Wings of the Dragon
The Wings of the Dragon is a small Jetpack Operation speeder that can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic.
Mount Flourish: This mount has a Mount Flourish. When you press CTRL+Z while mounted, a blue cylindrical glowing shield appears around the player as the hover with the jetpack.
This is what the Wings of the Dragon and its Mount Flourish looks like in a video:
Wings of the Dragon Video Preview
The Wings of the Dragon are a guaranteed drop from the Master Mode Gods From the Machine operation, and have a very rare chance of dropping from veteran mode. It was also given to every player who defeated Izax Veteran before patch 5.9 (Izax came out in 5.8) to every character in the legacy. This is one of the rarer operation mounts to see and has a special mount flourish when you press CTRL+Z that projects a blue holo shield around the player and their jetpack.
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