Ord Mantell Datacrons Guide

Ord Mantell has two datacrons and one matrix shard which can only be obtained by Republic players. The blue datacron is hidden on Savrip Island, the yellow datacron is hidden on the beaches near Volcano Camp, and the matrix shard is hidden in a hole on the beaches of Mannet Point.

Getting to Ord Mantell – You will need to fly to Ord Mantell, there is no quick way to get there. Republic players who do not have their ship yet can return to Ord Mantell, there is a shuttle to Ord Mantell from the Republic Fleet, it’s the most western / left elevator on the Fleet map cross.

  • Any Ord Mantelll heroic
  • Ord Mantell Mastery +2 Datacron (Republic)
  • Quicktravel: Oradam Village
  • Taxi: Oradam Village
  • Shuttle: [Heroic 2+] Buying Loyalty
  • Location: Savrip Island - top of the volcano
  • Difficulty: Easy - can walk right up if you know where to climb
  • Codex: Galactic History 12: The Birth of the Republic

This Datacron is on Savrip Island, a Heroic area. It’s fairly easy to get.

Take the Taxi or Quicktravel to Volcano Camp

As a Trooper, if you pick up the Heroics all three will dump you straight on the island where the datacron is.

The closest Republic quick travel point is the Volcano Camp or Oradam Village quick travel point (in the top left / north west on the map) and the closest taxi point is the Volcano Camp Speeder or Oradam Village Speeder speeder point (in the top left / north west on the map).

Run to Savrip Island

Run or take your speeder to the island in the north west. You can easily see it on your map if you press M on your keyboard for map. You will see it once you enter the island as a blue light shining from the mountain top.

4. Climb the Mountain

There are multiple ways up, but the easiest is to go to the west side of the island and run up the hill and then cross the rock bridge.

Across the rock bridge just climb to the top of the mountain!

  • Ord Mantell Red Matrix Shard Datacron (Republic)
  • Quicktravel: Falks Reach
  • Taxi: Falks Reach
  • Location: Mannett Point - Northeast shore of the island past the broken bridge
  • Difficulty: Easy - can walk right up to it
  • Codex: Galactic History 14: The Fall of Tion

This Matrix Shard is hidden on the small island of Mannett Point, on the beach. It’s protected by an enemy named Captain Ethan Remak.

Quicktravel or Taxi to Falks Reach

The closest Republic quick travel point is the Falks Reach quick travel point (in the bottom right / south east of the map) and the closest taxi point is the Falks Reach Speeder speeder point (in the bottom right / south east of the map).

Run along the Beach

Run along the shore where the broken bridge is on Mannet Point island, running towards the north clockwise around the island, until you find an enemy protecting some hostages digging in the sand. Look for a shining gray beacon of light in the air. Fight the enemy and take the Matrix Shard!


  • Ord Mantell Presence +2 Datacron (Republic)
  • Quicktravel: Volcano Camp
  • Taxi: Volcano Camp
  • Location: Mount Avilatan - sandy shoreline west of the volcano
  • Difficulty: Easy - can walk right up to it
  • Codex: Galactic History 13: The First Great Schism

This Datacron is hidden on the shores on the South West of Ord Mantell.

Take the Taxi or Quicktravel to Volcano Camp

The closest Republic quick travel point is the Volcano Camp or Oradam Village quick travel point (in the top left / north west on the map) and the closest taxi point is the Volcano Camp Speeder or Oradam Village Speeder speeder point (in the top left / north west on the map).

Run South Along the Beach

There is no secret path to the datacron, just run from the taxi along the shore towards the south. The Datacron will be hiding behind a rock.