Tatooine Blue Mastery Datacron Guide

The Tatooine Blue Mastery Datacron is located in the Jundland map on Tatooine grants Mastery +3 (it used to grant Aim +3 before the stats changed).

The Tatooine Blue datacron is in the heroic area, off a cliffside and is available to both Imperial and Republic players. Finding this datacron will give you a permanent stat boost of Mastery +3 to all your characters on your server, and will unlock the Galactic History 38: The Tyrant of Onderon codex.

  • Tatooine Mastery +3 Datacron (Both Factions)
  • Quicktravel: Outlaw's Den Quicktravel / Mos Anek
  • Taxi: Outpost Salara / Mos Anek
  • Location: Jundland - heroic area, off a cliffside
  • Difficulty: Easy - one fall, then walk up to it
  • Codex: Galactic History 38: The Tyrant of Onderon

How to Get the Tatooine Blue Mastery Datacron

Quick Travel / Taxi

Outlaw’s Den Quicktravel is very close for Republic characters, otherwise it’s a far run from Outpost Salara.

Find the Hidden Ledge in the Heroic Area

You don’t need to fight anything, just fall off a cliff.

The datacron is glowing blue down below, on a crashed ship.