Belsavis Yellow Presence Datacron Guide

The Belsavis Yellow Presence Datacron is located in the Maximum Security Section map on Belsavis grants Presence +4.

The Belsavis Yellow datacron is in the end of a hidden tunnel on the north cliff and is available to both Imperial and Republic players. Finding this datacron will give you a permanent stat boost of Presence +4 to all your characters on your server, and will unlock the Galactic History 70: The Covenant Acts codex.

  • Belsavis Presence +4 Datacron (Both Factions)
  • Quicktravel: Maximum Security Ops Center / Imperial Frontline Camp
  • Taxi: Ops Center / Imperial Frontline Camp
  • Shuttle: [HEROIC 2+] The Engineer's Tale
  • Location: Maximum Security Section - end of a hidden tunnel on the north cliff
  • Difficulty: Easy - can walk right up to it
  • Codex: Galactic History 70: The Covenant Acts

How to Get the Belsavis Yellow Presence Datacron

Quick Travel / Taxi

[HEROIC 2+] The Engineer’s Tale is closer republic side.

Find the Secret Entrance

Follow the path along the lava chasm