Arrangement: Abundance Supplies 3

Arrangement: Abundance Supplies 3 (SWTOR Decoration)

Arrangement: Abundance Supplies 3 SWTOR decoration, screenshots and information!

How to Get an Arrangement: Abundance Supplies 3 Decoration

No this item decoration can not be bought on the GTN! Can NOT be bought or sold on the GTN from other players (It can only be earned, like most similar Reputation / Planet / Event decorations.)
Source: Dantooine Spring Event Festival of Abundance, 1,200 Spring Abundance Festival Ribbon
Arrangement: Abundance Supplies 3 Large Floor Hook

Hook: Floor Large (Purple Square): The Arrangement: Abundance Supplies 3 decoration fits into a large purple square floor hook.

Dantooine Spring Event Festival of Abundance Info

The Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival is a limited-time event in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Festival of Abundance Guide

Additional Info

Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival Event

Vendor: Abundance Festival

Limited time event added in Patch 7.5

Featured screenshot of the Arrangement: Abundance Supplies 3 decoration submitted by neatessy

Contributors: Thank you Ewi for gathering these images of the Dantooine Abundance Festival decos from the public test server!

Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #decorations channel. You will need to make a free Discord account.

Similar Decorations to Arrangement: Abundance Supplies 3