Elegant Modified Electrostaff

The Elegant Modified Electrostaff is a Crafting double bladed vibrosword that can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The Elegant Modified Electrostaff is moddable, which means it can be upgraded over time at level 50 and up.

This is what the Elegant Modified Electrostaff sounds like:

Elegant Modified Electrostaff Video and Sound

How to get the Elegant Modified Electrostaff

The Elegant Modified Electrostaff is a crafted Double Bladed Vibrosword - you can either craft it yourself or buy it from another player on the GTN.

This Double Bladed Vibrosword can be crafted by at crafting level 0, and can be worn by characters level 50 and up. The crafting schematic can be hard to find though - the easiest place to find them is on the GTN, but only if another player is selling it. Otherwise, this schematic drops through random chance from crew skill missions, along with other similar weapon schematics.

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More Crafting Double Bladed Vibroswords

More Double Bladed Vibroswords