarity: Prototype – Reputation Rank: Outsider, Costs 100 shards + 100,000 credits
- Iokath Technographer’s Harness – Armor – Chest – Rarity: Prototype – Reputation Rank: Hero, Costs 150 shards + 150,000 credits
- Iokath Technographer’s Helmet – Armor – Head – Rarity: Prototype – Reputation Rank: Hero, Costs 150 shards + 150,000 credits
- Iokath Technographer’s Pants – Armor – Legs – Rarity: Prototype – Reputation Rank: Friend, Costs 150 shards + 150,000 credits
- Iokath Technographer’s Workgloves – Armor – Hands – Rarity: Prototype – Reputation Rank: Friend, Costs 100 shards + 100,000 credits
- Iokath Technographer’s Wraps – Armor – Wrists – Rarity: Prototype – Reputation Rank: Newcomer, Costs 60 shards + 60,000 credits
Iokath Annihilator
Imperial Reputation Track
- Iokath Annihilator’s Bracers – Armor – Wrists – Rarity: Prototype – Reputation Rank: Newcomer, Costs 60 shards + 60,000 credits
- Iokath Annihilator’s Chestplate – Armor – Chest – Rarity: Prototype – Reputation Rank: Hero, Costs 150 shards + 150,000 credits
- Iokath Annihilator’s Clasp – Armor – Waist – Rarity: Prototype – Reputation Rank: Outsider, Costs 60 shards + 60,000 credits
- Iokath Annihilator’s Gauntlets – Armor – Hands – Rarity: Prototype – Reputation Rank: Friend, Costs 100 shards + 100,000 credits
- Iokath Annihilator’s Greaves – Armor – Feet – Rarity: Prototype – Reputation Rank: Outsider, Costs 100 shards + 100,000 credits
- Iokath Annihilator’s Trousers – Armor – Legs – Rarity: Prototype – Reputation Rank: Friend, Costs 150 shards + 150,000 credits
- Iokath Annihilator’s Visage – Armor – Head – Rarity: Prototype – Reputation Rank: Hero, Costs 150 shards + 150,000 credits
Iokath Alliance Soldier
Decoration – Personnel – Soldiers – Rarity: Prototype
Reputation Rank: Friend (Republic Reputation Track), Costs 100 shards + 100,000 credits
Iokath Custodian Droid
Decoration – Personnel – Droids – Rarity: Prototype
Reputation Rank: Newcomer (Republic Reputation Track), Costs 100 shards + 100,000 credits
Iokath Hanging Conduit
Decoration – Technological – Machines – Rarity: Prototype
Reputation Rank: Hero (Republic Reputation Track), Costs 150 shards + 150,000 credits
Iokath Wall Lamp
Decoration – Lights – Wall – Rarity: Prototype
Reputation Rank: Champion (Republic Reputation Track), Costs 150 shards + 150,000 credits
Scour Swarm Droid
Decoration – Personnel – Droids – Rarity: Prototype
Reputation Rank: Hero (Republic Reputation Track), Costs 100 shards + 100,000 credits
Small Iokath Statue
Decoration – Civic – Sculptures – Rarity: Prototype
Reputation Rank: Hero (Republic Reputation Track), Costs 250 shards + 200,000 credits
Iokath Alliance Officer
Decoration – Personnel – Soldiers – Rarity: Prototype
Reputation Rank: Friend (Imperial Reputation Track), Costs 100 shards + 100,000 credits
Iokath Compactor Droid
Decoration – Personnel – Droids – Rarity: Prototype
Reputation Rank: Hero (Imperial Reputation Track), Costs 100 shards + 100,000 credits
Iokath Hydraulic Buttress
Decoration – Technological – Artifacts – Rarity: Prototype
Reputation Rank: Hero (Imperial Reputation Track), Costs 150 shards + 150,000 credits
Iokath Pump Station
Decoration – Civic – Structures – Rarity: Artifact
Reputation Rank: Legend (Imperial Reputation Track), Costs 500 shards + 1,000,000 credits
Iokath Purifier Drone
Decoration – Personnel – Droids – Rarity: Prototype
Reputation Rank: Newcomer (Imperial Reputation Track), Costs 100 shards + 100,000 credits
Medium Iokath Statue
Decoration – Civic – Sculptures – Rarity: Prototype
Reputation Rank: Hero (Imperial Reputation Track), Costs 250 shards + 200,000 credits
Unstable Iokath Battery
Decoration – Technological – Machines – Rarity: Artifact
Reputation Rank: Champion (Imperial Reputation Track), Costs 150 shards + 150,000 credits
Modified Iokath Armor Cell for Mouse Droids
Consumable – Health Buff – Rarity: Uncommon
Reputation Rank: Friend (both Reputation tracks), Costs 20 shards + 5,000 credits
Use: Increases Health by 20% for 30 minutes for remotely controlled Mouse Droids. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.Modified Iokath Movement Cell for Mouse Droids
Consumable – Speed Buff – Rarity: Prototype
Reputation Rank: Champion (both Reputation tracks), Costs 40 shards + 10,000 credits
Use: Increases Speed by 20% for 30 minutes for remotely controlled Mouse Droids. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.Modified Iokath Weapons Cell for Mouse Droids
Consumable – Damage Buff – Rarity: Standard
Reputation Rank: Outsider (both Reputation tracks), Costs 10 shards + 1,000 credits
Use: Increases Damage by 20% for 30 minutes for remotely controlled Mouse Droids. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.Modified Iokath Armor Cell for Walkers
Consumable – Health Buff – Rarity: Uncommon
Reputation Rank: Friend (both Reputation tracks), Costs 20 shards + 5,000 credits
