Dromund Kaas Orange Mastery Datacron Guide

The Dromund Kaas Orange Mastery Datacron is located in the Dark Temple Approach map on Dromund Kaas grants Mastery +2 (it used to grant Cunning +2 before the stats changed).

The Dromund Kaas Orange datacron is in the heroic area on a rock that must be jumped down to and is only available to Imperial characters (Republic players must make an Imperial character to unlock this datacron). Finding this datacron will give you a permanent stat boost of Mastery +2 to all your characters on your server, and will unlock the Galactic History 22: The Second Great Schism codex.

  • Dromund Kaas Mastery +2 Datacron (Imperial)
  • Quicktravel: Kaas City Expansion
  • Taxi: Kaas City Expansion
  • Shuttle: [HEROIC 2+] Friends of Old
  • Location: Dark Temple Approach - heroic area on a rock that must be jumped down to
  • Difficulty: Medium - one jump, then fall carefully
  • Codex: Galactic History 22: The Second Great Schism

How to Get the Dromund Kaas Orange Mastery Datacron

Quick Travel / Taxi

Cross the Big Bridge

From the speeder or quick travel point, take the southern path leading to the West (to the Kaas City Expansion District on the map).

From there cross the long bridge and go through the opening on the left that has sandbags around it.

Expansion Camp

After going through the entrance with the sandbags, follow the path to the right where there are some metal balconies and Imperial soldiers.

You can actually see the datacron on the metal balcony.

Jump on the Crate

Jump up on the crate located at about -1091, 218 near the metal balcony where you can see the datacron. Follow the little path until it reaches a cliff.

Rock Jumping

Very carefully “fall” onto the first, highest rock (you do not need to jump). You may land on its edge and not be able to move around, if so, turn around and jump back up onto its surface. For the second rock, you will want to get a tiny running head start and jump down on to it. Do the same for the third and final rock – get a running start and jump down on to the datacron!