Commemorative Statue of Soa, The Infernal One

Commemorative Statue of Soa, The Infernal One (SWTOR Decoration)

Commemorative Statue of Soa, The Infernal One SWTOR decoration, screenshots and information!

How to Get a Commemorative Statue of Soa, The Infernal One Decoration

Yes this item decoration can be bought on the GTN! Can be bought and sold on the GTN from other players
Operation: Eternity Vault
Commemorative Statue of Soa, The Infernal One Large Floor Hook

Hook: Floor Large (Purple Square): The Commemorative Statue of Soa, The Infernal One decoration fits into a large purple square floor hook.

Commemorative Statue of Soa, The Infernal One Centerpiece Hook

Hook: Centerpiece (Giant Purple Square): The Commemorative Statue of Soa, The Infernal One decoration fits into a giant purple square floor hook with beams of light.

Operation Decorations

Operation decorations have a chance from dropping from a certain operation. Some drop from the random mobs, while others drop from the bosses. A 16-man will drop more decorations that an 8-man, and the harder the mode of the operation the better chance of a decoration dropping.

The Commemorative Statue of Soa, The Infernal One decoration is dropped from the Operation.

Additional Info

Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #decorations channel. You will need to make a free Discord account.

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