Shepherd’s Hut

Shepherd’s Hut (SWTOR Decoration)

Shepherd’s Hut SWTOR decoration, screenshots and information!

How to Get a Shepherd’s Hut Decoration

Yes this item decoration can be bought on the GTN! Can be bought and sold on the GTN from other players
Cartel Market Bundle Decoration Part of the Ancient Stargazer Decoration Bundle on the Cartel Market
Cartel Pack Decoration Possible drop from Ultimate Cartel Packs
Cartel Pack Decoration Possibly for sale directly on the Cartel Market
Shepherd’s Hut Large Floor Hook

Hook: Floor Large (Purple Square): The Shepherd’s Hut decoration fits into a large purple square floor hook.

Shepherd’s Hut Centerpiece Hook

Hook: Centerpiece (Giant Purple Square): The Shepherd’s Hut decoration fits into a giant purple square floor hook with beams of light.

Cartel Market Bundle Decorations

The Shepherd’s Hut deco is part of the Ancient Stargazer Decoration Bundle, a set of decorations that you can buy directly from the Cartel Market with Cartel Coins. All decorations from the cartel market, including the Shepherd’s Hut deco, can usually be found on the Galactic Trade Network (GTN) and bought from other players with credits.

If you're looking to get a Shepherd’s Hut, the easiest way to get it is to head to the Galactic Trade Network (GTN) in SWTOR and buy it with credits from another player. You can also buy the full Ancient Stargazer Decoration Bundle from the cartel market or GTN, which includes this deco and a few others that match.

Ancient Stargazer Decoration Bundle Decorations

This decoration bundle from the Cartel Market includes the following decorations:

2 Brazier on Stone
2 Stacked Stone Firepit
1 Celestial Event Observatory
2 Shepherd’s Cooking Pot
1 Shepherd’s Hut
4 Field Boulder
6 Medium Field Rock
8 Small Field Rock
2 Small Stone Altar

Cartel Pack Decorations

The Shepherd’s Hut decoration can be dropped from Ultimate Cartel Packs, which are from the the Cartel Market and bought with Cartel Coins. Cartel Packs, including the Ultimate Cartel Pack, include a random selection of items from the Cartel Market. You aren't guaranteed to get a Shepherd’s Hut decoration from opening a Ultimate Cartel Pack, but it is one of the few ways to get a Shepherd’s Hut deco apart from buying it on the GTN from another player.

If you're looking to get a Shepherd’s Hut, the easiest way to get it is to head to the Galactic Trade Network (GTN) in SWTOR and buy it with credits from another player. If it's very rare and not available for direct sale on the Cartel Market, you could try buying Cartel Packs from the GTN and hope you get it.

Some items do rotate on and off of the Cartel Market for direct sale, and may be available later in the year, while others are almost never for sale for direct purchase. There is no way to know when certain items may become available on the Cartel Market, or when they might go on sale.

Additional Info

Ancient Stargazer Decoration Bundle

Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #decorations channel. You will need to make a free Discord account.

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