Korriban Purple Mastery Datacron Guide

The Korriban Purple Mastery Datacron is located in the Lower Wilds map on Korriban grants Mastery +2 (it used to grant Willpower +2 before the stats changed).

The Korriban Purple datacron is in the area above a cliff near the main path and is only available to Imperial characters (Republic players must make an Imperial character to unlock this datacron). Finding this datacron will give you a permanent stat boost of Mastery +2 to all your characters on your server, and will unlock the Galactic History 16: The Alsakan Conflicts codex.

  • Korriban Mastery +2 Datacron (Imperial)
  • Quicktravel: Lower Wilds
  • Taxi: Lower Wilds
  • Location: Lower Wilds - area above a cliff near the main path
  • Difficulty: Easy - can walk right up to it
  • Codex: Galactic History 16: The Alsakan Conflicts

How to Get the Korriban Purple Mastery Datacron

You’ll be able to see this Datacron glowing purple up on a ledge as you explore the Lower Wilds of Korriban, but you’ll need to find a different way to get to it.

Quick Travel / Taxi

Quick travel to the Lower Wilds quick travel point (the farthest right quick travel point on the map) or taxi the speeder to the Lower Wilds Taxi speeder point (the farthest right taxi point on the map).

Find the Path

Once there, take the main exit from the taxi area and follow the path until it comes to a corner.

When the path turns a corner, follow the right side of the wall closely instead of continuing along the main path.

If you continue follow the wall closely it will lead you to the purple datacron on the ledge.