Dromund Kaas Datacrons Guide

Dromund Kaas has four datacrons and one matrix shard which can only be obtained by Imperial players. They’re all fairly easy to get.

Getting to Dromund Kaas – Fly to Dromund Kaas, or to save time, click the icon of “three little people” near your minimap to open the Activities panel, then choose Solo from the tabs at the top, then choose Heroic Missions: Dromund Kaas and click travel to go directly to Dromund Kaas’s surface and skip the space station. Imperial players who do not have their ship yet can return to Dromund Kaas if they’ve left it, there is a shuttle to Dromund Kaas from the Imperial Fleet, it’s the most northern / top elevator on the Fleet map cross.

  •  Shuttle:  [HEROIC 2+] Shadow Spawn
  • Dromund Kaas Endurance +2 Datacron (Imperial)
  • Quicktravel: The Wall
  • Taxi: The Wall
  • Shuttle: [HEROIC 2+] Shadow Spawn
  • Location: Lord Grathan's Estate - secret area in the far right corner of the estate
  • Difficulty: Easy - can walk right up to it
  • Codex: Galactic History 20: Chancellor Blotus

You may see this green datacron glowing up on a ledge, but you will need to find a different path to reach it.

Taxi / Quicktravel

[HEROIC 2+] Shadow Spawn is closer than the taxi or quick travel.

Walk to Lord Grathan’s Estate

Pass through the wall and cross the long bridge.

After crossing the bridge, follow the brown path on the right into Lord Grathan’s Estate.

Follow the main path. When you enter the main part of Grathan’s estate and there’s a fork in the path, take the metal-paved walkway on the right.

Find the Secret Path

Follow the metal-paved walkway until it comes to an end and turns into a dirt path again.

Near where the path ends, there will be a building to the left and a black wall to the right. Sneak in to the gap between the mansion and the wall and you will be in a grassy area. In the grassy area there will be a secret path opening up in the mountains.

  • Dromund Kaas Mastery +2 Datacron (Imperial)
  • Quicktravel: Kaas City Expansion
  • Taxi: Kaas City Expansion
  • Shuttle: [HEROIC 2+] Friends of Old
  • Location: Dark Temple Approach - heroic area on a rock that must be jumped down to
  • Difficulty: Medium - one jump, then fall carefully
  • Codex: Galactic History 22: The Second Great Schism

Quick Travel / Taxi

Cross the Big Bridge

From the speeder or quick travel point, take the southern path leading to the West (to the Kaas City Expansion District on the map).

From there cross the long bridge and go through the opening on the left that has sandbags around it.

Expansion Camp

After going through the entrance with the sandbags, follow the path to the right where there are some metal balconies and Imperial soldiers.

You can actually see the datacron on the metal balcony.

Jump on the Crate

Jump up on the crate located at about -1091, 218 near the metal balcony where you can see the datacron. Follow the little path until it reaches a cliff.

Rock Jumping

Very carefully “fall” onto the first, highest rock (you do not need to jump). You may land on its edge and not be able to move around, if so, turn around and jump back up onto its surface. For the second rock, you will want to get a tiny running head start and jump down on to it. Do the same for the third and final rock – get a running start and jump down on to the datacron!

  • Dromund Kaas Mastery +2 Datacron (Imperial)
  • Quicktravel: Dromund Kaas Spaceport
  • Taxi: Spaceport
  • Location: Dromund Kaas Spaceport - Docking Bay with no phase barrier (D-61)
  • Difficulty: Medium - tricky jumps, easy to re-try
  • Codex: Galactic History 19: The Pius Dea Crusades

Quick Travel / Taxi / Spaceport

If you are not already in the spaceport, travel there via taxi or quick travel.

Go to the Hangar

The datacron is hidden in a hangar to the south.

The south hangar does not have a marker on the map – but it does have an elevator button you can press.

Hangar Jumping Puzzle

This hangar has a minor jumping puzzle. Once you enter the hangar, go up the ramp and all the way up the ramps on the right. Once you go up the last ramp you may be able to see the datacron on the left. You will need to jump down to a pipe that is on the right hand side of the highest platform – it is hidden between a wall and a stack of two yellow shipping containers, near the ramp (not at the furthest end of the platform). Once you are on the hanging pipes follow them to the end.

Don’t jump!

When you reach the end of the pipes, DO NOT JUMP! Jumping will cause you to hit your head on the platform above and will make you miss your jump. Instead, back up a bit, get a running start and run forward off the pipe. As long as you are facing forward you will land on the edge of the container with the datacron on it.

Once you land on the shipping container, jump up on the box and get the datacron.

  • Dromund Kaas Yellow Matrix Shard Datacron (Imperial)
  • Quicktravel: The Wall
  • Taxi: The Wall
  • Shuttle: [HEROIC 2+] Shadow Spawn
  • Location: The Malignant Bog - secret path at the south end of the heroic area
  • Difficulty: Easy - can walk right up to it
  • Codex: Galactic History 18: The Hutt Cataclysms

You can see this matrix shard up on a short waterfall ledge glowing white while exploring Dromund Kaas, but you’ll need to find another way up to it.

Taxi / Quicktravel / Heroic

The [HEROIC 2+] Shadow Spawn is very close.

Go South in the Bog, Keep to the Right

Pass through the wall and cross the long bridge. After crossing the bridge do not follow the brown path on the right – instead go in to the bog on the left. This bog area is a Heroic area – and the beasts hit a bit harder than normal. Try not to stop so you do not have to fight them. Once in the bog stay to the right and hug the right wall. It doesn’t matter exactly what path you take – I usually run behind a tent and fall off a cliff with a waterfall.

Cross the River

Eventually you will come across a river in the South to cross.

If you look to the right while crossing the river you may see where the datacron is hiding.

Find the Secret Path

Once you cross the river, you’ll be in an area with some beasts and a cliff wall. If you hug the right wall and go around a tree there is a secret path at about -41, 1697

At the end of the secret path is a the Matrix Shard Datacron sitting at the top of the waterfall!

  • Dromund Kaas Presence +2 Datacron (Imperial)
  • Quicktravel: Dromund Kaas Spaceport
  • Taxi: Spaceport
  • Location: Spaceport Expanse - secret path at the south end
  • Difficulty: Easy - can walk right up to it
  • Codex: Galactic History 21: The Birth of the Mandalorians

Start at the Spaceport

If you are not already outside the spaceport, travel there via taxi or quick travel. The closest Imperial quick travel point is the Dromund Kaas Spaceport quick travel point (the farthest right quick travel point on the map) and the closest taxi point is the Spaceport Speeder speeder point (the farthest right taxi point on the map).

Uphill Path to the Left

When facing away from the spaceport’s entrance, take the path leading uphill on the left.

Where the path forks continue to the left. Stay near the left wall.

Find the Secret Tunnel

There is a small tunnel opening that leads to a secret path towards the datacron that you can find if you stay to the left.

The Yellow Dromund Kaas Datacron is at the end of the secret path across some logs.