Accurate Boltblaster's Blaster Rifle MK-2

The Accurate Boltblaster's Blaster Rifle MK-2 is a Story blaster rifle that can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The Accurate Boltblaster's Blaster Rifle MK-2 is moddable, which means it can be upgraded over time from level 1-75. This item is legacy bound, which means it can transferred between your characters by mail or legacy bank.

How to get the Accurate Boltblaster's Blaster Rifle MK-2

The Accurate Boltblaster's Blaster Rifle MK-2 is a blaster rifle which can only be earned through the class stories. Once earned however, it is legacy-bound, and can be transferred between characters.

Thanks Exarch for the image!

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More Story Blaster Rifles

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