Manned Blaster Turret

Manned Blaster Turret (SWTOR Decoration)

Manned Blaster Turret SWTOR decoration, screenshots and information!

How to Get a Manned Blaster Turret Decoration

Yes this item decoration can be bought on the GTN! Can be bought and sold on the GTN from other players
Flashpoint: Colicoid War Games, drops from the final boss, but may be broken
Could use some more information Flashpoint: Colicoid War Games, drops from the final boss, but may be broken
Manned Blaster Turret Medium Narrow Floor Hook

Hook: Floor Medium Narrow (Blue Rectangle): The Manned Blaster Turret decoration fits into a narrow blue medium rectangle floor hook.

Manned Blaster Turret Medium Floor Hook

Hook: Floor Medium (Blue Square): The Manned Blaster Turret decoration fits into a blue medium square floor hook.

Flashpoint Decorations

Flashpoint decorations have a chance from dropping from a certain Flashpoint. The Manned Blaster Turret decoration is from: Flashpoint: Colicoid War Games, drops from the final boss, but may be broken

How correct is that drop information? We did our best to track what drops where from a large pool of player-submitted data and screenshots. You can see our Flashpoint Spreadsheet and draw your own conclusions - the data set is limited, so I did my best to summarize where this decoration might drop from, but I do not have access to the drop rates in-game.

Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #decorations channel. Try and include what FLASHPOINT you ran, what MODE you were in, the name of the DECORATION you got, and what BOSS or enemy it dropped from.

Additional Info

This decoration may or may not drop anymore.

A player named Dulfy said in 2014, Dropped off last boss 1st run. turret fires when you click it and that it was tradeable. Another player named Jelra said in the same year, Finally dropped off last boss (SM). 5-6 runs.

In 2017, a player named Sply said, I wonder if this thing still drops after 5.0/5.1.x… Did about 6 or 7 solo runs today. No Manned Turret. 

Interestingly, in 2024, a developer in regards to “broken drops” replied to a player post on the official forums, “Thank you for calling out other potential drops that might be bugged (Illumination Probe Crate decoration from Blood Hunt and the Manned Blaster Turret decoration from Collicoid Games), we will keep an eye on these as well.”

Shoots a blue turret fire blast when you right-click it!

Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #decorations channel. You will need to make a free Discord account.

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