Iokath Decorations

To call Iokath a planet is technically incorrect, and an insult to the brilliant design of the artificial world. A massive sphere constructed around–and fully enveloping–an undersized and unremarkable star, Iokath absorbs all of the energy released by its “sun,” maximizing solar efficiency.

Iokath decorations were introduced to Star Wars: The Old Republic with the 5.0 patch of Knights of the Eternal Empire. Iokath is a completely artificial world, with no living beings on it by the time you reach it. It is inhabited by droids whose only purpose is to test their combat limits.

In many technologically advanced societies, droids are designed to handle a multitude of mundane tasks. The organics who created Iokath embraced this idea, and built a wide variety of mechanical servants to nurture their artificial world. Custodian and compactor droids were created to preserve the parklands; scour swarm droids to clean the Chromium Garden; purifier droids to provide protection and security; and support droids to maintain and repair the entire system.

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