Use: Increases Health by 20% for 30 minutes for piloted Walkers. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.Modified Iokath Movement Cell for Walkers
Consumable – Speed Buff – Rarity: Prototype
Reputation Rank: Champion (both Reputation tracks), Costs 40 shards + 10,000 credits
Use: Increases Speed by 20% for 30 minutes for piloted Walkers. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.Modified Iokath Weapons Cell for Walkers
Consumable – Damage Buff – Rarity: Standard
Reputation Rank: Outsider (both Reputation tracks), Costs 10 shards + 1,000 credits
Use: Increases Speed by 20% for 30 minutes for piloted Walkers. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.Modified Iokath Repair Cell for Iokath Monitors
Consumable – Healing Buff – Rarity: Uncommon
Reputation Rank: Friend (both Reputation tracks), Costs 20 shards + 5,000 credits
Increases Healing by 20% for 30 minutes for remotely controlled Iokath Monitors. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.Modified Iokath Armor Cell for Iokath Monitors
Consumable – Health Buff – Rarity: Standard
Reputation Rank: Outsider (both Reputation tracks), Costs 10 shards + 1,000 credits
Increases Health by 20% for 30 minutes for remotely controlled Iokath Monitors. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.Modified Iokath Movement Cell for Iokath Monitors
Consumable – Speed Buff – Rarity: Prototype
Reputation Rank: Champion (both Reputation tracks), Costs 40 shards + 10,000 credits
Increases Speed by 20% for 30 minutes for remotely controlled Iokath Monitors. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.Modified Iokath Armor Cell for Turrets
Consumable – Health Buff – Rarity: Uncommon
Reputation Rank: Friend (both Reputation tracks), Costs 20 shards + 5,000 credits
Use: Increases Health by 20% for 30 minutes for mounted Turrets. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.Modified Iokath Range Cell for Turrets
Consumable – Range Buff – Rarity: Prototype
Reputation Rank: Champion (both Reputation tracks), Costs 40 shards + 10,000 credits
Use: Increases Range by 20% for 30 minutes for mounted Turrets. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.Modified Iokath Weapons Cell for Turrets
Consumable – Damage Buff – Rarity: Standard
Reputation Rank: Outsider (both Reputation tracks), Costs 10 shards + 1,000 credits
Use: Increases Damage by 20% for 30 minutes for mounted Turrets. Useable with other Modified Iokath Cells.
Republic List
Name | Type | Description | Rep. Rank | Cost | Rarity | |
![]() | Scavenged Remote Miniprobe | Pet | Flying Pet | Newcomer | 250 shards / 200,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Iokath X1 Speeder | Vehicle | Speeder Bike | Legend | 500 shards / 1,000,000 credits | Artifact |
![]() | Iokath Technographer's Belt | Armor | Waist | Outsider | 60 shards / 60,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Iokath Technographer's Boots | Armor | Feet | Outsider | 100 shards / 100,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Iokath Technographer's Harness | Armor | Chest | Hero | 150 shards / 150,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Iokath Technographer's Helmet | Armor | Head | Hero | 150 shards / 150,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Iokath Technographer's Pants | Armor | Legs | Friend | 150 shards / 150,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Iokath Technographer's Workgloves | Armor | Hands | Friend | 100 shards / 100,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Iokath Technographer's Wraps | Armor | Wrists | Newcomer | 60 shards / 60,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Iokath Alliance Soldier | Decoration | Personnel - Soldiers | Friend | 100 shards / 100,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Iokath Custodian Droid | Decoration | Personnel - Droids | Newcomer | 100 shards / 100,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Iokath Hanging Conduit | Decoration | Technological - Machines | Hero | 150 shards / 150,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Iokath Pump Station | Decoration | Civic - Structures | Legend | 500 shards / 1,000,000 credits | Artifact |
![]() | Iokath Wall Lamp | Decoration | Lights - Wall | Champion | 150 shards / 150,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Scour Swarm Droid | Decoration | Personnel - Droids | Hero | 100 shards / 100,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Small Iokath Statue | Decoration | Civic - Sculptures | Hero | 250 shards / 200,000 credits | Prototype |
Modified Iokath Armor Cell for Iokath Monitors | Consumable | Health Buff | Outsider | 10 shards / 1,000 credits | Standard | |
Modified Iokath Armor Cell for Mouse Droids | Consumable | Health Buff | Friend | 20 shards / 5,000 credits | Uncommon | |
