How to get Warzone Commendation Decorations

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Warzone Decorations can be bought in the “Crew Skills & Strongholds” section of the fleet, in the same room as the flagship console and conquest vendor. [Map and Image of NPC] Warzone Commendations can be gained by playing warzones, and are character-bound. Doing you daily and weekly quests from the PvP terminals is the best use of your time for gaining warzone commendations. To see how many WZ comms you have, open your inventory (i) and click the “Commendations” tab on the bottom.  Warzone commendations are bound to your character (not legacy) and can not be traded or bought from other players. [Inventory Commendations Tab] You can also trade Ranked Warzone Commendations for regular Warzone ones, but the trade is 3 to 1 not in your favor.  This can be done through an NPC vendor near the Warzone Terminal, in the “PvP” section of the fleet. [Trade commendations screenshot]

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