Are you trying to find all the hidden Lore Objects on Ord Mantell, or are trying to get the Loremaster of Ord Mantell achievement? This guide covers how to get all the lore objects on Ord Mantell in Star Wars: The Old Republic!
Ord Mantell Lore Objects
Refugees of War
Upon exiting Fort Garnik to the east, on the left of the road is a group of 4 refugee tents. Some of the NPCs have exploration missions you may see if they are toggled on – between two of these tents is the small plaque lore object that awards the codex.
Faction: Republic-only – Number on Map: 1
Closest Republic Travel: Avilatan’s Rest Cantina
Republic Military Ranks
In the center of Fort Garnik, when entering from the north is a mailbox, just outside the Trooper’s personal phase at HQ. Just south of this, on the other side of a metal archway, is a clickable banner that is the lore object.
Faction: Republic-only – Number on Map: 2
Closest Republic Travel: Avilatan’s Rest Cantina
This lore object is a small metal terminal behind the Rodian Smuggler trainer just outside Fort Garnik – approach from the north and head right just before entering.
Faction: Republic-only – Number on Map: 3
Closest Republic Travel: Fort Garnik