Balmorra Purple Mastery Datacron (Republic version) Guide

The Balmorra Purple Mastery Datacron is located in the Gorinth Canyon map on Balmorra grants Mastery +4 (it used to grant Willpower +4 before the stats changed).

The Balmorra Purple datacron is in the cliff above the canyon, crossed by a pipe and is only available to Republic characters (Imperial players must make a Republic character to unlock this datacron). Finding this datacron will give you a permanent stat boost of Mastery +4 to all your characters on your server, and will unlock the Galactic History 55: The Ascension of Exar Kun codex.

  • Balmorra Mastery +4 Datacron (Republic)
  • Quicktravel: Lower Markaran Outpost
  • Taxi: Lower Markaran Outpost
  • Location: Gorinth Canyon - cliff above the canyon, crossed by a pipe
  • Difficulty: Medium - Walk carefully
  • Codex: Galactic History 55: The Ascension of Exar Kun

How to Get the Balmorra Purple Mastery Datacron

Quick Travel / Taxi

Find the Pipe

Cross the Pipe

Fall Down to the Datacron

cross the pipe and fall down to the datacron