Makeb Dark vs Light Datacron Guide

The Makeb Dark vs Light Datacron is located in the Aboro Mesa map on Makeb grants .

The Makeb Dark vs Light datacron is in the behind a building in the and is available to both Imperial and Republic players. Finding this datacron will give you a permanent stat boost of to all your characters on your server, but does not unlock a codex entry like most datacrons.

  • Makeb Datacron (Both Factions)
  • Quicktravel: Avesta's Plantation / Aboro Mesa
  • Taxi: Avesta's Plantation Shuttle / Aboro Mesa Shuttle
  • Location: Aboro Mesa - behind a building in the
  • Difficulty: Easy - can walk to it without jumping
  • Codex:

How to Get the Makeb Dark vs Light Datacron

Quick Travel / Taxi

Republic side, you’ll need to run across quite a few maps to get to this datacron.

Imperial side, you can taxi or quick travel to the same map and just run to the north of the island.

Get to Arboro Mesa

It’s behind a building.