Cartel Market Dye Sale and Future Changes to Dyes

News Date: November 14, 2024 Patch: 7.6 News Source

The developers released an intriguing statement about dyes during the 7.6 Developer Livestream, and launched a 50% of dyes sale on the Cartel Market.

Speaking of dyes, we’ve got something we’d like to talk about – dye pack updates. In the game, we’ve had a lot of feedback about how dye packs are purchased and stored and applied to the character and we want to re-evaluate that system. And so while we are doing that, and before that picture solidifies, we do want to go ahead and make the cartel market sale of 50% off all dye packs starting November 14th. We are trying to improve how the player experience is around dye packs, so that’s what our intention is until we settle that out. They’ll be on 50% off sale.

Here is some screenshots of the dye sale. We do not know how long it will last.