Update 7.6 has new cartel stuff!
Remote Trading Post – 2,500 CC
In addition to the more expected Cartel Market items being added to the game, the developers have created a new type of bundle. This bundle includes a large number of cantina-themed decorations, two special pets, and even includes a way to unlock and upgrade the decoration you get from it by repairing the large cantina decoration through some lightweight gameplay. The developers wanted to let you bring some of the magic of Galaxy’s Edge back to your stronghold, that you may have seen at the Disney parks. You’ll receive the “neglected” set of decorations right off the bat, and can participate in some light-weight gameplay to “repair” the cantina and unlock the second set of repaired decorations – and you get to keep both, and use any of them in any of your strongholds. This also seems to be how you unlock the Baby Dianoga and D5-C0 DJ Droid mini pets!
Remote Trading Post Full Screenshots + Future Guide
Cartel Market
Skeleton Crew inspired items will also make their way to the Cartel Market. Get ready for the Mysterious Rogue armor, Fearless Buccaneer weapons, and new hairstyles to become available at 7.6 launch.
Mysterious Rogue Armor – 2,600 CC
Shae Vizla’s Battle-Scarred Armor Set – 2,600 CC
Fearless Buccaneer Weapons – 1,095 – 1,150 CC ea.
Fearless Buccaneer Lightsaber and Dualsaber – 1,150 CC ea.
Metallic Gray/Chrome White and Chrome White/Metallic Gray Dyes – 1750 CC ea. (currently 50% off at 875)
Left is default colors. Metallic Gray/Chrome White and Chrome White/Metallic Gray dyes have been applied in the second and third panels
Havoc Squad White/Red and Red/White Dyes – 600 CC ea. (currently 50% off at 300)
Left is White/Red, Right is Red/White
New Cartel Market Hair – 100 CC ea.
Two new hairs inspired by Skeleton Crew called Half Long/Short hair and Braidhawk will be added to the Cartel Market.
Cartel Market Life Day Vehicle: Tirsa G1-F7 – 950 CC
New Free Hair
This hair was seen on an NPC character in the game – it is one of the existing hair styles but with missing parts. Players requested we could get it on our characters and the developers obliged and added it as a free hair starting in 7.6!
Dye Sale and Changes
The developers released an intriguing statement about dyes during the 7.6 Developer Livestream, and launched a 50% of dyes sale on the Cartel Market.
Speaking of dyes, we’ve got something we’d like to talk about – dye pack updates. In the game, we’ve had a lot of feedback about how dye packs are purchased and stored and applied to the character and we want to re-evaluate that system. And so while we are doing that, and before that picture solidifies, we do want to go ahead and make the cartel market sale of 50% off all dye packs starting November 14th. We are trying to improve how the player experience is around dye packs, so that’s what our intention is until we settle that out. They’ll be on 50% off sale.
Master the Fight Bundle
The Master the Fight: Starbolt Edition Bundle will be dropping November 15th and will be available until January 14th, 2025.
The bundle includes:
- 180 Days Subscription Time + 600 Cartel Coins per month
- 5500 Cartel Coins
- Vectron 240R Starbolt Mount
- Rideable at level 1
- Comes with Speeder Rank 5
- Gives players a speed boost while mounted
- Primary Metallic Yellow Dye (x5 per character)
- Secondary Metallic Yellow Dye (x5 per character)
- Bundle is priced at $99.99 USD
- Full Info
Items List
- Burning Embers Dualsaber
- Chrome White and Metallic Gray Dye Module
- Metallic Gray and Chrome White Dye Module
- Havoc Squad Red and White Dye Module
- Havoc Squad White and Red Dye Module
- Fearless Buccaneer Assault Cannon
- Fearless Buccaneer Blaster Rifle
- Fearless Buccaneer Dual Vibroblade
- Fearless Buccaneer Dualsaber
- Fearless Buccaneer Lightsaber
- Fearless Buccaneer Pistol
- Fearless Buccaneer Sniper Rifle
- Fearless Buccaneer Vibroblade
- Mysterious Rogue Armor Set
- Mysterious Rogue Belt
- Mysterious Rogue Boots
- Mysterious Rogue Gloves
- Mysterious Rogue Greaves
- Mysterious Rogue Jacket
- Mysterious Rogue Shirt
- Shae Vizla’s Battle-Scarred Armor Set
- Shae Vizla’s Battle-Scarred Belt
- Shae Vizla’s Battle-Scarred Boots
- Shae Vizla’s Battle-Scarred Bracers
- Shae Vizla’s Battle-Scarred Chestpiece
- Shae Vizla’s Battle-Scarred Gloves
- Shae Vizla’s Battle-Scarred Greaves
- Shae Vizla’s Battle-Scarred Helmet
- Tirsa G1-F7 Life Day Vehicle