Refreshments Probe

Refreshments Probe (SWTOR Decoration)

Refreshments Probe SWTOR decoration, screenshots and information!

How to Get a Refreshments Probe Decoration

No this item decoration can not be bought on the GTN! Can NOT be bought or sold on the GTN from other players (It can only be earned, like most similar Reputation / Planet / Event decorations.)
Source: Feast of Prosperity, 1,875 Prosperity Tokens
Refreshments Probe Small Floor Hook

Hook: Floor Small (Green Square): The Refreshments Probe decoration fits into a small green square floor hook.

Refreshments Probe Medium Narrow Floor Hook

Hook: Floor Medium Narrow (Blue Rectangle): The Refreshments Probe decoration fits into a narrow blue medium rectangle floor hook.

Refreshments Probe Medium Floor Hook

Hook: Floor Medium (Blue Square): The Refreshments Probe decoration fits into a blue medium square floor hook.

Feast of Prosperity Info

The Feast of Prosperity event, sometimes known as the “Hutt Event”, “Feast Event”, “Fall Event”, or “Thanksgiving Event”, is a limited-time event in Star Wars: The Old Republic. This event only takes place once a year in the late fall. The event focuses on a gourmet feast being held by the Hutts as a charity event for the less wealthy of Nar Shaddaa. During the event you can earn some unique rewards including a a set of orange robes, some fun emotes and toys, a chef’s hat, and a lot of decorations. You can participate in the event as early as level 20, and the event is available to both free-to-play and subscribed players. This event lets you cook gourmet dishes and deliver food to patrons as a droid in two minigames, as well as gather exotic ingredients in the open world and from World Bosses.

Feast of Prosperity Event Guide

This event does NOT have a reputation track, unlike all other events in the game. Instead, you earn event currency tokens by doing the quests.

To spend your Prosperity Tokens, go to the Feast of Prosperity Vendor located on the upper floor of the Nar Shaddaa Promenade, near the large golden Hutt statue. He is a blue Twi’lek near where you pick up the repeatable quests from the event.

Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #decorations channel. You will need to make a free Discord account.

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