Table of Contents
Lights that Light Up the Room
These are lights that actually do add light to the room.
Brightest Lights // Ceiling Hook Lights // Wall Lights // Floor Lights
Brightest Lights
These are some of my favorite lights in the game, because they give so much bright light to dark rooms compared to other lights. The Revanite Chandelier is my go-to for lighting up a room, with the Basic Ceiling Light (Yellow) a very inexpensive alternative. The Emergency Floodlight is a fan-favorite because it is extremely bright and can be rotated to point in a specific direction.
- Archivist Chandelier
- Basic Ceiling Light (Yellow)
- Czerka Ceiling Light
- Emergency Floodlight
- Hanging Forge Lamps
- Luminous Sconce: Yellow
- Republic Wall Sconce
- Revanite Chandelier
- Security Bureau Chandelier
- Zakuulan Chandelier
- Zakuulan Standing Floor Lamp
Ceiling Hook Lights
This is what the room looks like with the default lighting:
Here are lights that will light up the room, floor, walls or ceiling, from the ceiling hook:
- Alderaan Grand ChandelierLights up the ceiling/walls but doesn't reach the floor
- Archivist ChandelierLights up the floor
- Basic Ceiling Light (Yellow)Lights up the floor
- Czerka Ceiling LightLights up the floor
- Dark Lord ChandelierLights up the floor
- Disintegrator (Ceiling)Lights up the floor
- Dynamic Underworld Ceiling Light (Blue)Lights up the floor
- Dynamic Underworld Ceiling Light (Red)Lights up the floor
- Dynamic Underworld Ceiling Light (Yellow)Lights up the floor
- Emergency Ceiling Light (Red)Lights up the floor
- Factory Ceiling Light (Blue)Lights up the floor
- Forge Complex Ceiling LightsLights up the floor
- Generator Ceiling LightLights up the floor
- Gree Sphere LampLights up the floor
- Hanging Forge LampsLights up the floor
- Holocron of DespairLights up the floor
- Imperial Ceiling LightLights up the floor
- Iokath Fan LightLights up the floor
- Laboratory Ceiling LightLights up the floor
- Life Day Ceiling Light (Globes)Lights up the floor
- Life Day Ceiling Light (Icicles)Lights up the floor
- Life Day Ceiling Light (Stalactite)Lights up the floor
- Luxury Hanging LampLights up the floor
- Mandalorian ChandelierLights up the floor
- Massassi Ceiling LightLights up the floor
- Medical CentrifugeLights up the floor
- Mek-Sha Ceiling LightLights up the floor
- Networked Light (Blue)Lights up the floor
- Networked Light (Orange)Lights up the floor
- Rakata Hanging Light (Blue)Lights up the floor
- Rakata Hanging Light (Yellow)Lights up the floor
- Research Center Ceiling LightsLights up the floor
- Revanite ChandelierLights up the floor
- Rishi Ceiling LightLights up the floor
- Security Bureau ChandelierLights up the floor
- Suspended Sith CrystalLights up the floor
- Temple Ceiling LightLights up the floor
- Voss-Ka ChandelierLights up the floor
- Yavin Temple ChandelierLights up the floor
- Zakuul Battlecruiser Ceiling LightsLights up the floor
- Zakuulan ChandelierLights up the ceiling/walls but doesn't reach the floor
Wall Lights
- Archivist Wall Sconce (Double Light)Lights up the wall
- Archivist Wall Sconce (Single Light)Lights up the wall
- Enclave Grate Wall LightLights up the floor
- Hex Light: BlueLights up the floor
- Huttese Wall SconceLights up the floor
- Iokath Wall LampLights up the floor
- Luminous Sconce: YellowLights up the wall
- Luxury Sconce Set: BlueLights up the wall
- Republic Wall SconceLights up the floor
- Rotating Light (Red)Lights up the floor
- Set Light Bar: GreenLights up the wall
- Spacer’s Wall LightsLights up the wall
- Temple SconceLights up the floor
Floor Lights
This is what the room looks like with the default lighting:
Here are lights that will light up thearea around them, from a floor hook:
- Alderaan LamppostLights up the wall
- Arena Light TowerLights up the wall
- Ceremonial TorchlightLights up the floor
- Corellian Street LightLights up the wall
- Crystal Brazier (Purple)Lights up the wall
- Dark Temple TorchLights up the wall
- Emergency FloodlightLights up the wall
- Illuminated PylonLights up the wall
- Luxury Floor ChandelierLights up the floor
- Mek-Sha Walkway LightLights up the floor
- Networked Light (Blue)Lights up the floor
- Networked Light (Orange)Lights up the floor
- Onderon Street LampLights up the floor
- Oriconian BrazierLights up the floor
- Shipyard Work LightLights up the wall
- Zakuulan Standing Floor LampLights up the floor
Lights that Do Not Light Up the Room
These are listed as lights, and may look like lights, but do not emit any actual light.
Ceiling Hook Lights (Without Light)
- Broken Archivist Chandelier
- Cage of Tormented
- Ceiling Chain Light
- Chained Crystal Light
- Copero Resort Light
- Crystal Ceiling Chain Lights
- Crystal Light
- Destroyed Ceiling Light
- Hanging Crystal Light
- Huttball Pit Chandelier
- Hypermatter Logo Projector
- Iokath Hex Light
- Large Hanging Crystal Light
- Onderon Chandelier
- Overhead Laboratory Lights (Blue)
- Primordial Hanging Light Fixture
- Resort Suite Chandelier
- Sadow’een Temple Crystal
- Suspended Forge Crystal
- Temple Chandelier
- Underworld Light (Orange)
- Voss Hanging Lanterns
- Zakuulan Information Terminal
Wall Lights (Without Light)
- Acropolis Crystal Sconce
- Arena Torch
- Basic Junker’s Light
- Bazaar Lantern
- Blue Kolto Sconce
- Covered Light: Green
- Crystal Sconce
- Dread Wall Torch
- Fire Sconce
- Gree Light (Blue)
- Gree Light (Orange)
- Hex Light: Red
- Holofire Sconce
- Holosconce
- Imperial Wall Sconce
- Life Day Colored String Lights
- Life Day Colored Wreath
- Life Day String Lights
- Life Day Wreath
- Light Bar: Green
- Mandalorian Wall Sconce
- Octagonal Light Node
- Paper Lantern
- Primeval Torch
- Segmented Lights (Purple)
- Set Hex Light: Red
- Shackled Crystal Sconce
- Underworld Light Node