Modified Iokath Armor Cell for Turrets | Consumable | Health Buff | Friend | 20 shards / 5,000 credits | Uncommon | |
Modified Iokath Armor Cell for Walkers | Consumable | Health Buff | Friend | 20 shards / 5,000 credits | Uncommon | |
Modified Iokath Movement Cell for Iokath Monitors | Consumable | Speed Buff | Champion | 40 shards / 10,000 credits | Prototype | |
Modified Iokath Movement Cell for Mouse Droids | Consumable | Speed Buff | Champion | 40 shards / 10,000 credits | Prototype | |
Modified Iokath Movement Cell for Walkers | Consumable | Speed Buff | Champion | 40 shards / 10,000 credits | Prototype | |
Modified Iokath Range Cell for Turrets | Consumable | Range Buff | Champion | 40 shards / 10,000 credits | Prototype | |
Modified Iokath Repair Cell for Iokath Monitors | Consumable | Healing Buff | Friend | 20 shards / 5,000 credits | Uncommon | |
Modified Iokath Weapons Cell for Mouse Droids | Consumable | Damage Buff | Outsider | 10 shards / 1,000 credits | Standard | |
Modified Iokath Weapons Cell for Turrets | Consumable | Damage Buff | Outsider | 10 shards / 1,000 credits | Standard | |
Modified Iokath Weapons Cell for Walkers | Consumable | Damage Buff | Outsider | 10 shards / 1,000 credits | Standard |
Imperial List
Name | Type | Description | Rep. Rank | Cost | Rarity | |
![]() | Refurbished Remote Miniprobe | Pet | Flying Pet | Newcomer | 250 shards / 200,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Iokath Z1 Speeder | Vehicle | Speeder Bike | Legend | 500 shards / 1,000,000 credits | Artifact |
![]() | Iokath Annihilator's Bracers | Armor | Wrists | Newcomer | 60 shards / 60,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Iokath Annihilator's Chestplate | Armor | Chest | Hero | 150 shards / 150,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Iokath Annihilator's Clasp | Armor | Waist | Outsider | 60 shards / 60,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Iokath Annihilator's Gauntlets | Armor | Hands | Friend | 100 shards / 100,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Iokath Annihilator's Greaves | Armor | Feet | Outsider | 100 shards / 100,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Iokath Annihilator's Trousers | Armor | Legs | Friend | 150 shards / 150,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Iokath Annihilator's Visage | Armor | Head | Hero | 150 shards / 150,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Iokath Alliance Officer | Decoration | Personnel - Soldiers | Friend | 100 shards / 100,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Iokath Compactor Droid | Decoration | Personnel - Droids | Hero | 100 shards / 100,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Iokath Hydraulic Buttress | Decoration | Technological - Artifacts | Hero | 150 shards / 150,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Iokath Pump Station | Decoration | Civic - Structures | Legend | 500 shards / 1,000,000 credits | Artifact |
![]() | Iokath Purifier Drone | Decoration | Personnel - Droids | Newcomer | 100 shards / 100,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Medium Iokath Statue | Decoration | Civic - Sculptures | Hero | 250 shards / 200,000 credits | Prototype |
![]() | Unstable Iokath Battery | Decoration | Technological - Machines | Champion | 150 shards / 150,000 credits | Artifact |
Modified Iokath Armor Cell for Iokath Monitors | Consumable | Health Buff | Outsider | 10 shards / 1,000 credits | Standard | |
Modified Iokath Armor Cell for Mouse Droids | Consumable | Health Buff | Friend | 20 shards / 5,000 credits | Uncommon | |
Modified Iokath Armor Cell for Turrets | Consumable | Health Buff | Friend | 20 shards / 5,000 credits | Uncommon | |
Modified Iokath Armor Cell for Walkers | Consumable | Health Buff | Friend | 20 shards / 5,000 credits | Uncommon | |
Modified Iokath Movement Cell for Iokath Monitors | Consumable | Speed Buff | Champion | 40 shards / 10,000 credits | Prototype | |
Modified Iokath Movement Cell for Mouse Droids | Consumable | Speed Buff | Champion | 40 shards / 10,000 credits | Prototype | |
Modified Iokath Movement Cell for Walkers | Consumable | Speed Buff | Champion | 40 shards / 10,000 credits | Prototype | |
Modified Iokath Range Cell for Turrets | Consumable | Range Buff | Champion | 40 shards / 10,000 credits | Prototype | |
Modified Iokath Repair Cell for Iokath Monitors | Consumable | Healing Buff | Friend | 20 shards / 5,000 credits | Uncommon | |
Modified Iokath Weapons Cell for Mouse Droids | Consumable | Damage Buff | Outsider | 10 shards / 1,000 credits | Standard | |
Modified Iokath Weapons Cell for Turrets | Consumable | Damage Buff | Outsider | 10 shards / 1,000 credits | Standard | |
Modified Iokath Weapons Cell for Walkers | Consumable | Damage Buff | Outsider | 10 shards / 1,000 credits | Standard |