Nar Shaddaa Dark vs Light Datacron Guide

The Nar Shaddaa Dark vs Light Datacron is located in the Shadow Town map on Nar Shaddaa grants .

The Nar Shaddaa Dark vs Light datacron is in the up some boxes and across a bridge and is only available to Republic characters (Imperial players must make a Republic character to unlock this datacron). Finding this datacron will give you a permanent stat boost of to all your characters on your server, but does not unlock a codex entry like most datacrons.

  • Nar Shaddaa Datacron (Republic)
  • Quicktravel: Shadow Town
  • Taxi: Shadow Town Taxi
  • Shuttle: [HEROIC 2+] Breaking Down Shadow Town
  • Location: Shadow Town - up some boxes and across a bridge
  • Difficulty: Medium - requires some jumping up some boxes
  • Codex:

How to Get the Nar Shaddaa Dark vs Light Datacron

This is the only Dark vs Light Datacron that’s only available to a specific faction – Imperial players will not be able to get into the Shadow Town area to find this one.

Quick Travel / Taxi

The Republic [HEROIC 2+] Breaking Down Shadow Town is very close to the datacron, so instead of quick travel or taxi, picks up the Heroic and it will save you a long run.

Travel Deep into Shadow Town

Find the Crates

There is a large pile of crates hidden inside a caged area in the south west section of Shadow Town.

Jump up the crates until you get to a large caged walkway.

Follow the walkway until you see a bridge and cross it.

Across the bridge, you will actually see a blue datacron that is slightly different than the normal datacrons. This is called a “light vs dark datacron” and was part of a now-retired event.

If you keep following the pipes past this datacron you will be on the path of the jumping puzzle for the Red Nar Shaddaa Datacron.