Legacy Adaptive Vendor Armors in SWTOR

Legacy armor can be shared between all your characters on the same server. To transfer a piece of legacy gear, either mail it to your other character or place it in your Legacy Bank.

Note: The legacy filter on this site is special. It doesn't work with the normal filters. Here's some special links just for Legacy-bound gear you can use!

Adaptive Vendor Armor
The Adaptive Vendor sells cosmetic adaptable modifiable armor at very low credits prices. The Adaptive Vendor can be found in the supplies section of the fleet. Imperial outfits can be found on the Imperial Fleet, Republic armors can be found on the Republic fleet, and if players are looking to wear an outfit from the opposite faction of their character they can use a character on the correct faction and then send it over.

Aspect ChestpieceGlovesHeadpieceLegsOtherVisual