Corellian AA Turret

Corellian AA Turret (SWTOR Decoration)

Corellian AA Turret SWTOR decoration, screenshots and information!

How to Get a Corellian AA Turret Decoration

Yes this item decoration can be bought on the GTN! Can be bought and sold on the GTN from other players
Flashpoint: Objective Meridian
Corellian AA Turret Large Floor Hook

Hook: Floor Large (Purple Square): The Corellian AA Turret decoration fits into a large purple square floor hook.

Corellian AA Turret Centerpiece Hook

Hook: Centerpiece (Giant Purple Square): The Corellian AA Turret decoration fits into a giant purple square floor hook with beams of light.

    Additional Info

    Bug fixed in patch 7.5


    As far as I can tell, this decoration exists in the Strongholds Decorations list, but it does not actually exist in-game – there’s no way to actually get it. It is listed as a “bugged decoration” by another player on a report on the forum.

    There is no historical data for this unknown decoration, other than it says it should drop from “Source: Flashpoint: Corellia”.  Here is a reddit thread about players discussing that it is not actually available: Drop rate for the Corellian AA Turret?

    Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #decorations channel. You will need to make a free Discord account.

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