Trophy: Lady Dominique (Story)

Trophy: Lady Dominique (Story) (SWTOR Decoration)

Trophy: Lady Dominique (Story) SWTOR decoration, screenshots and information!

How to Get a Trophy: Lady Dominique (Story) Decoration

No this item decoration can not be bought on the GTN! Can NOT be bought or sold on the GTN from other players (It can only be earned through the achievement, like most achievement decorations.)
operation-decoration Operation
Achievement: Defeat Lady Dominique in Story Mode in the R-4 Anomaly Operation
Trophy: Lady Dominique (Story) Small Wall Hook

Hook: Wall Small (Green Square): The Trophy: Lady Dominique (Story) decoration fits into a small green square wall hook.

    Operation Trophies

    Operation trophies are earned by defeating bosses in Operations on different modes. You can check your progress in your Achievements in the Operation section under the Operation for that trophy.

    The Wall Trophies are received by defeating the corresponding boss in the correct mode, and are an automatic reward.

    The statue trophies are a random drop from those bosses and are not guaranteed.

    Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #decorations channel. You will need to make a free Discord account.

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