Mandalorian Decorations

Although Mandalorians are more well known for creating their own private enclaves or camping out in the jungles of Dromund Kaas, a wealthy bounty hunter or Mandalorian might bring some of their heritage to their luxury stronghold. Below is a curated list of Mandalorian decorations, and a few bounty hunter decorations thrown in for good measure. The symbol of Mand’alor, and the skull of the Mythosaur, are all featured heavily in Mandalorian decorations.

Mandalorian Statue Decorations

“When all else falls, it is our actions and our actions alone that will live on through the centuries. We Mandalorians strive above all else to be remembered. And to be remembered with love… it is a rewarding end to a life.” – Danis Fett

Bounty Hunter Decorations

The Bounty Hunter story is heavily tied into Mandalorian culture in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Trophies of the Hunt

Mandalorian Training Decorations

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