Additional Info
Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival Event
Vendor: Abundance Festival
Limited time event added in Patch 7.5
Arrangement: Abundance Supplies 4 SWTOR decoration, screenshots and information!
Hook: Floor Large (Purple Square): The Arrangement: Abundance Supplies 4 decoration fits into a large purple square floor hook.
The Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival is a limited-time event in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Festival of Abundance Guide
Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival Event
Vendor: Abundance Festival
Limited time event added in Patch 7.5
Featured screenshot of the Arrangement: Abundance Supplies 4 decoration submitted by neatessy
Contributors: Thank you Ewi for gathering these images of the Dantooine Abundance Festival decos from the public test server!
Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #decorations channel. You will need to make a free Discord account.