Crafted Easy-to-Get Decorations in SWTOR

Crafted Easy-to-Get Decorations in SWTOR

Are you looking for MORE decorations for your SWTOR stronghold? Here’s a bunch of crafted decorations you can get!

Crafted Prefab Decorations

There are a TON of crafted decorations in the game. Rather than buying them outright, it makes more sense to buy the matching prefab and then go pick up the decoration from the vendor. Or, you can craft your own prefabs! Click on each decoration to learn how to craft the prefab type needed to purchase it, and where to spend your prefab to get the decoration.

Industrial Prefab MK-1

Industrial Prefab MK-2

 Industrial Prefab MK-3

Synthetic Prefab MK-1

Synthetic Prefab MK-2

Synthetic Prefab MK-3

Universal Prefab Decorations

Universal Prefabs take a couple extra steps if you plan on crafting them yourself, but are made in generally the same way as the other prefab decorations. Click on each decoration to learn how to craft the Universal prefab type needed to purchase it, and where to spend your Universal  prefab to get the decoration.

Universal Prefab MK-1

Universal Prefab MK-2

Universal Prefab MK-3

Universal Prefab MK-4

Crafted War Supply Decorations (Expensive)

More complicated than normal crafted prefab decorations, there are also a lot of interesting War Supply decorations. It makes more sense to buy the war supplies and then go pick up the decoration from the vendor. Or, you can craft your own war supplies! How to Craft and Spend War Supplies

Crafted Dark Project Decorations (Expensive)

Dark Projects are very expensive to craft or buy, but they can be turned in for some very large unique decorations. You can either buy the dark projects and then turn them into the vendor, or craft them yourself. How to Craft and Spend Dark Projects

Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #decorations channel. You will need to make a free Discord account.