Pottery: Bronze Bowl

Pottery: Bronze Bowl (SWTOR Decoration)

Pottery: Bronze Bowl SWTOR decoration, screenshots and information!

How to Get a Pottery: Bronze Bowl Decoration

Yes this item decoration can be bought on the GTN! but requires Reputation Rank to use Can be bought or sold on the GTN from other players but requires Reputation Rank to use
Requires crafted Univeral Prefabs to purchase from the Reputation Vendor
Reputation: Friend Rank with Section X, costs 1 Universal Prefab MK-3
Pottery: Bronze Bowl Medium Floor Hook

Hook: Floor Medium (Blue Square): The Pottery: Bronze Bowl decoration fits into a blue medium square floor hook.

Section X Info

Section X reputation and rewards can be gained by doing the Secton X dailies and the Secton X heroics, which can be started from the Fleet at level 50 or higher.

The Section X Reputation decorations cost Universal Prefabs, a crafted item, plus the correct Reputation Rank with Section X to use the item.

The Section X Reputation Vendor is located very close to where you load in on the planet. The decoration rewards are the same on both factions.

Additional Info


Reputation: Requires Friend status with Section X (Republic Fifth Assault Battalion/Imperial Guard on Belsavis).

Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #decorations channel. You will need to make a free Discord account.

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