Beastmaster of Hoth Achievement Guide

This guide will go over over the Beastmaster of Hoth achievement in Star Wars: The Old Republic, which requires you to find all the bestiary lore objects on Hoth.

  • Icetromper
  • Pantran Whitefang
  • Skel
  • Tauntaun
  • Wampa

The achievement can be found in your Achievements section under: Location → Hoth → Exploration.


Icetrompers are not hostile, so simply run to this location in northern Highmount and get near the Mammoths to receive the codex entry.

Factions: Both – Number on Map: 1

Closest Imperial Travel: Deconstruction Efforts – Heroic Shuttle

Closest Republic Travel: Outpost Cresh

Pantran Whitefang

In the Glacial Fissure area of the planet, there is a thin road connecting the upper (Republic) and lower (Imperial) main roads on the east side. Look to the east side of the road while travelling it and you’ll see a few Deadly Whitefang Stalkers that will drop this codex.

Factions: Both – Number on Map: 2

Closest Imperial Travel: Frostwake Outpost

Closest Republic Travel: Outpost Zerek


This codex entry will drop off the first gold-level Skel in the tunnels of the republic [HEROIC 2+] Frostclaw mission.

Factions: Republic Only – Number on Map: 3

Closest Republic Travel: Frostclaw – Heroic Shuttle


South of Dorne Base, there are two spires of ice west of the road. Walking next to the pillar of ice nearest the main road instantly awarded the codex entry. No tauntauns in sight.

Factions: Both – Number on Map: 4

Closest Imperial Travel: Dorne Base

Closest Republic Travel: Signal Jam / Tech Diagrams – Heroic Shuttle


Directly north of the republic quicktravel for the Jagged Plains is a small crater lined by 3 large icey platforms. At the bottom of this depression is a hulking wampa to fight.

Factions: Both – Number on Map: 5

Closest Imperial Travel: Jagged Plains Imperial Garrison

Closest Republic Travel: Jagged Plains Republic Outpost

More Hoth Guides

 width= The information, plot points and screenshots for these interactive Hoth maps were created by player Zahk, who has been dutifully trekking across the galaxy. His dedication to this long-term projects is legendary.