Meat Hook Storage

Meat Hook Storage (SWTOR Decoration)

Meat Hook Storage SWTOR decoration, screenshots and information!

How to Get a Meat Hook Storage Decoration

Yes this item decoration can be bought on the GTN! Can be bought and sold on the GTN from other players
Flashpoint: Spirit of Vengeance, drops from Bask Sunn in any mode, including Story
Meat Hook Storage Large Floor Hook

Hook: Floor Large (Purple Square): The Meat Hook Storage decoration fits into a large purple square floor hook.

Flashpoint Decorations

Flashpoint decorations have a chance from dropping from a certain Flashpoint. The Meat Hook Storage decoration is from: Flashpoint: Spirit of Vengeance, drops from Bask Sunn in any mode, including Story

How correct is that drop information? We did our best to track what drops where from a large pool of player-submitted data and screenshots. You can see our Flashpoint Spreadsheet and draw your own conclusions - the data set is limited, so I did my best to summarize where this decoration might drop from, but I do not have access to the drop rates in-game.

Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #decorations channel. Try and include what FLASHPOINT you ran, what MODE you were in, the name of the DECORATION you got, and what BOSS or enemy it dropped from.

Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #decorations channel. You will need to make a free Discord account.

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